Author's Note: Yooo! Last chapter finally up! Now it's all about Neji and Tenten! FULL FLUFF! But sorry if it's not as romantic as you all want to. But anyway... ENJOY!

Disclaimer: Gosh, you guys keep on asking till the end, eh? For the last time, I do not own NARUTO! Bwehehehehe!

Chapter 10

The first thing she saw was the blinding glints of Gai-sensei's teeth.



THWACK! If it wasn't because of her wound, Gai must have been in the emergency room. Tenten winced when she moved. The girl then laid back down, grimaced. Lee sat on a chair beside her bed. The boy grinned and said, "Wow… you really are full of youthful energy, Tenten!"

"Shut up! You… Ouch! It hurts…" Tenten winced, slowly touched her belly. She looked at Lee. "How long have I been here?"

"Hm…" Lee looked at the ceiling. "Almost a week… six days, if I'm not mistaken."

"SIX!" Tenten's eyes widen. "That long?"

"Well… you were in a grave state that time," said Lee, smiled. "We all worried about you, losing your youth."

"Even Neji?"

"Ah…" Lee suddenly threw a wide grin. "Neji-kun! Back then, he's just like a bee worried when it sees its flower withers! In fact, he was the one that worried you the most!"

"Don't play joke on me."

"I'm not joking."

"Yeah, right," said Tenten sarcastically, threw away her look. "He's not here by now!"

"He's attending the ceremony at the Hokage's place," said Gai-sensei, straightening. He rubbed his aching back. "We're the only one here now."

"At the Hokage's place?" repeated Tenten, puzzled. "What happened?"

"Oh yeah, we haven't told you yet," Lee smacked his forehead. "Naruto-kun was appointed as the village's new Hokage!"

The ceremony was not as joyous as it should be, but at least all the villagers were there. Naruto stood in front of the villagers; his hand grabbed his triangle hat proudly. In the front line were all of his friends. Sasuke gave his cool smile and Sakura smiled proudly towards him. Kakashi still as cool as he always been but his gazed showed pride. He always knew that Naruto would someday achieve his dream. Naruto opened his hat and shouted, "From now on… I'll protect all of you! Because this village is my family, my home! And because… I'm this village's HOKAGE!"

The last word brought applause from every direction. The sun was shining brightly that day, like the road of Konoha's future.

"Your wound was healing fast," Sakura smiled at her. "I guess you'll be OK in a couple of days. Don't worry about anything, not even the fact that you used the Hachimon Tonku."

Tenten grimaced when Sakura gave her left shoulder a soft push.

"But the Kusanagi wounds are—to use Shikamaru's word—troublesome," Sakura grinned. "But again, not to worry! It'll be fixed soon. But... It's only if you obey what I said! How many times should I told you not to punch or kick?"

"Lee and Gai-sensei asked it themselves," Tenten shrugged. "I have no choice."

"You have, and it is to obey what I said!" Sakura shot a death glare at her. Tenten sighed. She wondered what would kill her first, the wound or the medic herself. "Now, off to sleep!"

"Sleep already?" Tenten stared at Sakura in dismay. "It's still noon!"


"So," Tenten raised her eyebrows. "I don't want to!"

"Sooo… which one will you choose?" Sakura's background changed into the flames of hell again. She clenched her fist. "Sleep by yourself or by my fist! HEH!"

"Okay! Okay!" Tenten quickly pulled her sheet. "Geez! You make me wonder what will be the cause of my death here!"

She didn't know what woke her up but she opened her eyes anyway. Suddenly she felt so thirsty. When she tried to reach the glass of water beside her bed, she was shocked to see that a hand already reached for it first. Neji's hand.

"Sorry for waking you," said the prodigy silently. Tenten accepted the glass, but still didn't release her gaze from her teammate. "Drink it. It'll make you feel better."

Tenten took a sip of it, still stared at Neji. Neji gazed back at her and snapped, "What's with the glare?"

"Well… it's so unusual for you to visit me… in midnight," Tenten added when Neji shot a glare at her. "Well… it's unusual for everyone, I guess."

"You don't want me to be here?"

"Ah! No!" Tenten's face turned red. Neji gave her a questioning look. "I mean, yeah! I want you… NO! That's not what I mean! I mean… ah! I-I mean... I mean I... Er… graaa… umm… ah… Arrr…"

She opened and closed her mouth like a goldfish, tried to explain everything but nothing spilled out. Neji suddenly chuckled, made her closed her mouth and glared.

"What's so funny!"

"You're always full of energy… that's why I love you."


Tenten blushed madly when she heard his last statement. Love her?

Neji moved closer, sat at the side of her bed. Tenten could almost felt her heart temporarily stopped when Neji leaned forward. Neji… being so close to her… So closed that she could look at his white eyes clearly… that she could see how it glimmer, how it reflected the moon beam…

"But that's not the only reason…"

Tenten could only freeze when Neji raised his hand to caress her flushed cheek. The prodigy gave her the warm smile again. His eyes softened when he looked directly to her brown eyes.

"There's just too many reason for me to love you… Or maybe the reason is you yourself."

"N-Neji… I-I…"

She couldn't find a word. Or she didn't have to find any word because Neji cut her off by giving her a very gentle kiss on her lips. The kiss made her hand slipped from the glass she's holding, letting the glass stumbled, spilled some water on her sheet, and crashed on the floor. But none of them took any reaction to it. Instead, Tenten lifted her right hand to embraced Neji's cheek. When they broke away, both of them are panting. Neji smirked, rested his forehead against hers. He looked at Tenten's glimmering eyes and said softly but accusingly, "You slipped the glass, Tenten. It crashed."

Tenten grinned upon hearing his statement. Her eyes were full of amusement.

"Like you care for it."

"Sakura will scold me…"

"For the broken glass?"

"Urm… that too. But she mad at everything. Like running from hospital, for example."

"Is she really that horrid?"

"You'll never know, Neji."

Neji grinned widely when he heard her last sentence. Tenten rested her head on his chest and then glanced at the moon up above. The night wind blew gently, caressed them in its womb. Tenten closed her eyes. Everything that just happened felt like a very nice dream. A dream that she would never ever want to wake.



"You know… before the invaders came in… you want to tell me something, right?"

Neji closed his eyes; a mischievous smile crept up his face.


"So… what is it?"

"Ah…" Neji sat straight, hugged Tenten from her back—eventually forced her to sat as well, let her rested her head conveniently on his chest. He put his hand into his Hyuuga robe's pocket. "Do you really want to know?"

"You know me. Of course it's a yes."

"Will it be a yes too… for this?"

Neji opened a little box in front of her eyes. Tenten's eyes widen. Inside the box was a beautiful ring, and it unquestionably mean…

"N-NEJI!" shrieked Tenten quite instantaneously. "You! YOUU!"

"You said you want to know what I wanted to say," Neji smirked at her reaction. "And this was it. Would you be my wife, Tenten?"


Neji laughed—HE LAUGHED—when Tenten hugged him contentedly. The girl grimaced when the moved hurt her but then she realized it meant everything that happened WAS NOT a dream. It's real.

Author's Note: AND THAT's The End! Bwehehehehe... I never good in romance. So I just trype anything that flow in my head, I don't really like the last chapter... but the choice is YOURS! Anyway... THANK YOU FOR READING! THANKS A BUNCH! YOU GUYS ARE THE GREATEST! (whisper: but don't forget to review! hehehe) Bwehehehehe... see ya next time in my other fics. Hope it'll published soon. Ja ne!