A/N: Hi! Glad you all like it so far! This'll be the last chapter so enjoy! And this chapter is a little…different. It'll be fun though! Hahaha
Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter. "Why are you stalking me?!" Hermione cried. "Stalking you? I am not stalking you per say, I'm just having a bit of fun." Draco said smiling. "Well stop having fun with me!" Hermione said trying to flee from Draco's grasp. Draco grinned evilly. Bite. Bite. Bite!
Draco woke up. The first thing he saw was the sign to Kings Cross Station coming into view. His mother was reading Merlin knew what and Draco found that he really didn't care about that. What he was more concerned about was the fact that he wasn't in his Head Boy room but in his car, driving to Kings Cross. Draco was startled to find out he had arrived at the station and his mother was briskly getting out of the car. Draco followed her, obediently and walked to Platform 9 and ¾.
As he arrived wizards were staring and goggling at him; muggles were also staring but it didn't make him as upset as it did before. Draco, however was still wondering why he was walking to the station and why he had such a strong feeling of deja- vu. His mother bid him farewell and told him to be careful. She wanted him to be safe and also find his mate- if she was in Hogwarts at all.
Draco boarded the train and the familiar scent of his mate filled his nostrils. He was certain something was wrong now. He had done this already- this whole scene! He was supposed to be in Hogwarts… with Hermione- shagging her senseless. A delicious shiver ran down his spine. Her long, wild mane of chocolate hair was thrown across the pillows. Her delicate skin was milky white, soft and sweet to taste. Her beautiful face; soft, round, milk chocolate eyes were splattered with cinnamon and honey and framed by softly arched eyebrows. Her nose sloping cutely led way to her lips that tempted him every time they moved. Her body… that mystery he wanted to uncover to take and make his own. Her voice was soft and pleading. His name was on her lips… his name.
The thought of shagging Hermione senseless made him very, very aroused.
He walked around the train, knowing full well where Hermione was. He wanted to know if she remembered any of it. He wanted to know if it really was all a dream. Draco walked to the end of the train and opened the door only to be bombarded with a mass of chocolate brown curls. The hairs on his neck stood on edge and his eyes turned pitch black.
"Hermione," Draco breathed. It felt as if it had been too long since he had last seen her. Hermione looked up surprised but relieved. She closed the door behind her looking dazed.
"You can turn down the charm," Hermione said faintly. Draco grinned.
"You do remember!" he said taking a step back and admiring his mate. "Is my mark still there?"
Hermione nodded but had no intention of showing him what he had done.
"This is curious. It's as if we've been taken back by a Time Turner," she said looking thoughtful. "I thought for a second that you didn't realize what had happened between…us…"
Draco looked at Hermione with smoldering eyes.
"Forget?" he asked huskily. Draco lifted a hand to his mate's chin and made her look eye level at him. "I can never forget my mate's taste."
Hermione flushed.
"D-Draco!" she said turning away.
Before Draco could reply the train lurched forward and Hermione lost balance. Draco flew into her effectively pinning her to the wall. How Draco would have loved to do this the first time around! Not that he didn't like it now...
Unable to resist Draco leaned into the crook of Hermione's neck and inhaled her spicy but sweet scent.
"D-Draco what are you doing?!" Hermione asked flushed. Draco could smell the pleasure rolling off her.
"Are you alright?" he asked softly. Hermione nodded.
"I have to get used to that…"
Draco purred in Hermione's ear then licked it. Hermione jumped six feet into the air.
"That is getting to close!"
Draco could not help but laugh at his squirming mate.
"Hermione, you should know by now that I thrive on your taste," he said.
Hermione stared up accusingly at Draco.
"What if someone came in and saw us?"
"Then we'd have a problem."
"Is that all you're going to say?!"
"Of course. Besides that, your taste is amazingly sweet."
"Stop changing the subject! And you can let go of me now!"
"You look awfully sexy right about now… would you mind if I kissed you?"
"Draco Malfoy!"
"Hermione Jane Granger Malfoy…it has kind of a nice ring to it."
Hermione looked like she didn't know what she wanted to look like. She decided to change the subject.
"We…have a prefects meeting right now."
"You're Head Boy, remember?" Hermione asked pulling away from Draco.
Draco smirked.
Draco and Hermione walked to the prefect cabin. A few seconds later Weasley walked in.
"I couldn't find- oh…"
Draco smiled. He couldn't wait until Potty and Weasel found out.
"Go sit down Weasel so we can start this already," Draco said. If he was not Head Boy, Weasel would've hexed him. Hermione stood up to start. Everyone was looking at her but she could tell they were trying not to look at Draco.
