This was written because I needed a best friend moment…I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for reading.
Temperance watched as Booth and Russ left her apartment. She sat heavily on the couch letting out a deep sigh. She felt restless as her overactive brain stalled on the facts. It was a strange kind of pent up energy left behind from the weeks events. She had just found her mother's remains then preceded to find out she, Temperance Brennan, wasn't who thought she was. She couldn't get it out of her head, Christine Brennan aka Ruth Kennan. Tempe felt as though she would crawl out of her skin as her thoughts refused to die away.
'Kyle was Russ. Ruth was Christine. Max was Matthew. She was…she was Joy', her mind screamed.
It was too much to take in. There would be no sleeping tonight. She grabbed her jacket and headed toward the door with destination unknown. As she walked along the dark city streets her mind wander freely.
'Max, Ruth, Kyle, Joy…bank robbers…Max, Ruth, Kyle, Joy.'
She desperately needed answers. Tears were spilling down her cheeks.
'Matthew, Christine, Russell, Temperance…bookkeeper, science teacher.'
She couldn't quell her racing thoughts. Her heart ached from the embedded lies. Her life was forever altered.
She continued through the city aimlessly. She was moving on autopilot not realizing where her feet were taking her. She was just going with the proverbial flow. She didn't even try to seek protection as the late night rain began. It suited her dark and confused mood perfectly as the light mist turned into a steady drumming down pour.
She had no idea how long she had been walking but rain had changed from the steady sheet of a waterfall to intermittent sprinkles. What time did she even leave her apartment? Several hours had passed but she didn't care. She didn't have her cell or her watched and walking through DC in the middle of the night wasn't the safest or smartest thing she had ever done.
Without warning she stopped at the edge of a driveway. She shook herself mentally as if coming out of a dream. Why had she come here? Solace was the answer…she came here because she needed comfort and understanding. She needed a friend.
A loud clap of thunder resonated off the houses making Temperance Brennan jump. Her heart raced from surprise. As a small child she didn't like thunder. As an adult she knew it was an irrational fear. It was the lightening you needed to be leery of but it was the thunder that got her every time.
Tempe knocked on the door and waited. She wasn't thinking about the obvious late hour. She wished she could turn her brain off. It would be nice to have a dreamless sleep. She never told anyone about the nightmares. If it wasn't the El Salvador prison cell it was mass graves in Central America. If not mass graves it was being chased by the red army.
She was no strange to nighttime terrors. She was constantly haunted behind closed eyes. She had an endless array of nightmares to choice from her first being of her parent's disappearance. She dreamed of a conversation leading to her abandonment. In her dreams her parents left because they didn't love her and never had. It had been the same dream since she was 15. Her mother would say, 'sorry Tempe we have more important things we need to take care of. You're a smart girl. You'll be fine. Have a good life. Come on Russ, honey it's time to leave.' Through her tears she would have only one response, 'But mommy I thought you loved me. You said you loved me.' And then her mother would break her heart, 'I lied. How could anyone love someone like you?'
She never told anyone why she worked the way she did. The reason she never slept. Awake she had control. Asleep she was helpless. Now she had a whole new nightmare to deal with. The scene of her mother's death had not left her since handling Vince McVicar's spring-loaded captive-bolt stunner. Her mind wouldn't let go of the image of it punching through the fence at the farm. Of, course Tempe's mind automatically translated that image to bones, her mother's bones. She could see her mother clearly being drilled in the forehead by the device. How could any sane person do that? Easy enough answer, McVicar wasn't sane.
Tempe absently knocked again.
The door opened abruptly revealing a bleary eyed disheveled Angela Montenegro who was ironically squinting from the bright street lights outside her front door, "What the hell. This better be good…Bren? What are you doing here? It's like 2 a.m." Angela's voice was harsh from being awoken in the middle of the night.
A stunned Tempe said, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry Ange. I didn't realize…I don't know why I'm here. I'm going to go." She started to back away from Angela. Another clap of thunder made her flinch and want to run for cover but she did her best to compose herself. Fear was shown clearly on her face.
Angela with dawning comprehension watched her best friend step away from her quickly with a look of fear. Angela caught Tempe before she could get away. She spoke softly, "Sweetie, wait. I'm sorry. I'm not at my best in the wee morning hours. Come inside."
Tempe quietly let Angela usher her into the house.
