To the end…

To the end…

Disclaimer: I do not own Pirates of the Caribbean I do own the new characters, plot, and ideas… same thing lol!

Chapter one: Tales from the old…

"But weren't you dead?" Elizabeth asked, asking the same question on everyone's mind.

"Aye Ms. Swann, I was very much so dead," Captain Barbossa smiled, "thank ye for asking."

"But… how?" Elizabeth muttered looking at him as he tossed his green apple down and walked down the wooden steps.

"I see ye two have found ye'selves a new crew?" the captain said looking at his two old crewmates from the Black Pearl.

"We thought ye were… deceased Captain," Pintel said looking up at his old captain.

"I will not count it against ye," Barbossa said to Pintel then looking to Ragetti who was rubbing his wooden eye making a scratching noise.

"Sorry, Barbossa, we didn't know," Ragetti said standing up tall, "how did you end up alive?"

"Ragetti," Pintel yelled a whisper before nudging Ragetti with his elbow.

"What?" Ragetti asked looking over to everyone who was obviously wondering the same question, "I was just a little curious."

"Never the less we are curious," Will Turner said not wanting to look at Elizabeth after watching her kiss Jack.

"That, Mr. Turner, be a tale fer another time. What we must talk of now is how badly ye would like to get back your most beloved Jack Sparrow," Barbossa said sitting in one of Tia Dalma's wooden chairs. The witch like lady known as Tia Dalma looked around the room as if reading each individual's mind.

"Captain, Barbossa," Elizabeth said remembering Jack's final minutes… because of her, "Captain Jack Sparrow."

"Aye, Captain Jack Sparrow I had forgotten. Well how badly do ye want to get your, captain, back?" Barbossa asked looking straight at Will.

"What is in it for ye? And how do ye think you can help us?" Mr. Gibbs asked standing besides Cotton and his parrot.

"I have, as ye know, been to the end of the world and back. I know the way in, as be the way out," Barbossa said smiling as if nothing had happened to him.

"What is it you get out of this?" Will asked wanting to get to the point.

"For someone who wants his captain back so…" Barbossa could not finish before Will interrupted.

"He was not my captain, but he was my friend," Will said looking at Barbossa who had tried to kill him and Elizabeth, all though now all he went through for her seemed like it was for nothing.

"Either way, for someone who be wanten Jack back so badly, your putting up an awfully long struggle against me help," Barbossa said looking at Tia Dalma who listened patiently.

"We aren't trying to push you away Captain Barbossa…" Elizabeth had regretted what she did, but before she could even finish what she was going to say Barbossa cut her off.

"Why should I help ye? After all ye put me in that dreaded place," Barbossa said taping his foot impatiently.

"Well…" Elizabeth tried to think of something, "You tried to kill us…"

"But did I kill you? If I am right… ye helped Jack kill me did ye not? But nonetheless I want something, and I do not have a crew. So if we can strike an accord then I will take ye there, and bring ye, probably not all of ye, out," Barbossa said standing up with a serious face. Everyone was finally out of the shock of Barbossa still being alive, and now trying to figure out what he could possibly want in exchange for taking them to the end of the world.

"What, exactly, do you want Barbossa?" Elizabeth asked reaching her arm over her chest so she could grip her shoulder.

"I would like to meet me daughter," Barbossa said before crossing his arms.

"Your what?" Ragetti asked opening his eyes so wide his wooden eye nearly fell out.

"Excuse me?" Will asked pushing off the wall and uncrossing his arms.

"Yes, I have a daughter and spending all that time in that… place, got me thinking. My whole life I missed out on somethin' that I should have been there for, but I was so involved with lust and power, and then I got that bloody curse and I knew I'd never have the chance to meet thee daughter I had," Barbossa said looking around the room feeling the chilly breeze of the night.

"Why do ye need our help?" Gibbs asked not understanding, "how hard is it to go and find her?"

"I know where she is, I know exactly where she is…" Barbossa said pausing a moment.

"Oh no, she is in jail isn't she?" Gibbs said leaning back into his chair.

"No, she is not in jail," Barbossa nearly laughed at that, "She be too much like her mother to be put in jail."

"See that's where I had it wrong, I thought she might be like ye," Gibbs sneered, "I don't like this at all…"

"If ye don't want my help then fine, good luck finding anyone else willing to help ye. I can find more men who will help me get me daughter," Barbossa said shrugging walking towards the door.