"Welcome back! This is the last year for a few of us. Seventh years please stand up." Draco, Ron and another girl stood up. Everyone clapped.
"Thanks, you may sit." Everyone was in the process of sitting when the train jerked again. Hermione fell backwards and Draco jumped up. She stumbled over her feet and crashed into the door. She bumped her head and blacked out. Draco caught her before she fell to the floor. Her ankle was bent and an odd angle. She twisted it in the crash. Draco wanted to kill himself first for not stopping her in the act and then second kill the person who was steering the train. Damn them for not doing their job!
Hermione woke up to see Draco's angry face. She was startled but soothed when he smiled. She could hear people talking about the two of them and then looked around. Ron looked as if he was about to faint.
"Did you see Malfoy, though?"
"Yeah! He was wicked fast!"
"She only hit her head! Lucky her getting saved by him…"
"Shh!" Ron snapped. "She can hear you."
Hermione smiled at Ron and Draco. She sat up and Draco held her close.
"Is everyone alright?" she asked taking out her wand. The Prefects said they were. Hermione muttered a spell and fixed her splitting head-ache.
"Let me continue for you," Draco said.
Hermione was about to protest but Draco gave her a smoldering look. Hermione knew better than to protest. The meeting continued and after a few minutes was concluded. After everything was done Draco quickly placed his hand around Hermione's waist. Ron stayed behind to watch Draco and Hermione.
"You mind letting go of her?" he asked lowly.
"You mind going somewhere else?" Draco retorted back.
Hermione stepped in before anything else happened.
"Okay, gentlemen, I think Hermione is fine," she said trying to remove herself from Draco's grip. It became tighter.
"Do you have a problem Malfoy?! Let her go!" Weasley said angrily.
Draco's eyes turned black with possession. He stood up ready to face Weasley. Hermione grabbed his clothes and pulled him back into the seat.
"Okay! That's enough! Ron, I'm fine. Draco and I need to talk anyway! Please just… I'll be fine," Hermione said smiling. She stood up and the weight on her sprained ankle made her fall back down.
"What'd you do?!" Weasley rounded on Malfoy.
"Draco didn't do anything! I sprained it when I fell," Hermione said. "Ron please just leave. Draco and I need to talk."
Weasley looked very unhappy.
"Since when do you call him Draco?" he asked.
Draco was getting tired of this and he wanted to have Hermione to himself for a half a moment.
"Since I saved her arse last year, or don't you remember?" Draco growled. "Damn it all Weasley! Sod off!"
Ron Weasley looked at Hermione again to make sure it was alright. When she smiled at him, Weasley left.
Draco exhaled exasperatedly.
"About damn time!" he said angrily. He stretched over Hermione to her feet and took off her shoes and socks.
"What are you doing?" she asked.
Draco ran his fingers over her bruised ankle and smiled.
"When I look at you like this… feeble and so unlike yourself, the only thing I want to do is protect you…"
Hermione's eyes widened.
Draco tapped the sprain with his wand and it was fixed. Then he started to massage his feet. Hermione blushed.
"And when I see myself doing this… it makes me think of the night we make love and what I plan on doing to your body…" Hermione pushed Draco away.
"You pervert! You sure know how to ruin a moment."
Draco gave Hermione the trademark Malfoy smirk and felt her heart skip a beat. She couldn't deny him any more than he could her. Hermione stood up and took a few steps away from Draco. He knew that she enjoyed his words. He knew that they made her feel aroused and that she wanted to be pounced upon.
Draco licked his lips.
"Hermione, do you really need to hide it? Don't you want me?"
Hermione visibly swallowed.
"Regardless of that, I think we should… should…er…"
Draco tilted his head making his long flowing hair fall into his eyes.
"Should what? Shag?" he asked saucily.
Hermione shook her head quickly.
Draco grinned.
"Then what?"
Hermione started inching toward the door.
"Where are you going? I thought you wanted to talk."
Hermione looked toward the door and made a run for it. Draco caught her before she landed three steps.
"You are really something," Draco said smiling. His eyes were black and his veela blood was going crazy. He gripped Hermione's waist and turned her to face him.
"You don't even have your shoes on. Were you honestly going to run away?"
Hermione gulped. Draco found himself thinking that his last year was going to the best year ever- regardless of how many times it repeated.
Draco pushed Hermione's back up against the cool stone wall. Hermione groaned from the pain- or at least that's what she thought it was. She couldn't quite figure out whether it felt bad or good. The sound sent shivers up Draco's spine.