"Bren, honey, what's going on? Where's you car? How did you get here?" Angela asked softly. She was finally taking in the appearance of her usually stoic best friend. Tempe was soaked through from the rain. She was shivering visibly with her emotions emanating freely, they were nearly tangible. Seeing Temperance Brennan like this was disturbing on so many levels. Her walls had finally crumbled.
"I'm not sure what brought me here, Ange. I was just taking a walk to clear my head. I guess I just…I don't know. Everything is just so confusing", Tempe shook her head hugging herself. She was starting to feel the cold damp material of her clothing penetrating her skin. Her face was swollen and streaked with tears.
Angela shook off the last reminisce of sleep and said with surprise, "You walked here? Sweetie, that's like 10 miles. Come on you're soaked to the bone. I'm gonna find you something to change into while you take a hot shower. Then we're gonna have some girl talk. Okay?"
Tempe simply nodded allowing Angela to guide her down the hall to the bathroom, "towels are under the sink. Help yourself to anything in there. I'm going to find you some dry clothes."
Tempe did as she was told for once with no argument. She stepped out of the shower to find a pair of sweat pants and an oversized tee shirt on the edge of the sink. She didn't even hear Angela deliver them. She put them on then walked out to find a robed Angela sitting on her couch with a cup of tea twirling slowly in her hands lost in thought. She looked up to see Tempe, "hey, feeling better?"
"Yes. Thanks Angela. I'm sorry I came here…"
Angela cut her off, "No, Sweetie I'm glad you came. You shouldn't have to deal with all of this by yourself. You are not alone and you are welcome here any time. I mean that. Now come on. We have some girl talking to do." Angela had put a pillow in her lap indicating to Tempe to lay the length of the sofa.
Tempe complied without protest suddenly feeling exhausted. Angela stroked Tempe's head running gentle fingers through her best friend's hair with sisterly love. Knowing when a simple touch is needed was key.
"Talk to me Bren", she coaxed.
"It's too much, Ange."
"What's too much, Sweetie?"
"Max, Ruth, Kyle, and Joy", Tempe said with a short laugh.
"I don't understand."
"Booth found my parents in the NCIC database", Tempe admitted.
Isn't that for…"
"Criminals? Yes, I found out that my parents are actually Max and Ruth Kennan. My brother, was Kyle and…" she paused. Tears were falling uncontrolled. "I was Joy…Joy Kennan. Russ knew it but he never told. I'm still having trouble with that. Then when we visited McVicar he kept calling me Joy saying all these things about my Mother", Tempe said with venom.
"McVicar and your Mom were an item?"
"That seems to be the case."
"Do you know what happened?"
"There aren't any real details yet. McVicar is obviously lying. Booth says he 'lies like we drink a glass of water.' He's investigating as much as he can. The only thing we know for sure is they got into some trouble with some bad people. The FBI thought they were killed because of botched bank heist."
"A bank heist?" Angela asked. She knew a lot of this but Tempe needed talk about it.
"Their specialty was unarmed robbery of safety deposit boxes but they got involved with a strong armed crew."
"Did you know Russ made a promise to your dad?" Angela asked.
"What?" Tempe exclaimed with surprise.
"When Russ described McVicar to me he told me he made a promise to your Dad."
"He didn't tell me but that then again I didn't really give him much if a chance. What did he promise?"
"…to never tell anyone your real name. Your Dad told Russ he would be killing you, his baby sister, and his mother if he ever told anyone even the police. Bren, he kept a promise. Don't be mad at him. He was protecting you."
"I'm tired of being protected. I don't want to be protected any more", Tempe stated slowly sounding groggy.
Angela noticed Tempe words were starting to slur. Deciding to probe just a tiny bit at this moment of vulnerability at the edge of sleep Angela asked, "Sweetie, can I ask you something?"
"Sure, Ange."
"Why didn't talk to Russ or Booth?"
Tempe answered with heavy eye lids and words sliding together slightly, "Idunno. Russ had to get back to North Carolina. Booth just wants to protect me 24 hours a day. As much as I love him I was starting to feel claustrophobic. Booth would die for me. I know this but I just…Ange I needed my best friend."
"Well I'm glad you came to me, Sweetie", Angela whispered. She would not mention the use of the word 'love' when in reference to Booth, at least for the time being.
Tempe let out a wide yawn she couldn't stifle. Angela looked down to see Tempe fighting the sleep she desperately needed. With her best friend's head in her lap she continued to run her fingers through her hair. She could feel Tempe's body relax as her breathing evened out. A lifetime of tension was steadily seeping away as sleep began to take hold.
