
2000: Buffy sent Angel to the hell dimensions, and then proceeded to leaves town after being accused of killing Kendra. Then accoutered the dimensional demons, and instead of just killing them like in the show. She was put into a reversed dimension portal that lets time move slowly inside, but rapidly outside. She was 16 years old.

2004: Christopher Halliwell came back into time to save his family. He was killed but his younger self was then born.

2019: Chris ran away from home at the age of 15

2020: Buffy destroyed the demons, without realizing what they did to her (the time travel). She is still 16 years old. Chris is also 16 years old.

1023: Chris and Buffy met and romance bloomed.

1024: The children of Chris and Buffy were born.

Hope that this timeline helps people!

Future Consequences


A fifteen year old Christopher Perry Halliwell raced down the steps to help his family face the demon of the day.

"Chris Get out of here," Piper yelled. Then with a flick of her wrists she blew up the demon. Turning to her youngest son she asked "What were you thinking? You know that you're not allowed to face demons. It is too dangerous for you. Go to your room now and don't even think about orbing out."

Chris turned to leave the room. Then at the last minute he turned to ask "Why can't I face demons? I have a power and I'm fifteen. Wyatt was facing demons since he was thirteen. He is allowed to go to magic school. So is Chelsea and she is only eight. What is wrong with me that you are keeping magic away from me?"

"Chris sweetie it just isn't a good time for you to learn about magic…" Piper began only to be cut off.

"It's never is a good time; I'm tired of this family. I want to be able to use my powers and use the information that I know. You don't even let me near the Book of Shadows. I had to stay up at night to even get a glimpse of the book."

"Don't question me; just go to your room now!" Piper screamed at her second son.

"Fine" was all he replied before he orbed away.

"Leo, what are we going to do with him? We can't loose him again. He already died once. I don't know what we should do. Even though we bound his powers he still insists on fighting, why can't he stay safe at home?" Piper turned to survey the damage. Sighing she started to clean up the room without an answer to her problem.

Ever since the first Chris had died she was drastically afraid that she was going to loose this Chris. Even though she knew that they were the same person, only different memories. Hell she also knew that the younger one, the one she watched grow into a fine young man, didn't have any memories from his older version.

Was it wrong for her to want her sons safe? Wyatt had many powers; however he was the strongest witch on the face of the planet. Why should she have to worry about Wyatt when he was so strong but Chris was weak? It was in Chris, she felt the constant need to worry about. He had active powers that she bound, because otherwise he would go rushing off to kill as many demons that he could. The conclusion would ultimately be the loss of his life. She refused to see him die for a second time.

­­­­­­­­­­­­However, little did she know, Chris didn't at first go to his room. He went to his sanctuary, his escape, the attic where his family's magical inheritance was held. Many people would find this odd. But for him, it held his family's legacy, the famed Book of Shadows. It was also the only place he could even hope to solve his current problem. This book held all the information of his ancestors, from how to create potions and how to identify demons.

What his family didn't know was that Chris would often spend countless sleepless nights memorizing the book. There were few things that he didn't know. However, he still felt comfort come from the book. It helped him think, being in front of the book and turning its pages. He was sure there was some hidden secret inside the book because only the first few spells remained in the same order. The rest seemed to move, unless you looked for that one specifically.

He often tried to cast some of the spells, but they didn't work. Chris would often have the feeling of magic trying to escape him, but it wasn't working. He tried to pull against the restraints, but to no avail the spells would always fail. It was inconceivable that he was born into a long strong line of witches and only had orbing as a power and non power over simple spells. Even the weakest witches could rhyme spells. 'No wonder everybody thinks that little old Chris needs protecting.' He thought in discus as he slammed the book closed.

Taking a deep breath he opened the book again to try and find that one spell that may help him. He turned the page to the spell he had chanted and rechanted for the last two months.

Hear these words here the rhyme,

Heed the hope within my mind,

Send the truth back to this place,

Claim refuge in my solemn face

(AN: The spell is a mix of one used in season 6).

He felt his magic pull, it pulled more than normal. It was working! Then after a few minutes…Nothing! Still, after waiting some more it didn't seem to work, but then again he seemed to only have small spells work for him, ones that didn't need a lot of magic, and that is if you could call them working. 'More like coincidences.' Maybe his family is right that he doesn't have any power so why try. Then again he knew that they were keeping something big from him that he should desperately know about.