Draco felt the blood rush downward. He pressed his body against Hermione's eager to feel her heated flesh. Draco heard her gasp as he pulled her body closer to his- the closest it had ever been. She said his name and his body reacted instantly. His blood was boiling with lust. He needed her- more than he could handle.
"Hermione," Draco moaned. "Let me have you. I need to have you right now."
Hermione was flushed and Draco loved it.
"Draco we…we can't…"
Hearing her voice made Draco groan. He tilted her head back and kissed her hungrily on the lips. He heard Hermione groan as he pressed the whole of his body against hers. Draco's loins were burning almost painfully as Hermione's moans ran down his throat. Draco had no idea she enjoyed being handled so roughly. He grinned against her lips and pulled apart. She groaned in frustration. Draco chuckled darkly and lifted Hermione's above her head.
"I've realized…" Draco said while he made Hermione's body face forward on the wall. "That you fancy a little pain with your pleasure."
Draco fiercely bit down on his mate's neck- close to the mark but not close enough for him to touch it. The feelings that ran through his body made Draco drunk with lust. He turned Hermione around once more and kissed her roughly. His blood was begging for a taste of her own crimson liquid. Draco could do nothing but comply. He bit her lips so hard it bled and licked up the liquid until it stopped flowing. Draco's eyes closed in pleasure and he moaned.
Hermione's eyes widened in shock and horror. Draco was right! She did want him to…do things to her. Those painful almost wrong things… Why did he drive her to want things so wantonly unnatural?
"I've also realized…" Draco whispered in Hermione's ear. She shivered and clung to Draco for dear life.
"…that it make me even more aroused," Draco finished hotly. Hermione's face was written with pleasure, her body was begging for more contact and her scent exuded lust and need. Draco placed a hand on her thigh enjoying the way her breath increased as hid slid his fingers slowly up her flesh. She opened her eyes and was swallowed by Draco's obsidian pools.
"Damn you woman, I want to throw you to the ground and shag you senseless," Draco growled fisting Hermione's long chocolate locks. Hermione tilted her head back and allowed Draco to suck on the exposed flesh. Her tie was undone, the buttons were all opening loose by Draco's fingers and she didn't really care if he shagged her or not. He felt so good that she wanted him to shag her senseless! Draco grinned and found his mark. He contemplated touching it and making Hermione go crazy with desire or leaving it for later; to make her beg for it. Draco's tongue took action and flicked over the marked flesh. Hermione jerked in a pleasure she had never known before. Her back arched and her mouth cried Draco's name. Draco found that he was unable to stop his enjoyment of the reaction and sucked on his mark. The next thing Draco knew Hermione was close to the first release she would ever experience. She was gripping Draco's shoulders tightly and was moaning the most beautiful noises Draco had ever heard.
But Draco…felt like being a devil.
He released himself from the allure of Hermione's mark and detangled himself from her body. She was shivering from the loss of contact and then looked at Draco with as mixture of confusion, lust and shock.
"I'll see you in the common room, love," Draco said smiling. He felt so good watching her confusion become clear.
Then, he woke up.
Draco was panting, he was hard and really, really aroused. He sat up, cried out and cradled himself in a ball. He… was just…so…hard. Hermione- damn that woman for doing this to him! Draco had to wait a few moments to even consider getting out of the bed. Damn her, damn her, damn her!! He was shaking when he walked to the bathroom not to mention blushing madly. He wouldn't have been so embarrassed if Hermione wasn't so damn delicious in the dream. Why the hell did she do this to him?! Why did his mind play such dirty tricks on him? Why did he have such a dirty mind anyway? Draco got into the shower- it was freezing cold. Draco ran his fingers through his hair. He had to admit. Hermione was very appealing when she was in the position to be tied up.
After his shower Draco got dressed and walked into the Head Room. It was the first day of classes again and Hermione was already in the Great Hall. She was trying to ignore him- but that wasn't going to work. They had Care of Magical Creatures together and Draco had in mind to sit next to her. Maybe that would counteract Delacour's damned allure. Draco blanched. He thought what was going to happen after Care of Magical Creatures. He thought about Blaise Zabini. Draco groaned in frustration. Maybe he could avoid the incident. Maybe he could avoid Zabini all together! It wouldn't work. Either he'd have to confront Zabini or risk getting snogged senseless again. And he really, really didn't want to get snogged again. Draco entered the Great Hall to many stares. He had almost forgotten. He was super attractive because of his veela blood. Draco smirked and looked for Hermione in the corner of his eye. He found her- she stuck out like a sore thumb, looking away at anything besides him. Draco loved the way she tried to deny her need for him. Draco sat next to Zabini and decided to say something to him about his veela blood.
