Rena stood outside, in the backyard, of the Kinomiya dojo.

"May we join you, Rena?" Mark asked walking up behind her with Cam following close behind him.

"Guys…" Rena's eyes held sad expressions.

"Don't look so upset, Rena. I'm the first one out of us that got knocked out plus I'm the one that went so far as to force a battle underwater…" Mark reminded with a guilty expression on his face.

"I'm worried about Makoto. And the way this tournament is going. Is it…breaking us apart?" Rena asked sadly.

Mark and Cam exchanged glances.

"I think…after what happened, we were all thinking that," said Cam just above a whisper.

"I'm starting to think…it was better if I stayed," said Rena.

"Me too…" said Mark.

"…I can't agree with you two. For me, I think it was better that I left," Cam admitted, "I never felt so strong in my life. Please understand…"

"Of course, Cam…so, how's Mako doing?" Rena asked.

"Jinsei shooed us out of the room," Mark answered,

"But I think he's doing alright," Cam added.

"What about Kaiya, Gou, and Tai?" Rena asked,

"Gou and Tai were waiting outside the room from what we saw," said Mark,

"And Kaiya left the dojo…" said Cam.

"I see…" said Rena and sighed as he stared at the inside of the dojo from where she stood.

Gou and Tai exchanged glances every now and then.



"If Makoto can't recover in time, I'm willing to do my best to work with you," said Gou and Tai nodded,

"I agree. I almost hate Mark for this! I can't believe he went that far just to win! At least he didn't win!" Tai shouted to Gou and himself.

"What I don't understand is what this tournament is doing to us. Beyblade means good sportsmanship and powerful bonds. But what has happened to our once powerful team?" Gou asked,

"Don't look at me, I was on the team for the shortest time," said Tai waving his hand for a 'no.'

Kaiya walked through town looking at people and things she's missed while she was gone. She walked behind a set of bushes near an open field and sets down the bag she brought her. She knelt down, reaching into the bag to set up bowls. Not long, some cats started to make their way over to her as she started putting in cat food.

"Hey everyone; I'm sure my father came by to feed you while I was gone."



The cats gratefully started eating. Kaiya sat back and realized as she watched,

"Speaking of my father, I should go pay him and Mother a visit."


Jinsei came out of the room which made Gou and Tai nearly rush in the moment he stepped out. Jinsei headed for the kitchen to pour a glass of water for himself. He himself was very worried for Makoto. He washed his cup and puts it away and walked out of the kitchen just as the front door opened.

"Oh, Jinsei. It's been a while…say, where's your aunt?"

Jinsei blinked a couple of times, eyes widened.

"Uh…Aunt Hiromi went out to get stuff for Makoto," Jinsei replied after coming over his surprised state.

"Oh I see. So…how is my son doing?"


"Oh… MY GOD!" Tai nearly fainted if Gou didn't hold onto him.

"What are you, a fan boy?" Gou asked but he himself had a hard time controlling himself.

"Oh my…It's been forever since I last saw you!" Tai exclaimed to run for hug from Takao.

"Wow, you've grown a lot, Tai," said Takao picking him up, "Oh yeah, you definitely have…"

"Hey! I'm not that heavy!"

"Trust me, I've wrestled with your father when we we're angry with each other back when we were younger. You're a bit heavy compared to him back then."

Takao gently set Tai down and saw Gou staring at him and smiled,

"You look just like Kai, even now," he said and patted Gou's head.

"What? What do you mean?" Gou asked and fixed his hair,

"Pictures were often sent to me and Makoto's mother. So I saw you and your sister long ago. Speaking of which, where is she? The last image I saw of her was when she was 8…ish…" Takao obviously can't remember the correct age.

"Nei-Chan went out, who knows where she could be," Gou replied.

"Well, I can't complain about that. Kai did that all the time," said Takao and walked over to the bed and brushed Makoto's hair from his face.

"I saw what happened…where's Mark?" Takao asked, turning more serious.

"He's outside in the backyard. Along with Kon and Junna," Jinsei answered.

"Really? Wow, everybody's here. I might as well turn this dojo into an inn," said Takao and heads outside.

"Wow, he didn't change much," said Tai,

"You mean he never worries?" Gou asked,

"Can't say, but I'd give anything to be related to him!" said Tai, "He is so awesome!!"