"Wait!" Will said biting his lip for a moment, "it is true you can find others to help you find your daughter. So then why ask us to help in return for helping get Jack back?"

"Because I need people I know will help, besides it will not be an easy task alone to get me daughter," Barbossa said leaning on his hand against the table.

"Ok tell us of what exactly the plan is…" Will said looking at Barbossa with seriousness.

"Well we be having to kidnap her," Barbossa started out, "she doesn't even know I exist so it will not be easy to persuade her. So the easiest route be kidnapping her."

"Your own daughter captain?" Pintel asked curiously.

"Yes me own daughter Pintel," Barbossa said sighing.

"Hmm, sounds easy when do we get started?" Pintel asked standing up.

"Not easy Pintel," Barbossa said smiling slightly, "but easier then what you get in return."

"Tell us Barbossa, who exactly is she?" Elizabeth asked crossing her arms.

"The daughter of the queen of England," Barbossa said as if it didn't matter.

"What!" Marty yelled making everyone look down at the crewmember half his or her size.

"The king is dieing, she soon be pretty vulnerable and easy to access," Barbossa said looking at them.

"It doesn't matter everyone, let's just go and get it done. We've got ourselves a couples days journey… and we don't even have a boat," Elizabeth sighed before leaning back.

"That is where you are wrong Ms. Swann, follow me," Barbossa said standing up and walking out the door.


"Your father wishes to speak with you Meira," the queen said walking out of the kings bed room where a reddish brown haired girl along with two blonde haired girls and one brown haired girl sat waiting for news.

"What about us mother?" the oldest blonde haired princess asked curiously.

"Well, he didn't mention you… perhaps when he is done talking with Meira," the queen said sitting down next to her other three daughters.

"Why? She's not even his real daughter," the beautiful blonde haired girl said flipping her blonde hair.

"Annabel! I've heard enough!" the queen yelled before Meira shut the door. Meira walked to her father in her lovely satin tan dress.

"Papa," Meira whispered bending onto her knees and holding his hand.

"My Meira, my beloved Meira," the king said swallowing hard trying to catch his breath.

"It's ok you don't have to say anything," Meira felt a tear dripping down her face.

"Even though you are not my daughter by blood Meira, I was still there when you were…" the king began to cough but spoke up before Meira could interrupt, "I've always loved you as my own, I took care of you when you were born… you were my first daughter. Meira… I'm so, so proud of you. Which is why I choose you to be next in line… you ARE to be my successor when you marry or when your mother dies."

"Papa, it's fine choose…" Meira wasn't able to finish.

"That is my final word Meira, I've already written it down. You are the future queen, rule with the best of intentions; you are smart and brilliant Meira. Take care… of the people… and, find your real father he's still alive. Meira I just want you to be hap…" all of a sudden he stopped talking.

"Papa? Papa? Father!" Meira cried out as she shook him a little. Tears flung from her rich blue eyes, "I will… I promise I will take care of our people…"

"Meira I heard… are," the queen's mouth dropped, "no!"

"Momma," Meira cried as her sisters ran in, "he… he's…"

"I can see that Meira!" the queen cried out before turning and running out of the room. Meira kissed her dead fathers cheek before walking out of the room.

"Good job Meira you've upset our mother," Annabel said her long blonde curls cascading around her. Meira didn't say anything just left.

A day had passed and the burial finally took place. Meira had hid from the world, hid from the people hunting her down. They were reading out the will stating who got what; Meira got the crown as her father had told her. Meira sighed as her sisters screamed and yelled. Meira did not know that soon her sisters would be plotting to dethrone her. The coronation ball symbolized the end of the king and the beginning of a new king. She was then crowned as the future queen; next inline would be Annabel, then princess Carina the second oldest daughter, and then the youngest Marianna. The people were not to happy that the king died before having a son to rule, the girls would not be allowed to take up there place unless they married or their mother died. Meira danced with all the eligible men but her mind, and her heart were in another place. When she got back to her room she began to take off her beautiful necklace and undo her hair so the long brown red hair hung down in curls.

"Why can't I look more like Annabel?" Meira asked herself looking in the giant mirror.

"Because you are more beautiful then she is," a familiar voice came from the doorway of her room.

"Mother," Meira said turning around her beautiful crown still sitting on top of her head.

"I'm sorry that I've been the way I have been. It's just with your father dieing," the queen couldn't finish her words before feeling teary eyed.

"Mother I have a question," Meira asked remembering her father's final words.

