Disclaimer, Roswell belongs to the WB, Jason Katims, Melinda Metz and a whole bunch of people who aren't me! No infringment is intended.
Category mostly M&M and I&A and alittle bit of M&L for good measure.
Dedication to my sis, even though she hates fanfic and will never read this, alot of the character quirks are from her and things she actually does.
Feedback always, now the fic
The moment she touched the football shaped orb, she received a shock. Not the kind that knocks you off your feet, more like a zap of information. Suddenly she felt weird, feverish, and totally attracted to Michael, not that she wasn't before, but this was different, more needful. It was like all she could think about was him in her arms, and the frentic gropings in the eraser room. And the janitor's closet. And the Crashdown. Suddenly every memory with him was coming back, even the one's she had suppressed, like the dare kiss and then the real one in 5th grade. Their first non-date back in 5th grade as well. She attempted to hold her emotions in check, but as soon as she and Michael were alone she lost control. Hands roaming everywhich way, and not just her's Michael's were roaming as well. Before much more could happen, she got a vision. Maria couldn't believe it, after faking the last one, how was she going to explain this to Michael?
"We have to stop a minute." Maria says.
"Why?" Michael asks.
"Don't get angry or upset, but I got a vision. For real this time." Maria answers.
"Not this again, how do I know this isn't a joke or something?" Michael asks, trying to keep his temper under control.
"I don't know how to convince you, but when I touched the orb something happened. I felt like a shock and suddenly I remember every kiss, every moment, every touch you and I have shared. I even remembered the long forgotten moments from 5th grade! Then suddenly it was everything I could do to keep my hands off of you. Then when the others left I couldn't contain myself any longer. It was all very strange." Maria answers him, rather calmly and rationally.
"OK, say I believe you, what did you see?" Michael asks.
"I know what the orb is, it's part of Max's birthright. There is a message imbedded inside it, but he cannot retrieve it without the other orbs." Maria explains.
"Other orbs? What other orbs?" Michael replies.
"There are two others from what I can gather from the vision, one is yours and one is Isabel's. When the 3 orbs touch something happens, but I don't know what. We have to go tell the others right away." Maria tells Michael.
"OK, lets go then, they are probably at Max and Izzy's by now." Michael says as he leads the way out the door.
"OK if what you are saying is true, then why when Isabel and I kissed why didn't we get flashes?" Alex asks, once they have all arrived at the Evan's.
"I don't know all the details, what I do know is kinda fuzzy. Maybe it has something to do with your ages, on your planet I mean. It could be Max is the oldest and that's why he has always been the leader of your group. That would explain why he has always felt like the leader, and it could explain why he was drawn to his orb first. If that is the case and Michael is next, Izzy you can't be too far behind." Maria explains.
"Do you have any idea what information these orbs contain? You said originally something about a birthright of sorts. Any idea what that means?" Michael asks.
"Honestly, no. It could be anything, who knows maybe its a handbook on how to take over planet earth." Maria answers hysterically, knowing that the three humans of the group were thinking "What if it's their map home?"
Michael moves to Maria's side to comfort her, while Max does the same with Liz. Isabel gets up and leaves the room, suddenly uncomfortable. Alex follows her, leaving the two established couples alone.
"Isabel? What's wrong? You seemed kind of uncomfortable in there." Alex asks, once he and Isabel are in the kitchen. He is sitting at the table, she is sitting on the counter, her tall frame curled up almost like a child would in a safe haven.
"All this talk about visions is wiggin me out. I mean things were just starting to get back to normal and BAM out of the blue, this weird stuff starts happening. Then you add in that my brother, and Michael have broken our cardinal rules, again, and I'm left out as usual." Isabel replies.
"Well, as for the visions, I can't explain it any better then you can, maybe its just something that happens to your people when you get to a certain age. Like Maria said, a birthright. As for breaking rules, what rules did they break?" Alex says, trying to reassure Isabel, who is still on the countertop, but slightly less tense.
"We made a promise a long time ago, that we wouldn't get involved, or for that matter ever tell anyone what we are. Now after they have both been apart from Maria and Liz, they are back to where they were before, and like I said I'm still on the outside." Isabel says sadly.
"I can relate, for months I felt left out. Then they got their hearts broken and they both needed me, now that things are back the way they were before I feel as left out as you do." Alex says, as he puts his arm around Isabel's shoulder. Before Isabel can move out of his embrace or further into it, Maria and Michael enter the kitchen.