Takao walked outside and stretched,

"I miss being here…" he said out loud and looked ahead of him to see 3 kids talking together. Takao smiled and walked towards them, raising an arm,

"Hey Junna! Mark!" he called to them cheerfully. Cam heard her name and gasped seeing Takao. Mark's jaws dropped in shock but then got a bit worried…

Rena blinked and stared at the former beyblade champion himself in awe.

"K-Kinomiya-San!" Cam bowed respectfully with Mark and Rena following her example.

"Well-mannered and cute as always, Junna-Chan," said Takao and patted her head, "But interesting new fashion style…"

Takao then turned to Mark who was still staring in both surprise and fear.



"…That was such an awesome battle you and Makoto did!"

"……" Mark, Cam, and Rena gave Takao a strange look.

"But next time, try not to make it so dangerous, okay? I really don't want my son to die and lose his beyblade champion title," said Takao and Mark nodded right away,

"Y-Yes sir!"

Takao turned to Rena, who could only stare,

"You remind me of Rei already…" said Takao with a smile,

"Thank you…"

"Of course! Come on you guys, when I walked out to see all of you, you guys all had gloomy looks on. The finals are coming up soon; you should all be pumped up and excited!"

"Uh…hm…" The three mumbled and didn't say much.

"Dang, you guys are like Kai when he pretends he's not upset about something…then I ask about it and then it pisses him off so makes me run a few laps for no apparent reason…"

Cam and Rena wanted to giggle but seemed like it was the wrong moment to. Takao likely smirked,

"Did I ever tell you guys about the time when the team all went on vacation together one summer?"

"You mean the time when you tripped Gou and Kaiya's dad into the lake on purpose?" Cam asked,

"Well it was the same vacation but that's not what I was talking about…" said Takao in a teasing voice.

"Maybe this is why Kaiya has a natural hatred towards Makoto…" Rena whispered,

"But it's the same reason but Gou and Makoto are attracted to each other right away," said Cam.

Mark still remained quiet as he listens in.

"So Max, Daichi, and I, were walking through the woods to find some wood. Kai and Rei supposedly went ahead to look at flowers and plants for some reason but whatever. But we heard something so we went to investigate…you know what we saw?"

"Tell us! Tell us!" Tai cried by behind. Tai dragged Gou out to hear what was going on.

"OK, so…"

Eyes slowly began to open to meet the bright ray from the sun coming from the window,

"Ow…the light…"

Eyelids fluttered and did a long blink. Makoto groaned and wanted to sit up.

"Hold it, your need to rest," said Jinsei with his hand holding Makoto down.

"Jinsei? Whoa, my head…what happened?"

"A lot…you feeling okay?" Jinsei asked sitting down in a chair by Makoto and feeling his forehead.

"Y-Yeah…I'm okay I think. Just a bit sore…" said Makoto and groaned.

"You know Makoto, next time you go into a dangerous battle, think about what could happen afterwards…"

"What do you mean? Uh, oh! That's right, last thing I remember, I was battling Mark and…I…thought I drowned…" Makoto lightly shivered at the thought of death.

"…We're back in Japan you know," said Jinsei and Makoto looked around, just realizing he was home.

"My room…we're home?" A smile spreads across his face, "Oh my gosh! We're home!" Makoto sat up,

"Hey! I said you're staying in bed!" said Jinsei and pushed Makoto back down,

"Oww…that hurt!"

"Is that my baby boy that I hear?" Hiromi's voice chirped and the two looked over by the door where Hiromi stood.

"Mom!" Makoto put out his arms for a hug as Jinsei kept his arm set firmly on Makoto's chest.

"Come now, Jinsei, Makoto didn't have surgery or anything, he doesn't need to stay lying down for 24 hours!" said Hiromi and lightly tapped Jinsei's hand until it left Makoto alone.

"Mom!" Makoto hugged his mother, so happy that he's home again. It's felt like forever, even though it wasn't too long ago at all.

"Makoto, I have a surprise for you!" said Hiromi with a smile,

"What? What?" Makoto asked excitedly, holding his mom by the arms.

"The ice cream?" Jinsei asked pointing at the bag Hiromi had,

"Well besides his favorite dessert. Jinsei, did someone special stop by while I was out?" Hiromi asked with a smile. Jinsei blinked a few times,

"Oh! Yes! He's out back."

"Thank you! Jinsei, be a dear and give Makoto a ride on your back!"

"What?" Jinsei and Makoto looked at Hiromi with their brows twitching.

Takao isn't sure how he did it, but he's always been great with kids. He smiled and laughed with them, he got everyone laughing to his stories, well, all but Mark who still looked depressed…

"Y-You…must be making this up!" said Cam clutching her stomach.

