I do not own Teen Titans.

Yes, I know this poem doesn't ryme, its not suposed to. Just flow a little.
To Beast Boy from Terra.
Try to find out yourself what it means.

Don't Try.


Don't try to forgive the things I've done;
I don't deserve it
I can't have it

Don't try to save me;
I can't be
I give up

Don't try to love me;
You can't do it
But I need it

Don't try to blame somone else;
I've done this
I need to face it

Nothing will be the same;
Don't try to make it
It can't happen

Don't waist your time thinking about me;
I'll be alright
When its over

Don't try to stay with me;
I need to go
You need to learn things can't be the same

Don't hang on to me;
Let me die
Like I should have already

Don't try to hold my hand;
I'm good as gone
You need to heal

My story is over, its ending here, yours will go on, just leave me here. Let me bleed in my own mistakes, don't try to hang on to what was left of me.

I'm ending it tonight, in the place it should have already, where I never should have come back. Don't come to look for me, just let my memory fade, by tonight, I'll already be gone.


I think I could have made this flow a little better, but I really do stink at poetry xD This was just a quickie I did becuase I was really bored while waiting for lunch to get done. I might possibly redo it somtime, or maybe make a Beast Boy version... hm... who knows? I don't XD But if you have ANY suggestions on how to make this better, PLEASE let me know, okay? I would really love the help.

Thank you one and all!

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