10 things jim hates about stamford

1. It is a promotion, and hence a pay raise, but the cost of living is higher in Stamford than in Scranton. So just like everything else in Jim's life, it all evens out in the end.

2. His voicemail is full by the time he checks it at 5 every day. The majority of the messages are always from Michael Scott, updating him on all the Scranton branch gossip, such as how Toby dared to buy the last bottle of Vanilla Coke from the vending machines. He listens to all of them, though.

3. "Big Tuna."

4. Stamford is even further away from Philadelphia, which is where most of Jim's friends went after they graduated college and got jobs they didn't hate.

5. None of the desks at Stamford face one another. Even Dwight's face was better than Andy's dandruff.

6. Andy was right about the cute blonde girl; she was crazy. He'd smiled at her politely as he'd passed her by the copy machine, and she'd snapped at him to "stop flirting", she "had a boyfriend", "thank you very much".

7. Josh is an okay boss, but whenever the Scranton branch is mentioned he gets kind of smarmy and shoots a look towards Jim, as if Jim hadn't intentionally transferred himself a hundred miles away.

8. Karen, the girl who sits behind him, never talks to him unless they're in the break room. She's pretty, and doesn't seem insane, but it's awkward when they return to their desks and he can't even turn around.

9. The last time he saw Pam was 107 days ago, and when he looks out of the window beside his desk and sees gray clouds and gray buildings and a few leafless trees, he sees that number stretching on forever.

10. The fact that there are times, like when he actually manages to make Karen smile, when he realizes that he hates it less than he thinks he does.