Finally at the edge of sleepy oblivion Tempe was yanked forcefully out of it when a loud clap of thunder surprised her. She jumped from Angela's lap heart beating so strongly it was striking her rib cage. She was in panicked state breathing heavily. Sheer terror had engulfed her.
"Sweetie, its okay it's only thunder", Angela said trying to penetrate Tempe's terror and panic. "Bren, look at me. It's Angela. I'm here. It's okay."
A wide eyed and pale faced Tempe looked at Angela. "Ange?" she asked as her mind cleared.
"You okay now?" Angela asked pulling Tempe into a loose hug.
Tempe nodded slowly gaining control of her senses and steadying her breathing. She felt sick from the receding panic but she didn't voice this. Instead she whispered, "I'm so tired."
"Come on, honey. It's bed time. I have the guest bed ready for you."
For the second time that night Tempe allowed Angela to guide her. They walked down the hall to the bedrooms. Tempe crawled under the sheets and Angela sat at the edge of the bed brushing hair from her best friend's face with concern. Tempe took a deep breath and closed her eyes.
"Sweetie, are you gonna be alright?"
"I don't know, Ange. I want to be", with those words Tempe fell asleep as Angela sat there making sure her friend was going be okay, at least for the night.
Hours passed without incident until the nightmare began. Tempe's mind transported her to the mass graves of Guatemala, in the center of the field of bodies stood the El Salvador well. McVicar was standing in front of the Christine Brennan with his weapon of choice held loosely in hand. His voice was that of her mother, 'I don't know why you are so persistent, Joy. We never wanted a daughter. How could anyone love someone like you? Don't kid yourself, darlin. Seeley Booth would never fall for the likes of you.' McVicar raised his hand and pulled the trigger once the weapon touched Christine's forehead, "NO!" Christine staggered backward over the edge of the well. Tempe desperately tried to reach her mother but the bodies of the mass grave came alive dragging her to the ground, "NO! Let me go! Let me go!" Tempe fought them off with everything she had punching and kicking viciously.Vince McVicar looked over to her this time stealing the voice of Angela, "Bren, Sweetie, It's just a dream. Come on wake up."
Temperance Brennan woke with a start being held tightly in Angela's arms. She was soaked with sweat and breathing heavily. Her heart was hammering and her mind refused to release her from the nightmare as she fought to get out of Angela's grip. "No!" Tempe screamed pushing Angela away who toppled off the edge of the bed head over heels hitting the floor with an audible thud.
When Angela stood up again she found Tempe cowering in a corner. She move to her cautiously, "Sweetie, if I come over there you aren't going to hurt me are you?"
Tempe turned her head to see Angela rubbing her backside, "God, I'm sorry Angela. I didn't mean to hurt." Tears were once again flowing free freely.
"No Sweetie, it was my fault. I shouldn't have touched you. That must have been some nightmare."
"Yeah", she admitted hating this moment of weakness.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"I don't…I don't know if I can", Tempe said sounding totally exhausted. Feeling Angela's touch made her jerk her face away from the cold probing hands.
"Oh, Sweetie you feel warm. I think you might have a fever. Come on get back in bed while I get you some aspirin and a glass of water."
"I'm okay Ange", Tempe said getting up on unsteady legs.
As Angela helped Tempe to the bed and tucked her in as she spoke, "No, Sweetie not this time. You are going to stay her today while I go to work. I'll tell Dr. Goodman you're taking the day off. There is no arguing about this. You need to rest before you put yourself in the hospital."
Tempe conceded, "Frankly Angela, I'm too tired to fight with you."
"Good. Now hold tight. I'll be back in a minute."
When she returned she dropped two tablets into Tempe's hands, "So Sweetie what dream did you have? You nearly took my head off with one of those fierce punches of yours."
"I'm so sorry Angela." Angela waved it away wanting Tempe to continue. "It was about Vince McVicar and my mother", Tempe stated plainly. "I heard him speak with my mother's voice telling me they didn't love me. He shot her with that stunner. When I tried to get to her, bodies of a mass grave were holding me back. When McVicar spoke again it was your voice telling me to wake up."
"God, I'd never go to sleep again."
"Why do you think work so much?"
Realization struck. Why hadn't she noticed this before? Brennan's life was full of nightmare's which have yet to be dealt with, least of all her abandonment issues, "Sweetie you need to deal with all of this. You need professional help."
"I hate psychology, it's a soft science."
Angela shook her head at the all too familiar phrase, "I know, Bren. I know."