A/N: Two author notes today, one here at the top, and one at the bottom. I hope you'll take your time to read the bottom one too. Anyway, this is why I made a top one:

The Final Chapter of 'Don't Judge a Book by Its Cover'

I hope you enjoy it! Thank you!


Chapter 13

"I bought you some chocolate cake, since it's your favourite,"

As Naruto looked up from his sketchbook, he was greeted with the smile he wanted most to see, along with the food he wanted most to eat.

"You bought me cake!" he exclaimed happily as the handsome Uchiha boy put the plate down in front of him and sat down.

"Yup," he replied, "I thought you might want some,"
Smiling, Sasuke watched the excited blonde next to him in the cafeteria at Konoha College as he got the fork and started digging into the dark chocolate cake.

"Yuuuuuum," Naruto moaned in delight.

Sasuke laughed, "That good, huh?"

"Mhm!" the blonde smiled, shoving another spoonful of cake into his mouth.

As he continued eating, Sasuke noticed the book next to him and reached over for it.

"Can I see? It's your sketchbook, right?" he asked, holding it in his hands.

"Oh, yeah. You can look," he smiled warmly.
He wasn't so scared of the chance of someone seeing it anymore after Sasuke had made him feel so good about it. He wasn't about to go around and wave it in peoples faces, but he could at least bring it with him when he went out of the apartment too.

"I wouldn't have thought you'd ever bring it somewhere," Sasuke said, opening the book, "But I'm glad you are. You should be proud of this, it really is amazing,"

Blushing a bit, Naruto quickly regained his composure and replied, "Heh, I bet you only say that because you like that one with the guy looking away," He giggled heartily and looked over at Sasuke.

"Well, as flattered as I am, and even if that one just happens to be my favourite, the other pictures are amazing too," he smiled back. He still got excited just thinking about the fact that Naruto had drawn him, it'd made him so happy.

Viewing all the pages, Sasuke took it all in with delight. And this time, Naruto hadn't minded that he watched at all. He wasn't scared anymore. And that made Sasuke happier than anything. Knowing that Naruto had gotten a bit more self confidence made him want to smile, all the time.

"You like it?" Naruto asked, looking at Sasuke while eating the last pieces of his cake.

"Of course, it's great, just like it was the last time I saw any of your drawings. I especially like this one," he pointed to a girl in a fantasy kind of style.

"I was hoping you'd like one of those! They're my own character concepts, to try and evolve my skills," he said, grinning happily.

"Well, it looks great," Sasuke smiled back at him.
'God, he's just so damn cute… I want so badly to just tell him how much I love him, now that he's back,' Sasuke thought to himself, sighing. The joy of being reunited with his best friend was overwhelming, but now he felt a new longing.

"Oh, hey, look!" Naruto suddenly exclaimed, pulling Sasuke suddenly closer by his collar, "Look, it's Hinata and Kiba!"

As Naruto pointed to where the couple sat, Sasuke couldn't help but notice just how delightfully close they were now. And the way Naruto had just jerked him toward him… Sent shivers down his spine.
Not really caring too much about the people Naruto now stared at, Sasuke let his eyes land on the blondes lips. They looked so delicious… He knew they were too, and that didn't make the craving any better.

"Hey, hey, look at 'em…" Naruto trailed off, staring at the boy and girl at the other end of the room, "Don't they look all close and comfy?" he asked, grinning slyly.

Sasuke shook his head with a smile, "Maybe, I don't know,"

"What?" Naruto asked in disbelief, "You don't see it? Seriously, I bet they've finally started going out! Gah, finally Kiba, about damn time," he smiled.

Standing up, Naruto grabbed his things and took Sasukes hand. The raven haired boy blushed just slightly from the unexpected contact and looked up at his blonde friend.

"Come on, let's go over!" Naruto smiled at him, trying his best not to blush at his own brave move. Even if they had kissed and hugged up to several times already, physical contact like this was still enough to shake him up a bit. He loved Sasuke so much, but not having a more intimate relationship with him made him feel like he was doing something slightly forbidden each time he touched him. Even just holding his hand felt like he was doing something he wasn't allowed to; as if he was stealing a touch.

But damn, even this felt really good.

Sasuke stood up as he shook off the startled feeling, and the two walked over.

