Chapter 1: Naruto's words and Sakura's tears

"All right! You guys have worked pretty hard on controlling your chakra today." Kakashi-sensei said to team 7. " I have something to attend to and it might take a while… but I want you three to take a brake and sit down and question each other to get to know each other better."

"Wait! What's your reason to leave so suddenly?" Sasuke questioned.

"Okay! I'll tell you but don't say a word to anyone… we don't want to cause commotion," Kakashi-sensei said with an uneasy look. "I've been called down by Hokage-sama. Rumor has it that one of our Anbu saw an S-rank missing-nin nearby our village!"

"Let's go and get him then!" Naruto said stupidly.

"No!" Kakashi said. "It's dangerous. Stay here and do as I said."

In conclusion to that, Kakashi disappeared into a think cloud of smoke leaving team 7 in a field of grass surrounded by trees.

"Wait!" Sasuke called.

"Sasuke-kun," Sakura asked. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," he replied.

"Sakura," Sasuke said. "Don't you think that Kakashi has been acting weird lately?"

"A little too overprotective to be exact," Sakura replied.

"I thought that it was because he wasn't reading that book while we were training," Naruto added.

Sasuke sighed. "I knew he would say something dumb!"

"Why you…" Naruto and Sasuke exchanged looks. Each of them with lightening blazing from their eyes.

"Enough you two," Sakura said. "What if that criminal is somewhere near…? I wonder if he's a Konoha missing-nin."

"Lets not waste more time. We should be asking each other questions like sensei asked us to," Naruto explained.

Could it be? Itachi? I don't have time for questions and answers… Sasuke thought. If it is Itachi then I should be going out to look for him.

"Sasuke," Naruto asked. "Do you remember your parents?"

Huh? Why would he ask me that? Sasuke thought. But that's a good question to ask myself. Do I remember them? It's been a long time since…

"Not really!" Sasuke replied.

Suddenly, Naruto noticed Sakura crying. She just sat there, letting her tears out in silence.

"Sakura-chan," Naruto asked with a worried look on his face. "Why are you crying?"

Sasuke's attention suddenly turned to Sakura as she wiped her tears away and managed to put on a hard smile.

"Sakura," he asked her. "Is there something you'd like to tell us?"

"Well… I… have… no…" she hesitated.

"Nani?" Sasuke asked waiting patiently for her answer.

"I have no parents." Sakura muttered.

"NANI!" Naruto yelled. "But I just saw then yesterday."

"No! They're not my parents," Sakura explained. "They're my guardians who are to take care of me till I'm 18."

"What happened to your real parents?" Naruto asked.

"They died fighting for Konoha. They were Anbu. They went on a mission to find an S-rank criminal and unfortunately… it lead to their deaths."

"Gomen!" Sasuke said.

"What for?" Sakura forced a smile. "You don't need to be sorry!"

"Don't worry Sakura-chan!" Naruto said smiling. "You have family. You have me, Sasuke and Kakashi-sensei. See?"

"Hai," Sakura said. What Naruto had said had really put a smile on her face.

Although Naruto is annoying… Inner Sakura said. He can be a true friend sometimes…

"Kakashi wont really come will he!" Sasuke sighed. "It's already 7 and I haven't even had dinner yet!"

"Let's call it a day and go get some ramen." Naruto said.