Yo! I don't own Naruto Ok. I'm back with another story. It takes place about three years after Hinata's fight with Neji. Hinata has been disowned by her family. Now she sits under a cherry blossom crying.

Hinata's Best Friend

Chapter one: Alone in the woods and a Friend

Hinata sat under a cherry blossom. Tears slid down her pale face. Hinata had been sitting here for about two days. Not eating or talking to anyone. She tucked a strand of indigo hair behind her ear. 'I guess I will never be a ninja.' she thought to herself.

"Hey. Who are you?" asked a female voice. Infront of Hintata was a girl about a year older than her. She had brown hair that flowed down to her mid-back, her eyes were like pools of black. She wore a fitted purple tank-top with black fishnets under it. She also wore blackshorts and regular ninja sandals. Her forehead protector was that of a village that Hinata had never seen before. It had what looked liken a katana on in with a teardrop shape behind it.

"Can't you speak?" asked the girl. Then she realized that Hinata had been crying. "Oh I'm sorry. Where are my manners? I'm Mira." she eyed the forehead protector that Hinata wore around her neck. "How long have you been out here?"

"I-im Hinata. I- I have b-been out h-here for a-about three d-days." Hinata choked out.

"Well Hinata you should come back to my village. May I ask why you have been out here for so long?" She paused. "Never mind that come with me to my village and we could get you some food." Said Mira. Mira stretched out her hand and Hinata took it. Mira helped her regain her balance and they started of to the woods.

About fifteen minutes later they reached a small village. Mira led her past house after house until they reached a meduim sized house. When Mira led her inside Hinata was amazed at the tapestry that hung on a wall facing the door.

"Come on the kitchen is this way." Said Mira and Hinata followed her. The kitchen was spotless. "If you want to stay the night you are more than welcome. I have been living alone here and you should rest before you go anywhere." said Mira.

"Thank you Mira. I-I would like to stay a while." said Hinata. Mira placed a bowl of ramen in front of Hinata along with some tea.

"May I ask why you were sitting under that tree crying?" asked Mira.

"Well y-you see that i-I came form the Hyuuga clan. I am from the main branch family and m-my father disowned me b-because I a-am a w-weakling. So I just ran." said Hinata.

Mira hissed when Hinata finished then she seemed to collect herself. "Well I believe that your father is very cruel. If you would like I could train you. Then you could go back and show them that you are not weak." she smiled. "Hinata I would love to help you but do not make the decision so quickly. Sleep until tomorrow and then decide." Hinata nodded and Mira led her up to a guest room. It was simple, and yet beautiful. The walls were pale blue and the furniture was white. On one wall was a bed and on another was a bookshelf.

'She is offering to teach me to be strong.' thought Hinata. 'But if I do it my clan would finally be proud of me. And Naruto may finally notice me. I'll do it.' she decided. 'I want to be strong.

The next morning.

"Hinata" said Mira poking her head into the guest room.

"Yes Mira." said Hinata.

"Come down stairs and have breakfast." said Mira. Hinata walked down the stairs to the kitchen. Mira had a plate of eggs and toast infront of Hinata's chair and bacon sizzling on the stove. "Have you decided yet Hinata?" askedMira.

"Mira I would love to become your apprentice. But I worry about my friends. They will probably be wondering where I am." Said Hinata

"That is true. However you should just write them a letter explaining that you left to train. Do not tell them our location or my name Hinata." said Mira.

"Thank you Mira." said Hinata. "Do you have paper and a pen?"

"Yes I do. Sit down and eat your breakfast. I will try not to work you to hard but my training will probably be nothing like the training that you had in your own village." said Mira running to get the pen and paper. When she returned Hinata scribbled down her note it said:

Dear everyone,

As you know I have been banished from the Hyuuga clan. I am now going to train to prove that I am no weakling. I may be back in a year or five but make on mistake that I will be back.

Love: Hinata.

Hinata handed the note to Mira who pocketed it. She would give it to a messenger later that day. For know Mira and Hinata ate their breakfast. Then Mira led Hinata to the back of the house. Hinata learned from Mira that the house had several aces of land that belonged to it. Hinata and Mira stood facing several dummies.

"Hinata, show me how you throw kukuni." said Mira handing Hinata seven kukuni knifes one for each target. Hinata threw them but only three hit the target. "Hinata get into your throwing position again." instructed Mira as she went to get the knifes. Handing them to Hinata she got into position. "No Hinata." Mira said. "You elbows to high." Mira showed Hinata the correct form and to Hinata's surprise when she threw the knifes they all hit the dummies. True they didn't hit the bull's-eye but they at least hit the dummies. "H-hey I hit them!" said Hinata.

"Great job Hinata now try it again." said Mira. They continued this until Hinata got a bull's eye on all the targets. Mira sent Hinata to go take a shower as she delivered Hinata's note.

In Konoha

"Hokage-sama!" yelled a very hiper blond.

"What Naruto?" asked the lady at the desk.

"We got a note from Hinata." yelled Naruto.

"Well give it to me and get everyone here now!" yelled Tsunade.

"Okie dokie!" said Nruto and in about five minutes there was Hinata's team ther with their sensi and Neji. Neji was looking at the Hokage waiting for the important news. She passed the little piece of paper around at they all looked at the message.

"S-so she is gone." said Kiba.

"Well she said she would be back." pointed out Neji.

"Your right." said Shino.

"Now there is no use trying to find her so I want you two to continue as a two man team. Neji please take this to Hinata's father." said the Hokage handing Neji the note and a scroll.

"I hope Hinata is alright." said Naruto.

'Me to.' thought Neji secretively. 'Me to.'

Ok what did you think? There is the first chapter. I think that Neji would be worried about Hinata so deal with it. Anyways thank you for reading. Please review. I only update when I get three reviews. I f you have any suggestions send them to me!