"Are we interrupting something?" Maria asks.
"No, DeLuca, what's up? When Max and Liz went through this they couldn't keep their hands off each other." Alex says, teasingly.
"Well, Michael and I have never really done things the way other people have, now have we? No we came in to tell you guys that Michael's orb is in Marathon. I guess because Michael and I have been there before, together, it made us get the location faster." Maria replies.
"So are you saying another roadtrip?" Isabel asks.
"Yep, and we need the jeep, and since Max and Liz are technically grounded for their antics. Neither of them is available, so can you get the jeep?" Michael asks Isabel.
"Yes, but why can't you just take Maria's car, like before?" Isabel asks, with a mischievous grin.
"My mom has the car for the weekend, otherwise we would providing Michael promised not to touch the engine." Maria answers, sticking her tongue out at Michael.
"Let's go then, Isabel you wanna drive?" Michael asks.
"No you drive since you know your way down 285 so well. I'm still going though, there is no way I'm staying here with the lovebirds." Isabel replies.
After a relatively uneventful ride to Marathon they arrive at Atherton's. They decide to start with the hidden room, and soon they have searched every remaining box, shelf, and rack.
"I know it's here! I can feel it, we are so close." Maria exclaims.
"Maria, we have looked through everything, maybe it's not here." Isabel says.
"Then it has to be underground, that's the only explanation." Maria answers, rather frustrated.
Before anyone can say anything, Michael envelopes Maria in a passionate embrace, and starts kissing her. When they come up for air, Maria immediately goes to the far corner of the room and starts running her hands over the smooth ground. Her hand catches on something, a lever of some kind, she pulls it and a trap door opens inches from Michael's feet. There is a bright red light emanating from the floor, just as Max and Liz had said when they found Max's orb. Michael reaches down and picks up the orb, shaped differently then Max's orb, it's about the same size and weight, but the design is very different. On either side of the oblong object there are places for something to fit into, presumably the other two orbs. The four teens stare in amazement at the object, each thinking what it means to them. The vibes coming off each of them are unmistakable, Isabel, fear, Alex, intrigue, but also sharing Isabel's fear in knowing their turn is next. Michael is also afraid, his fear comes from not knowing what lies ahead, and what information the orbs will release once they are joined together. Finally Maria, her feelings also have to do with the unknown and the possibility of losing Michael.
"We should go, this probably isn't the safest place for any of us, especially with this." Michael says, finally breaking the silence.
"Your right we should get back to Roswell before anyone notices we are gone too." Isabel says, following Michael out of the room and up the stairs.
"So how long did your symptoms start after Max and Liz found the orb?" Isabel asks Maria on the ride back to Roswell.
"Really soon, actually right after I touched the orb. We don't know which of you will have the symptoms though, it could be Alex you know." Maria answers.
"I know, I don't want to hurt him though. I wish there was another way." Isabel says softly.
"Who knows maybe once the two orbs touch they will lead you to the third and you won't have to deal with any of this stuff." Maria says, trying to be encouraging.
"Maybe I want to have to deal with all this stuff. I kissed Alex this morning and it was like magic, and in some ways its all I want to do now. It has nothing to do with the orb either." Isabel explains.
"Lets just relax until we get back to Roswell, don't make any snap decisions right now. Try not to think about it, OK?" Maria tells her. The ride back to Roswell is as uneventful as the trip to Marathon.
They arrive at Maria's to find Max and Liz waiting for them, with the orb. Once inside Michael and Max set the orbs side-by-side on the coffee table. As if some magnetic force was pulling them together the two orbs connected and began to glow. The light from the two orbs began to swirl and intermix until a new color appeared a rich purple. The purple was so bright it almost overpowered the lighting in the house, then the color was gone and the orbs separated themselves from each other, almost as if some unseen hands had separated them. They all stood there a moment taking in what they had just seen, almost unable to believe it or rationalize it. They all knew that rational thought went out the window the moment this whole business with the orbs began, if they believed in it then.
"I know where my orb is." Isabel says softly.
AUTHORS NOTE: In Sexual Healing, the light coming from the orb can be described as a white light or blue light(I know I just rewatched to double check) for the purpose of the story it's blue cause blue+red=purple(plus blue is my favorite color and I want it to be blue)
Category mostly M&M and I&A and alittle bit of M&L for good measure.