"Yes Meira," the queen said wiping her eye.

"Where is my real father?" Meira asked looking up at her mother.

"What? What do you mean? I told you he died at sea, by… Pirates," the queen answered a little suspiciously.

"Papa said he is still alive. Who is he really?" Meira asked feeling slightly angry with her mothers obvious lie.

"Meira look, he is not… fatherly material. I figured your father, well your sister's father… made a good fatherly figure. He was a good man I was betrothed to him when I met Barbossa… and I thought I was in love. I ran away for a while and ended up pregnant, and then Barbossa ran off after some gold and left me here. The king still married me fore he understood the heart of someone young like I was, then when Barbossa returned I was already married and I told him to leave. He was a bad man Meira an accident," the queen said seriously.

"Then so was I," Meira said in shock of her mothers words, "why did you lie to me!"

"Meira!" the queen yelled in shock of Meira raising her voice, "calm down you must understand…"

"Leave," Meira said looking to her mother seriously.

"You cannot tell me what to do Meira I am still the queen," the queen said standing up while her green dress flowed in the breeze.

"I am nineteen do not treat me like a child. I am the future queen, and I want you to leave," Meira said trying to not cry. The queen stomped off slamming Meira's door letting Meira know it was ok to cry. Meira sat down letting the tears pour. She stopped sobbing when she saw a shadow crossing the wall, "mother I told you…" Meira grasped as a hand covered her mouth and the other lifted her up while she kicked and screamed. Then another pair of hands grabbed her around her waist and pulled her out the window. Meira screamed, but a hand covered her mouth again as they drug her off. The other figure walked out the window. For nearly ten minutes they dragged the kicking and screaming princess through the courtyards, and far away. Finally she was dropped on the ground and she saw a hooded figure walk her way and reveal herself, "Annabel?"


"Was that?" Gibbs asked watching two dark figures dragging a crowned girl in a maroon red dress.

"I think someone else beat us to the princess," Will said pulling out his sword.

"What do we do?" Gibbs asked as Marty looked up at them.

"Let's get em'," Marty said lifting his short sword.

"You heard em' let's get em'," Will laughed before running off followed by the two. In a few minutes they saw the girl on the floor looking up at three cloaked figures and two men.


"Annabel? Carina? Marriana!" Meira said looking at her sisters in shock then to the other two males, "why are you doing this?"

"Because I want to be queen, I am full blood… your only half Meira, you don't belong here with us. You could not make a good queen, Meira no one wants you around so… we're going to get rid of you," Annabel said before turning around and walking away. When they were out of sight the two men walked towards her.

"Please… please don't," Meira said tears filling her eyes as she backed away. She covered her eyes as their swords came down towards her. She heard a cling and assumed they'd missed. Then something gripped her arm lifting her up. She squealed kicking and punching trying to get them to let go. She felt hard wood as she was tossed onto something wooden. Strong hands held her down as someone pushed the boat out into the sea. Finally she felt arms on her again, and felt someone pulling her up the side of a large ship. Meira hit the floor on her hands and knees while looking up at all the men looking at her. She didn't even look back to see the men who kidnapped her. She saw a man with a gray beard walk out, "please whatever my sister paid you… I'll double it. Just don't kill me, I swear they can have the crown!"

"Princess I am not going to kill ye. I do not even know who ye sisters be," the captain said laughing.

"Look, I don't know what is so funny here. What do you want from me!" Meira screamed obviously pretty distressed.

"We wish for ye company princess. I promise no harm shall come to ye," the captain said walking towards her making her scoot back.

"Please, please release me I am of no value to you," Meira said biting her fingernail.

"Ye be wrong your highness, ye be of great value to me. Show her t' her room," the captain said softly looking at her before turning. She looked so much like her mother. Men lifted her up and guided her down the steps to the rooms. Elizabeth walked passed her and smiled slightly before turning her head and walking forward. Meira walked into the room and looked around, it was very nice… but still she had to find away out. She waited a moment before turning to leave, she decided to jump off the boat… she was in luck they didn't lock the door. She only hoped she could still swim; it had been ages since she last swam.

Authors note: I saw the movie and decided they left such a great cliffhanger I'D write my own. It's different then my usual stories so I am sorry if it's not great, any HELPFUL nice criticism is helpful. Praise for good things also is good! Thanks for reading! Sorry it is a lil rushed, you have to fight just to get ten minutes on the computer here lmao!

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