-1Disclaimer for the entire story: Don't own, don't make money, do entertain.

His Life

Inside a comfortable house on Gryffindor drive, there was a set of twins under the care of ms. Celina Cambridge. Ms. Cambridge was approached by a Mr. and Mrs. Potter to baby-sit their children, for they were planning to go to Gringotts to work out a few financial businesses to ensure the future of their children in the unfortunate event of their demise.

Celina baby-sat every time the Potters went out to regulate their business assets at Gringotts. These 'pre-demise arrangements' only meant that the Potters would be at Gringotts for a few hours more.

These twins were Harry and Corvin Potter, born on July 31st 1980, currently over a year ago. Harry was born first, on exactly 13.13 hours, with Corvin following his brother's path on exactly 14.00 hours.

They were special. Not because they were twins, but because they gained the heritage of their parents: the ability to perform magic. That's right, they were wizards, just as their parents are wizard and witch.

Due to the fact they (the Potters) were under a secrecy spell known as the fidelius, they couldn't just hire any nanny. The nanny had to be magical. Fortunately, they already had Celina for this; a young witch with a good heart and a grade in healing and 'interaction with young people'.

The Fidelius charm worked with a Secret Keeper: the person who knew what the secret was and the only one able to share that information. Unfortunately, said Secret Keeper decided that this day would be the perfect day to inform the enemy of the location of the Potters.

Voldemort sat in his throne when a Death Eater approached him. "Master, I bring news. I know the location of the Potters. It also seems James and Lily are currently at Gringotts." the Death Eater said while bowing to his Lord. "That doesn't say very much, now does it? You have yet to give me the location. Do not let me grow impatient..." Voldemort replied. The Death Eater shuddered. He didn't want to have another cruciatus curse on him, so he quickly replied. "The Potters home can be found at 1 Gryffindor Drive, Godric's Hollow."

Voldemort laughed forebodingly. "How fitting. Gryffindors living on Godric Gryffindor's lands. Too bad Slytherin's Heir is going to make sure they know there are no places to hide! They will lose their 'bundles of hope' today! Let us go immediately!" Voldemort bellowed towards the 12 Death Eaters that were present to hear the location of attack.


Celina saw the skies become grey and dark rather quickly. 'This is not good... I have a bad feeling about this...'. Her suspicions were confirmed when the protective wards around the house were viciously bombarded with heavy spells. 'The kids! They have to get out of here, quickly!'. Celina ran up the stairs towards the toy chamber, where both Harry and Corvin were playing with some animated plush toys. As she looked outside, she saw the golden glow of a dome dissipate, signaling the falling of the last wards. Not a second later, the door was 'opened'. 'More likely blow off its hinges' Celina thought sarcastically. Dreading every moment the footsteps closed in, she drew her wand and took a low, protective stance. Not a moment too soon, as the door to the room splintered inwards. Celina erected a shield to protect the boys and herself from the debris. She was not prepared to meet the face of Lord Voldemort himself.

She decided she would die. A memory from her grandmother came to mind:

"Ahh, I see you wish to work with children that are not yet ready to be educated in the arts of magic. How noble of you! Not many can do so with the passion and conviction you display. These are dark times, Celina... Remember, the life of a child is invaluable. Value it above everything else... Yes... You would be able to use this... Celina, dear. Listen carefully. When you are in a position where you are certain you will perish and in the presence of a child, use this spell which I am about to teach you. It will take the energy you generate when crossing over and convert it into a shield, able to withstand the most lethal of attacks."

She turned her back on Voldemort, deciding to use the spell. It could save the life of a child, even from Him. The problem was there were 2 children present: Corvin, who was huddling himself with his back towards her, shivering in Voldemort's presence, and Harry, who was looking straight into her eyes, standing proud and tall, or at least as much as a 1 year old could. The image would be hilarious, but the look in the great emerald-colored eyes told her all she needed to know: 'Protect my family'. Thus, her choice was made.

She began chanting the spell. It sounded like a reassuring lullaby in an unknown language:

Eco taro hanmiri casurn

Imteri acola tornis lera

Seceri lirest areni deliderum

Solarome aski astreto asesa

Corvin Armonde Potter

She repeated the song 3 times to finish the spell.

Voldemort heard her starting to sing while picking up the closest child and rocking him back and forth in comfort. 'Hah, like a song to soothe the brat will work. Already, she's given up. She's not much fun...' he thought. "Well, well, well... Already giving up I see... Don't worry, girl. You will be followed shortly by the brat. After all, I'm not that heartless, to separate you."

He heard her stop singing and took it as a queue to fire his second favorite spell. "Avada Kedavra." he said. A green light erupted from Voldemort's wand and hit Celina in her back. In a final spasm, Corvin was forced away from the falling body. Harry saw the green jet of light his Celina, saw her eyes go blank, and saw Corvin being rolled to the side, where Celina's wand dropped, bathing in a very shallow orange-ish glow, which dissipated as soon as it came.


"One down, 2 to go..." Voldemort said with obvious happiness in his voice. He saw the one year old on the right walking over and stepping in front of the other boy, looking up defiantly, without any trace of fear. Voldemort aimed.



"Avada Kedavra." Voldemort said in a gleeful voice.


Harry saw the beam coming closer and closer towards his head...


The green spell reflected in Harry's eyes as if they were blazing, burning with raw power... The spell almost struck Harry's head...


The spell made contact with Harry. What happened next would be forever be engraved into the minds of the Death Eaters standing guard outside. A feral roar was heard coming from the house, shaking everything in a mile radius. The entire house that was above the toy chamber disappeared in a bright green explosion, rocking the foundations of all houses in the block, shattering anything brittle.

The Death Eaters didn't believe the sight. It was like the top half of the house just vanished. Nobody saw their Lord as well. Deciding to cut their losses, one of the Death Eaters cast Morsmordre,making a skull with a snake tongue appear in neon green above the Potter residence before Apperating out like the wind. The others soon followed.

Corvin kept his eyes closed. He felt miserable. This person that came into the house felt cold. Dark. Wrong. The person made him shudder in fear. Then, a mighty roar and a big bang later, the fear was gone. He opened his eyes... Wide... The house was gone. A wand was next to his hand. 'Daddy's stick?' he thought. Picking the wand up, Corvin started to do what any normal 1 year old would do in his situation: cry. Cry like hell and hope mummy came around soon.

She came. After about 3 dozens of Aurors, who were dumbstruck at the site before them. "Harry! Corvin! Celina!" Lily screamed while running into the part-ruins without thought after getting over the initial shock. She found them all in the toy chamber. Celina was lying lifeless, face-down in the middle of the room. Corvin was less than 2 feet away from Celina's body, clutching the wand. And Harry... Harry was in the far corner of the chamber with a peaceful smile on his face, lying unconscious in the shadows.

After making sure both of her boys were fine, Lily calmed Corvin down, which resulted in Corvin falling asleep. Both boys were checked for injuries. Both had received a scar. Corvin had 2 cuts that resulted in a perfect image of a crescent moon on his left forearm, where Harry got a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead.


