For Matt and John.
By Raine Ishida
Rinoa Heartilly dried her hands on the tea towel that hung from the handle of the fridge. She'd just finished washing the dishes from dinner, and now it was time to finish cleaning up and relax on the couch with a magazine, some tea, and maybe, some company. Irvine had called and said he was coming over that evening, so all she had to do was wait and see if he would. Sometimes he did, but sometimes he got caught up at work and ended up being late, so he'd just come over late in the night and spend the night there with her.
Sitting on the couch with a contented smile and her cup of tea, Rinoa glanced out the window for a moment before turning to her fashion magazine, which she wasn't overly interested in in the first place.
Around fifteen minutes later, she heard the key turning in the door and looked up to see Irvine walking in. "Hey gorgeous," he said with a smile, holding a cup of coffee in one hand and his car keys in the other. She smiled back and set her magazine down as he walked over to her and greeted her with a kiss.
"How was work?" she asked. He shrugged and dropped his keys on the table before shedding his coat and throwing it onto a chair across from them and settling onto the couch next to her. "It was work, it always is. But it's nice to be off at a decent hour for once, hey?" he asked with a small smile, putting a hand on her knee.
She nodded and drew up her legs so that one of them was tucked under her, and the other was across his lap. "Should we go anywhere tonight?" she asked, snuggling against his chest. "I kinda want to stay in," she suggested. He nodded, wrapping an arm around her. "TV?" he asked. She nodded in reply and reached behind her for the remote. "Something's on tonight, it's a Wednesday."
"So like…garbage, right?" he joked as she passed the remote to him. "Yeah, pretty much," she said, reaching for her tea. Irvine kissed the side of her head and smiled, breathing deeply. "You smell good, Rinny."
"You always say that," she said with a grin, glancing at him from the side. He shrugged. "You always do. Can I help it if I missed you today?" he asked, playing with her messy braid. She returned to her spot against his chest and settled to watch whatever he'd chosen on TV.
When she woke up, she was in her bed. The blinds were half closed, the apartment was quiet, and Irvine was breathing softly next to her. It wasn't often that she woke up in bed with him there and her not knowing about it, but it was likely that she had fallen asleep while watching TV and he'd carried her to her room.
Sighing and turning onto her side, she draped an arm across his broad chest and went back to sleep.
She woke up half an hour before her alarm went off, set to his wake up time. He was already awake, watching her with a half smile on his face. She blinked, slightly startled to see him awake, but smiled in return. "Hey," she said quietly, shifting under the covers. Her arm was still across his chest, but his hand was up on her arm, as if to hold it there. "Mornin'," he said, pulling her closer. It was mornings like these that Rinoa wanted to treasure forever. There was no reason for her to be up, nor was there any reason for him to be up. In fact, it was just after six in the morning. The rest of the city was asleep for another hour or so.
She settled against his chest, drawing her leg up across his, her arm still across his chest as she sighed. "Sleep…" she muttered. He grinned. "I can't sleep. I've been awake for an hour now."
She opened her eyes and looked up at him, frowning. "So you laid awake and stared at me the entire time?" He nodded with a half smile. She shook her head and sat up, stretching noisily. He watched her get out of bed and walk to the bathroom, and he watched her as she came back, amused by the sweatpants and long sleeved shirt she'd worn as pajamas. She would have gotten mad to awaken and find him redressing her in her pajamas, so he'd left her in what she'd fallen asleep in on the couch the previous night. When she cuddled up next to him again, he smirked. She smelled like mint. She'd brushed her teeth. "So what have you been thinking about for an hour, Mr. Kinneas?" she asked softly, staring up at him. He sat up, leaning on her headboard as he contemplated her question.
"Thinking why on earth are you sleeping when there are much more productive things to do while awake."
She grinned and smacked his arm. "You're perverted. Do you always think about sex?"
He shrugged and then his face exploded in a grin. "Yep."
Rinoa laughed and sat up, turning around so she faced him where he sat against the headboard. "I guess we're up now, eh?" she asked, glancing at the clock, which read 6:07am.
