Hi peoples! Sorry it took so long. Me and my beta were busy. Next chapter. Confrontation, making out, and party planning. Sound Good?

Rory and Tristan had avoided each other for an entire week. And Paris was getting fed up. All they did was mope. She was already thinking of meddling.

Tristan's stuff was still in Rory's apartment. And he hadn't come to pick it up yet. But every night Rory slept with his pillow instead of her own.

On Wednesday both of them had absolutely no idea what to do at lunch, since they normally ate together.

There was a little more then a week left until the Chilton Student Mixer. Guest list finalized. Invitations sent. Menu finished. The only thing left…was getting Tristan to show up.

Rory had leaked the Huntzbergers secret. And soon enough the tabloids got wind of it.

Rory was in her apartment, since it was her free day.

Paris was out and said she'd be gone for a while so Rory was surprised when the front door opened.

But it wasn't a blonde girl. It was one blonde boy. Tristan.

"I didn't expect you to be here." He said lamely. He looked terrible.

Rory nodded from her spot on the couch, and Tristan headed into the room. After a couple minutes of listening to him pack, she walked to the room and stood in the doorway.

"Is this how it's going to be? No speaking? Am I ever going to get a chance to explain?" Rory asked.

"What is there to explain?" Tristan asked a bite in his words.

"Jason is a 40 year old." Rory supplied.

"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" Tristan sneered, turning from the bed to look at her. She looked at him in shock. When she remained silent, he turned back to his packing.

She huffed and ran to the kitchen to grab the tabloids from the kitchen table.

"Look at this!" She yelled at him, holding up the tabloids. Tristan glanced over and noticed the headline reading 'Huntzberger Scandal'. He shrugged and went back to packing.

"And what would those tabloids have to do with you and your new man?" He said, trying to sound nonchalant.

"He helped me get the info to feed to the tabloids!" She tried explaining.

"I see. So since he was able to help you, I guess he won. Now you can be all cozy together once I get out of the way." He said bitterly with a hint of sadness. She didn't understand why he seemed so upset, till she realized that so far her explanations did nothing to appease his suspicions.

"Tristan!" She yelled. He continued to pack. She grabbed his arm and called his name once more. He didn't turn to look at her, but he stopped packing. "He's a 40 year old private investigator." She said once she knew she had his attention.

Tristan turned his head slowly to look at her. From the look on her face he could tell she wasn't lying. He looked at the tabloids once again, and paled, realizing how stupid he'd been.

"Can you forgive me?" He asked, reaching over and lightly running his finger over her hand.

"Paris already laid into me, and made me see your side of the argument. I'd forgiven you a long time ago, but just had too stubborn to be the first one to cave." Rory smiled shrugging.

Tristan moved his hands to entangle his fingers with hers, and tugged her to him. She looked up to at him, and he crashed his lips onto hers.

She broke away after a while. "Going forward, you're going to have to learn to trust me." She said seriously.

"I'm so sorry!" Tristan said sincerely. "I mean seriously, I'm going to get you coffee everyday, and you get full choice of movie night selections, and…and…" He rambled.

"Shut up!" She said kissing him again.

Soon the two ended up on the bed, and continued to kiss, and make up for being away from each other for so long.

Paris walked in on the two. "About time"

Tristan smirked and rested his head on his hand and smirked at Paris. Rory lay on her side facing Tristan. Her back was to Paris.

"I guess we have to move your stuff back." Rory said tilting her head backwards to look at Tristan.

"Let's go!" Tristan said smiling.

"See you soon Paris!" Rory said bye as she walked out the door with Tristan in tow.

"Like they could stay away from each other!" Paris muttered.

Rory and Tristan headed over to his apartment, and they packed up. But on their way down, guess who they ran into. Logan.

Logan purposely bumped into them on his way up to his apartment.

"What is your problem?" Rory asked.

"I'm broke!" Logan said with venom in his voice.

"That's just terrible!" Rory said, a look of feigned sympathy on her face.

"And everyone knows it, I haven't had a date in a week, and my parent's are divorcing." Logan ranted.

"Poor little boy…" Rory smirked.

"You're the one who leaked the story to the press!" Logan figured it out.

"Good timing too." Rory said. "I said I'd make you pay!"

And the pair walked away.

They ended up back at the apartment, and Rory told Paris what happened while Tristan ran out for coffee.

"Well we need to go over the party plans one more time." Paris said.

Rory groaned. "Again!"

"Yep!" Paris nodded, pulling out the binders.

Rory flipped through the pages.

"Ok where to start?" Rory asked.

"Guests" Paris said.