"Are you sure? There's nothing you can do about it?"

"No ma'am. It seems the blocks on his magic, like you created them, were ripped away, together with the most of his ability. We believe it was due to severe traumatic shock. His magical level is now barely above that of a powerful squib."

"Oh no... Will he ever recover?"

"Well... If he can get over this trauma, he might be able to gain enough to become a normal wizard, but he'll probably never reach above the amount of potential that you hadn't blocked, which is to say... Limiting his magical career chances severely. Add to that the possible brain damage that comes with trauma's of this seriousness, he might not even be able to communicate normally anymore. I'm sorry, Mrs. Potter..."

"And what about Corvin? Is he like that as well?"

"No. Corvin is almost the opposite: his blocks were dissolved due to an unknown spell effect that made him generate a shield to block any lethal assault with his freed magical capacity, which is probably what made him survive in the first place. My prediction, Mrs. Potter, is that your son here, actually survived the killing curse due to this spell and his magical capacity. We rebound his magic, so we won't be having too much of accidental magic around, though..."

The original power block was supposed to suppress 40 percent of Harry and Corvin's power. Corvin's block was reinstated as a 2 level block: 1 for the original 40 percent and 1 temporary one (until he was 11) for another 30 percent. Harry's block was believed to be removed due to the traumatic effect triggering accidental magic, removing the block with it's contents. Little did they know; Harry was protected by the burst of 'accidental magic', giving the curse nowhere to latch on but the power block. This caused the block to become almost indefinable and locked over 95 percent away, effectively making him look like a squib. Harry could feel the removed magic, making him feel lonely and thinking it was unnecessary to speak to anyone.


The conversation between the healer and Lily Potter wasn't a very comforting one. However, based on this conversation, combined with the results of the Aurors' investigation led to a startling discovery: Voldemort was there, fired multiple killing curses and just... Vanished without a trace. No magical residue of other spells, no Apparition signature, nothing. It's as if He just disappeared from the world.

Naturally, this news brought cheers to many around the world, where glasses were heaved. "To Corvin Potter! The Boy-Who-Lived!" was chorused throughout the world.


"What do you think, James? The kid isn't going to recover his magic, nor will he be able to have a decent magical life like this. He never spoke a word since then. Next to Corvin, he's a bit of an embarrassment. Do you think we should let him go to the muggle world to have a muggle life?" Lily asked her husband, with a little concern for both their reputation, as well as a little bit for the fact a squib is very looked down upon in the wizarding world.

"Well, we'd better make sure he himself doesn't remember the magical world, then. You got relatives over there, right? Let's get them to take care of Harry. Should be easy enough..." James said, pondering the course of action towards Harry.

Too bad sentient magic with unquestioned loyalty to their master doesn't react well towards intrusions.

James and Lily went to nr 4 Privet Drive and laid a sleeping 2 year old Harry on the doorstep. "Obliviate" James said, aiming his wand towards Harry's forehead.


Harry opened his eyes just in time to see the light green spell hit his head, eyes filled with a blazing emerald color. When the spell hit, his eyes glazed, indicating the successful effect of the spell. James and Lily apparated away without a second look.

Harry's glazed eyes refocused, while a steady stream of green magic surrounded his head. His memories of the past 2 years were locked away to be recovered later. The magic that countered the removal of memories was also affecting Harry's mind in such a way, that knowledge would be far better remembered and recollected. Doing so drained Harry of all magic accessible to him at that time.


With that, Harry fell asleep, only to be awakened by a screech from his aunt, who found him on her doorstep with a note explaining the situation very vaguely.

It became apparent to Petunia and Vernon Dursley very soon, that Harry understood their words quite good at an early age, combined with his ability to walk on his own. This resulted in the effective 'little' chores list. From only 3 weeks after being 'taken in', Harry was already forced to clean the house, keep up the garden and cook every meal, only to receive corporal punishment when something wasn't done perfectly, and mental abuse constantly.

The routine of corporal punishment and malnourishment were increased after Petunia got so frustrated with the unruly hair of Harry, that she millimetered his hair with the exception of a bang to cover the scar. Overnight, Harry's hair had grown back, making the Dursleys think they weren't harsh enough.


Harry is 5 years old, coming on 6. Currently, he was not the most lucky guy.

"Boy! What did I tell you? No breaks until the entire garden is done!" Vernon yelled while grabbing Harry in his collar and throwing him into the living room. Harry fell onto the floor, shoulder first, with an audible snap. After a week in the cupboard without food and barely any water, and only 1 toilet trip a day, Harry wasn't standing very solidly on his feet, much less was he able to keep his focus and strength to weed the garden entirely.

Harry thought 'What did you expect, mr. Wiggling Wail? I'm not really 'in shape' thanks to you...' while sitting up, wincing at the pain in his shoulder. Pain was no stranger to him. He looked up to Vernon just as he was given a hard slap on his temple making him see stars while flying into the wall, dislocating his other shoulder. Wincing again, Harry thought 'Why me? I didn't do anything wrong, and I try as hard as I can, but nothing will stop this punishment. I wish I was in a place I can call a safe home...'


Just as Harry prepared himself for the incoming hit by Vernon when his vision went blurry and Harry passed out.

Vernon was about to hit his nephew a second time when the kid's eyes glowed up for a fraction of time and the kid just disappeared with only the sound of a gush of wind.


Harry stirred. He opened his eyes and felt pain in both his shoulders. He noticed he was in a forest of some kind. Not a regular forest, but a... Different one... It felt not-normal.

The trees were a darker shade of green then those in Surrey, where the leaves matched the grass in the mowed lawns in color.Also, the trees towered up to the sky, with a very dense roof. There was plenty of space between the trees though, which was filled up with different patches of grass, moss and bushes of different sizes, varying between ankle-high to up to 8 feet.

Harry heard a twig snap and looked in the direction of the snap. A man in a shimmering dark green cloak approached him. Just as he looked up into the eyes of the man, Harry passed out in exhaustion.


The man was returning to his peaceful little cabin as he always did in the daily routine of a summer day, when he heard a rustling of leaves and a small thud. He turned around with speed and grace not normal to a human being and saw a little child stirring, just off the path. He immediately noticed the swollen shoulder on the right and the dislocated one on the left. As he was walking up to the child, trying not to startle it, a twig snapped under his boot and the child looked into his direction. 'Oh my... Those are the eyes... He has the eyes!'. The man saw the child pass out. 'Heh... If he is one of them, then he will need little help from me. Let's see how he learns his ways in nature...'

After healing the child's injuries, the man moved towards his little abode with a little smile on his face. 'I have something to do again! Let's see how he does!'.


Harry woke up. The first thing he noticed was the lack of pain in his entire body. Second was a little group of snakes coming closer.

