((…)) thoughts

It was already dark outside when Tala decided to take a walk through the park. He really needed some fresh air and some time alone to get his head free of all these thoughts. He cursed his mind, why couldn't he just forget the slate haired blayder. He never had such feelings before….why now and why him?

"I'm in deep shit…that can't happen to me. NO!" he screamed. ((That's impossible…I mean I'm not gay and ….oh damn….am I?...NO WAY! I'm NOT A STUPID FAG! just fucking perfect now I'm insane AND an asshole.))

Suddenly he began to shiver; he had left his house in such a rush he forgot to take a jacket with him. He wrapped his arms around himself and tried to ignore the cold.

"Maybe it wasn't such a great idea to go outside." he said to himself and automatically his paces quickened, he just wanted to go back home and sleep, he felt so cold and alone.

He nearly jogged back home and had almost reached his house when he bumped into something. Said something had caught his fall and was now lying beneath him. Tala felt so warm and secure that he totally forgot about the situation but was brought back to reality when the THING started to move. ((wait a moment…..it's moving….of course it's moving it's a person you idiot…HEY no insulting….gosh, I'm talking ...no..fighting with myself….))

His thoughts were rudely interrupted as he heard a soft voice. "Tala? Is that you?"

He gulped. ((Is it possible? What is he doing here….you better answer him…or just do anything…wow, what a great advice….stop arguing with yourself Tala….god I need a psychiatrist….))

When he opened his eyes he looked straight into two crimson pools and found himself unable to look away, he was hypnotized. He couldn't move or speak he just kept starring.

"Tala ? Are you okay?" Kai asked the redhead but he didn't get any respond. "Hey are you spaced out… TALA!" Kai shoved Tala of him and got up. ((What's going on with him….he really acts weird during the last days…))

Tala finally woke from his trance as he felt something pushing him up. ((What the hell is….oh….Kai…..fuck….he must think I'm totally crazy….maybe that's not such a wrong guess…)) Tala looked up and was greeted by an angry Kai who glared down at him. (( Damn he is hot when he's angry….Help…what am I thinking…..he is just a fiend….I 'M NOT IN LOVE WITH HIM…yeah….keep lying to yourself…has always helped you, hasn't it…..GREAT, as if life isn't hard enough now I have two little Talas in my head…))

Kai watched his friend intensively, why was he acting so strange? ((He seems to be deep in thoughts….maybe he has problems…..should I ask him?….of course I should, I'm his friend….right….he's a friend….so it's normal to be worried…)) "Tala, is everything…"

He never came to finish his sentence because out of sudden Tala jumped up and ran away as if the devil himself was behind him.

Kai was left behind with a puzzled expressing on his face. ((What was that?….I think I really have to speak with him….)). He was still looking the way Tala vanished but after some minutes he started walking in the other direction, back home. ((It's late…I will talk to him tomorrow…))

Tala was sitting on his bed and sadness was written all over his face. (( I can never tell him….he will kill me….or even worse- he will never talk to me again….no I won't tell him))

"Hey Tala, can I come in?" Tala sighted and allowed Rei to enter.

"Hi Rei, what's up?" he forced a grin and looked at Rei who was eying him critically.

"Nothing just wanted to talk to you, is everything alright? You look troubled."


"Tell me what's wrong, maybe I can help you." Rei said and gave him HIS special look. Tala gave him an icy glare but Rei knew he had won. ((Yeah…that look kills them all….))

"Swear not to laugh at me." Tala trusted Rei not to laugh at him but he wanted to be sure.

"I promise Red, you can trust me. Now tell me!" Rei walked up to Tala and sat himself right beside him. " Okay,….I think..I'm….", Tala stopped, he didn't know if he should tell Rei about his feelings, he had never done this before. Rei gave him a push and asked: "You think you are….what? Come on, tell me." Tala decided it would be better to tell Rei, he could get very annoying when he wants something. ((Maybe he understands and helps me…))

"I think I'm in love with Kai."

That was the first chapter. Hope you liked it. Please review.

Sorry for my grammar mistakes and thanks for reading. See ya!
