All Locked Up!

Part 9

'Sam wait!' Pat shouted as she finished putting her top on. Sam walked as fast as she could out onto the wing, she was just about to walk down the stairs as Pat grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

'we need to talk, Lou's going back to her office now, so we can go and talk in our cell.' Pat said trying to be civil, but Sam was having none of it.

'what back to our cell that you were shagging her in? I don't think so!' Sam said turning away and walking down the stairs, Sam felt guilty, and she felt betrayed, she didn't really no why, it was none of her buissness what Pat got up to in here, but it was her cell as well that she was doing this in, but what more could she expect, if she had been with Phil then she would have don't the same, she felt horrible now, she had to apologise to her, but she would leave that till later, right now she had to go and find Phil...

'I'm sorry about that, she can fly off the handle sometimes at the smallest of things, she's been through a lot, she will get over it.' Pat said to Lou, who was now dressed, trying to convince herself that she hadn't lost one of the closest friends she'd ever had.

'she will be fine, i better get back to work, otherwise i will end up with the sack and we will have no chance of a relationship, i will see you later.' Lou said giving her a kiss and leaving the room, Pat walked over to the window, she grasped hold of the bars and stared down onto the courtyard below, she had a plan of how to get rid of Buxton now, with or without Sam's help...

Sam saw Phil come out of an empty cell, she quickly walked over to him, and without arousing suspicion she shoved him back in, he looked at her shock, wondering what she wanted.

'i need you to tell the Guv that Pat Kerrigan is planning on Killing Natalie Buxton, but she wants my help, so I'm going to have to help her at some point, to keep her on side, but i need to make sure that Kerrigan doesn't touch Buxton, cos its not Kerrigan i want transferring and sending down on a much longer sentence, its Buxton.' Sam said hoping she had got all the information right.

'ok, i will tell him, but the second it gets too dangerous then i want you out f there, they are both very powerful women, and i don't want them hurting you.' Phil said concerned.

'awww, little Phil has gone all soppy on me, and what's going on between you and Buxton then, you were telling me you loved me earlier?' Sam asked a little hurt.

'I'm doing it to keep her on side, and i do love you, but you said that you didn't love me, so what am i supposed to do, wait for you forever, and anyway when this plan of yours to get Buxton is sorted out then i will lure Buxton to you and Kerrigan, let them have a little scuffle, admit to what she's done, then we can arrest them both, and nail Buxton for good!' Phil said already liking the idea, he really wanted to nick Buxton, he hated her for what she had done.

'fine, i will let you know when its all kicking off, and i didn't say i don't love you, i said it will never work in a place like this, but when were out of here, then maybe we could come to some arrangement.' Sam said smiling cheekily.

'its a date then?' Phil said grinning, Sam nodded her head then left the room, whilst Phil couldn't stop smiling.

Back up on the wing, Sam was walking up to her cell door, she opened it slowly, she saw Pat looking out of the window, she walked in, and shut the door behind her.

'I'm sorry for kicking off like that earlier, it was just a shock, and what you get up to is none of my buissness, sorry.' Sam said quietly, she didn't like admitting when she was wrong.

'thanks.' Pat said without turning around.

'i will help you get Buxton you know, i wont let you deal with her on your own.' Sam said walking to her, she stood next to her, looking at her friend who was obviously a mess.

'thanks, can you do something for me?' Pat asked, Sam nodded slowly.

'i need you to get the keys to outside off of Mr Hunter, i want to kill Buxton out there, i will hide the body in the cellar under the prison, then she can rot down there for as long as she wants, cos no one ever goes down there anyway, so can you do that for me... please?' Pat asked desperately.

'yeah, i will try me best, when are you planning to do this? i need to know everything, so then it wont go wrong.' Sam asked.

'tomorrow night, i wont rest until she's dead!' Pat said walking away, Sam looked away, quite worried, hoping that she was going to be able to pull this whole operation off...

OMG, i didn't realise i had left this fic that long! Sowie! This is turning into more of a horror fic than a TB fic ain't it! lol, hope you liked it, pwease review, and thaku to those who already have!! xxxxx