What do you thththink? The great onesss would appreccciate a meal like thththisss, right? the black little adder said. Harry was surprised to be able to understand the snakes. 'Why me?' Harry thought as the rattlesnake hissed He'sss awake. Maybe we ssshould kill him now and get him to thththe great onesss.. Harry certainly didn't like the sound of that. Why me? I ssswear, sssomeone is probably laughing hisss asssss offff right now... Harry said, or actually hissed out loud. The three snakes were startled. He ssspeaksss! He ssspeaksss our tongue! the black adder hissed in excitement. The Boa constrictor whirled over Harry's body and bound his upper body with his mouth near Harry's ear.

Do not move, young SSSpeaker. We ssshall guide you to thththe great onesss to be judged. the Boa hissed. Yeah! FFFollow usss! the adder hissed excitedly while slithering away. Harry glanced towards the Boa's head to see it nod and Harry followed the black adder and the rattlesnake.

The man watched the interaction with eyebrows high up his hairline. 'He speaks as well! Parseltongue! At such a young age no less! Interesting...' The man's face lit up as the child walked away following the snakes. 'No more worries for the boy if the snakes are going to bring him in front of the others to be judged.' the man pondered while walking back his home.


As the company of snakes and human reached a clearing in the forest, the Boa hissed Great onesss, we humbly requessst your presssenccce for a judgement on a SSSpeaker.. A few moments later, 4 Egyptian Asps appeared. All were about 4 feet long. A SSSpeaker you sssay? Long time sssinccce we seen a worthththy one... The lassst young SSSpeaker wasss... Disssappointing...' one of the Asps hissed. Harry looked at the 4 Asps and a ridiculous thought he hissed out loud: Great onesss my asssss! Compared to thisss Boa, they're like midgetsss... The snakes were a bit taken back by this statement. The Boa reacted first by contracting and hissing SSShow ressspect to our leadersss, however the contractions were ceased immediately, combined with being slack-jawed as far as a snake could be when all 4 Asps began hissing in a way that could only be taken as laughter. I-I believe thisss SSSpeaker needsss-sss further j-judgement! the most right asp said, still shaking in laughter. The others could only nod in agreement. After getting themselves back together, one of the Asps hissed Leader of the Sour, approach! Your judgement isss required!. A Beautiful green snake with a red and silver pattern across his head approached and hissed You requesssted my presssenccce, great onesss?. Yesss, we did. We need you to judge hisss mind and sssoul. one Asp hissed. The Sour-snake nodded and focused his eyes upon Harry.

Sour-snakes were known for their magical ability to read one's mind with a magical form known as Legilimency, as well as see a soul.

The Sour-snake engaged his ability and effortlessly penetrated Harry's entire mind and soul. His life with the Dursleys flashed by and the soul looked utterly corrupted.


Just as the snake was about to look into the first years, the snake's mind was captured viciously. On the outside, the Sour-snake shuddered violently.


The snake shivered in fear of the roaring demand. Keeping his cool as much as he could manage, he hissed The SSSpeaker isss being judged in mind and sssoul.


The unbreakable grip on the mind of the snake was released and with a closer look, the snake noticed the corrupt cage, containing the true soul.


The words echoed in the mind of the snake before he was ejected from Harry's mind quite forcefully. The snake shivered. He then turned to the great ones. Great onesss. I have fffound mossst disssturbing thththings. Thththe SSSpeaker isss needed to learn mind defenssse, asss demanded by Sassisss.. The Asps gasped while the three others looked confused. Very well then. Teachchch thththe SSSpeaker mind defenssse. Sassisss hasss ssspoken and thththisss SSSpeaker isss proven worthththy. Meeting disssmisssssed! The Asps left after this statement and Harry looked confused as the Boa released him and moved away with his 2 companions. Harry turned to the only one left. SSSo... What am I ssssupposssed to do now, intruder offf mindsss? What shshshould I call you anywaysss? I don't plan on calling you intruder offf mindsss every time. It'sss too long offf a name... Harry hissed. The Sour-snake hissed in mirth. I am thththe Leader of thththe SSSour-sssnakesss. I don't carry a ssspecccific name. Hmm... Then SSSoury it isss. Harry replied. He cocked his head to the side and nodded decisively. Yup. You look like a SSSoury. SSSo, where to now? Harry hissed.

The snake looked torn between being belittled and being in fear for the wrath of Sassisss. Finally, he hissed FFFollow me. You will learn mind defenssse fffrom me for the coming 3 moonsss. You will offf courssse sssupply yourssselfff withth fffood.

Harry looked down. But SSSoury, I'm not usssed to grow up in a ffforessst and asss sssuchchch, I don't know what'sss edible and what isss not.. At that time, the little 3 feet long black adder came along. SSSo the SSSpeaker needsss a guide, eh? Me and my partnersss can help withthth thththat, afffter all, we fffound him fffirst! the adder hissed enthusiastically. The adder slithered up Harry's leg and ended up around his left arm, while his head stuck out next to Harry's left ear. Ooh. Niccce and warm. he hissed contently.

The Boa and rattlesnake shook their heads and the Bos hissed How did I end up in thththisss messss... Harry, being too tired to comment on it, wisely chose to shut up.


True to his word, Soury instructed Harry in the arts of the defense of the mind. Being the only thing besides exploring to do, combined with his improved mental capability, made Harry progress well beyond expectations. Normally, it would take a human at least double the time to learn mind arts, but no, Harry had to be special again. He picked up the arts as fast as a Sour-Snake hatchling, which was pretty quick. Harry found that with the mind exercises came the ability of almost photographic memory. Suffice to say, with help of his new companions, the forest was explored soon enough.


One day, they even found a cabin, where a man sat down in a chair.

The man was tall, about 5'9" and had a smile on his face. "I was wondering when I'd be seeing you, young Speaker." The man's smile grew bigger as harry's eyes reflected the shock and astonishment. The mind defense arts of the Sour-snakes are effective in guarding all thought pattern, how insignificant they might be, from any outside view, rendering Legilimency effectively useless, both in use on and by him.

However, this could not be said about emotions. These were still easily read in his eyes. This gave the perfect image of a boy in mental shock. The man fortunately knew the state of mind achieved by mind defense. Since he was a speaker as well, he was also educated in the arts, though not extensively, but sufficient.

"Well, well, you don't have to speak to me, but I'll speak to you. I've observed you from afar these last 10 weeks, and you tend to care about animals. Therefore, I'll give you something special. 2 books and a set of special knifes. Make sure you read the instructions carefully."

The man placed the package on his porch and moved inside. After he closed the door, Harry approached the package and looked at the books. They were emitting a light glow. 'Strange. They glow like some of the snakes do, as well as some other animals... Oh well, it probably doesn't matter much...' Harry thought. As he picked up the knife set, he read the two titles: "Magical Healing on humans or otherwise, Self-Updating edition" and "Bloode-magicke: Bloode-Rhunes And Bodey Arts, Apprentice Bounded edition".

'Magical healing? How am I going to do magic? That's not possible...' Harry thought.


Suddenly, in a burst of pain, memories flashed through Harry's mind. The memories of his first 2 years. Harry felt dizzy and could tell, through his training with the mind, he was having alot of unguarded memories.

'I'd better get those sorted as soon as I can... After dinner.' Harry thought. He left the sight of the cabin, taking the books with him.


