A/N: This is for Toaster's birthday. Happy birthday! Sorry, I tried to make it funny, but—I couldn't. Sorry!

Disclaimer: Itachi threatened to hurt K. Masashi if he wasn't given to me, but I threatened K. Masashi if he DID give Itachi to me. SAVE ME!

Done in Naruto's POV.


It started on that day. You know the one, Sasuke, I know you do. The day where you died for me—and I died for you.

When Haku killed you for that brief moment in time, I died for you by letting Kyuubi out. I never thought anyone was as important to me as Iruka-sensei—but you... you made me realize that you're more important.

You're my rival.

My best friend.

My teammate.



You were the most important thing to me, and ever since that day, we've been bound together.

That's the bond I believe you wish to break.

But it doesn't matter what you want. I'm not worried.

You see, I can see the string we're bound together with. It used to be thick. Strong. Unbreakable. But when you left, little by little, it began to unravel. Now, there are only three strands left. It's not much, but it's enough for me to know that a part of you still wants our bond.

You've always been there for me. You've always treated me as someone worthy of your attention, even if it was just to insult me. I don't think you understand how important you were—are—to me.

I don't think you even comprehend how important I am to you. I know I'm important to you, because I still see the string.

We're still bound together, and nothing you do can break it.

You've been trying for three years, but it's still holding strong.

You couldn't kill me at the Valley of the End.

You couldn't kill me that time at Orochimaru's.

I know a part of you resents the bond, but another part cherishes it.

Now it's a question of which part will win.

But again, I'm not worried.

Every time I think you're beyond my reach; every time I think I've lost you forever, I look down, and I see our bond. The string.

The three strands.

It's not much. I know that.

It's not enough to bring you home.

It's not enough to keep you alive when you fight your brother.

And it's not enough to stop you from killing me.

But at least...

It's enough for me to know a part of you still cares.

A part of you—still cherishes me... as much as...

As much as I...

Cherish you...

My brother...