"No I'm serious! We actually thought Rei and Kai were gay for some time! I mean, if you walked in on your two friends of the same gender and one was sucking the finger of the other, wouldn't you think that?" Takao laughed with them. Even Rena and Gou couldn't stop giggling. Tai was the one openly laughing his head off.

Mark just looked away.

"But of course, we eventually believed the real story. That Rei just cut his finger on a thorn and Kai was just taking care of it incase it was poisonous or something and Rei was only groaning because it hurt," Takao explained. He looked over at Mark,

"Come on Mark, you gotta admit its funny," said Takao,

"I guess…"

"Takao! Honey!" Hiromi called out and Takao turned around to see Hiromi running up to him with a smile,

"Hiromi-Chan! Hey I missed you-" Hiromi smacked Takao across the head with her purse and Takao hits the ground hard. Everyone stared with large eyes.

"Takao! What did I tell you about sneaking food from the fridge?! I just checked if the leftover cake was in there for Makoto when he wakes up but it just so happens to be gone!!!" Hiromi shouted, scolding her husband with an anime vein.

"I'm sorry…but it looked too good…And why did you have to trick me with the 'happy act' again?" said Takao with anime tears. Everyone else sweatdrops. The greatest beyblader alive is getting whipped by his own wife…

"Dad!" Makoto exclaimed and Jinsei nearly dropped him,

"Stop moving!"

"DAD!" Makoto shouted waving his arms. This could possibly be the best day of his life!

Takao stood up rubbing his head; just what does Hiromi have in her purse? Bricks?

"Makoto!" Takao smiled,

"Move faster, Jinsei!"

"Shut up or I'm not longer your taxi…" Jinsei growled.

"MAKOTO!" his friends cried,

"Hey guys! Ow…I'm okay, just a bit sore…stop moving around Jinsei!"

"You're the one that's moving! Plus you're heavy!"

"Am not!"

"You asked him to carry Makoto didn't you?" Takao asked his wife Hiromi just nodded proudly.

Takao and Makoto shared some bonding time alone for the rest of the day. Makoto wouldn't let go of Takao when they embraced and looked like he was going to cry for not seeing him for so long. But Mark really wished he was the one spending the rest of the day with Makoto…

"Hi! Is Big Brother Markie here?" Mary asked Jinsei at the door, "Actually he's out back," said Jinsei. Mary thanked him and rushed to the back.

"Big Brother Markie!" Mary called,

"Hm? Mary?" Mark looked up to see Mary. The others at that time were trying to cheer Mark up with no avail.

"Haven't you heard the news?!"

"What news?" Tai asked,

"Turn on the T.V.! The tournament is going to a whole new level!"


"The Super Hard Metal System. It's a dangerous new kind of gear to upgrade beyblades. Only the greatest of beybladers can handle the power," said Emily holding up the new gear.

"Beybladers need to be one with their beyblade more than ever to control this new kind of power. This will be used to the final rounds of this tournament. The question is: Can the beybladers in this tournament take the heat?" Kyoujyu added.

The screen shifted from Emily and Kyoujyu to what seems like a mini jungle, temple, and then city.

"Beybattles will no longer be battled in a beydish. It will be in a whole field testing beybladers to their limit," Mihaeru explained appearing on screen.

Jinsei shuts the T.V. off,

"What do you guys think of this?" Jinsei asked,

"I think…that's so COOL!" Tai exclaimed, barely holding in the excitement,

"It's going to be tough…I've seen my father work on it with Mark's mother and Mihaeru, this gear will build up so much heat that it'll melt the usual metal we use in our beyblades," said Cam,

"Are you serious?" Gou asked and Cam nodded,

"We need better metal. It's the only way to even keep the beyblade stable," said Cam,

"But because of the new power, we need to maintain control of our beyblades too right?" Rena asked,

"Right. Using the same metal we've been using, the control shouldn't be too hard but again, it won't be able to keep the beyblade together. On the other hand, getting better metal to hold the beyblade together will make it much more difficult to maintain the control," Cam explained.

"Ah, I remember when Takao and his team first got that upgrade," said Hiromi who appeared in the room,

"What do you mean?" Mark asked,

"This upgrade was used before. But it was a lot more unstable than it is now. Takao and the others worked so hard to control this new kind of power. But I won't give you any more hints on how to use it," said Hiromi with a smile.