Harry had sorted his memories, and was silently crying. 'I'm a wizard. They think I'm worthless, better off without my parents, better off in a world where I'm hated.' A look of grim determination washed into his eyes and while he wiped away his tears with his battered clothes, he made a promise to himself.

"I will show them my worth. I shall be just and fair to all alike and face everything they can throw at me, and stand victorious in the end!" he said out loud.


The forest hummed in anticipation and a feeling of peace came over all occupants of the forest.


Harry had started with the magical healing book. 'Got to know how I can help the best.' Harry thought. 'Everywhere they talk about a wand. I don't have one... Oh well, I'll learn it by heart anyways, since you need the knowledge to make any medical spell effective...'

After completely reading the magical healing book from cover to back 3 times, Harry could dream the content, which he did, the following week. The last night however, while updating his mind defense, he came into a meditative trance, which gave him a comfortable feeling. The picture of blankness disappeared and a pond appeared. The pond was calm, until Harry touched it. The rush and small tickling feeling took him back to the real world, where he noticed a rattlesnake hissing quite a few obscenities while hovering on Harry's eye-level. Damnit SSSpeaker! Get a grip on your magic! the rattlesnake hissed. The snake promptly fell down, with Harry looking shocked.

'How cool! I can lift things!' Harry thought. 'Wait... Isn't that supposed to require a wand? Oh man, not another little oddity!' Harry groaned. The rattlesnake rattled dangerously and hissed Don't do thththat again! SSSnakesss aren't meant to fffly around! and turned around to slither away. The black adder poked his head out. You think you can make me fly too? he hissed hopefully.

From that day on, Harry had a new mid-day activity: flying snakes.


Harry's control over the flying black adder steadily became better and better. The first few times, the adder was hitting tree after tree, due to lack of control, but the adder was able to maneuver his body in such a way, he was able to prevent large and painful collisions. Harry also wasn't able to try very many times since he tired easily.

The neglect and withholding of proper amounts of food was no longer a problem, as the snakes made sure 'their little speaker' was well fed and able to hunt for his own food after a month of explanations on what was edible and what was poisonous. So the problem was the lack of practice in magic.

The adder believed the rush of flight far outweighed the crash-landing-emergency-courses. I'll be needing landing ssskillsss when we go into long-dissstanccce-catapulting. I'm looking ffforward to thththat too! was the giddy reply of the adder. 'Mental, that one...' Harry thought.

Harry found out, that the pond he came across in his mind was most likely his magic pool after a conversation with Soury. This theory was about to be confirmed.


Harry was on strip-search for food and fruits again. He stopped by the river to drink when he heard faint sound coming from across the river. Luckily, it wasn't more than 15 feet across. What he saw, was a unicorn, lying on its side, nasty deep gashes in the belly and multiple scratches across the legs.

Harry rushed over and mentally reviewed the pages in magical healing on unicorns. Their anatomy didn't differ much from horses, just that the organs were magically supercharged, thus the body as well as the magic needs healing.

He fell down in the stream, cutting arms and legs on sharp little rocks in the riverbed. Cursing in Parseltongue, he rushed towards the unicorn. Harry kneeled in front of the wounded creature and tried to cover the worst gashes with his hands. Unicorn blood was soaking him. 'Right. Magic. Spell. Got to try, right now. First I have to access my pond and then I have to say the spell and imagine the spell effect while pushing out as much magic as I can. Right. Let's get this going.'

Harry was so focused on getting his magic and pushing it out towards the unicorn he forgot to voice the incantation. Harry was pushing as much magic as he could into the unicorn as possible, while trying to keep the wounds from bleeding too much. He was getting exhausted and sweaty very rapidly. The cuts on his arms and legs were feeling like they were burning. His wounds were covered in blood of the unicorn. Sweat trickled down his eyebrows into his eyes, under his glasses. Without thinking, Harry brushed his sleeve, which was drenched in unicorn blood, through his eyebrows and eyes, trying to remove the sweat. Pain shot through his eyes and he had to close them. Tears were forming and streaming down.

'Shit! This hurts! I don't have time for this! Ok, Harry! Focus! Magic! Healing unicorn!' Harry yelled in his thoughts. So, with tightly closed eyes, which were releasing tears freely, and burning arms and legs, Harry continued to poor magic into the wounds in an attempt to heal the unicorn. Harry didn't know how far he succeeded, as he couldn't see a thing with his eyes closed, but passed out after his magic pond was about empty.


A few hours later, Harry stirred, feeling very exhausted. He looked up and saw the unicorn. It was still bleeding, but it looked no longer in grave danger. The deepest gashes were reduced to shallow cuts. Still pretty serious, but nothing a magical being as magical as a unicorn can't survive.

Another unicorn was standing over the wounded one, with glowing horn. The gashes -that what was left of them- closed rapidly.

Harry blinked. His vision was... Foggy at best. He removed his glasses to rub his eyes but stopped, after thinking about the unicorn blood and the trouble it caused and looked around. His vision was as sharp as it could be. 'What the... No way! This isn't possible!' Harry thought while heading towards the river to clean himself and his clothes of the blood.

He was washing his clothes and body in the cool stream, which was making him shiver in the wind. 'Funny, I could've sworn I had cuts on my arms and legs from my fall in the stream... Oh well, I'm not complaining...' Harry thought. He looked into the water upon his reflection and gasped. 'Wow... I didn't know I had green eyes with a silver edge... Cool!'

As he finished up cleaning his robes and washing up, he looked over to the unicorns. Seeing the once wounded one standing up, he smiled. His smile turned into an expression of shock when the unicorn bowed towards him. When the unicorn looked up, it made a sound which could be interpreted as a laugh. The unicorns retreated into the depths of the forest. Harry was still standing in the stream, gob smacked. His body 'shook' him out of it. 'Shit! Cold! Aargh!' Harry thought as he jumped out of the water.

He spread his robes on a patch of grass and lay down next to the robes in the sun to dry up.


WHEEEEEeeeeeeeeee... A little splash was heard, confirming the successful hit. Moments later, the black adder came up to Harry. You hit thththe water again! Thththat'sss 9 out offf 10 triesss! the adder hissed excitedly. You're getting better, thththough I prefffer flight, to be honessst... Well, I thththink thisss isss enough fffor today. I ssstill have to get sssome fffood, and I wasss curiousss about thththisss blood magic book. I wanted to make a ssstart on it thththis afffternoon. Harry replied. The adder pouted.


Harry got the blood magic book and opened it. Inside, he found nothing but a blank page. To his surprise, words started to appear on the page:

Welcome, potential apprentice. To see whether you are capable and/or ready to start the powerful and dangerous art of Blood Magic, you will need to drop 10 drops of blood on this page, after pricking yourself with the Blood Addition Knife.

The words dissolved after a few moments and a picture of the knife appeared. It looked like the smallest knife in the set he got from the man. Harry picked the knife from the set and pricked his finger, letting 10 drops fall onto the pages.

