Cait Sith always considered himself as a jack-of-all-trades. He's practically been everywhere and has seen everything. He traveled to the four corners of the world, faced an evil megalomaniac and his alien mother, survived three different global disasters and his overwhelming schedule in the WRO… but nothing prepared him for this scene.

Buried under three covers of fleece blankets, her futon surrounded by cold medicines, empty instant noodle cups carelessly scattering the floor, and all the windows of her one room house closed, making the entire place completely dark in the middle of the day, a blurry eyed Yuffie Kisaragi lifted her head and stared at the mechanical cat in obvious annoyance. "I thought I told you in advance that I can't go to work this week." She wheezed.

"You look like crap." Cait said matter of factly and added quickly before her well known temper would kick in despite her obvious sickness. "Came to see how you're doing…"

"By entering a private residence and seeing I'm sick?" Yuffie snorted. "Yeah, I'm just peachy." She glared at him again, "how the hell did you get your annoying ass in here, anyway?"

"Least you sense of humor is intact. Everyone's tryin' to contact you and got worried."

"The phone makes the headaches worse." Yuffie murmured, covering her head as she struggled to get herself some rest. "So I turned it off. You guys can live without me for a little while, right?"

"Actually, the HQ's pretty much quiet to the point of being eerie. Even Vincent was forced to play some music to fill in the void."

"Don't tell me… hit singles from forty years ago." She could sense Cait shuddering as the cat murmured "Those were the songs my granddad used to listen to…"

Yuffie gave a laugh, or as much as her body would let her, imagining a perplexed Vincent seeing his co-workers getting more bored by his new found hobby.

"Man, you look worse for wear, and this place is a dump. You should definitely get someone to take care of you." Cait said solemnly. This made the young ninja removing the blankets from her head again with a look that would have immediately boiled cold water.

"Cait, you're starting to sound like my dad." She said. "Don't say that again or I'll kick your ass, sick or not."


"He keeps telling me I should get married soon so that the next time I get bedridden there's someone who'd watch out for me." She rolled her eyes. "It's just a common cold. Everyone has that. And I've been doing fine on my own, healthy and sick, ever since I was ten."


"Of course I have to ask people to buy me food and medicine and stuff. And someone to watch out for the cats." She gave him another baleful look, "And I'll definitely make sure the door's securely locked after this."

Cait sat down, watching his friend burying herself in the blankets again, as though afraid to show any weaknesses. "I'm just saying… if you need us. For anything at all, we'll drop everything and come here as fast as we could."

The silence from Yuffie's side was a little too unnerving for him, but felt vastly relieved when her muffled voice answered. "You guys better live up to that sentence."

"Of course we will. You can trust me."

"I'll see you next week then." Yuffie said, "So I can kill you myself for illegal entering. You know the way out, I suppose, since I can't lead the way right now?"

Cait was slightly disappointed that the sick ninja still didn't take up with his offer to ask one of their friends to visit her. But in a way, he can see why she did. Everyone else had been too busy with their own lives. He, himself, was pushing it by this visit as well. And as she said lightly it was just a cold… she had always complained how sadistic he was by letting her work late hours, so it's good to see her getting some plenty of rest. "Yeah, but before I go I have to give you a message... 'Please get well, from everyone'."

Another long silence from the girl, as though the words he just spoken was in a language alien to her. "Tell them thanks. I'll bring sushi next time." She replied. Her voice was muffled underneath the blankets, so the little cat couldn't tell what she was feeling right now. Quietly, he left her privacy without saying his goodbyes.

But that conversation apparently did some good for the young ninja after all. She got well almost immediately within three days, and visited everyone she learned to love, bringing the sushi as promised.