A/N: Ok before you read I'm just going to warn you, this story contains mention of sex, alcohol, abuse, and lots of swearing. If this squicks you, press the back button. Also, all dream sequences and thoughts will be expressed by italics. I believe that's all...enjoy!


Connected By Feelings

Chapter 1

Buried Secrets


Chad Danforth stood in his Spanish tiled kitchen looking down at his daughter, who was trying to sneak a cookie out of the jar on the kitchen counter, before her mother came back. "Since you're doing that princess, get daddy one as well." He said with a chuckle. The little girl jumped and looked at her father with a mischievous smile.

"Ok." She said as she opened the jar and took two big chocolate chip cookies out.

It was at that moment that his wife walked into the room with their baby daughter in her hands and their son playing with a PSP. "Danielle, what are you doing?" His wife asked, her long black hair was in curls and she had a small smile on her face.

"Oooh! Mommy, she has cookies!" Their 7 year old son exclaimed, looking up from his PSP.

Chad put his arms around his wife's waist and kissed her neck. "I told her to get me some." He lied, giving his daughter a wink.

"Honey!" She said in mock anger. Chad laughed and kissed her cheek.

"You know you love me Gabs."

Gabriella laughed and handed her husband their baby. She moved over to the stove and gave her family an amused look. "Go take a cookie and go play."

The kids let out a loud cheer, grabbed a cookie and ran out the kitchen. Chad went over to Gabriella and kissed her on the lips. "I love you."

Gabriella turned and smiled one of her breathtaking smiles. "I love you too."


Chad woke up with a smile on his face. He didn't realize how wrong his dream was until after his shower and he was slipping on his shirt. "Holy fuck!" He had a dream about Gabriella. Troy's girlfriend. His best friend's girlfriend. What the hell!


Troy Bolton laughed at something that Jason had been saying. His attention however shifted when he saw Gabriella walking down the hall with Taylor by her side. Troy and Gabriella weren't really dating yet, they had gone to a few movies but Troy has yet to even make it official. The only time they had kissed was when the group had played Spin The Bottle, but it was one of the best kisses that Troy had ever had.

"Hey boys." Taylor said with a huge flirtatious smile.

"Hi." Gabriella said with a wide smile that made her dimples show.

"Hey Gabby, Taylor." Troy replied as he let his eyes go over what Gabriella was wearing.

"What's up?" Chad greeted as he walked over to the group and put an arm around Gabriella and Taylor.

Taylor giggled as she wrapped an arm around Chad's waist. "Hi sexy."

Troy noticed that Gabriella rolled her eyes and moved away from the two.

"I'm going inside, I just remembered that I have to ask Sharpay something." Gabriella said as she walked inside the classroom, leaving Troy and Chad looking after her.


Gabriella Montez strolled into her home room class and pulled Sharpay by the arm, indicating that they needed to speak. Sharpay said something to Ryan and walked with Gabriella to the back of the classroom.

"What's up 'Ella?" Sharpay asked in concern.

Gabriella sighed and pushed a hand under her hair. "Taylor is such a slime ball. I mean she's such a...a..."

"Slut." Sharpay finished.

"Exactly! I mean...what could Chad possibly see in her?" Gabriella asked, feeling very annoyed at the whole situation.

"I have no clue. She hides under her math geek image - no offense - and she's really like a playboy playmate. I heard a lot of shit about her."

"Really? How about we have a sleep over at your house and you can tell me all about it." Gabriella suggested. She looked up and saw Taylor pull Chad into a kiss, and Troy, Jason, and Zeke walked away from the lip locking couple and headed into the classroom.

"Ok. Friday at my house. Bring a scary movie." Sharpay said. The two girls nodded their heads in agreement and walked to their seats just as Ms. Darbus walked into the classroom.

Gabriella watched Chad and Taylor take their seats and her heart felt like it was cracking. She really didn't understand why Chad wasn't with her.


Sharpay Evans let her eyes zone out as she watched Zeke mix something in Home Economics. He had a very graceful appeal to him as he cooked, and she admired him immensely because she couldn't cook to save her life. She was a performer, not a baker. She walked over to her boyfriend and gave him a dazzling smile. "Hey. You are coming over tonight right?"

Zeke smiled back at her as he poured the batter in the pan and put it in the oven. "Of course. You know I can't stay away from my talented hunny." He said pulling her close and giving her a kiss.

Ever since Sharpay and Zeke got together, she got rid of her Ice Queen exterior. Well...she did around her friends. Strangers, and anyone that annoyed her got her Ice Queen facade.

"Can I ask you a question? " Sharpay asked 13 minutes later while she attempted to add the last ingredient into her batter.

"Shoot." Zeke said as he jumped up on the counter near the stove he was using.

"Why is Chad with Taylor?"

Zeke's eyebrows rose and he tilted his head slightly as he looked at his blonde girlfriend. "I guess he likes her, I don't know. They seem like a good enough couple, too bad Troy hasn't told Gabriella how he feels."

