Chapter 8 I'm not too good with the fighting scenes so bare with me.

Botan's eyes widen at seeing Riku where she once was. Bardock's fist clashing with his forehead. Botan looked to see Yusuke had never moved. Blood dripped down from Riku's head and ran down his face to the end of his chin where it dripped and hit the floor. Riku clinched his teeth, his hair started to flow as his power level stared to increase. His eyes turned red. He slowly rose to his feet and forced Bardock to pull his fist away.

"How dare you try to hurt BB!" He yelled his fist balling up. Botan crawled over to Yusuke's side. Riku swung at him. He easily side stepped him. Riku continued to try and hit him. He just easily continued to side step him. He punched Riku in his stomach. Riku leaded foreword in pain and more blood came out of his mouth. Bardock elbowed him in his back. Riku slammed down into the ground creating a small dent. Bardock walked over to Botan and picked her up by her hair. She yelped a little.

"This is odd. I never knew you had a sister Musica." He said and turned to her. She crossed her arm and looked away from him holding Botan like that. For some reason she couldn't explain it but she hated seeing the girl in pain like that.

"I don't." she said.

"Get your dirty hands off her!" Yusuke yelled as he stood back up. Bardock threw Botan to the side. Yusuke ran towards him and tried to kick him in his face. Bardock blocked it and Yusuke went to punch him. Bardock side stepped him like he did Riku not to long ago. Yusuke punched him in his face. Bardock's face hardly moved in inch. Yusuke's eyes widen in shock. Bardock kneed him in his stomach before kneeing him in the chin. Yusuke flew into the air and landed in a tree hitting almost every branch before he hit the ground.

Bardock tuned around just in time to catch Riku's fist. He began to squeeze it until he heard it starting to creak. Riku let out a small cry of pain as he tried to pull his arm back. Bardock started to punch him repeatedly with his free hand. Yusuke jumped up and ran towards them Bardock turned still hold Riku and threw him at him. Yusuke caught him but slammed threw the tree he fell out of.

"That's it!" Kewabara yelled as he ran towards him. Sasuke jumped in front of him. He punched him in his face. Kewabara skid as he hit the floor. Sasuke creaked his knuckles as he smirked.

"Your fights with me." He said as Kewabara stood back up, whipping at his cheek. He ran towards him as his spirit sword appeared in his hand.

"I'm going to cut you to pieces you over grown ape!" He yelled as he swung at him with his sword. Sasuke smirked as he dodged every one of his attacks. He punched him in the face then in the stomach Kewabara stumbled back and Sasuke raised his arm. A yellow energy ball appeared in his hand. He threw it at him. Kewabara tried to block it with his sword. The energy ball went right threw his sword and it hit Kewabara in his chest. Kewabara let out a cry of pain as it ripped threw his shirt to get threw his chest. He flew back and smashed threw trees.

"Kazuma!" Shizuru yelled as she ran towards her brother. Musica jumped in front of her and back slapped her. Shizuru turned right back to her and punched her in her face. Musica looked at her a look of surprise on her face. She grabbed her by her throat and felted her off her feet. Shizuru gripped her arm. Musica stared at her before her eyes softened. She let her down on her feet.

"Go. Your going to get your self killed anyways." She said as she looked away from her. Shizuru stared at her as she balled up her fist.

"If I'm dying for my bother then it's worth it." She said Musica looked back to her before Shizuru ran pass her. She ran over to her brother and got down beside him. "Kazuma get up." She said and shook him. His chest wound bleeding pretty bad. She heard foot steps and looked up to see Sasuke. She stood up and stood in front of her brother protectively.

Yeah she knew what she was doing was stupid and she didn't stand a chance. But she didn't care. She wasn't about to stand around and watched as some big idiot killed her little brother. Sasuke smirked at her. She narrowed her eyes. He laughed.

"Do you really think you can beat me little girl?" He asked.

"No. But I'm not going to watch you kill my little brother." She said. Her fist balled up. Musica watched from not to far. That girl was going to die. She closed her eyes and sighed as Sasuke took to steps before he punched Shizuru in her stomach. His fist going threw her mid section and coming out of her back. Her eyes widen as she threw up blood. He pulled his fist out and she hit the floor.