After that was said and done, Chris orbed into the room that he shared with his older brother. Wyatt turned and scolded at his brother. "You shouldn't have tried to help, you're too weak. I don't know how you got it into your thick skull that you have to battle demons, but you should stop being a baby and sulking that you don't have any active powers. Leave the demon fighting to people who can make a difference. Honestly I don't know how you got into this family being so magically weak!"

"I am not weak! I have powers just like the rest of this family."

Then Wyatt cut him off, "Like what, orbing? That is only good for escaping from demons, not killing them. You need an active power, which you don't have. Don't you remember what happened last time?"

Chris remembered all right. He had just gotten home and hoped to look through the book a few times before the rest of the family get home. It was also why he had to stay up half of the night to read the book of shadows.

Chris was running and dodging the energy balls coming at him. He then tried to raise his hands to blow up the creature. He didn't know why he did this, he didn't have any powers but it just came as a natural reaction.

"What are you doing?" His sister screamed at him. Then she said, "We have to get to the book. There will be a spell in there." She then tried to get to it before being thrown across the room.

"The spell is 'In the darkness powers so cold, be banished now from my powers so bold.'" Chris replied to her.

"Ya right, like that could be an actual spell. You wouldn't know one if it hit you in the face."

Wyatt had gotten to the book, and had found the spell. "It's 'In the darkness, Powers so cold, be banished now from my powers so bold." The demons vanished into sparks as Wyatt finished the spell.

"See, now that is a spell." Chelsea said.

"That was the same spell I just told you to say. Why don't you ever listen to me?"

"Because you don't have any powers and you're just so stupid! And that so wasn't the same spell you just said it was completely different."

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?" Was what piper screamed, when she entered to find her attic in a mess, and her three children bettered and bruised.

"Oh ya, I remember. If it weren't for you not listening to me and just using the spell the attic wouldn't have been trashed. It also would not have gotten me busted for using the book. You got me into trouble for looking through the book."

"You don't even have powers why do you need the book?"

"It is my family inheritance the same as you and Chelsea. And I really don't see the big deal about fighting demons. If I would just be taught how to use the powers I do have it wouldn't be a problem. I know I have more powers than orbing, any type of power. I can feel it just out of my grasp!" Turning away in discus he changed the subject. "What are you doing here anyway? Aren't you supposed to be at a friend's house tonight?" Chris started to ignore his brother without waiting for an answer; even though he didn't want to go to sleep he went to lie down.

He had been receiving nightmares for the last few months, which he thought was his spell working. These dreams were so ominous, but if they were the truth... He didn't know if he could handle it. Some were good to the point that he wished this was truly his life; these were mostly with a woman named Bianca. They were normally short and bittersweet. The other dreams however were horrible beyond belief. They showed his brother as some evil tyrant. He knew that his brother could be a pain in the ass and an ignorant bastard, but he wasn't evil, wasn't a killer. Seeing that Wyatt wasn't going anywhere, he subsumed to yet another unrest night of sleep. Yet, deep down he still hoping to have the answers that he seeks.

Screams filled the air…

Wyatt with long hair…

Orbing in black orbs…

Time travel…



­­­­­­­­­­­­­Suddenly, Chris jolted awake. The spell had finally worked. Everything made sense, but it also made absolutely no sense all the same; the dreams weren't dreams, but memories. They were HIS memories from a completely different life, but yet the same life all the same. He couldn't think. Was he Chris or was he Chris. No that question didn't make sense either. What was he to do, who was he, Chris Perry who traveled back in time or ordinary Chris who didn't know anything about magic? Yes that was the question that needed asking. Gasping for breath, he started to panic. 'This isn't right. My powers, I have powers. If I'm the other Chris then I should be able to use them.' He tried to use his powers. Now he could feel the magic blocking the usage of his powers.

Wait, he knew how to use his powers and what they were. Slowly the memories started to intertwine. His pasts started to set out into a patter. That was what it was! He had a past life. 'No, that doesn't explain it. How can a past life have the same parents and siblings? Well maybe not the same siblings.' He thought as his other memories didn't have Chelsea in them. He needed to think and process this information. He knew how to use his powers. But they were dormant, and he couldn't access them. He couldn't access this telepathy, empathy, astral-projection, combustion and reformation, time powers, mental, or orbing.