"So basically…we're not even at the level our parents were," said Gou,

"But we're getting closer and that's one thing I'm satisfied about," said Rena.

"Hey beyblade fans! The new upgrade for the beyblades is now released to the participants in this tournament!" DJ Daichi shouted, live, at the camera.

"The beybladers are given the option whether to test their abilities with this new gear or not. But knowing their spirits, their decision won't disappoint us! The same tournament rules apply. It's a tag-battle but double matches are allowed if both sides agree which will bring a lot of excitement in a battle in a whole field!! Now the scores are remaining the same. So yes, if you lose 3 matches you're out of this tournament! Now here are the match-ups for the finals taking place in two weeks!" DJ Daichi pointed at the screen above him.

BBA vs. B. Neoborg

Bai Hu Tzi vs. OMEGA

"Now, if OMEGA or the BBA loses, they're out of this tournament!! And the remaining two will head for the finals! But on the other hand if both the BBA and OMEGA wins then they're both remain in the tournament and Bai Hu Tzi as well as NeoBorg will also be one lose away from being knocked out! Then the next battle after that will be the semi-finals and then the finals! Now let's see how this tournament will go from here! See you all at the stadium in two weeks! Beybladers, this is the time to prepare for this new kind of beybattling! This is DJ Daichi and I'll see you all later!"

"Wow, Daichi really is good," said Takao watching Daichi behind stage where Daichi made the announcement.

"Did he ever beat you in a beybattle like he always wanted to?" Makoto asked,

"Hmm…" Takao thought about it.

"Of course I did!" Daichi exclaimed walking up to them,

"Oh yeah, you did! But that's only because I let you win!"

"WHAT?! THAT'S IT! Rematch! Right now!" Daichi shouted pulling out a launcher.

"Come on Daichi, take it easy! Besides, you make a much better DJ than a beyblade champion!" said Takao with a smile and Daichi glared at him,

"You're only saying that because you kept your title of our generation…"

"Heh heh…well uh, yeah, I'll be taking Makoto out, I mean…around town to uh…do some father and son things! Later Daichi!" With that, Makoto picked up Makoto and took off.

"…That baka," Daichi sighed, Takao will never change.

"…I got it!" Cam exclaimed after studying the new gear,

"What?" the others asked in unison.

"The best metal to use…is steel," said Cam,

"Steel?" The others repeated.



"Well, I'm up for the challenge," said Gou,

"What?!" the others exclaimed,

"I'm sure we all want to be the best. We want to bring out the best in beyblading. We all want to be as good or yet, better, than our parents before us. If they can take on this challenge, we can too. Otherwise, we can't call ourselves beybladers," said Gou and everyone looked at each other. Then, they all heard the door slide open and Makoto followed by Takao walked in,

"That's right! This new upgrade will bring us some new excitement to this game! And I can't wait to start battling with it!" said Makoto excitedly.

"But Makoto!" Mark wanted to protest,

"Okay fine, if I can't take the heat, I'll go back to bed and recover some more. But I'm not going to give up without trying! I'm not missing the finals for this tournament without trying!" said Makoto proudly.

"Makoto…" Mark stared at his friend,

"We are…" Makoto looked back at Mark, "Beybladers after all. Am I right?" Makoto asked the others with a smile. Everyone else nodded and smiled,

"I'm in!" said Rena standing up from her seat,

"This is will awesome!" said Tai following her example with the others following his,

"I can't wait!" said Gou,

"I'm going to try my best!" even Cam was excited and even confident about this.

"…" Mark looked between his friends.

"Come on Mark, you're out of this tournament, but you're still one of us!" said Makoto holding out his hand to him.

"Makoto…" Mark reached out to take his hand and stood up too, "You're right…I'm a beyblader!"

"YEAH!" the old team cheered.

"Alright new metal system! Bring it on!" Makoto shouted punching the sky.


I fixed chapter 8. I read over it to refresh my memory only to find that it cut out most of the song, flashbacks, and some other parts of my story during Makoto and Mark's battle. If you didn't get what was going on then, I fixed it!

Next: Handling the new system was harder than they all thought! Makoto's the only one unable to control the new system by 2 weeks and sits out of the first round against Tara and Kaiya! Gou and Tai team up again but when Tara and Tai tied their score with a double knockout, Tai left the field with an injury and is unable to continue battling leaving Gou having to win two battles to keep the team in the tournament!


-The Hard Metal System idea was from the manga with the same concept having to use steel to control the new power and having to battle on an open field with their beyblades instead of a beydish.