"Hi Kiba, hi Hinata!" Naruto sang cheerfully as the arrived at their table.

The two looked up at him, slightly startled. They were obviously not paying attention to their surroundings, something Naruto noticed with a smile.

"Hello, Naruto-kun!" Hinata smiled, polite as always.

"Hey Naruto," Kiba said, blushing a little. He was shy when it came to who he liked, and Naruto coming over when he was with Hinata was a bit embarrassing. He hadn't even seen them coming over, and knowing Naruto, he'd take much pleasure in that.

"Kiba-kuuuun," Naruto grinned, Kiba hated it when Naruto called him by that, "Are the two of you dating?"

Instantly, Hinata blushed like mad, looking away. Kiba blushed too, giving Naruto a glare.

"I kid, I kid," Naruto said, smiling at his two friends reactions, "Couldn't help myself, sorry. You just look so sweet together,"
Hinata blushed even more at this (if possible), but to both Naruto and Kibas pleasant surprise, she also smiled.

"Well, was there anything you wanted?" Kiba asked, wanting to be alone with Hinata again. However, just as he asked, his eyes landed on Narutos hand. Raising an eyebrow in question at his blonde friend, Naruto blushed a little. Sasuke noticed this little exchange as well, and expected to lose the pleasant warmth in his palm any moment.

However, it didn't.

Naruto straightened his back, "Nope, just came over to say hi," He knew this was very daring of him, but he wanted to do it. Even if Kiba now maybe got a clue too, he hoped Sasuke would notice as well. He wanted so bad to confess to him. He could send him small hint for the time being, at least.
To make even surer that the raven caught on, he squeezed his hand gently.
Sasuke blushed, a faint pink arising to his cheeks.

'What is he doing?'

"Well, we have to get going! Classes start in a few minutes. Bye, lovebirds," Naruto taunted slyly as he and Sasuke started walking away.

"Shut up, Naruto, get away," Kiba growled, half heartedly. As Naruto turned around, sticking his tongue out at him, he had to smile. Naruto was just full of energy and surprises, wasn't he?

"Uhm, Kiba-kun," Hinata started shyly, still a faint blush at her cheeks, "Was Naruto… did he just… um-"

"Hold the Uchiha guys' hand?" he completed her sentence.

She nodded.

"…Yeah, I think he did," he said, still a bit baffled about it. He hadn't expected Naruto to be… well, gay.

"…Well…" Hinata started, smiling while looking after them, "…They look sweet together,"


As Christmas slowly closed in on the city of Konoha, one raven and one blonde still hadn't managed to do what they had tried setting their mind to for several weeks now.

Naruto kept losing his nerve whenever he wanted to tell his friend his true feelings. His mind would scream at him, telling him that Sasuke couldn't possibly love him. Like him, yes, but who knows how deep his feelings are? What if Naruto just ended up pushing him away by coming on too strong? And at the end of this thought process, he'd be at his wits end, giving up altogether for the time being.

Sasuke didn't put himself down as much. His problem was rather that of just simply not being brave enough. Somehow, whenever he decided to do it and looked the blonde in the eyes, his stomach felt like it was filled with butterflies, and he felt light-headed.

Today, December 20th, the two were out shopping together, getting the last presents ready for Christmas. Sasuke didn't care much for shopping (all the girls in the store would drive him mad), so he had quite a few left. Naruto only had one left, the one for his boss.

"Tell me again why you're buying a present for your boss, of all people?" Sasuke asked him in disbelief. No one buys presents for their bosses, do they? At least not for anything other than sucking up, and Naruto was hardly one to kiss ass for personal gain.

"Because," Naruto started overbearingly, "he puts up with me, no matter how lousy I do my job; he always knows I'm doing my best. He gives me good treatment, and I just want to repay him now that the holiday for it is here,"

They were currently in a book store, on their way to the back.

"How long have you worked there anyway?" Sasuke said, not paying much attention to where they were.

"Hmm… About five years I think," Naruto said, picking a book out of the bookshelves.

"Wow, that much huh… Um… Why are you holding that book?" Sasuke said as he noticed the name and cover of the small book Naruto was holding.

A deep blush crept up on Narutos face, "Ah! Oh, um, it's not for me, oh, I-uh, it-it's for my boss!"