Wait! Orbing! How could he orb if the rest of his powers didn't work. 'They must have bound them. Why? Do they hate me that much to take so much from me? I need my powers; this is why I'm feeling so incomplete! They must have bound them. That is the only explanation. What can I do? I need them like I need air.' A spell then popped into his head. 'It may work, but I'll need a lot of magic.'

"Power of the witches rise,

Course unseen across the skies,

Come to me who call you near,

Come to me and settle here.

(Season 6, Episode 4)"

Dormant powers awakened with a jolt, Telepathy, empathy, freezing and reforming objects, and most importantly the ability to keep people from sensing him. Though to be truthful he had the knowledge awakened before but now that his powers were free he could actually put them to use. 'I have the whole book memorized! Between what I remembered before and what I know now, the entire book of shadows is in my head' Chris mused over this for a while. He was now accustomed to having the memories in his head. It felt right.

He must have been moving around more that he thought because his brother said "Shut up!" from across the room, with one of his pillows flying in his general direction. Smirking Chris flicked a finger and the pillow hit the wall. Wyatt was none the wiser because he was already on his never-ending trip to dreamland.

Then knowing that he will need a place to think and clear his head without disturbing his brother he orbed out onto the Golden Gate Bridge. It was the first time the younger version of Chris could remember being at this place. But his older and wiser version found peace when looking about the bridge.

Then a memory popped into his head. It was the first time when he had been here in the year 2004. He had orbed in to ask Leo about the demon baby.

"What are you doing up here?" he had asked Leo

"Communing with the others."

"Can anyone see us?" He had asked. Chris then smirked while he remembered the response.

"Not me. But you will look like a lunatic standing up here talking to yourself." (Season 6, Episode 9)

He then sat down to meditate, trying to make more sense of the two lives, and forcing the memories into a meaningful pattern. Was he a 15 year old boy with a 23 year olds memory? Or was he a 23 year old stuck in the body of a 15 year old? Hours passed and the sun started to rise. He knew they would come looking for him. 'To protect me,' he thought bitterly. 'I should leave everything behind. Technically I'm 23 years old, though my body is only 15. I have had sex, drank and time traveled.' He stopped and laughs at his thoughts. He had had sex before his older brother. It was a laugh. 'Only Wyatt wouldn't think that I'm telling the truth. Though I can't live on my own in the body of a 15 year old, though a spell will easily cover that up…'

"Two lives lived,

Memories gained,

Though my appearance deceived

Show them how I'm meant to be perceived."

With the end of the spell Chris's appearance changed to that of a 23 year old. Feeling his brother and father starting to wake up he fully masked his powers and his orbing trail. He then decided to orb away to a new life, without his family. And most importantly he will disappear without a trace. His family will not be able to find him. 'I will run my own life and my family can go to hell!' was his last thought while looking at San Francisco.


"What do you mean he's gone? Go after him, I know you can sense him. He doesn't know how to block either of you." Piper demanded from her oldest son and husband.

"I think he might be trying to block us. This is a first. I'm sure he isn't skilled enough to block us for long. Don't worry mom. He will be home for dinner. He is just overreacting and acting like a baby." Wyatt said.

"Mom, Wyatt is right, If Chris is going to act like a baby, he shouldn't be allowed to fight demons, or have magic. I mean even Melinda isn't as bad as him and she is only 5 years old," said Chelsea.

"That is why we bound his powers. We didn't want him to fight." Piper said exasperated.

"You bound his powers? Why? Never mind he wasn't mature enough for them anyway. He will be home tonight. He always is."

"You're right, he will be home, and he just wanted to cause a scene to get his way." Piper responded a little more reassured that her son would be home for dinner. Little did she know that it would be a very long time until she ever saw her son again.


Two weeks later there was still no sign of Chris returning home and Piper was on everybody's nerves with worry. "Where could he be? He's just a baby, my baby. He can't take care of himself. It has to be a demon. He wouldn't leave on his own. Phoebe, stop ignoring me. You got to help."

"Well when I tried to help you thought that I was crazy. The first mistake you made was to bin Chris' Powers. You know as well as I do that he could easily take care of himself in a demon attach. Don't let the older Chris' death fool you. He died protecting Wyatt. You didn't listen to Paige and me when we warned you that he needed his powers." Phoebe tried to talk sense into her sister.

"Oh, what do you know? Look at us! Grams binded our powers and we all turned out perfectly fine. We lived perfectly normal. That is what Chris should do. Live a normal life without demons and the sort."