As the 10th drop hit the pages, Harry felt the cut heal up and his mind completely scanned. Because this was a scan done through blood, there was no possible defense, but blood magic, which he hadn't learned yet.

After a minute, the book glowed and looked as new. The cover held a new line on the bottom: 'Property of Harry James Potter'

Harry saw new words appear on the pages.

Young apprentice, you have potential, that is for certain. However, your young body cannot yet handle the stress of Blood Magics, therefore you will need to wait until your 8th birthday to open me again for further instructions.

The words disappeared and didn't return. After 30 seconds of waiting, Harry sighed and closed the book. 'My 8th it is, then. I should get more books for in the meantime. Magic is interesting.' Harry thought after standing up.

'Maybe the strange old man has some more books.' With those thoughts, Harry went out to find the cabin. When he arrived, he looked through the window and saw that the man was stirring in a large pot that was over a blue fire, emitting green fumes.

'Blue fire? Green fumes? I don't know anything that's supposed to do that...' Wondering, Harry walked over to the door and knocked.

The man opened and his eyes lit up after seeing the boy on his doorstep. "Ah, I was wondering when I'd see you again. Have you memorized both books? I bet the survival book came in handy, correct?" the man said with happiness in his voice. Harry looked confused. What are you talking about, old man? Thththere wasss one on magical healing and one on bloodmagicsss, nothththing on sssurvival. I've memorizzzed thththe medical one, but the bloodmagicsss book wouldn't allow more reading until 'My body wasss able to handle the ssstresssss' or sssomethththing along thththossse linesss. A sssurvival book WOULD have been convenient, thththough...

Harry hissed agitated.

The man was surprised. "I could've sworn it was a medical book and a basic survival book..." he muttered barely audible. "Oh well, you survived. So, what brings you here?" he asked to change the subject.

Harry, well aware of the subject dodge, replied Well, magic isss interesssting, ssso I wasss wondering ifff you have any more booksss on thththem. Thththough, I could ussse sssome thththat don't go on and on about thththossse 'wand' thingsss.

Now, the man was surprised again. 'Wandless magic without practice, yet still be able to control it? At such a young age? By the staff of Merlin, what's going to become of you?' he thought. Quickly snapping out of his daze, he thought about various things to be able to practice magic without wands or other focuses. 'I couldn't do it until after I magically matured the second time around my 50's, but he doesn't need to know that just yet. Oh boy, he is going to change the world!'

With that, the man began explaining the exercises to bring out your magic into solidity outside the body to increase control and 'practicing the magical muscle'.

Oh yeah, old man. What are you cooking? I don't know any recccipe thththat needsss blue ffflamesss and emitsss green fffumesss and isss actually edible.

The man laughed and said "Obviously, you have never seen the power and subtlety of potion making. You have two main branches of magic an accomplished wizard must be able to do, which are the 'wand-waving' thing they go on and on about in the books, and potion making. Potion making is a combination of cooking and putting magic in the ingredients." Harry grimaced at the mention of cooking, but lit up at the magical adding of it. 'Maybe this is more useful than cooking and less... Painful.' Harry thought.

The man saw the lighting up and offered teaching in 'the underestimated art of potion making', which Harry agreed to, and so, the coming 2 and a half years, Harry learned diagrams, reactions, magical addition to ingredients, where to add and where to not add magic (Magical ingredients more often than not do not need any adding magic until they are in the kettle, mixing with the rest) and the old man became more and more engrossed in the potion making and rather capable assistance of the young boy. 'The adding of magic to potions is a lost art these days.' were the thoughts of the old man, contently watching his young charge finishing something that was called 'Skele-grow'. With the addition of magic, it tasted alot less gross, was more liquid, and had a light yellowish blue shade instead of the greenish yellow it normally had. Besides the more comfortable taste, the efficiency of the potion was increased, because the non-magical ingredients being charged with the potion-maker's magic, making the potion half as painful as well as three hours less time-consuming in doing its work. On the 20 hours it normally uses, 3 hours isn't that much of a difference, but still, it was a definite improvement.

Harry had learned of his magical affinities helping him in potion making. When 'touching' ingredients with his magic, a feeling came to him whether or not it would fit into the potion he was making, giving him an intuitive brewing style. After a year of ignoring the sickening feeling when making potions that failed, he started following his feelings and almost never failed a potion again... Well at least he never blew up a cauldron again. Also, the intuitive timing was alot more effective than the timing described in the recipes, since every potion has ingredients of different freshness, making the time needed to cook or to cool vary quite often.

The gut feeling was especially useful when making the more difficult potions, such as 'Skele-grow', 'Re-vitality' and the 'Post-Cruciatus' potions. Potion makers around the world tried to successfully produce an acceptable version of the last, but only a few succeeded without the adding of their magic to the potion, which made it barely acceptable. Though with adding magic, several ingredients needed to be switched. You couldn't use dragon scales in combination with magically charged oak cinders, but you had to use magically charged white sea hawk feathers to have a successful mixture. An acceptable Post-Cruciatus potion was red, like a ripe tomato. An almost perfect Post-cruciatus potion was a darkish blood red, being over two times as effective in repairing the nerve damage.

Blood red Post-Cruciatus potion was therefore in high demand, but almost not accessible to most. Only the magical hospital 'St. Mungo's' had a small supply coming in every 3 months, courtesy of an unknown source: the old man. But the hospital doesn't know that little fact.


It's the 8th birthday. Harry had accomplished a near-perfect Post-Cruciatus potion, making him pass his Potion Practitioners Exam. As a prize, he received a fully stocked trunk, with built-in (magiced-in actually) greenhouses for the more controlled magical plants and those that needed special environments such as high heat or blistering colds. Long live multiple compartments.

Potion maker rankings, according to the standards of the old man, came in 5 rankings:

Potion Student: the beginner, can't do anything. Learning the first stirring techniques and such

Potion Novice: the novice, can do simple potions and knows his reaction charts

Potion Practitioner: the trained potions student, able to do most potions without supervision, and allowed to do so

Potions Creator: the potion maker of a caliber to be able to break down potions on ingredients by taste and smell, and being able to create potions to suit their purposes.

Potions Master: the potion maker of a caliber where one can remodel an existing potion with poor ingredients and still achieve a superior result.

The old man was always grumbling about the 'lousy potion makers calling themselves masters in the field.' According to him, most 'Potion Masters these days' could barely scrape the bottom Potions Creator level. "A real Potions Master knows to add magic. It's a bloody MAGICAL SUBSTANCE!" Safe to say, the old man was the only one Harry could consider a Potions Master with that logic, which made him double his effort to try and achieve the same status, as it was a most useful magical art to know.

Harry initially complained about the size and weight of the trunk, but the old man took the last two weeks to get Harry shrink and unshrink, feather-weight and de-feather-weight objects without the use of a wand. Since every morning, the old man and Harry practiced magical control, it was difficult, but not impossible.