"Morning Malfoy," Zabini said cheerfully.
Draco gave him a sour look.
"Whatever your plotting better not have anything to do with me," he said.
Blaise looked almost pleased.
"What do you mean?" he asked smiling.
Draco looked away.
"You know what I mean you…never mind," Draco muttered.
Zabini smirked and looked in the direction Draco was looking in.
"Granger meet you fancy much?" Zabini asked.
Draco nodded. No point in avoiding it. Blaise already knew.
"Why don't you express your traits more often?" Draco asked coolly.
"What traits?" Zabini asked warmly.
Draco rolled his eyes. He knew Blaise well enough to know that he wouldn't say anything unless he had to. Draco turned to Blaise.
"Okay, listen. I know you know I'm veela. I know you know that I know that you're veela. So I don't need you jumping me in the middle of the corridor and snogging me senseless," Draco said.
Zabini coolly lifted his eyebrow in question.
"I see, very good," Zabini said smiling.
Draco looked at Hermione again. He still wanted to ask Blaise one last question.
"Who is your mate?" Draco asked.
Blaise smiled.
"Well, if I told you, you'd probably keel over," he replied.
"Try me."
Blaise shrugged and whispered the name in Draco's ear. Draco's eyes widened.
"Merlin help us all!" Draco gasped loudly. People turned to look and Draco's face turned passive.
Zabini smiled at looked at Hermione.
"You're mate is rather cute this morning," he said offhandedly.
Draco's head whipped around.
"She's off limits too!" Draco growled. Zabini just smiled.
Draco zoned out all during Hagrid's introduction of Nobel Delacour and tried not to goggle when Delacour walked into the room but couldn't help it. Delacour looked amazing as ever and Draco still felt the twinge on excitement around him. Delacour looked at Draco and smiled, then looked at Blaise and Hermione and smiled even more. Delacour started to speak and Draco had the full intention of not paying attention. He already heard everything he needed to know about his veela blood and how he was supposed to mark his mate. Delacour went on explaining about the mating mark and the class went wild. Draco looked around the room until his eyes landed on Hermione's figure. She placed a hand to her neck but was careful not to rub it. Did she know what would happen if she touched the mark? Draco found himself grinning. He was imagining himself stroking her mark languidly and causing her immense pleasures. Draco was in the midst of a daydream when he heard something that Delacour had never said before.
"Ze veela does not only have to mark 'is or 'er mate. 'E or she 'as to be marked as well," Delacour said looking at Hermione. The classroom buzzed with excitement. Draco sat up. A feral grin spread across his face as he stared at Hermione. She turned around and locked eyes with him. He cheeks were turning red and her hand flew to the mark on her neck. Draco air kissed her and she whipped her head right back around. Draco pouted. His mate was no fun at all.
"I see how it is," Draco muttered to himself. "If that's the way she wants to be then I'll just have to play her little game."
The class was still buzzing with excitement and it was getting louder and louder.
"What are you planning Draco?" Blaise asked quietly. Draco turned to Blaise with a smile on his face.
"Watch," Draco said. He turned to Hermione and concentrated on her for a moment. He was vaguely aware of Delacour's eyes on him but he didn't really care. Draco felt himself release something inside him and that something ran to Hermione. Draco felt a humming sound inside of him as the something closed in on Hermione's form. The something leaned closer to her and whispered in her ear. Hermione jumped and looked around. The class was talking loudly and asking questions. Draco's something ran his fingers down Hermione's arms and she shivered; wrapping her arms around herself. Draco felt his fingers with the sensation of touching Hermione's flesh. He held in the moan that wanted to escape his throat. His something ran its fingers across Hermione's collar bone tenderly. Hermione's skin was soft and velvety. Draco could see Hermione beginning to pant. A drop of sweat rolled down her neck. Draco shivered in delight. His something caressed Hermione's body as if she had no clothing on- as if she were naked and waiting.
"Draco!" Blaise's harsh whisper broke Draco's concentration and he gasped. His body was ringing with the feel of his mate's flesh. Draco could feel Hermione's quickened heartbeat and her new found arousal.
"Draco, why the hell did you do that?" Blaise asked surprised and a little angry.
Draco was still trying to recover from the sensations running rampant through his body.
"Because I wanted to see what it was like," Draco muttered. He ran his fingers through his long, silky mane of white blond hair.