Dedication to my sis, even though she hates fanfic and will never read this, alot of the character quirks are from her and things she actually does.
Feedback always, now the fic
The moment she touched the football shaped orb, she received a shock. Not the kind that knocks you off your feet, more like a zap of information. Suddenly she felt weird, feverish, and totally attracted to Michael, not that she wasn't before, but this was different, more needful. It was like all she could think about was him in her arms, and the frentic gropings in the eraser room. And the janitor's closet. And the Crashdown. Suddenly every memory with him was coming back, even the one's she had suppressed, like the dare kiss and then the real one in 5th grade. Their first non-date back in 5th grade as well. She attempted to hold her emotions in check, but as soon as she and Michael were alone she lost control. Hands roaming everywhich way, and not just her's Michael's were roaming as well. Before much more could happen, she got a vision. Maria couldn't believe it, after faking the last one, how was she going to explain this to Michael?
"We have to stop a minute." Maria says.
"Why?" Michael asks.
"Don't get angry or upset, but I got a vision. For real this time." Maria answers.
"Not this again, how do I know this isn't a joke or something?" Michael asks, trying to keep his temper under control.
"I don't know how to convince you, but when I touched the orb something happened. I felt like a shock and suddenly I remember every kiss, every moment, every touch you and I have shared. I even remembered the long forgotten moments from 5th grade! Then suddenly it was everything I could do to keep my hands off of you. Then when the others left I couldn't contain myself any longer. It was all very strange." Maria answers him, rather calmly and rationally.
"OK, say I believe you, what did you see?" Michael asks.
"I know what the orb is, it's part of Max's birthright. There is a message imbedded inside it, but he cannot retrieve it without the other orbs." Maria explains.
"Other orbs? What other orbs?" Michael replies.
"There are two others from what I can gather from the vision, one is yours and one is Isabel's. When the 3 orbs touch something happens, but I don't know what. We have to go tell the others right away." Maria tells Michael.
"OK, lets go then, they are probably at Max and Izzy's by now." Michael says as he leads the way out the door.
"OK if what you are saying is true, then why when Isabel and I kissed why didn't we get flashes?" Alex asks, once they have all arrived at the Evan's.
"I don't know all the details, what I do know is kinda fuzzy. Maybe it has something to do with your ages, on your planet I mean. It could be Max is the oldest and that's why he has always been the leader of your group. That would explain why he has always felt like the leader, and it could explain why he was drawn to his orb first. If that is the case and Michael is next, Izzy you can't be too far behind." Maria explains.
"Do you have any idea what information these orbs contain? You said originally something about a birthright of sorts. Any idea what that means?" Michael asks.
"Honestly, no. It could be anything, who knows maybe its a handbook on how to take over planet earth." Maria answers hysterically, knowing that the three humans of the group were thinking "What if it's their map home?"
Michael moves to Maria's side to comfort her, while Max does the same with Liz. Isabel gets up and leaves the room, suddenly uncomfortable. Alex follows her, leaving the two established couples alone.
"Isabel? What's wrong? You seemed kind of uncomfortable in there." Alex asks, once he and Isabel are in the kitchen. He is sitting at the table, she is sitting on the counter, her tall frame curled up almost like a child would in a safe haven.
"All this talk about visions is wiggin me out. I mean things were just starting to get back to normal and BAM out of the blue, this weird stuff starts happening. Then you add in that my brother, and Michael have broken our cardinal rules, again, and I'm left out as usual." Isabel replies.
"Well, as for the visions, I can't explain it any better then you can, maybe its just something that happens to your people when you get to a certain age. Like Maria said, a birthright. As for breaking rules, what rules did they break?" Alex says, trying to reassure Isabel, who is still on the countertop, but slightly less tense.
"We made a promise a long time ago, that we wouldn't get involved, or for that matter ever tell anyone what we are. Now after they have both been apart from Maria and Liz, they are back to where they were before, and like I said I'm still on the outside." Isabel says sadly.
"I can relate, for months I felt left out. Then they got their hearts broken and they both needed me, now that things are back the way they were before I feel as left out as you do." Alex says, as he puts his arm around Isabel's shoulder. Before Isabel can move out of his embrace or further into it, Maria and Michael enter the kitchen.
