One Piece isn't mine. So please don't sue me…
Unexpected Discoveries, rated PG-13 for language and references to sex. Warning for crack. ;D
Luffy lay sprawled atop the figurehead, staring vaguely towards the horizon.
Which was normal.
He'd tossed his shirt haphazardly over the nearby rail, baring the scarred, tanned flesh of his back to the midday sun.
Which was also normal.
What was not normal was the scrap of black cloth peeking from the waistband of the captain's worn denim shorts.
Zoro stared for several minutes, trying to come up with an explanation other than the one that initially popped into his head. It just couldn't be. He crept closer, ears burning. No, it still definitely looked like a-
"Luffy," he rasped, eyes failing in their endeavor to look anywhere but at the strip of fabric, "are you wearing a thong?!"
The rubber boy twisted around, a pleased smile blossoming on his face. "Hey, Zoro!" He slid his hands down to tug at the top of his pants, revealing more of the thong (and even more skin) to the flustered swordsman. "Sanji said they were sexy, so I got a pair to wear for you. It chaffs a little, but…" He shrugged. "It's really not that bad." He wiggled his rear. "So what do you think?"
A strange gurgling sound bubbled from Zoro's throat as he grabbed Luffy and dragged the other boy after him, his free hand vainly trying to staunch the blood from his nose. "Storage room. Now."
The young captain giggled. "Yay!"
Several Hours Later
"They're still going at it?" Usopp moaned, covering his ears at the rather loud series of noises issuing from the storage room. "I can't work under these conditions…"
"Just be glad they found somewhere semi-private this time. You try walking around the mikan grove and find the bastards all over each other." Sanji blew out a hazy puff of smoke. "I think I was scarred for life."
The door to the galley suddenly banged open to reveal Nami, eyes flashing in anger. "Two questions. ONE," she shouted over the sudden enthusiastic scream, "why do they have to be doing that now? I'm trying to work!" Usopp backed away as the navigator stepped dangerously close to the simpering cook, face dark. "Two. You had laundry duty last. Where the hell is my black thong?!"
A.N.: If you like this, add it to your 'Story Alert' so you know when another drabble is added!