Harry immediately stored his books in his small library (4th space in the trunk of 4, 1st being normal storage space, 2nd and 3rd being climate-controlled greenhouses) which had grown up to 30 books, 28 of them about potion ingredients, reaction charts and potion recipes, with 7 of the thicker ones being handwritten by himself, with mostly corrected potion recipes due to magic adding, all being supervised and approved by the old man.

Harry still went out into the woods to play with the snakes and to find his own food, healing the occasional animal he came across. (the word 'animal' being used for any being not considered humanoid, not in a negative way whatsoever)

It was time to open the big book on bloodmagics once again. Harry was in his favorite clearing, sat down and opened his book.

Welcome once again, young apprentice. I see you have reached your 8th birthday. I also see you have practiced your control over your internal magics. Helpful indeed. To begin, we will need to attune your body to the ability of being able to do bloodmagics. The upcoming ritual I will describe, will be taxing and need to be done precisely. To see which ritual you are most suited, we shall do a small preparation ritual consisting of one series of runes on your inferior arm. This means, when you are left-handed, as you are, you will need to cut the runic series in your right arm, from your hand palm towards the inside of your elbow.

The ink disappeared and a runic series of 5 runes weaved into each other came into the picture. Text once again appeared under the picture.

Practice this series of runes until you are sure you can do them flawless. Open me anytime you wish to check the series to practice, and when you feel confident enough in your ability to do the ritual, drop 5 drops of blood onto the pages once again.

The writing disappeared and the picture remained. Harry, excited to be able to do another form of magic, began practicing with one of the practice knives in the set, always doing this in the afternoons, after he finished his time with the old man, which was in the mornings. After a week of practicing, Harry dropped 5 drops of blood onto the pages and waited for further instructions.

After a few moments, new writings appeared after the picture disappeared.

Very well, young apprentice. Find an open space and prepare your Small Ritual knife, as shown below.

A picture of one of the smaller knives appeared.

Next, cut the runic series into your right arm beginning in your hand palm, constantly applying a small stream of magic into the knife. Do not worry about blood loss; the ritual, when completed, will heal all cuts. Proceed when ready.

Harry sat down in his clearing and grabbed the correct knife. 'Here goes nothing. No pain, no gain...' With that, Harry began cutting while applying magic into the knife. Harry's gut feeling played up once again. Having learned to trust it, Harry began fine-tuning the magical stream.

He was partially in a meditative trance to banish out the pain. His magic began guiding the knife, very gently suggesting where to cut, where to turn, how deep to cut and how fast to let the knife go through the lines. Within a minute, Harry pulled out the knife, having finished the runic sequence, when the runes glowed up, healed the cuts, leaving nothing behind. This took 5 seconds. 5 seconds after that, a blinding pain shot through Harry's right arm knocking him unconscious immediately.


Harry woke up and groaned. His right arm was a little stiff and both arms stung a little. 'Damn. That hurt. I sure hope any other rituals don't hurt that much, or I'll reconsider using this branch of magic...' he thought.

He opened the book and new letters appeared.

Ah, welcome again, young apprentice. I see you successfully completed the attuning and mirroring ritual. You can now use your right arm and hand as well as your left and vice versa, making you effectively ambidextrous. Weaknesses that were in your right arm but not your left, were compensated with the abilities of your right, and vice versa.

You managed to achieve a ritual efficiency of 86 percent. A very fine achievement, since with an efficiency of over 80 percent, the ritual is fully effective, the last 20 percent just being pain-reducing the more effective you are. Ritual efficiency is a combination of cutting time, cutting length, cutting depth and amount of magic poured in the knife per cut.

Your control is good enough to be able to complete any ritual you want to do, but your ability to handle a knife as well as your knowledge on the shape of runes need work. So, I will become a study book on the runes that can be applied to unlock bloodmagics. When you have learned all that I am going to show you to learn, drop 5 drops of blood into the pages once again.

The writing disappeared and pictures of runes appeared with small lettered descriptions on the applications and efforts to be placed in different situations where the runes are applied.

'Runes. I heard about those. So blood runes are different. Maybe I should ask the old man more about runes when I'm finished with this...' Harry pondered. He sighed and looked up to the sky. 'I've been out cold for about 2 hours, I think... Time to gather dinner...'

With that, Harry's day schedule became like this:

Potion lessons with the old man


Amusement with the snakes and a bit of healing when needed while gathering food for dinner

Learning blood runes till nightfall

This schedule was applied for a whole year.

Potions took increasingly more time, leaving less time to study runes in the evenings, but the potions knowledge and brewing experiences were very useful when Harry learned most rituals also used potions and chants besides the runes. Potions also became increasingly dependant on cutting. Since some potions required fresh-cut ingredients, Harry no longer could take his time in the preparation to carefully cut the ingredients and was forced to improve his speed and efficiency with the knife, which would be very helpful with blood magic runes.

Another very surprising event was the encounter with the Ancient One.

Harry was gathering food, specifically apples and blueberries. 'this will make a good side dish with the rabbit legs I have left from yesterday. He was on his return route and looking for animals that required healing when a 'bloody huge snake' came into his vision. The snake was in striking position looming over a shivering unicorn. Harry, having the knowledge of the cursing properties of the blood of a unicorn, forcibly taken, ran to the unicorn at best speed while 'yelling' Ssstop! Don't eat thththat! It'sss not good for you!.

But Harry was too late to stop the strike, and the 'saving stuff' mentality kicked into overdrive making Harry jump in front of the unicorn while pushing out as much of his magic as he could to shield himself from the impact of a 50 foot snake. The magic was not enough to prevent the frontal fangs from piercing his skin, making a small dose of the poison be injected into the shoulders, as that's where the fangs pierced. The snake, startled by the unexpected outcry and resistance, focused magic into his eyes to be able to see what he just had bitten, saw a human of all things standing in front of a unicorn.

The most unexpected thing however, was the fact that the human was still standing while looking straight into his eyes. Thththank Sassisss I bit thththe human and not thththe unicorn. Thththat would've causssed unnecccessssary trouble withthth thththe herdsss... Bloody eyesssight! I hate roossstersss! the snake hissed in irritation.

Harry was weakening under the effects of the poison running through his veins. Bloody wonderffful way to go. Jumping in fffront of a 50 foot sssnake to sssave him fffrom eating a unicorn. Sssplendid. Harry said out loud, surprising the snake once again.

You ssspeak, young one? I have heard rumorsss of another ssspeaker judged worthththy roaming in thththe ffforessst, yet I did not expect to run into you on sssuch an occasssion. It wasss not my intention to harm you like thththisss.

With those words, Harry passed out. He was encircled by a glow of magic that seemed to originate from nature itself. Words were whispered in the wind:

Blood of the Light, freely given, strengthen the bonds of the soul

Poison of the Dark, forcibly given, guard the body and mind from control

Judgment of Magic, free Your Chosen from Nature's Toll

Judged, executed and given, Nature shall no longer claim her doll

Magic tapestries in certain places were updated with a small addition to the name Harry James Potter. The name gained a shadowy addition "-Evans -Black" and "(LI)". These additions would be noticeable for those who look for it, but for the rest, it just seems a small blotch with a 'notice-me-not' charm.