Sharpay gave a sour look at that last sentence. For all she knew, Troy could keep his claws away from Gabriella. "I don't think that would be a good idea. They are better as friends."

"What? But...they obviously like each other."

"Just because Troy happens to share the same passion for singing as 'Ella, doesn't mean that they'll get married with 5 kids and live in a 3 story house with 2 dogs." Sharpay's eyes were narrowed and she was beating her batter viciously.

Zeke couldn't comprehend why Sharpay was acting so angry, so he put a hand on hers to stop her abuse of the innocent cake batter. "Babe, what's wrong?"

Sharpay sighed and looked into Zeke's warm brown eyes. "Well...'Ella doesn't see Troy as boyfriend material..."


Taylor McKessie smiled warmly at Chad as he carried her books for her to the lunch table that day. All her friends were already in the conversations and she quickly incorporated herself into the debate about America's Next Top Model, that Gabriella, Ryan, and Sharpay were engaging. As the conversation continued, Taylor found herself staring off into space, looking at Chad from the corner of her eyes.

Chad really was the "perfect" boyfriend. He made her feel catered to and loved. They didn't get around to feeling so deeply for each other, but it would be there id they stayed together. Which brought her to her next issue. She wasn't sure if she could keep her cheating on him a secret. She wasn't dumb enough to think that he wouldn't find out. She had cheated on him with a lot of players that were on Varsity teams. She had slept with most of them, and did sexual favors to the others.

Taylor knew that what she was doing was very wrong, but it felt nice to be desired. Guys wanted her, they didn't see her as just a smart weirdo, they saw her as a gorgeous person that was worth their time. She had Chad to thank for her sudden image change.

You have a funny way of showing your thanks.

She ignored her conscience. It was as if her old self was always trying to make her feel guilty. I deserve to feel good about myself. I deserve to have male attention.

You don't deserve Chad!

Taylor was very angry with this thought. I hate you.

Good to hate yourself. You should. All you do is parade yourself around school acting like a slut.

Before Taylor got caught up in an internal debate, Gabriella poked her in the side. "Hmm?" Taylor asked, wondering what she had missed.

"I asked you if you gave in the History essay." Gabriella said.

"Oh! Yeah, I'm not sure if it was too long though." She answered.

Sharpay gave her a raised eyebrow and rolled her eyes. Taylor was not surprised in the least. Sharpay and her never got along. They shared friends and that was that. Taylor couldn't stand the blonde, she was getting way too close to Gabriella and she didn't like it at all. Gabriella was her first real best friend and she would be damned if she let the Ice Bitch take her away. So with practiced ease she flipped Sharpay off and felt only a little bit guilty at the conflicted look on Gabriella's face as she looked back and forth between her two friends.

"Please don't start you two." Gabriella pleaded.

"What did I miss?" Troy asked sitting across from Gabriella with his lunch tray.

"Just the usual, Sharpay being a regular Ice Bitch." Taylor said snidely before she could stop herself.

"That's priceless coming from the school slut!" Sharpay fired back, her eyes turning hard in anger.

Taylor saw Chad look over at her with shock and she tightened her hold on the edge of the lunch table until her knuckles began hurting. "Coming from the Prude Ice Princess, I'll take that as a compliment."

"That's all it takes to get in you pants! A few well placed compliments and you obediently go on your back!" Sharpay yelled, standing up and glaring down at Taylor.

Taylor shot up as well, hands on her hips in anger. "Jealous because guys like me better than you?" A smirk was on her face triumphantly.

"Guys like anything easy. At least they respect me."

Gabriella finally had enough and she stood up and pout out both hands to keep the two of them from going at each other. "Please stop!"

Ignoring Gabriella Taylor kept her icy glare on Sharpay. "Was that before or after you drunk yourself into depression when your father molested you!"

A sharp smack wiped the smirk off her face. She rose a hand to her cheek and saw Gabriella looking at her with disgust. Ryan looked ready to leap across the table and kick Taylor's ass, but Zeke was holding him back, and Sharpay had turned a few shades paler, and she was slightly trembling. But that mattered nothing to Taylor, except the way Gabriella was glaring at her. Without another word Gabriella grabbed her book bag and ran from the Cafeteria.

The Cafeteria was silent as all the students were looking at their table. Taylor turned her attention to Chad and he was looking at her with almost the same look that Gabriella had.

"Mind your fucking business!" Sharpay screamed at the ogling students. She picked up her juice from her tray and threw it at Taylor.

Taylor gasped in shock as the cold grape juice sprayed the front of her body, staining her pink shirt and matching mini.

Without saying anything else Sharpay pulled her shoulder bag from off the table and stalked from the room. Zeke and Ryan followed her quickly. Chad's eyes hardened when she turned to look at him.

"Taylor...we need to talk."


A/N: Ok so what did you guys think? I've been writing this story in my subject notebook for about a week, and I just needed to get it on this site. I hope you guys like it...there is more that I have already written so it will get updated. My other HSM story will get updated as well, but one of my friends had totally deleted the chapter, so I have to write it over. Leave a review, and see you in the next chapter, bye!