"Are we interrupting something?" Maria asks.
"No, DeLuca, what's up? When Max and Liz went through this they couldn't keep their hands off each other." Alex says, teasingly.
"Well, Michael and I have never really done things the way other people have, now have we? No we came in to tell you guys that Michael's orb is in Marathon. I guess because Michael and I have been there before, together, it made us get the location faster." Maria replies.
"So are you saying another roadtrip?" Isabel asks.
"Yep, and we need the jeep, and since Max and Liz are technically grounded for their antics. Neither of them is available, so can you get the jeep?" Michael asks Isabel.
"Yes, but why can't you just take Maria's car, like before?" Isabel asks, with a mischievous grin.
"My mom has the car for the weekend, otherwise we would providing Michael promised not to touch the engine." Maria answers, sticking her tongue out at Michael.
"Let's go then, Isabel you wanna drive?" Michael asks.
"No you drive since you know your way down 285 so well. I'm still going though, there is no way I'm staying here with the lovebirds." Isabel replies.
After a relatively uneventful ride to Marathon they arrive at Atherton's. They decide to start with the hidden room, and soon they have searched every remaining box, shelf, and rack.
"I know it's here! I can feel it, we are so close." Maria exclaims.
"Maria, we have looked through everything, maybe it's not here." Isabel says.
"Then it has to be underground, that's the only explanation." Maria answers, rather frustrated.
Before anyone can say anything, Michael envelopes Maria in a passionate embrace, and starts kissing her. When they come up for air, Maria immediately goes to the far corner of the room and starts running her hands over the smooth ground. Her hand catches on something, a lever of some kind, she pulls it and a trap door opens inches from Michael's feet. There is a bright red light emanating from the floor, just as Max and Liz had said when they found Max's orb. Michael reaches down and picks up the orb, shaped differently then Max's orb, it's about the same size and weight, but the design is very different. On either side of the oblong object there are places for something to fit into, presumably the other two orbs. The four teens stare in amazement at the object, each thinking what it means to them. The vibes coming off each of them are unmistakable, Isabel, fear, Alex, intrigue, but also sharing Isabel's fear in knowing their turn is next. Michael is also afraid, his fear comes from not knowing what lies ahead, and what information the orbs will release once they are joined together. Finally Maria, her feelings also have to do with the unknown and the possibility of losing Michael.
"We should go, this probably isn't the safest place for any of us, especially with this." Michael says, finally breaking the silence.
"Your right we should get back to Roswell before anyone notices we are gone too." Isabel says, following Michael out of the room and up the stairs.
"So how long did your symptoms start after Max and Liz found the orb?" Isabel asks Maria on the ride back to Roswell.
"Really soon, actually right after I touched the orb. We don't know which of you will have the symptoms though, it could be Alex you know." Maria answers.
"I know, I don't want to hurt him though. I wish there was another way." Isabel says softly.
"Who knows maybe once the two orbs touch they will lead you to the third and you won't have to deal with any of this stuff." Maria says, trying to be encouraging.
"Maybe I want to have to deal with all this stuff. I kissed Alex this morning and it was like magic, and in some ways its all I want to do now. It has nothing to do with the orb either." Isabel explains.
"Lets just relax until we get back to Roswell, don't make any snap decisions right now. Try not to think about it, OK?" Maria tells her. The ride back to Roswell is as uneventful as the trip to Marathon.
They arrive at Maria's to find Max and Liz waiting for them, with the orb. Once inside Michael and Max set the orbs side-by-side on the coffee table. As if some magnetic force was pulling them together the two orbs connected and began to glow. The light from the two orbs began to swirl and intermix until a new color appeared a rich purple. The purple was so bright it almost overpowered the lighting in the house, then the color was gone and the orbs separated themselves from each other, almost as if some unseen hands had separated them. They all stood there a moment taking in what they had just seen, almost unable to believe it or rationalize it. They all knew that rational thought went out the window the moment this whole business with the orbs began, if they believed in it then.
"I know where my orb is." Isabel says softly.
AUTHORS NOTE: In Sexual Healing, the light coming from the orb can be described as a white light or blue light(I know I just rewatched to double check) for the purpose of the story it's blue cause blue+red=purple(plus blue is my favorite color and I want it to be blue)