"Guess so. You did fall asleep on me around ten," he said with a shrug. He leaned forward and reached for her, pulling her against his chest. The hand that wasn't around her waist, resting on the small of her back, was in her hair. He kissed her softly, then deeply. She smiled when she pulled away. "And what do you think you're doing?"
He smirked. "We have half an hour until anything work-related needs to happen…don't kill the moment," he suggested, kissing her again. "Besides," he said during a pause. "You brushed your teeth. It's like you're inviting me to kiss you in your delicious mintiness."
She had to admit that he was right. She'd known this would happen, so she'd brushed her teeth. It wasn't pleasant kissing someone with morning breath.
The next time Rinoa looked at the clock, it was 6:34am, and she had to go have a shower. Pulling herself out of Irvine's grip, she headed into her closet to select her clothes for that day. He stood and followed her, his shirt open as he wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and kissed the back of her neck. "Don't go yet…I was just starting to enjoy myself."
She grinned and turned to him, putting one arm around his neck while the other arm held her change of clothes. "I need to shower. I can't show up to work all gross, can I?"
"I think your grossness is quite nice," he said, leaning to kiss her neck. She pulled away and headed into her bathroom. He followed her like a puppy and watched her in the doorway while she pulled various items out of the drawer. Deodorant, perfume, powder, a few pieces of makeup. She set them all on the counter next to her clean clothes and glanced at him. "Well? You gonna give me some space?"
He grinned and walked off for a moment to make her bed. When he returned, she was running the water, standing in only her bra and underwear.
Standing up, she put a hand on her bare hip. "Well? I'm trying to have a shower here."
"Can I come, too?" he asked, having sauntered up to her and nuzzled his face against her ear. She smirked. "You know how distracting you are when I shower? I don't recommend it. We'll both run late."
"Please?" he begged. She kissed him and shook her head. "Not today."
He sighed dejectedly, but then offered a suggestive grin. "Well, I guess that means you get to pay me back later then." He kissed her forehead. "What do you want for breakfast?"
"Coffee. Lots of coffee," she said, stepping into the shower as he walked out of the room.
Irvine just kept smiling as he turned the coffee pot on. His cell phone, which sat on the coffee table, began to vibrate, buzzing across the table until it fell off. He frowned. Who was calling at quarter to seven in the morning? He picked up.
"H'lo?" he asked.
"You coming in early today or what, Kinneas?" A woman's voice.
Irvine frowned. "I don't even get my coffee today?"
"Hurry up. The boss is ticked that you're not here yet."
Irvine sighed. "I'll be there soon enough." He hung up the phone and went back to the bathroom. "Well, Rin, I just got called in early."
"No kidding," she said, her voice echoing on the walls of the shower. She poked her head out from behind the shower curtain. "Are you leaving now?" she asked, water dripping off of her nose. He shrugged. "Guess so. I'll be by later tonight, you up for it?"
"We could go somewhere tonight since we stayed in last night," she suggested. He nodded and kissed her wet lips. "Think about somewhere to go and we'll talk tonight, ok?" She nodded and returned her head behind the curtain. Irvine let himself out and locked the door behind him, sighing as he stuffed his hands in his pockets. He hated being called in early. He hated his time with Rinoa being interrupted. He hated…his job.
Ring ring! Ring ring!
"Hello?" Rinoa asked casually, stirring the soup as she answered the phone.
"Hello, is this Miss Rinoa Heartilly?" a male voice on the other end asked.
"Yes, who's calling?" she asked. The voice paused for a moment.
"I work with your boyfriend, actually." The voice was smooth. It made her feel at ease. She smiled faintly. "Oh, do you? So I assume you're calling because he told you to?"
"No, actually. I'm calling because I wanted to. I got your number from him and wanted to talk to you myself."
"Why's that?"
"I like to be acquainted with those I have an interest in killing."
Rinoa was silent. "…that's not funny." She put the spoon down and glanced around nervously. "Okay, who is this really?"
"I told you, Rinoa. I work with Irvine. Actually, I'm his boss."
"Why would he need his boss to be calling me?" she asked with a frown.
