Ch.10: Odd's Last Stand

Odd smiled as he saw Xana approach him. Xana had given Odd the power to teleport in and out of Lyoko whenever he pleased, no use for the Scanner Room anymore, it was just a junk pile now. Even if Jeremie had detected Odd went to Lyoko, he wouldn't be able to send someone after him.

"You have served me well Odd," said Xana.

"A little to well" Odd retorted " I saw the blueprints for your black lasers on the supercomputer, you're scared that you made me more powerful than you,"

"I'm sorry you had to figure that out" said Xana, snapping her fingers "but now that you have, I can't let you live,"

Monsters started surrounding Odd from all sides, a Scipozoa towered over all of them, aiming it's tentacles straight for Odd. Odd laughed at Xana's pitiful attempt to get rid of him and said.

"So this is how it's going to be huh?" he said "brainwash me or blast me? Let me mull that over for a minutue, oh yeah, I pick neither!"

With that Odd disappeared from Lyoko, out of Xana's clutches. When Odd reappeared he found himself back in the room where he had knocked Jeremie and Ulrich out. Only this time they were both awake, and didn't look to happy to see him. Odd ran past them, heading for the one place where he knew he could end this once and for all.

Ulrich and Jeremie looking confused ran after him. It only took a second for Jeremie to guess where Odd was going.

"He's going for Xana's switch!" he said " if he shuts it down, he'll die along with her,"

Ulrich didn't even want to think of that, Xana had taken over Odd by use of the black lasers. Odd had become a creature of Xana's, without the antidote, to turn him back to normal, he would die just as soon as Xana did.

But when they reached the room where Xana's switch was it was to late, Odd flipped it down, and fell to the floor unconious. Ulrich had tears streaming down his eyes, and Jeremie kneeled down by Odd's unmoving body. Yumi, Aletia, and now Odd were gone forever, and Xana was no more. Jeremie and Ulrich were the only ones left, and it horrible standing up to reality.

Then something weird happened, and the whole world was suddenly consumed by a bright purple light.


Kadic School, 7 a.m.


Beep! Beep! Beep!, a lazy hand hit the annoying alarm clock in a desperate attempt for silence. Ulrich suddenly jumped out of bed, snapping out of his lazy daze, and noticed there was no Odd in the other bed.

"Oh no" thought Ulrich "where is he? Is Yumi alive? Aletia? Jeremie, I got to find Jeremie!"

Ulrich rushed out of the bedroom and headed straight for Jeremie's room, the genius imedately opened up the door.

"Jeremie, what happened? What happened after that purple light?" asked Ulrich quickly.

"I'm not really sure" said Jeremie, he about to say something more when a voice interrupted him.

"How's it going Einstien?"

No, it couldn't be, but it was. There was Odd, standing alive and well, like he had never died, and was never under Xana's control.

"What's wrong?" asked Odd confused by the way his friends were looking at him.

"Umm..I was looking for Yumi is she alive...I mean around?" said Ulrich.

"Of course I'm alive" said Yumi, rounding a corner "I'm not always around but you get the picture. What do you need?"

"I think these hit thier heads or something" said Odd doing the loco sign " they're acting weird,"

"Oh Odd...I'm waiting," came another voice.

"Coming Sissi!" yelled Odd "don't why I'm agreeing to take her to the dance tonight, oh well see you guys later,"

As Odd ran off, Jeremie and Ulrich looked at each other confused, had they somehow traveled back in time when that purple light appeared? Was Xana really gone? Had they dreamed it all?

"I guess we'll never know what really happened," said Jeremie.

"I'm not sure I want to" said Ulrich "this thing can stay a mystery as far as I'm concerned,"

And that was that.