"Then you can die before him." Sasuke said before he started laughing his head off. Musica reopened her eyes able to hear the girl's heart beat as it slowed down to a complete stop. Her eyes fell to the ground. Another life lost.

"That's like music to my ears" Kira said also able to Shizuru's heart. He looked to see Hiei standing in front of him. He smirked and un crossed his arms. "So I get to kill you huh little man?" He asked. He pulled out his sword as a sword appeared in Hiei's hand. "Ahh You have a sword too! That's cool. This should be good." He said before running towards him. Hiei quickly blocked and the clash of their swords caused sparks to fly.

Kurama faced off with Shino. He brought his rose whip and fought gracefully while Shino came at him like a wild animal with rabies. Riku and Yusuke attacked Bardock at the same time. Once one hit the floor the other one would attack but both of them not able to land a hand on him. He was just to fast for them and it was more like he was playing with them. Botan stood up and watched from near a tree. She looked around. Where did Shizuru go?

"One down and five to go. I told you they where going to die. One by one." Baton turned and looked to see Musica sitting in the tree behind her. She turned fully towards her. They stared at each other.

"What do you mean?" Botan asked. Was she saying that one of her friends where dead? Musica rolled her eyes.

"The girl you came with. She just died." She said and looked up towards the way Shizuru had run off to earlier. Botan fallowed her eyes. She swallowed and looked back to her. Musica shrugged. "Go ahead. Find out your self." She said and looked back up the way again. Botan looked at her a little bit longer before she took off running. Musica watched her go.

Kewabara slowly sat up. His eyes widen as he looked to see his sister that lay not to far from her. Bleeding out. He quickly went to her. Afraid to touch her badly damaged body he looked over at her. "Shizuru." He said and touched her cheek. "Shizuru wake up. Come on this isn't funny!" He said and shook her shoulders. She didn't move and she didn't open her eyes. He clinked his teeth. She couldn't be dead. He pulled her up and laid her in his arms as he tried to hold back his tears. She couldn't be dead. He heard a laugh and looked up to see Sasuke.

"She's' just as stupid and as weak as you. In one hit she was dead." He laughed. Kewabara slowly laid his sister back down. He clinched his teeth. Two spirit swords appeared in his hands. He ran towards him.

"I'm going to kill you!" He yelled as he sung at him with both swords. Sasuke laughed as he easily dodges them. Botan ran up breathing hard. She watched Kewabara fight before her eyes fell on Shizuru. She quickly ran over to her. She tried to heal the wound but it wouldn't close. Tears filled Botan's eyes.

"Shizuru come on! Get up! You can't give up on me now. Not like this." She said as she continued to try and uses her powers to heal her. Musica walked up and stood behind her. Watching as she tried to help the already dead girl. "Shizuru" she said. The tears falling down her face freely. She closed her eyes. Musica sighed and placed a hand on her hip.

"Give it up. She's already gone." she said. Botan refused to give up. She couldn't just let her go like this. Musica sighed again. "Let her go." She said. Botan turned and looked at her.

"You stop telling me what to do! I'm not going to give up on her! She's a fighter and I know she can pull threw this. Now just shut up and leave me alone!" Botan yelled at her before she tuned back to Shizuru. Musica just stared her as if Botan didn't just yell at her. She really wasn't going to give up on her.

Both Riku and Yusuke hit the ground. "I had enough. I'm bored now. Let's go find something better to do." Bardock said as he crossed his arms. He turned his back to them as they struggled to get back up.

"Don't you turn your back on me!" Yusuke yelled as he ran towards him. Bardock quickly spun around and kicked him. He went flying threw the air before he hit a tree. Bardock looked to Riku who balled up his fist and let out a growl. Bardock disappeared. Riku looked around as his nose twitched. Where did every one go? Yusuke stood up.

"You let him get away!" He yelled as he walked up to Riku. Riku was still look around the area.

