Disclaimer: I own nothing.
(A/N) Please don't read this if you haven't seen the movie. It sort of contains spoilers and I wouldn't want anyone to feel cheated out of seeing the movie for the first time unspoiled.
This takes place when they're at the party and Skinny steals the Escalade.
The lights pounded and flashed all around Nora Clark. She and Tyler had made up just in time for him to drag her to this party. She had protested, but he had insisted. She agreed to come, and to meet him there.
"Hi, Nora!" Lucy called. Nora spun around. There was Lucy, dancing a little closer than usual with Miles, who looked like he was on the top of the world. Nora waved, smiling. She spotted Tyler and Mac, who were near a window. She made her way over to them. "Hey, Mac. Hi, Tyler!" she greeted them. They glanced at her long enough to say hi, then looked out the window again.
"What's wrong?" she asked.
"Skinny stole an Escalade." Mac said as quietly as he could.
An Escalade screeched around the street corner, almost out of control. Skinny stopped in and put it in Park. "Hey, Mac! Look!" he yelled at Mac. "I got an Escalade!"
Nora retreated from the window. Tyler and Mac hardly noticed. "Skinny, get into the car!" Tyler yelled.
Nora rushed outside, screaming at Skinny to get into the car.
Another car screeched around the corner and three men jumped from it. The people at the party heard several popping gunshots, then the sound of tires. Fear struck Tyler as he realized he didn't know where Nora was.
He ran downstairs and outside, and his heart dropped through the street when he saw not one, but two limp figures in the street. Skinny and Nora. Nora was gasping for breath. Tyler screamed for an ambulance, and someone placed the call.
Tyler knelt beside Nora, gathering her into his lap. "Nora—listen to me. You're going to be okay."
Nora shook her head slightly. "I'm sorry." she whispered almost inaudibly. Then she closed her eyes and was gone.
As rain fell, Tyler gathered her more into his lap and shielded her precious form from the wet. And he cried. Great, racking sobs. He wouldn't hear her voice every day, or see her beautiful eyes. He shielded her from the world, and rode in the ambulance. And he cried.