Yeah. I finally updated! *shifty eyes* There probably won't be another one for at least a month. Kinda in the middle of a rather big project that I am determined to get done. That being said, I wrote this pretty much on the spur of the moment. I really like how it turned out, even if it took this story in a direction that I hadn't planned on taking it. And I desperately wanted to fix the ending of this chapter, as it feels completely rushed and awkward to me, but I can't seem to do it. Eh. Maybe later.

Disclaimer: Not mine. If it was, I'd have made both series cross over canonically. ^^

Requiem Overture

Chapter 9: We Meet Again

By: Ceris Malfoy

Lucian von Wilfred-Hellsing stared pensively out the car window at the house. It was a pretty house in the upper-middle class neighborhood of Juuban. It was also the home of someone with formidable powers. Every inch of the property glowed to one such as him. There was at least one in the household, though he strongly suspected another 3.

He looked down at the file. A blue-haired, brown-eyed woman of mixed heritage smiled up at him, holding a solemn-looking golden-haired, blue-eyed child in her arms. Like a ghost, the same child with sharper features and silver-white hair seemed to hover just under the golden-haired version – something no one but himself had seen.

He brushed his fingers over the photo, frowning at the doubled-image.

Tsukino Usagi. Seren Elizaveta Yvonne Hellsing. One was his child, the other…. The other was something he wasn't quite sure he was ready to deal with. The other, according to the file, was something that could rival even his family's …skills.

He hummed softly, looked up at the house again, and made his decision.

To say that Tsukino Usagi was pleased to find her biological father on her porch with a kind smile on his face was to tell a bold-faced lie, and to say it to her face would probably lead to several serious hospital visitations, if not instant death. That he was even in Japan, let alone Tokyo, affronted her senses, and she vaguely wondered if she could get away with slamming the door in his face and pretending he didn't exist.

Probably not, seeing as how her mother had caught a glimpse of someone on the porch before Usagi could even attempt it.

Usagi mentally sighed at the injustice of it all, plastered on a false smile, and pretended she didn't know who he was and what he represented. "Can I help you, sir?"

Lucian, for his part, was struck speechless by the raw fury that had crossed the girl's face when she had first seen him. For a brief moment he thought he might have to use force to get her to listen to him, when he noted how her gaze flickered over to her right and then settled back on him. He watched, spellbound, as a tight grin settled on her face, and listened to the care-free voice that calmly asked how she could help him.

He would have been fooled entirely had he not noted the cold, angry look her eyes were giving him.

"I'm looking for Tsukino Usagi," He said quietly, looking at her and knowing that she was the one he sought, and also knowing that she would deny that. So it came as no surprise when she shot him a carefully constructed look of confusion that might have fooled him had he not been trained to read people.

"There is no one here by that name. You might want to try the block down the street," she murmured gently, as if completely sincere in her desire to help him.

He snorted, and reached for the photo he had stuffed in his pocket.

And from behind the girl came a clearly frustrated voice. "Usagi! I did not raise you to tell lies!"

The girl in front of him snarled silently, and he raised an eyebrow at the teenager, even as he slid the photograph back into his pocket.

There was a brief tussle as the blue-haired woman struggled to pry the door out of her daughter's furious grasp. She eventually won, and opened it further. She turned to face him, her frustrated frown easily slipping into a welcoming smile. "I sincerely apologize for my daughter's blatant disrespect, Mr.-?" She let a pause slip here and looked expectantly at him.

"Hellsing," he answered calmly, fascinated by how quickly the woman paled. "Lucian von Wilfred-Hellsing, husband to the late Integra Wingates Fairbrook Hellsing, and current director of the Hellsing Organization." He turned his patient gaze to the teenager, and smiled smugly. "I'm here to collect my daughter."

For a brief moment it seemed as if he had won before the battle even began – Ikuku's eyes closed in defeat and she seemed to tremble – but Lucian had never met Usagi, and no file of information, no matter how cleverly it was amassed, could prepare him for the level of hatred that she bore for her birth parents.

"Collect." Usagi's voice was brittle. "Collect," she repeated.

He motioned with his head that it was so, and waited.

Sure enough, the girl practically exploded. "You've come to 'collect' me?! What right do you have to come here and disturb my life?" Raw power fluctuated off of her in menacing waves, and something lethal stirred beneath it, something that did not belong to his daughter, himself, or the blue-haired woman staring incredulously at the girl.

He drew himself up and simply stated, "I am your father."

A dark grin settled over her face, those artic-blue eyes glinting menacingly. "No," she purred. "You are little more than a sperm donor."

To his enhanced vision, something akin to smoke began to weave its way out of his daughter, though it was far darker and far stranger than any smoke he had ever seen. There were eyes….

