No own no sue!

Neji is Hinata's brother in this one, and Hizashi is still alive.

The Nutcracker

"Merry Christmas, Hizashi-san." whispered Hinata in her timid voice. Her uncle smiled down at her.

"Please…call me 'Uncle Hizashi,'" He asked politely. Though he was very nice to her and her family, Uncle Hizashi could be rather…'eccentric'…at times. He was one of her favorite relatives for that reason, however. He was a skilled toy and clock maker. She enjoyed his quirky nature; she also enjoyed his soft demeanor that was not unlike her own.

"Hizashi-san, what on earth kind of nonsense are you teaching my daughter now!" said her father irritably. Hizashi rolled his eyes and winked at her, causing her to giggle.

"I'm teaching her all kinds of nonsense, dear brother." He replied sarcastically.

"By the way…" he said to Hinata, lowering his voice. "I have a very special present to give to you after the party. I think you'll like him very much."

'Him?' thought Hinata. Hizashi realized his mistake. With a fake gasp he slapped his hands to his cheeks in mock distress. "Oh dear! I've said too much…" He said melodramatically. Hinata laughed shyly behind her hand. Hizashi mussed her hair playfully and walked into the kitchen.

"Hinata…" She turned to the stoic face of her sister Hanabi. "I don't think he's a very good influence on you…" Hinata shook her head and refused to answer for a moment.

"You just don't like him…" She mumbled. Hanabi rolled her eyes and took a seat in Hizashi's living room. It was a family tradition to have Christmas at Uncle Hizashi's house. He enjoyed collecting odd trinkets that usually served to line the walls within glass cases. She walked slowly, observing the strange statues and dolls inside. Others thought they were weird; she thought they were beautiful. She envied the pretty lace and patterns adorning the dolls clothing until she was called to the living room for the festivities.


"Mina! Gather round!" called Hizashi. "It's time to reveal another invention of mine!" Hinata sat with the others curiously. Her uncle always made some interesting mechanical things for Christmas. He smiled gleefully again. Two large, man-sized somethings were covered in cloth next to him. Whipping away the cloth, he revealed two life-sized dolls, which soon after began to dance. Everyone laughed and cheered as they spun and danced.

After being stuffed full of food like the turkey she had eaten, she began a slow descent up the stairs.

"Hinata-chan." She turned. Uncle Hizashi held something behind his back. Her present.

"Uncle Hizashi…?" he smiled gleefully and took a small, carved doll from behind his back. She observed it before taking it gently from his hands. It would seem creepy looking to other people, but she thought he looked rather handsome. Dark rings circled deep emerald eyes. Fiery red hair draped messily over his head. She noticed one more strange thing: A small kanji was carved into his wooden forehead. Love. She felt strange being in front of the dolls scrutinizing gaze.

"Oh, I forgot his Sword…" Hizashi disappeared momentarily before returning with a scabbard. He attached the miniature sword to the doll's belt. "There. His name is Gaara."

"Gaara…" repeated Hinata slowly. A small smile graced her face. "Arigatou, Hizashi!" She hugged his waist quickly before running upstairs with her new prize.


"Hanabi-chan, look!" She held the doll out carefully for her sister to see.

"What is that ugly thing?" Asked Hanabi with a sneer.

"He's not ugly!" said Hinata, holding Gaara protectively to her chest. Hanabi snickered.

"First of all, It is an 'It', not a 'He'. Second, it is too ugly! Migurushii!" Hanabi snatched the doll from her sister. "Migurushii! Migurushii!" she called, prancing around her sister and holding the doll by the hair. She heard a sickening cracking sound and horror spread over Hinata's features.

"No! Stop it!" Hinata snatched her treasure back, again holding him protectively on her chest. Hanabi snickered and walked casually out of the room.

"Doushite, Hanabi…" She looked apologetically at Gaara. Uncle Hizashi, upon hearing the commotion, walked into the room quietly.

"Is everything okay?" He asked gently. Hinata shook her head, tears threatening to spill over.

"H-hanabi…" She held the broken doll out carefully towards her Uncle. He observed Gaara closely before smiling.

"It's not so bad! He'll be easy to fix!" Hinata smiled at him.

"Honto ni?" Hizashi nodded. Pulling a handkerchief from his pocket, he tossed the cloth over Gaara's head. Hinata watched closely as Gaara emerged from the blue cloth as good as new. Overjoyed, she hugged her uncle again before he left.

"I don't think you're ugly." She said, sitting on the bed and stroking his hair. "In fact, you're quite handsome, Gaara!" She smiled at him. His grim features looked back up at her.

"I wish you could talk to me…" she said to him. Taking a quick glance at the clock, she set him down on a shelf in her guest room. "Well…Goodnight…" she felt shy about changing into her nightclothes under his grim stare, so she turned him around temporarily while she pulled on her pajama shorts and a tank top. She crawled into bed, but something still bugged her. She felt foolish doing so, but she picked up the doll and brought him under the covers wrapped in her arms. She was able to fall asleep after.

Rather short chapter, I know. I needed to see how this would work out. Hope you all like it!