Pure Choas, Darkened Soul

By: Tidota Eru

Ch.1: Unexpected Surpises

It was a normal day for the Lyoko gang. If by normal you mean fighting a gaigantic computer virus that's trying to destroy all of humanity. Right now Odd, Ulrich, and Yumi were on Lyoko trying to get Aletia past Xana's monsters and to the glowing red tower on the other side.

"Watch out you guys!" called Jeremine from his position in lab, he was watching everything that was going on "Another swarm of Hornets is heading your way,"

No sooner than he spoke Odd spotted the Hornet's coming from around the peak's of one the virtual mountains. Odd shot a laser arrow a Hornets way but it dodged and the arrow missed it's target. Yumi ran with Aletia towards the tower, leaving the boys to do the fighting. Odd shot a few more laser arrows, but the Hornets kept up thier dodging pace, Odd would hit one and another would just take it's place.

"Jeremine" shouted Odd "how many arrows do I have left?"

Heremine sounded a little nervous when he answered Odd's question. "Not much...,"

"How much is 'not much'?" asked Odd.

" One...,"

Odd dropped his hands to his sides "Oh, perfect...,"

Ulrich came rushing in and got one of the Hornet's before it could reach Odd.

"Yumi's taken Aletia to the tower" said Ulrich "I hope their doing better than we are here,"

Another Hornet swooped down, it's stinger glowing black and shot Odd five times before he fell and devirtualized. From his position, Jermine thought that was strange. Usaussly of the Hornet's stinger before it attacked was red, not black. "Xana must have upgraded his monsters somehow," he thought, then he saw that Aletia had just deactivated the tower.

"Return to the past Now!"

A white light appeared out of nowhere and consumed everything, and soon the gang found themselves right back where they started, which happened to be lunch.

"What do you think that black laser does Jeremine?" asked Yumi.

"I'm not sure" said Jeremine " are you okay Odd?"

"Never better" said Odd "whatever that thing was supposed to do, it didn't do it,"

"Just to make sure, I'll need you to meet me at the factory after school," said Jeremine.

"Hey, no problem," said Odd.

"Well here comes a problem, and her name is Sissi," said Yumi, watching Sissi as she approached their table. Ulrich looked disgusted at her presence, but Yumi spoke first "What do you want Sissi?"

"Like it or not" said Sissi "I need to borrow Odd for a second,"

Everyone stopped eating thier food and looked in shock at Sissi.

"Well!" said Sissi "come on, don't keep me waiting all day,"

Odd shrugged his shoulders and followed Sissi, leaving the others dumbstruck. Odd ended up following Sissi for quite a distance, it was almost time for the next class, and Sissi had dragged him halfway across campus. What was so important that they walked all this way?

Finally Sissi stopped inside a room and indicated for Odd to follow. Odd did, but didn't notice when Sissi closed the door and locked it. Odd looked around to see that Sissi had led him into a storeroom.

"Uh..." said Odd " why did you lead me to a storeroom? What's so important in here?"

Sissi stepped closer to Odd and said "You're him aren't you? The guy I talked to on the net last month,"

Odd knew exactly then what Sissi was talking about, about a month ago he was looking for the perfect girlfriend, when the two off them finally decided to meet. To Odd's surprise, Sissi was his perfect match! He hid from her then, but now it seemed like she knew the truth. Sissi stepped closer, and Odd was getting an uneasy feeling of what was going to happen next.

Sissi knew the truth, even though Odd never answered, but instead of showing off disgust that her perfect match was the guy who teased mostly everyday, she puckered her lips and gave Odd a kiss.

Odd's eyes widened in shock, but then his body relaxed and he let her kiss him, and he kissed back. Suddenly the door to the storeroom opened wide, and Odd and Sissi broke the kiss with embrassed looks on the others face. A sursprised Ulrich stood in the doorway mouth agape, not believing what he had just saw. In a second he closed the door, forgetting what he come for and ran.