A/N: Okay, I love writing pieces based on humor! Especially when they involve my favorite characters! I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Synopsis: The Daily Planet has a company bowling team and they must have a showdown with their arch-rival company, The Metropolis Times! All kind of mishaps and competitive spirit soar in their match! What will happen? Read on!
Lois sat at her computer, staring at the screen proudly. "I have finished my article! And it isn't even six o'clock yet! I am on fire!" she exclaimed happily.
"Hey, Lois. What article did you write about?" Clark asked, walking up to her.
"Superman… and the robbery. Fascinating, isn't it?" she said sarcastically. Clark just smiled nervously. Lois' eyes moved to the elevator and her eyes widened. "Lucy! What are you doing here?" Lois asked, getting up slowly at the sight of her little sister.
"Hi! What's up, Clark?" she nodded to Clark in acknowledgement. "I was just walking past your office and…" Lucy's eyes slowly traveled to Lois' computer screen. "…Are you writing about how tight and sexy Superman's costume is again?" Lucy frowned.
"LUCY!" Lois gasped and clamped a hand over Lucy's mouth. Clark immediately blushed.
"What? Didn't you say that he looked extremely hot in his costume the other day?" Lucy pulled Lois' hand away.
"No, I didn't," Lois tried to lie unsuccessfully.
"Yes, you did," Lucy answered.
"No, I didn't," Lois' face was beet-red.
"Oh, yes, you did," Lucy countered.
"Well, I guess I should be…" Clark tried to get away from the scene.
"LANE! KENT! THAT LITTLE PHOTOGRAPHER…JIMMY! YES, JIMMY! ALL OF YOU! IN MY OFFICE! NOW!" Perry White screamed at the doorway of his office.
"Look out. It'll be one fun rollercoaster," Lois mumbled heading to the office with Clark and Jimmy.
"Lucy!" Lois called, whipping around, bumping into Clark. She tried to dodge him but every time she did, she kept bumping into him. Finally, he stopped her and picked her up by her waist and put her on the other side gently. He smiled and headed over to Perry's office.
Lois smiled giddily in return and was in a daze before she turned back to Lucy's direction. "Don't get into any trouble!" Lois warned her.
"I'm twenty- freaking-five years old! Don't you trust me?" Lucy asked innocently.
"Yeah, trusting you would be like trusting a chimpanzee with matches and dynamite," Lois mumbled, turning to head over to the office.
"LANE! HURRY UP!" Perry's voice barked.
"Coming!" she sang, quickening her pace.
When she got in and closed the door she placed her hands on her hips. "Word of advice, never ask a woman in heels to pick up the pace," she limped over to her chair.
"Really? No wonder my wife left me!" Perry laughed. Jimmy was the only one who laughed along.
"Is it wrong that I never get his jokes?" Lois whispered to Clark.
"It's not. Because I never get them either," Clark whispered back.
"Well, I hate to cancel this intimate make out session, but I have important news to tell you!" Perry barked at the two.
"Oh, but we weren't…" Lois tried to explain.
"No talking," Perry raised his hand as a 'halt' sign.
"Chief, we didn't…" Clark tried to explain as well.
"Talking will only be done by yours truly," Perry interrupted him.
"Chief…" Jimmy started to ask.
"JIMMY, PLEASE! MY PATIENCE IS ABOUT TO RUN OUT!" Perry bellowed. The three sat in vengeful silence.
"Anyhoo, something important has come up. And it is called 'The Company Bowling Team Championships'," Perry continued intently. Lois opened her mouth to say something but changed her mind when she saw Perry glare at her. "I have selected my team. And they are sitting right in front of me," Perry smiled, pleased. The three that were sitting in front of Perry furrowed their brows. This time, Clark opened his mouth to say something but stopped when Perry interrupted him.
"YOU THREE will be on my team! Together, the four of us will strive for the Golden Cup!" Perry cried. The four of them sat in silence. "Well, what do you think?" Perry asked.
"You really have nothing else to do, do you?" Lois asked bluntly, folding her arms.
"Alright then, here are your bowling shirts," Perry ignored Lois' statement and pulled out a box.
"For real? Bowling shirts?" Jimmy cringed.
"Damn straight, shorty!" Perry answered. Jimmy looked at him, stunned.
"See? Next time you want to have a gangsta moment, don't have it while I'm in the room," Perry sighed at Jimmy. Perry threw them each a bright, red shirt.
"Seriously?" Clark asked.
"Seriously," Lois sighed, staring at the shirt in her hands.
"Okay. No ifs, ands, or buts! If you're not at the Metropolis Bowling Center on Saturday night, at 8 p.m. sharp, your careers will be in serious shit," Perry stated intently.
"All because of bowling!" Lois cried in disbelief.
"All because of bowling," Perry replied seriously.
"SERIOUSLY!" Lois cried.
"Seriously," Clark sighed, shaking his head, staring at the shirt.
"I don't believe this," Jimmy mumbled.
"Be there or be square," Perry warned all of them.
A/N: Ha ha! What did you think? Please review! I'll update soon! Oh, Richard's out of the picture. Period. Just trying to keep this piece simple. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! I'll post more soon! Thanks for reading!