Blaise sighed and looked at Hermione.
"She doesn't realize that that was you," he said. "You shouldn't do that in the presence of other veela. It causes problems."
Draco sighed and Delacour caught his eye. Delacour was smirking almost discreetly. He walked over to Draco and sat down next to him.
"It seems zat you have never done zat before, yes?" Delacour stated more than asked. Draco nodded.
"You are lucky zen zat Monsieur Zabini broke you conzentration. Mademoiselle Granger is… unaccustomed to, how do I say…" Delacour trailed off to say a word.
"Yes," Draco said quickly. "Every last form of it."
Hermione didn't know what pleasure was and Draco was the first one to give her any.
Delacour grinned.
"I will ask you to use zat when 'oo are not in a room with veela, Monsieur Malfoy," Delacour said smiling.
"Why can't I?" Draco asked.
Blaise muttered something and Delacour smiled warmly.
"Because it makes all of us feel the same thing you are," Blaise said. "Especially if you're not marked."
Draco growled at Zabini.
"Monsieur Delacour I have a question!" someone in the class said. Delacour turned around to address the question.
"What was it like then, Zabini?" Draco muttered. "If you can feel the same thing."
Blaise grinned.
"I felt good, but not as good as it felt when I was marked and when I marked my mate," Blaise said. Draco rolled his eyes.
"Never mind. I don't want to know," he said. Blaise grinned.
Draco flopped in his bed and started to drift asleep. He was so exhausted with the classes and Delacour and Blaise and his mate avoiding him. He wanted to feel her lips and teeth creating the delicious mark that was going to be on his skin. He wanted to feel the pleasure of touching it and the pleasure she would experience when he touched it- not to mention sucked on it.
As Draco floated into his sleep his felt lips on his lips and fingers on his neck. He lifted his hands upward to clench something soft and very much like hair. The scent that filled him smelled of his mate. Draco's eye's opened. Hermione was there- on top of him and kissing him.
"Hermione…?" Draco started but Hermione only kissed him more. She ran her fingers through his hair- fisting it and ran her tongue over his bottom lip. Draco could only open his mouth and close his eyes. He was overwhelmed by her audacity but loved the sexiness of it all. His hands roamed over the sides her body and for the first time feeling the curves of small form. Draco gasped when Hermione nipped his lip.
"Hermione!" Draco groaned and he felt the blood rush to his loins.
Hermione chuckled and pressed her body against Draco's.
"I don't know why I can't stop, but I love it," Hermione whispered into Draco's open mouth. Draco was panting sweet breath and pulled Hermione closer. She licked his neck, tasting him, and let out a soft groan. She pulled away from him and stood up. Draco shot up shivering.
"Hermione…what the hell?" he muttered.
Hermione gave him a coy smile before leaving. Draco's eyes widened. That dirty little…
Draco tilted his head back and let the warm water sooth his body. The bath was perfect- like usual. Draco sighed. Hermione was driving him insanely aroused. She was doing thing that he thought were never possible- like jumping him in the bed for example and snogging him senseless. Not that he minded being snogged senseless by her but Hermione? The bathroom door opened and Draco looked up. Speak of the devil; the girl walked right in.
Draco sat up, making sure all the bubbles were covering his parts.
"Woman, what are you doing?" he asked with wide eyes as he watched her walk over to him. She kneeled down looked at Draco contently.
"You know…" she said skimming her fingers on the edges of the water. "I've been having these really… delicious dreams…"
Draco watched Hermione's fingers come out of the water to his abdomen.
"…and I don't know what to do about them," Hermione said. She slowly ran her fingers up Draco's abs tracing the lines with the pads of her fingers. Draco shivered and let out a gasp of pleasure.
"So I wanted to ask you… what I should do…." Hermione said smiling softly. Her fingers cradled Draco's cheek before going up to his hair.
"I- I don't know," Draco said unable to think. Hermione's fingers were massaging his skull. He let out a shuttered breath.
"Hm…" Hermione said. She yanked Draco's hair and his head flew back. He moaned and felt her other hand on his neck.
"Draco…I've been really salacious lately," Hermione said smiling. She leaned closer to Draco and pressed her lips to his neck. Her tongue flicked out and graced Draco's neck. Draco brought his fingers to Hermione's hair and pulled her closer.
"Please don't keep me waiting any longer," he groaned. He heard Hermione's chuckle.
"My mate," Hermione said and bit down on Draco's neck. Draco cried out in pleasure and pulled Hermione into the tub.
Draco was now hers.