"My father," she continued softly, "is a man who raised me despite the fact that I'm not his and loved me despite my obvious faults. My father is a man who has done everything in his power to make sure that I was happy, content, and safe."

The vortex of black smoke with those gleaming crimson eyes was starting to take a vaguely humanoid shape.

"My father," Usagi murmured, "is Tsukino Kenji." She looked at him, and suddenly, despite the many physical resemblances, Lucian knew that this would never be his daughter. "Leave," she told him, and that void of smoke solidified into a being that Lucian had only ever heard about. Alucard.

He closed his eyes. "Unfortunately for both our sakes, this is not up for discussion. However you may feel about the situation, and believe me, you have gotten your point across quite well; there are certain obligations that you have."

And as he thought, that wasn't well received either. The girl practically screamed out, "To HELL with your goddamn obligations and blood ties! I've had it just about up to here with everyone telling me I'm needed to save the goddamn world, or restore order, or destroy the evil undead! You people and your damned destinies and fates and fucking death. Just leave me alone!"

To be honest, Lucian couldn't decide what worried him the most; that he had no idea what she was talking about, or that neither the vampire nor the woman knew what she was talking about. He took a closer look at Usagi, eyeing the bags beneath her eyes, the way her power fluctuated uncontrollably, the strange upturned golden crescent moon, the shadows that made her eyes ancient. She was cracking, and badly.

Lucian opened his mouth to question just what the hell was going on, but the vampire beat him to it. The creature reached out with one pale hand and grasped his daughter by the arm. "You and me are going to have a long chat," Alucard muttered, even as they both faded from sight.

Lucian felt sick. His daughter was going insane, and had just been stolen by a vampire he was damned sure had been put down by his wife years ago. He turned to the woman who had been raising his child, and demanded, "Just how the hell have you been doing to my daughter!?"

Usagi grunted as Alucard slammed her against the wall. Furious crimson eyes peered at her through a mane of ink-black hair, and Usagi was helpless in their drowning beauty.

"You," Alucard purred, voice tight with anger, but still smooth and affectionate, "have been keeping an awful lot of secrets, little Master." One hand still holding her against the wall, he raised the other to cup her chin, bringing her face closer to his.

Usagi flushed at the contact, eyes widening and breath quickening in shocked arousal that had everything to do with both the absolute lack of control and the fact that it was Alucard.

Alucard's thumb began to rub against her skin absent-mindedly as he mentally probed their bond. "First the business of these dreams of yours, and then keeping me away from your hunts for reasons that you refuse to give hint to." His gaze left her eyes and darted up to her sigil, that traitorous upturned crescent moon that gave away just how rapidly her heart was beating. "You know what this sigil means, and you fear it, resent it, but refuse to deal with it."

Usagi's arousal disappeared the second his eyes left hers, and anger quickly replaced it. With each listing of her obvious denials and/or outright omission of truths, there was a deep, almost painful feeling in her head. She knew what that was: Alucard was determined to have answers, even if she wouldn't give them willingly. Her anger spiked with each mental thrust, and soon she was beyond all coherent thought.

Anger lending her strength, she shoved at the vampire, teeth bared in a tight grimace of rage. "You want to know? You want to know what kept a 12 year old child(1) so scared to sleep that she turned to slaughter instead? Very well, look." For the first time since she had met the vampire, she let loose her barriers. All of them.

8 years of memories and/or dreams of three alternate versions of the same life slammed into Alucard's mind in a matter of seconds. Death, destruction, rebirth, pain, loneliness, anger, and betrayal barely countered by fierce joy, love, and desire.

He took barely a second to process the information – he had much practice in the sorting of memories-not-his-own – before getting to the root of her problem: she had no clue who or what she was. Everything she had thought was true kept getting ripped away from her, and she dealt by burying it all deep inside her.

And now she was cracking, badly.

He stared at her, noticing for the first time the faint lines from stress on her brow, the fine trembling of her thoroughly-chewed lips, the all-too familiar glint of on-coming madness growing in artic eyes. A smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. "Silly little master," he murmured. He watched as a look of confusion crossed her face. He brought his face closer to hers, close enough that their noses brushed. "No matter who you turn out to be, no matter what anyone else expects of you, remember one thing."

He released her and brought his hands up to rest lightly on her cheeks, forcing her to stare him in the eyes. He threw open their connection, letting her feel everything he was. "You. Are. Mine," he hissed, and then kissed her.

I know it's pretty short. Sorry about that. It is an update though, right? Tell the truth. Who thought it was never going to happen? I don't blame you if you did: I thought pretty much the same thing. XD