"She's talking crazy again." Paige's song-like voice cut through. "Piper, we didn't know about magic and it wouldn't have made a difference for us. However, Chris is surrounded by it. You know that Phoebe often felt that he was desperate and lost but Leo and you have always been too afraid of the possibility of him dieing."

"It's not a 'what could happen!' It did happen or do you forget that he came back to the past to pose as our white lighter then died! I'm not crazy!" Piper replied hastily to her sisters' reprimands.

"Then lets just do a spell to find out what happened to my brother." Wyatt's clear baritone voice cut through the tension. "He may be hiding somehow now, but we will at least find out what happened to him."

"Sounds like a plan. Now chop to it." Piper looked to Phoebe to write the spell.

"Fine! Why am I always the one to make these types of spell?"

"Because you're the fastest and you know that Piper's temper is at its peak," Paige said.

"Ok just give me one more minute." Phoebe said, "Ok I got it!"

"See you're the fastest and may I add most accurate." The sisters and Wyatt along with his sister form a circle and chanted.

"Powers of the witches rise,

Courses formed across time,

Show us our error and the path,

That will bring our dear Chris back."

The light surrounded them and they only saw Chris recite the spell to unbind his powers then the world went back to normal.

After coming out of the memory, Wyatt stood stunned. His brother's powers were awakened. He actually had powers. There was no way he could find him unless he wanted to be found. The question he wanted the answer to was how many powers Chris had. If they were bound then they never got a chance to be used. And that meant that Chris ran away with unchecked powers.

'I hope you're miserable Chris, because I'll make sure that you are brought home. Kicking and screaming if I have to!' Wyatt promised.


Chris however was currently over 4000 miles away in London, currently talking with a loan shark to borrow money to start his night club. When he orbed to London he had decided to start his own night club. He practically grew up in a night club and saw the mistakes that his mother made, and thus knew how to avoid them. The only thing needed was money.

He had already schmoosed the right people to vouch for him. That part was easy because he remembered them from his previous life. They were somewhat different in experiences, but it was still easy all the same. What brought him to the scoundrel sitting in front of him was the fact that he was hoping that by starting a night club with his experiences, the club could then be an even bigger success than his mother's P3. He was about to finish up when an idea hit him hard.

"How much extra would it cost to open up 5 more in New York, LA, Tokyo, Greece, and Paris?" It slipped out of his mouth before he realized what he said. Then after he thought about it a bit further, he concluded that 'If I'm going to go big, why not bigger?' It was not normal to start a night club, but even more so to start a chain of night clubs. It was only big money business men such as Trump, whom would even have considered this. Then again it is cheaper than a casino.

"It would be a significant investment. However if your serious then I think I can come up with part of the money. However, that is only after you can make a business plan of all the areas, the targeted people, costs, payroll, etc. It will not be an easy endeavor, but for an ambitious young man such as you it isn't impossible. Though it will require much dedication and must importantly time." The lone shark, Billy, stated. 'This moron, he will owe me for the rest of his life.'

"You don't have to worry about that. I have no other commitments. No family, no friends, and most of all no distractions. It won't be a problem to start the clubs. Now, let me go over the internal setup of what I have for the plans here in London and I will have the ones for next week available for you in two weeks. Does that sound good to you?"

Chris didn't know what else to do with his time. He had no one, literally. The truth of the statement hit him hard. He had no one. Everybody was back in San Francisco. Not that he wanted to return to his family. He had lived without them once before it wouldn't be hard to cope without them again, but it was still the thought that stuck a cord. He pushed the thoughts to the back of his head.

He sat here with a clear plan and motive. All he needed was the money to get it, now them, started. Having no idea on what to call he premier site in London, he just started to think of terms special to him. Piper had chosen the name 'P3,' because of the Power of three. He wanted something just as special.

Then he thought with a smirk, "I have the perfect name. It is a bit obscured but it will have people thinking, and it is interesting enough to name a whole chain after."

"Really? What is it?" The loan officer asked with a fainting interest.

With a smile Chris thought of the frustration his family felt at these words when he first came back to the past. Then he thought of the irony. He had warned them that any future knowledge could change time and destiny. Their future knowledge had changed their treatment of him, thus causing him to leave. Smile changing into a smirk, he then stated the two words that drove his family crazy, "Future Consequences."