"Ok there are 30 students. Headmaster Charleston gave us a rundown of their courses, extra-curricular activities, their pictures, and that's about it. But I think we should memorize it all, it would make the evening more personal." Rory suggested.

"Good idea, there are 2 really accomplished seniors, sort of a support to us. It's a bit late to encourage them, considering they already have their applications and are filling them out. There are 12 juniors, 10 sophomores, and 6 freshmen." Paris reported looking over their files.

"When are Louise and Madeline coming in from Princeton?" Rory asked.

Before Paris could answer, the front door swung open.

"Guess who I found!" Tristan announced.

Paris and Rory broke out laughing as they caught sight of Louise and Madeline.

"We just were asking…" Rory started in between laughs.

"When you would getting here!" Paris finished.

The three in the doorway broke out laughing too.

When everyone calmed down, they all sat down at the table.

"Ok let's all get memorizing." Rory started. They each took turns reading the pages.

After each of them had read about half of the sheets, they moved on to discussing decorations and food.

"Well Louise and I can decorate!" Madeline volunteered happily.

"That's sounds great. There isn't much to do; I mean it's a Chilton Mixer. But blue and silver are the colors, the chairs need to be set up, do it however you want, but make sure it's not boring. Make sure lively, but not tacky. Mature, but not boring. You'll know what to do." Rory ranted.

"I'm in charge of the appetizers." Rory said. "We have mini gourmet pizza bites, salad in little cups, French fries with special sauce, orange chicken kebobs and for dessert there are donuts, a fondue fountain and cheesecake bites."

"Sounds good!" Louise nodded.

"I have an idea…" Tristan announced. "I think we should have a bar."

"What!" Paris said.

"Non-alcoholic, all booze will be cleared out, it'll be virgin drinks all the way around." Tristan went on.

"That sounds like a really good idea!" Rory said smiling.

"I'll make the arrangements." Tristan said returning her smile.

"Ok everything's settled. Back to memorizing!" Rory picked up more papers.

When everyone was done reading, and had set up their sleep areas, Madeline and Louise were on the floor in Paris's room.

Rory and Tristan had changed and were getting ready for bed.

"All that I can think of is names and courses and hobbies and sports positions." Rory complained.

"Tell me about it." Tristan muttered sliding into bed.

Rory cuddled up to him and took in his scent.

"What are you doing?" He asked gently.

"Smelling you, you have no idea how a scent fades over a week!" Rory said as he chuckled.

"You'd be surprised!" Tristan smirked. Rory smiled.

Everyone fell asleep easy that night.

Friday morning came way too fast for everyone's liking.

Everyone hauled themselves out of bed and got ready for the day.

Louise and Madeline had no Friday classes so they were staying for the weekend. Paris and Rory left to go to their classes, and Tristan headed for the gym. Louise and Madeline stayed in the room watching TV until Rory and Paris got back.

"So it's dinner time, anyone have any preferences?" Rory asked.

"Alcohol." Louise said.

"I'm not picky" Paris said.

Rory scoffed.

"I resent that!" Paris replied.

"Let's go out to a club." Madeline suggested.

"Sounds good actually!" Rory nodded.

"When do we leave?" Louise asked.

"7:30, we'll have to drive to Hartford for the hot clubs" Rory said.

"Which club we headed to?" Paris asked.

"Lila" Rory said simply.

"It's so difficult to get in there, though!" Madeline said.

"Maybe when you're 17 and not us, but we'll have no problem getting in." Rory reasoned. "And plus I know the band tonight."

"Hey Louise, um, where did Tristan go?" Rory asked walking into her room.

"Gym, he left at like 3, said he'd be back late." Louise remembered.

"Thanks!" Rory said.

Rory put on a navy blue halter top, and a grey denim mini skirt. She put on black leather stiletto boots. She curled her hair and left it down.

Paris just put on fitted flared black pant and a spaghetti strapped, purple mini dress over the pants. And she put purple heels. She left her hair down.

Louise wore a fuchsia flared knee length dress. She paired it with crushed pink velvet pumps. And she left her hair down too.

Madeline wore cherry red jeans with a red strapless top. She was the only one who didn't wear heels because she wore a pair of red Converse. She clipped her hair back into an Asian style bun.

And by the time everyone was done, it was 7:00.

"Let's go out and eat some pizza, that way we won't be drinking on an empty stomach." Louise suggested.

"Let's head out, but let me leave Tristan a note." Rory said, grabbing a pen.

Hey Tris, We went out clubbing at Lila, you're welcome to join us when you get home, if you aren't tired. We'll probably be there until at least ten. Have a good night if we don't see you.

She posted it on their bedroom door and followed the girls out of the apartment.

Awesome! I hope you liked it! Review!