She saw herself in the ruins of concrete that were once towering buildings that represented strength and power, her body being whipped by the savage winds, staring at the object hanging over the sky, threatening to crush everything under its huge bulk.

She suddenly found herself flying in the air, fighting a giant dragon she never saw before. Blue fire against black steel, and up above her the sky suddenly darkened and it began to rain.

She was crying as she saw her friend die, as that cruel sword pierced her body and robbed her of her dreams. She wept as her friend was taken outside, and lowered into that deep lake.

"Hey…" Aerith woke her up quietly as she shook her shoulders, and Yuffie was blinking as her eyes adjusted to the darkness, as she saw Leon and Cid resting in their respective sleeping bags. "You've been moaning the whole time. Are you alright?"

She tried to remember, but the images disappeared quickly and vanished in the recess of her mind. "It's nothing." She replied, instead, "Just a weird dream."