Hello readers! I hope you like this story. The idea just came to me while I was on my boat going for a ride. Enjoy. I'm not going to name the chapters because it will make things way too predictable

Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans but I do own this story along with my other stories.

It was Saturday morning and all the Titans were in the main room or the operations room. Robin was making everyone's breakfast and Starfire was watching trying to improve he cooking skills when it came to Earth food. Beast Boy and Cyborg were watching a unrealistic looking zombie movie and Raven was by one of the room's huge windows meditating.

When Robin was done cooking Starfire helped him put the pancakes, bacon and eggs on the table across from the kitchen area. Everyone then helped themselves to the little breakfast buffet.

"I vote that Robin make breakfast everyday and Beast Boy never make it again", said Cyborg after they all finished eating.

Starfire and Raven agreed with his statement and Beast Boy just made a pouting face. Starfire noticed that Robin was drinking a lot of coffee and looked very tired. "Robin are you okay, you look like you didn't get any of the sleep", said Starfire.

"I'm fine, it's just that I spent most of the night going through crime files", Robin responded.

"Again? You need to stop doing that so much you need sleep and it's unhealthy to do that", said Raven.

"Yes, and we worry about you Robin", said Starfire.

"Thanks for the concern Starfire, but really I'm fine", Robin said and yawned.

"Oh, and remember we all are going to the doctors for appoints today", Robin reminded them.

"Ah-man I hate going to the doctor, all they do is give me shots", Beast Boy complained.

"That's because they think you have rabies", commented Raven.

Everyone except Beast Boy laughed at that comment.

Later that day the Titans went to the Jump City hospital for their check ups. One of the new doctors that didn't know who the Titans were thought that Beast Boy had a mysterious disease because he was green. Robin had to stop the doctor from taking him to the emergency room telling him that for Beast Boy, being green was healthy.

Starfire had to get many shots because she didn't live on Earth when she was younger, so she hadn't had any shots yet. Star didn't mind though, she held Robin's hand when she got the shots which made her feel better.

All the Titans also got x-rays, just to make sure that they were all in crime fighting condition. They were told that the x-ray results would be mailed to them and that they would get them in a few days.

On the ride home in the T-car Starfire was pretty quiet. After a while she finally said, "What if one of the rays of x says that we are unhealthy".

"Don't worry Star, I'm sure that we are all fine", Beast Boy assured her.

"Not you BB, according to the doctor you have Greenaparosous disease", joked Cyborg.

On Monday Starfire went outside to get the mail. The others were inside the Tower except Robin who was out doing some patrolling in the city. The Titans mailbox was T-shaped and in front of the Tower. Starfire got the mail and went back inside to the huge lobby just inside the Tower.

After flipping through fan mail and magazines she found their x-ray results. The results were in a thick envelope. She opened them up and looked at her results first. They said that she was perfectly healthy, giving Starfire some relief.

She then checked Beast Boy's, Cyborg's, and Raven's where they also said that they were healthy. Starfire felt immense relief that all her friends and herself were healthy. She then realized that she didn't check Robin's yet. She opened the paper that had his name on it, read it, and gasped.

Suspenseful! Sorry if you think that it is predictable. I will update soon. Please send me reviews, but no flames.