A/N: On with the fun then...don't forget to leave me some comments/criticism!

Leaning against the work counter, Kate watched him, realising that for the first time they were acting like a couple; no insults, just the occasional teasing comment, and Sawyer doing something domestic. It suited him, she thought, working in a kitchen, being 'normal'.

'Jane wants salsa on top of her non-rubbery eggs, by the way. I'm not bothered, as long as it's not poisoned,' she smirked at him, 'What are you having?'

'So, you just came in here to tell me...what, that there's no hurry on the eggs?' Sawyer smirked at her. 'Well, that's sweet. I'm flattered. Maybe you could be useful and whisk this till it's frothy.' He handed her a bowl which had the egg powder in it with some added water and evaporated milk, salt and ground pepper. 'I'm gonna make scrambled, since we don't actually have real eggs. And I'm way ahead of you on the salsa.' He held up the small jar he'd found. "Found some spicy sausage too. Guess it keeps well down here."

He moved to cut some chunks off of it and put it to one side. 'You don't eat meat though, right? I can make a special Kate batch without the sausage if you want. Got some flaked garlic and herbs here, might tasty it up for you.' He didn't know exactly why but for the first time in a while he felt relaxed, even happy. Like he wasn't thinking about anything but just making some eggs with a pretty woman.

Of course that pretty woman had stolen his goddamn clothes...

Laughing, Kate took the bowl from him and began whisking.

'I'm surprised you remembered about my vegetarianism, Sawyer, let alone that you thought to keep the sausage separate from my eggs,' she met his eyes, letting them say what words could not. That she appreciated his effort to please her.

'What's for dessert, Tex? I thought I saw some ice-cream in the freezer, and I know that there's chocolate. We could melt it down and pour over the top.' Kate's mouth was watering at the thought of ice-cream and chocolate sauce. She had an incurable sweet-tooth, and couldn't believe she'd survived so long on the island without a regular supply of candy bars.

'You'll be surprised by what I remember, and what I learn just by watchin' from the sidelines, no one payin' me any notice.' He replied, the slightest edge coming to the tone of his voice. But he covered it with an easy smile and grabbed the bowl from her. 'And ain't we gettin' ahead of ourselves, Miss Greedypants? This is brunch we're makin'. Somethin' tells me that you're the kind of gal who'd eat ice cream for breakfast if she damn well felt like it, though. Am I right?' The stove was ready, and he added his ingredients to the egg mixture, saving some for Kate's non-sausage portion. Then he tossed it into the pan and kept a critical eye on it.

Kate laughed and felt herself blushing at his comments. She couldn't remember the last time a guy had made her blush, but somehow she didn't mind. She felt so relaxed in Sawyer's company, with their easy banter flowing between them. For a second she felt guilty leaving Jane alone, but when she glanced over, she was curled up with a book, paying them no attention.

'I have been known to eat ice-cream at any time of the day...not necessarily out of a bowl, if you catch my drift,' she smiled coyly at Sawyer, wondering when she had dared to be so outwardly suggestive towards him; she was thinking that maybe the air in the hatch had gone to her head.

'Oh, I'm catchin' it alright.' Sawyer replied his grin turning slightly more wicked. 'And I like where your mind is driftin', girl.' He pulled out some plates and began to pile the eggs onto them. 'Still, I'm not sure if I should trust you with the chocolate sauce. I mean, you run off with my clothes and all.' Sawyer chuckled and began to make her portion of the breakfast. 'Here, scoot off and take those to Janey and Benjy, will ya?'

Kate returned his wicked smile, and couldn't help but picture Sawyer with chocolate sauce...two of her favourite things, and both equally delicious.

Distracted, she didn't hear his request to take the plates, and instead gazed at his face, serious now, concentrating on making the eggs perfect.

'Huh? Sorry, didn't catch that, I was just...' her voice trailed off, as she noticed his towel was slipping, and she smiled again, wondering if he'd noticed.

Jane popped in at that moment to check on her food. She'd seen the exchange and saved Kate.

'I'll take those. Thanks Sawyer, these look wonderful.' Then with a wink and a smile, she turned to take the food to the other room. She assumed Ben would be back from his trip to the restroom soon and she could pretend again not to pay any attention to the two in the kitchen.

Ben was already there waiting for Jane and the two lovebirds to come back from the kitchen. Ben noticed that Jane had a look on her face like she was pretending to do something or not to do something.

'What's going on in there?' Ben asked, hungry for some new gossip. He thought that with all the stuff going on, it would make a great reality TV show where the public chooses who gets voted off next.

Jane looked at Ben. Isn't it obvious? She thought. To her, she could see the fire just below the surface waiting to ignite. Sawyer and Kate just had it bad for each other - real bad. But it could be that she was more perceptive than most. Jane wasn't sure what to say to Ben.

Looking at her eggs, she realized Sawyer had put sausage in them. Making a face and looking up at Ben, she said, 'I hope you like sausage, 'cause I will be giving you all of mine! I can't eat any type of pig, whether it be boar or ham or sausage,' she explained, 'So I thought I could gracefully give you mine so that Sawyer wouldn't have to know.'

Jane knew Sawyer was making a special batch for Kate, but she wanted to give them some space and not press her luck. He was nice enough to make them for her after all.