"We're not ready to fight him just yet. He's too strong. Where is BB at?" He asked. Yusuke also looked around before they looked at each other and took of running to find Botan. Shino stopped beating the crap out of Kurama as some ones loud whistling ran threw the air scaring away the demon birds He coved his ears and closed his eyes. "I hate that stupid whistling!" He growled. He looked to Kurama who had fallen to his knees.

"You got lucky this time pretty boy." He said before he disappeared.

Kira smirked as he blocked of Hiei's attacks. Finding an opening he swung at him. Hiei disappeared and his sword slashed threw thin air. He quickly turned around and kicked Hiei in his chest before he could attack. Hiei stumbled back. "You're pretty fast to be so short." He said with a chuckle. His ears twitched at the sound of the whistling. He smirked. "Maybe another time short stuff." He said and disappeared. Hiei's eyes narrowed.

Kewabara hit the floor as blood came out his mouth. Sasuke growled and looked around "See you later kid." He said and disappeared. Musica looked around as the whistling echoed threw the forest. She sighed and her eyes fell on Botan for the last time as Riku and Yusuke ran up Botan looked up at them.

"I couldn't save her. I'm sorry." She cried. Kewabara limped over and got down by his sister. He held back his own tears. Riku balled up his fist as he also walked over to her. She couldn't be dead. He just talked to her last night. He just kissed her last night. He swallowed the knot in his throat. Yusuke's eyes fell to the ground. Kurama and Hiei walled up. Riku rapped his arm around Botan trying to get her to stop crying.

"What are you still doing here!?" Yusuke yelled .His eyes on Musica who was still standing there. His eyes where full of nothing but rage and hatred. Musica looked up at him. She looked around at all of them before she winced the whistling only getting louder. She moved and kneeled in front of Shizuru.

"Get away from her!" Riku yelled his eyes turning red as he stood up and growled. Botan quickly stood up and grabbed his arm. Kewabara also stood back up his sword already in hand.

"No guys please calm down. She isn't here to hurt us." Botan said as she looked to Musica. Musica nodded and turned her attention back to Shizuru.

"I'll only do this once for you guys. So I would like it if you tried not to die." She said and cupped Shizuru's face. She leaned in and closed her eyes. A white light began to glow around her. Every one watched in shock. She took a deep breath before she leaned down more and pressed her lips to Shizuru. Everyone's eyes widen and their chins dropped.

"Botan! Why is your look-a-like making out with my dead sister!?" Kewabara yelled at her. He turned back to Musica. "That's just sick man! Get your-"Riku slapped his hand over his mouth.

"Shh just be quiet and watch." He said his eyes never leaving Musica and Shizuru as the white glow went from Musica to Shizuru and her wound began to heal. Musica slowly opened her eyes and pulled away a little. Shizuru opened her eyes and stared up at her.

"Get out of my face Botan." She whispered before she closed her eyes again. A soft smile came to Musica's lips as she pulled away from her completely. She stood up and looked around at them.

"I love my job." She sighed and put her hands on her hips. Riku and Kewabara quickly ran to Shizuru's side. "Take her home and make sure she has a good meal and a lot of rest." She said. Kewabara looked at her and nodded. Botan whipped her tears and smiled as she looked to Musica. Musica gave her a small nodded before she stared to walk away.

"M-Musica wait!" Botan yelled as she ran and grabbed her arm. All of a sudden a burst of energy began to flow from Musica and into Botan along with most of Musica's memories and some of Botan's memories passed threw Musica. Musica quickly turned around and pushed Botan off of her. Musica's legs shook and they gave out. She fell to her knees and hands breathing hard.

Botan also feel to her knees. She gripped her forehead. Painful memories that wasn't her's flashing threw her head. It was too much. Tears filled her eyes again as she realized that it was all Musica's memories. She looked up to see Musica rising to her feet looking down at her. She stepped back then she turned and took off running before she was even out of eye sight she disappeared. Botan reached out towards her before everything went black.