When Harry came to, he was being watched over by several snakes. The Ancient One, as the giant snake was called, was there, with the Great Ones and the three snakes Harry pulled up with the most of the time.

Harry groaned. Bloody hell, I have a headache.

The snakes stopped their discussion. One of the asps looked upon Harry and asked Are you alright, young Ssspeaker? You underwent one of Nature'sss mossst potent ritualsss. I mussst sssay, you sssurprissse usss time and time again. he hissed.

Ritual? What ritual? I didn't do any ritual... I'm not supposssed to do any yet. was Harry's surprised reply. The asps could only shake their heads.

The Ancient One chose this time to speak up. Young ssspeaker, you have proven yourssselfff worthththy onccce again, sinccce not many can claim thththey withththssstood the glanccce of a Basssilisssk. I have heard offf your capacccitiesss in healing asss well. Thththerefffore, I have a requessst to placcce. Could you try to heal my eyesssight? I encountered a fffew roossstersss yearsss back, and while it did not kill me, it did damage my internalsss to such an extent I can no longer sssee very well any more. A basssilisssk, contrary to other sssnakesss, dependsss much more on hisss natural eyesssight then on the tassste offf thththe sssurroundingsss, which makesss it diffffficult to hunt, asss you no doubt have ssseen, fffor normally, I would not dare to ssstrike upon a unicorn.

Harry was lost in shock after the 'glance of a basilisk'. 'I looked into the eyes of a basilisk and lived. What the hell is wrong with me?' Harry thought. He was kicked out of his stupor by a nudge of the black adder. Young Ssspeaker, you need to anssswer the Ancccient One. the adder hissed.

Oh, sssorry, I wasss kind offf lossst in thththe part where I lived afffter looking into your eyesss, actually... Harry nervously said towards the Ancient One.

I sssee. Well, I asssked you ifff you could heal my eyesssight, fffor it wasss damaged when I encountered ssseveral roossstersss. Could you help me? In return I will teach you the Tongue of Emotion.

Hissing came from all sides. he isss a human! We can't let him into thththat, even ifff he isss blesssssed by Sassisss!

SSSILENCCCE! the Basilisk thundered. It isss mine to teach, and he will have to prove hisss worththth onccce again. Now, young ssspeaker, what isss your anssswer?

Harry, who has pulled up with snakes most of his life in the forest, was eager to learn more about snakes and would love to learn more about them and their ways. What better way to learn of their ways than from them directly?

You make a very interesssting proposssition, Ancccient One. I ssshall try my bessst to heal you, but I cannot guarantee anythththing. Besssides thththat, I fffeel drained right now, so I thththink we shshshould try thththsss anoththther day, sssinccce I'll probably need all thththe energy I have fffor thththat.

2 days later, the Basilisk and Harry met on the clearing with several spectators surrounding them. Ancccient One, I will need to fffire a ssspell into your eyesss which will give me thththe inffformation about your injuriesss, sssinccce your eyesss are thththe only placcce where sssuch a ssspell will work properly. It will probably sssting. Harry said nervously. He had reviewed his medical book on Basilisks just in case he missed something the last time, but this seemed to be the only way.

Very well. I hope it isss worththth it, young ssspeaker.

Harry launched the spell and interpreted the information that was returned while the Basilisk hissed in annoyance of the spell's stingy effect. It ssseemsss thththe magical conduitsss in thththe back of your eyesss have ruptured, making thththe magic leak away, where your eyeballsss absssorb thththe leaked magic on the outssside, ssslowly deteriorating thththe eyesss. I can fffix it, probably, but I'll need to puncture the eye to have my magic effectively reach thththe magical conduitsss and your eye damage on the back. I can't sedate it, sssinccce thththe sssedative would interfere withthth thththe magic for the conduit. In ssshort, it'll hurt like hell and you can't blink until I'm fffinishshshed. Do you ssstill want to proccceed? Harry asked

Yesss. It jussst keepsss getting worssse and worssse, and ifff a little hurt can fffix it, thththen I'm fffor it. The Basilisk replied, preparing himself for the pain.

Ok, thththen I will ssstart now.

With that, Harry performed a medical piercing spell and began healing the conduit first, the back of the eye next and finally the puncture wound. The process took 10 minutes in total for one eye.

phew. Thththat'sss one. Now the next. You ready?

The basilisk blinked several times before nodding. Get it over withthth. he hissed irritably. Getting an eye healed in such a way hurt. Pretty badly.

Another 10 minutes and Harry was done.

Ok, it'sss done. I recommend you don't ussse your 'glanccce' fffor anoththther week. Your eyesssight shshshould improve over thththe next 3 daysss and in a week it'll be asss good asss it hasss been. Let me check up in a week to make sssure. With that, Harry passed out, due to magical exhaustion.

The Basilisk lashed out with his tail to catch Harry before he fell to the ground in a heap. He gently placed him gently under a tree. Thththank you, young Ssspeaker. Until we meet again. with that, the adder stuck around to watch over Harry, while the rest of the snakes dispersed to do their things.

A week later, Harry did a check-up and found no discrepancies anymore, in which the Basilisk thanked him once again. They make arrangements for Harry to meet the Basilisk for the lessons on the Tongue of Emotion every 3 days in the evening. This language worked with Parceltongue, though very minimally and the conveyance of emotions towards the other. This required additional mind training, as the defense was totally focused on hiding thoughts and not projecting and receiving emotions. The Tongue of Emotion was a language, where all scaled animals could communicate with each other. Snakes, crocodiles, dragons, wyverns to name a few.


The Blood Runes book proved to be a wealth of information, since after Harry dropped the 5 drops of blood onto the pages, the rune descriptions disappeared, and the next text baffled him even more.

Welcome again, young apprentice. Since you now know your blood runes and have improved your handling of the knife, I will introduce you to the next part of a ritual: the chants. Mostly done in the Druidic and Egyptian tongue, you will need to learn these languages to perfection. I will be able to hear you, and I will be able to let you hear the correct pronunciations.

With that, a link was formed through blood between the book and between Harry. This signaled a two year period of constant studying of languages in the evenings, which cut into potions time and dinner finding time, but Harry managed. The old man looked thoughtful and nodded when Harry explained the time loss. The last 3 weeks of July, however, was solely focused on Potions, since the old man announced him worthy enough for the Potions Creator Exam, which would bring him on par with most current potion makers considered Masters.

The test was hard. Harry had to work with limited supplies and had to create a potion that could successfully counter the venom from a bite by a young Green Welsh dragon. What was hardest, was the fact that there were almost no magical ingredients present, so Harry had to charge his ingredients to get the desired results. Normally, that would not be a problem, but with the ingredients offered, it was, since it mattered on how much magic you put into the ingredients what kind of effect it had on the potion.

Harry was exhausted, but happy, when he completed a successful potion, that worked as good as a specialized potion made with unlimited supplies.