The male chuckled and sighed. "I like to know when my hitmen have significant others. If they get involved or happen to find out about their lover's secret life, things could get messy for them and me. That having been said, you're dating a hit man. Now that you know that, and now that I know about you, you have two choices."
Rinoa sat on the kitchen floor and tried to still her shaking hands. This wasn't funny anymore.
"Irvine's a hit man?" she managed to choke out. This had to be a prank.
"Yes. Shocking, isn't it? Who knew that a loser like him could actually kill people for money. Because he kills people, he can then afford to take you out for dinner. Or buy you that lovely necklace you're wearing…"
Rinoa's hand went to her neck to cover the necklace and the voice chuckled.
"When lover boy comes home, you'll no doubt talk to him. You need to tell him that I called, which I can guarantee you will, and you'll tell him that I've given you two options, and they are as such: You'll join our ring, or you'll die."
Rinoa swallowed, unable to rid herself of the lump in her throat.
"I'm…I'm sorry?" she whispered.
"You heard me, princess. Think about it." The click on the end of the line signaled that the call was over. Rinoa remained on the cold tile floor, trembling.
A creepy man with no name and only a smooth voice had threatened to kill her if she didn't join Irvine's crazy secret job? He was a hit man? Irvine? He wouldn't kill the spiders he found in her apartment!
Setting the phone down on the tile, Rinoa leaned back against the fridge and focused on getting her breathing back to normal. She had to talk to Irvine, and she had to talk to him now.
"Rin? Baby, I'm home!" Irvine called, opening the front door with his key. He had a rose in one hand, and his keys and a bag of bread from the bakery in the other. The apartment smelled like soup had been cooking all afternoon. He loved these days. She must have gotten off work early. When Rinoa cooked all afternoon, it meant it was going to be amazing, not that her cooking wasn't always better than the frozen dinners he usually served himself.
"Baby?" he called, setting the bread on the counter and his keys on the table where they usually went. "Rin…?" He walked into the bedroom. She wasn't in there, or in her closet either.
"Rin?" She was in the bathroom. Sitting on the lip of the bathtub, Rinoa looked up at him with terrified eyes. "You're back," she said quietly.
He reached for her and pulled her up gently. "Rin, are you okay?" he asked, looking down at her with concern.
She forced a smile and glanced up. "Yeah, I'm great," she answered blankly and left his grip to return to the kitchen.
"Thanks for the bread," she called. Irvine frowned. What was going on? He followed her into the next room to the kitchen.
"Rinoa, you're…acting a little weird, are you okay?"
She stopped stirring the soup and pursed her lips before continuing. "I guess I would be if your boss hadn't called and threatened to kill me today."
Irvine blinked, temporarily frozen. "What?"
"Your boss. He doesn't have a name, or so he didn't tell me…but he called me and told me he worked with you. Apparently you're a hit man? Is this some crazy joke? Please tell me it was just a prank…"
Irvine's eyes could hide no lies and Rinoa's expression fell as he bit his lip. "I can't believe he called you without telling me first…" he said quietly. Rinoa's eyelashes were wet with tears.
"So you…are…really…"
"A hit man," he finished with a half-smile. "Yeah. It's not like I enjoy it, Rin, but…"
"But nothing!" she cried. "You kill people for money?"
Irvine approached her, and Rinoa grabbed the bread knife, holding it out for protection. Irvine backed away, but only slightly. What harm could a bread knife do to him? He was almost amused, but feared laughing. Not when she looked like this.
"Rinny, please listen to me…"
She didn't put the knife down, but she appeared to be listening.
Irvine continued. "I had no choice. I was pulled in by someone else…and they have a rule- Once you know about it, you have to join or they'll kill you. I'm trapped, Rin. And…it's my fault that I've gotten you into this."
Rinoa nodded. "You think? I don't want to join a crime ring, Irvine."
Irvine sighed. "I realize that. But…I'm sorry, Rinny. You don't have much of a choice, I guess. I didn't…they killed a couple of friends of mine when they said no…so they're not kidding around. I wish I could tell you differently…"
Rinoa softened and lowered the knife. "Have you ever had to kill someone you knew?"
