Chapter 1: Prologue.
It is hard to tell what the test of time will do to a person; let alone a country. The actions of men are not always justifiable, and there will always be hatred and anger. All throughout history man has been hungry for power and has discriminated against whatever was different and unknown.
So was the case in the New World. A country undiscovered and untamed, where ancient civilizations and colonizing empires came together like the crashing of the waves and the flashing of lightning. The destruction and turmoil caused the weak to disappear into history and the strong and the powerful to carry on into the future. The people that survived the colonization were enslaved by the settlers and made to work for very little. Many worked and died in the fields; earning scarcely enough to feed their families. But, as luck would have it, many were able to assimilate to the colonial mindset and so they were able to get on in the world.
Once a part of the Spanish claims, California had been run by the same kind of government as Mexico and Spain. Many of the people that came to live in California show traits of the ancient people of Mezzo America and the Spanish settlers. Soon children of their descendents came to lead the country under rule of Mexico and Spain.
As the American continent moved into modernity, the leaders, the Dons of California, moved along with progress. They had taken the steps to break away from the grips of the Spanish and the Mexican governments that had held them so tightly for so long. The people of California voted to join the United States of America, even with civil wars raging between the states and the people of California rejoiced. It was not the end of the problems that the people would have to face but a brand new beginning.
In the years following the vote, change was gradual. The influence of the state guards would have to move into California and the old mindset of the former rulers and old families would have to adapt to the change in climate. Still, the prosperity of the United States was alluring and many still flocked from all over the world to settle in America. California became a multicultural brewing pot for Mexican and Spanish settles trying to escape dictatorial rule.
The cities were in transition from the power of the Dons to the government of the state. The Dons remained key figures in the running of the state and as leading men in the aristocracy as they knew the land and the people that were in their employment. Hope for the future was high and yet, the lowest of citizens had not been touched by any of the goodness and charity they had been promised. The growth in population made it even harder for those hoping for prosperity to find it. It was not easy for the people of the South Western American.
The struggle to find balance in an ever changing world, where good and evil are had to distinguish is where this story begins, with the lives of two men fighting to live a life of wealth and privilege but working for a country that was full of discrimination and poverty.