The old man surprised him even further when he said that the test was actually the first part of a Potion Masters test. The next two days, Harry was subjected to several potions to break them down without tasting them and without knowing the name, so by scent and texture alone. Grueling fumes that could be hazardous and boiling substances that could bubble out of the cauldron when misinterpreted and a little too much fresh air was present.

However, Harry passed the tests, but barely. The old man was more than happy and gave Harry a special piece of parchment, declaring him an accomplished Potions Creator with Mastery. To get a full Potion Mastery, he would have to learn more under the old man. At least, that was what the old man said.

The parchment was supposedly a magical declaration of skill, valid all over the world. The parchment being in old format, made it valid as a declaration of Potion Mastery in the eyes of any ministry, since real Potion Masters were deemed 'no longer existing'.

The Parchment was signed by the old man in full name and surname. The name didn't say anything to Harry, but many would either shiver in fear, or faint in disbelief at the sight of the parchment, because of the magical dating spell that could not be deceived. The old man also added a little obscuring charm, making the viewers of the parchment see and remember the name long enough to validate it, but not long enough for the viewers to spread the word on it, with one exception, being the passed student, Harry James Potter.


Over time, Harry completed several small Bloodrune rituals to improve his control over his magic and to decrease the loss of magic when channeling without a focus. With a particular set of runes, Harry could open 'Magic conduits' on different parts of his body. Normally, a wizard has two main conduits, being his left or right hand palm. With the runes, Harry opened conduits on the end of his index fingers, as was advised by the runes book, so he could simulate wand movements. The after-effect of opening a conduit, was a little pain with a sense of euphoria, which led to Harry applying the set of runes on all of his fingers and even his nose.

Of course, to be able to use the conduits, Harry had to implement a set of control runes, which hurt like hell, because they linked the conduit up to the magic pond. Harry, being a little perfectionist, wanted to perform them on all conduits, which led to 11 painful nights and loss of scent for five days.


Nearing his 11th birthday, the Bloodmagics book found it time for the judgement of the soul.

Hello again, young apprentice. It is nearing your 11th birthday. I think it is time to increase your magical core, so you will be able to learn the magic that the rest of the community has to offer, besides the blood runes you have been doing up to now. It is time for you to go to school.

For that, you will need to increase your magical potential. Most of yours is locked away, and to unleash it now, would be deadly for you. Without unlocking your blocked magic, you need to increase the size of your unlocked potential.

Unfortunately, there are only 3 rituals able to do so without you losing some of your senses like smell, sight, touch etcetera. 2 of them would not be able to increase your potential enough to be able to do magic like an average wizard.

The last ritual is called 'The ritual of Nature's Judgement'. You need to double your current unlocked magical potency to be noticed by a magical learning institution. Only Nature's Judgement is able to offer that increase. Of course, this depends on the Will of Nature and the Will of Magic. I advise you to have someone as back-up to take care of you when the ritual completes, because depending on how successful you can perform this ritual, you will be knocked out for 5 to 15 days. Open me again when you have found a reliable person to do this task.

The text disappeared, leaving a numb and dazed Harry.

Harry considered this and asked his three serpentine friends to be there when he performs the ritual. The Boa constrictor, Black adder and Soury agreed to be there and watch over him. The next stop was the old man. When the old man heard the name of the ritual he paled.

"Are you sure you want to do this? It indeed has the potential to do what you want, but it can also backfire upon you. I have heard you have only once to try, without practice, and even then, if you're successful, your magical core can be diminished because Nature judged you to be 'too well endowed'." the old man explained restless.

Harry thought about it. 'I have done several things with bloodmagics and magic has assisted me in all I did. Besides that, I wonder what Nature thinks of me.'

"I want to perform this ritual, old man. I want to know Nature's Judgement." Harry said in normal English, shocking the old man, since Harry never talked in English before. This projected Harry's seriousness.

The old man finally nodded. "I will look over you. Just make sure you get the best deal, ok?"

The old man winked at the last bit. "You'll need a special place to perform this ritual. I'll be able to make you a ritual chamber specifically designed to handle this sort of magic."

"No need. It is between Nature and Magic, so I will perform it in the clearing I usually spend my time, not cooped up in a chamber, locked up. No, Nature'll probably need the space. Can't have it cooped up and have an agitated decision, now can we?" Harry replied cheekily.

"Well, if you're certain... I will look over you from the edge of the clearing then. When will you perform the ritual?"

"Tomorrow, on my birthday, at noon."

"Very well. See you tomorrow then."

The next afternoon was quite a spectacle. The sign of 'Nature's Judgment' was a circle of runes, 2 half circles of 13 runes to be exact, which were mirrored to each other. They were to be inscribed into the stomach with the navel being the exact center of the sign. Harry opened the book to see the sign. And saw he needed to begin with an incantation in ancient druidic.

'Oh well, here goes nothing...' Harry thought as he saw his 3 snake friends and the old man at the edges of the clearing. He sat at the exact center and picked up his smallest knife, which was the knife he felt most comfortable with.

(D)I invoke Nature's Judgment. I stand before thee of my own will. Let judgment be passed. By Nature, By Magic, So Mote It Be.(D)

With that, Harry begun inscribing the first rune. When the knifepoint first pierced the skin, Harry felt his magic steer him even stronger then before, guiding his hand, taking away the pain of the cut to a point it was little more than an itch.

At the finishing of the first 13 tunes, the sign began to glow, and an eerie green glow came over the clearing and began swirling.

The magic kept guiding the knife while another whisper came in the wind.

Judgment invoked

Thy art pure of soul, yet burdened by the dark

Thy claim to have no ill will, but to learn, so learn thy shall

Magic what of thine opinion, heed this call

Thy have the will

Thy have the bonds

Thy come in good faith

Thy come to learn

Who areth ours to hinder such a queste

Judgment invoked

With that, several magic tendrils launched towards Harry as he finished the final rune of the circle, connecting both halves. The magic tendrils reached Harry and went into the navel, delivering excruciating pains, which knocked Harry out almost instantly.

Judgment passed

Thy wish shall be done

So Mote It Be


With those whispers, the green glow brightened up to rival the sun and swirled into the skies, slowly dissipating, leaving another 2 parallel runes in the middle of the circle, before the circle faded out of sight.

The spectators, temporarily blinded by the spectacle, were silent.

The old man came out of his stupor and reached for Harry to get him to his cabin, only to encounter 3 angry hissing snakes. Don't touch him, human! We shshshall defend him and you will pay dearly ifff you do not ssstop thththere!

The old man smiled.

It does me good the young man has such loyal friends, however he came to me to take care of him while he is not conscious. If you wish, you can accompany me, but he must be taken care of while he is out. the old man replied towards the snakes.

The snakes, initially baffled by the fact that there was another speaker in the woods, overcame this soon enough.

The adder decided to slither up to Harry's arm as he did more often, and the rattlesnake and the Boa Constrictor went on their way, satisfied by the fact that their friend was watched over.

In a magical castle, somewhere in Scotland on an Unplottable place, a letter was inscribed.

To: Harry Potter

Cabin In The Woods

Azkaban Forest

To Be Continued

So? What y'all think? Gimme some reviews.