-1Disclaimer: I do not own Cardcaptor Sakura. Clamp does.

"I'm in love with you!"

After Syaoran said this, he slowly got up and walked home. Sakura stood speechless. She tried calling him but her voice was stuck. So instead, she went home, her head full of thoughts.


Wei opened the door to see his master bruised and his battle costume torn.

"Good gracious! Are you okay Master Li?" he asked, as he helped the young boy to the couch.

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"What happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it."

Wei knew that he shouldn't aske anymore so he just bowed and went to the kitchen to fetch some water for his master.


Syaoran slowly changed into his nightclothes and went to bed. He'll be seeing Sakura the next day and he doesn't know what to do. He'll just act like nothing happened. Yeah… Act like nothing happened and everything will be fine.

He slowly closed his eyes. Out of nowhere, he whispered, "Sakura…"

Tears suddenly filled his eyes and he wiped them away. Soon, he fell into a dreamless sleep


Sakura couldn't sleep. She tossed and turned. She even tried counting sheep. But she just can't keep her eyes shut. She still kept thinking about what Syaoran said.

Kero is worried. His mistress can't sleep and she had a long day. She needs to rest.

"Are you okay Sakura?" he asked, flying to her.

"Yes Kero. I just had a long day."

"You need rest. That brat should have brought you home. He is so mean and heartless for lea-"

"He's not mean!"

Kero froze. Did Sakura just yelled at him?

"Don't call him a brat! He's not mean and he's not heartless! He's just-"

She paused.

"Misunderstood," she continued.

Kero heard footsteps coming at Sakura's door so he immediately hid under the covers. The door opened and there stood Sakura's father.

"Sakura? Is everything all right?" Fujitaka asked, worriedly.

The eleven year old smiled. "Yes dad. I just had a nightmare that's all."

"You were yelling."


"That's okay. Now, go to sleep."

"Yes dad. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Sakura."

Fujitaka closed the door and Sakura laid down again. How could she be so blind? There had been many clues of Syaoran crushing on her? Why didn't she see it? Every time she looked at him or talked to him, she can see him blush but she ignored it thinking that he's sick.

The time he fell on the pool because she was too close to him. She thought he was just surprised.

The time he called her name at the elevator. She thought he finally decided to be friends with her.

The time he said her name at the fireplace during the ski trip. She thought he was going to ask her something.

And the time he comforted her when she was rejected by Yukito. She thought she just felt sorry for her.

She remembered the Alice in Wonderland incident. The Tweedledumm and Tweedledee who looks like Syaoran had said the person he likes is shorter than him. She was really confused that time because she thought Syaoran like Yukito. Everything fits. How could she not see it?

Slowly, Sakura fell asleep, her moments with Syaoran flashing on her mind.

Well? How is it? Hate it? Love it? I don't really know the order of the episodes so I'm sorry if the memories are not in order. Please Review.