"Not yet….and I'm thankful." He lowered his gaze to the ground. "There are times…when I can't believe it's real. Sometimes I want out of it, you know? The only way…is to kill myself," he said quietly. Rinoa put the knife down and walked to him. She hesitated before she put her hands on his arms. He met her gaze with sad eyes. "I didn't want you to find out…I didn't want to bring you into this."
"What's your boss's name?" she asked softly.
"His name…you'll probably recognize it. He's a businessman."
"So? I'm not going to turn him in. I'm thinking he's smarter than he lets on…and will know if anything happens. I'm not about to get you or me killed, Irv." Her voice was soft, and her eyes trusting. Irvine didn't know what he'd done to deserve her, but he knew that he hadn't returned the favor by inviting her into the crime ring.
"Seifer Almasy."
Rinoa was surprised at how easily she was able to quit her job at the bookstore. They took it well. Apparently a Xu Huang, secretary of Almasy, Inc. had called and told them that Rinoa would no longer be needed, as she had been hired for a position in their company.
Xu Huang was a petite Chinese woman, in her mid twenties, with chin length black hair and a pretty smile. She only smiled once and conducted Rinoa's short tour with anything less than a chagrin expression. Xu wore a simple skirt and blazer, paired with high heeled shoes which looked uncomfortable. When the two young women reached Seifer's door after the tour, Xu buzzed the intercom outside the door to which a voice said "Come in, Xu."
She opened the door and led Rinoa inside. Once the ladies were inside, Seifer nodded at Xu. "Thanks. You can go now," he said, dismissing her. Xu nodded and closed the door behind her. Rinoa could swear she saw a hint of disappointment, or possibly malcontent in Xu's eyes as she left. Maybe not. Perhaps she was just having a bad day.
Seifer rose and extended his hand to shake Rinoa's. He offered her the chair in front of his desk. "Please, Miss Heartilly. Sit."
He was as handsome as the newspapers and rumors suggested. He was tall and tanned, wore a dark suit with a blue tie, and his short gold-blonde hair was brushed back, with a few pieces falling onto his forehead. His green eyes sparkled as he sent her a charming smile. No wonder he had the ladies reeling.
"So, I'm sure you and Mr. Kinneas had an animated conversation after our phone call the other day. I didn't figure you'd reply so quickly. I'm almost impressed."
His hands were folded in front of him on his desk and he continued to smile that eerie smile.
Rinoa kept her fingers clasped in her lap to keep them from shaking.
"Well, you gave me little option," she replied. Seifer smirked and brushed the side of his nose with one finger, as if to cure an itch.
"I'm sure you're wondering what I'll have you doing here."
"There's little to wonder about," Rinoa said softly. Seifer smirked again and rose, facing the large open window behind him. "Actually, I prefer it if the women weren't the ones to go out on kills. I find it bruises their mentality. I need the women sharp for what work I give to them. You see, the women are in charge of the paperwork, as well as covering up the tracks of my hit men. Erasing their pasts, giving them new lives, new identities… You may have already guessed, but Irvine Kinneas isn't who he says he is. That name was given to him as soon as he joined us here."
Rinoa's heart sank. How many lies were going to be uncovered just today?
"Fear not, Miss Heartilly. You're not going to have your name changed. The women usually don't. I'll have a desk assigned to you, and one of the other women will train you for the next few weeks. You'll learn to like it here, I'm sure. The wages are good…I always pay my people well. I'm sure…you took notice of that," he said. Rinoa had to agree. Irvine had a great car, and when he took her out, they always went somewhere nice.
Seifer returned to his desk and sat down. Placing his hands firmly on the desk, he looked into Rinoa's eyes. "Remember, Rinoa: You're not to speak of this to anyone! We have an agreement, don't we?"
Rinoa nodded, her gut tightening deep within her. She wanted to smack that smile right off his face. Perhaps she'd learn a few things from Irvine and take her own 'kill', and murder the boss. Sure, that would help the situation.
She sighed. How had her life gone from simple and happy to this?