Botan slowly opened her eyes to see that she was in her room at Riku's house and in her soft bed. She sat up to see Yukina sitting at her bed side. She smiled at her and she returned it. "It's good to see you're awake. You were out for a whole day. I tried to heal you but there was nothing wrong with you body. You gave everyone a little scare in the forest." She said.

"I'm sorry." Botan said as she rubbed her forehead and closed her eyes. She had one heck of a headache. The last thing she remembered was Musica running off. She reopened her eyes and looked at her. "How is Shizuru doing? Is she o.k.?" Botan asked as worry began to fill her. Yukina smiled and nodded.

"She was up this morning but quickly fell back to sleep. Her body is completely worn out. When she was awake she could hardly left her arm." She said and frowned as she looked away. "Like you I tried to heal her but nothing was wrong with her body either." She said. Botan looked down at her lap and nodded. She moved and sat on the edge of the bed.

The door opened and both Yusuke and Riku walked in. Riku smiled as he ran up and sat next to her and hugged her. She smiled. Yusuke put his hands in his pocket as he walked up to stand in front of her. "It's good to see you up BB." Riku said as he pulled away from her. She smiled at him

"So what happened any away? Yukina said there was nothing wrong with you." Yusuke said as he frowned. She shrugged her shoulders.

"I really don't know, One minute I'm grabbing Musica's arm and the next minute I'm on the floor with all of these memories that aren't mine." She said as she shook her head and closed her eyes. Riku put his hand on her back.

"Who's memories do you think they belonged to and why would you have them?" Yusuke asked. Botan shrugged as she looked up at him.

"I think they belong to Musica. And I don't know why I would have them." She said with a shrug.

"Well where going to have to find out." Riku said. Botan slowly stood up and nodded.

"First I want to go see Shizuru." She said. She looked up at Yusuke. But Yusuke isn't what she saw. Her eyes widen as she was thrown into another flashback that didn't belong to her. She was seeing out of the eyes of Musica.

Musica ran into the house. She stopped at seeing the blood everywhere. All over the walls and on the floor. She covered her mouth as she walked farther into the house. She ran into the bed room to see a body that didn't even look like a body anymore Tears filled her eyes as she looked over it

"Cane." She whispered. She slowly walked over to the bed. She put her hands out ready to bring him back from the dead. They began to glow white A hand gabbed her wrist and she winced as she looked up to see Bardock. She swallowed as her hands stop glowing.

"I wouldn't do that if I where you. And besides He's been dead foe hours. You powers won't work. It's to late for him." He said. She pulled her arm away from him and stepped away as tears filled her eyes. She looked to see the other three gods also in the room. She looked back to Bardock.

"Why did you do this?" She asked as her fist balled up rage filled her.

"Because Musica you fell in love with him, which means you don't love me anymore. Or do you believe that it's possible to be in love with two people at the same time? I don't. I couldn't have him taking my one love away from me." He said as e walked up and reached out for her. She slapped his hand away.

"Don't you dare touch me." She said threw clinched teeth as the tears poured freely down her cheeks. She looked back to the body on the bed. She swallowed and closed her eyes. She looked back to Bardock.

"Don't be foolish Musica. You need me and I need you. I don't need you running off and falling in love with that kind." He said and looked at the body in disgust. "So be a good little god and stay by me. The more you ran off the more people will die and I know you don't like that? So what do you say?" He said.

She whipped her face. "I say screw you Bardock. I don't need you." She said. He frowned.

"Wrong answer." He said as a small red energy ball appeared in above his pointed. He pointed it at her and it hit her in her shoulder and threw the wall. She spit out blood as she hit the floor.

Botan winced as she gripped her shoulder. She removed her hand and looked to see blood. She looked at her shoulder then up at Yusuke who was staring at her shoulder in shock. "Yusuke." She whispered before she fell forward, Yusuke quickly catching her.

"Botan! Botan can you hear me!" He said and shook her. He laid her back on the bed. Yukina quickly healed her shoulder. Both Riku and Yusuke watched as she healed her. They looked to each to each other. Both having the same look in their eyes, the same determination. At that moment putting their rivalry to a stop so that they could work together to help find out what was happening to Botan.

I hoped you liked it.