Sasuke stared at him in deisbelief, "You're buying your boss… a book with only pictures of naked women?"

Naruto laughed nervously, "He's a pervert, and this has all the big pin up girls best photos in 'em, both the old kind and newer, more… well, naked stuff," blush still firmly in place, he continued, "I saw him staring at a poster of it one day, and overheard him telling a perverted customer about it, and he seemed to want it too,"

Sasuke looked over Naruto. He was this uncomfortable, but still wanted to buy this stupid book for his boss. And boss, of all people.

'He's too sweet, cares too much about everyone else,' Sasuke thought to himself. He loved every part of Naruto, and his caring side was no exception. It just made him even more incredible.

"Well, all I can say is that your boss should be thankful, and I don't mean for getting the book," he smiled at Naruto. The blonde smiled warmly back, happy to be appreciated by his beloved.

"Hey, hey," Naruto started after they'd paid for the book and trekked out into the snowy landscape of the streets, "I have something for you for Christmas!" He smiled radiantly at his black eyed friend next to him.

Sasuke laughed lightly, "Well that's nice of you,"

"You didn't get me anything?" Naruto pouted, looking up at his friend with big, blue puppy dog eyes.

"Don't worry, I got your present already," Sasuke smiled. He'd recently discovered just how much the blonde liked getting presents, and knew he was looking forward to Christmas. It didn't even have to be expensive; Naruto just enjoyed it when someone wanted to give him something, for the thought itself of someone giving him something. Sasuke figured it was because Naruto viewed presents as a sign of someone thinking of you, and caring. And knowing how he grew up, Sasuke noticed how Naruto cherished so many signs of caring most people took for granted.
Because after they'd made up that night, Naruto had opened his heart like never before, and told him all the heartbreaking things that had happened to him as a child in an attempt to let Sasuke understand a little more. When hearing his story, Sasuke barely managed to restrain his tears. That this wonderful person should feel so much pain was so wrong. As they had sat next to each other on the cold floor of the greenhouse, Sasuke could only hold his arm around the blondes frail, yet strong body, trying to convey to him that he wasn't alone any longer.

And today too, as he knew he always would, he wanted to keep telling the blonde that his presence was wanted.

"But," Sasuke started as they walked side by side down the white and crowded street, "You won't get to see that present for four days,"

"Oh yeah, your family opens presents and celebrates on Christmas Eve instead of Christams day right? I always thought that tradition sounded nice," Naruto cut in while looking through the shop windows on his sides.

"Yes, I prefer that way. It's much more pleasant to sit around the fireplace and open gifts in the evening. You're full from dinner and deserts, and when it's dark outside and warm and light inside, it feels much more special, in my opinion," Sasuke replied while examining at some expensive looking women's wardrobes in the fancy store they just entered.

"Sounds nice… So this is what you're thinking of buying your mother then, huh?" Naruto asked as Sasuke felt the fabric.

"Holy-!" the blonde nearly yelled, shocked in his discovery, "This is really expensive!" he whispered.

"Maybe not too cheap, no, but this it's not too bad," Sasuke smiled at his friends reaction, "Dad's buying her jewellery, you should see the sick price tag on that,"

"Really? Why don't you just buy cheaper stuff? It's not the price that matters," Naruto said while fiddling with his mittens, not very comfortable. He was nearly terrified of touching anything in here at the chance of ruining it or something like that and thus being forced to pay for it.

"I know, but when I have the money and see something I'd like to give someone, price, as you say, really doesn't matter," he smiled.

"Y-You… didn't spend a lot on me… right?" Naruto asked nervously as he carefully manoeuvred toward his friend.

Sasuke smiled slyly, "Now, now, don't you know you're never supposed to let the receiver know what the price of the gift is?"

"But, I don't have a lot of money, so my present for you isn't all that expensive, and I don't want you to spend so much on me when I can't do the same back…"

Sasuke looked over his shoulder from where he now stood by the cash register. Naruto looked uncomfortable, and he didn't want him to be… It was a present, he shouldn't worry so much.

"Relax; it's not so bad, okay? Besides, shouldn't it be up to me to decide the price? I am the one buying it, after all. All you have to do is accept," he said while turning around. As he finished the sentence, Naruto could have sworn he put a little extra pressure on the last part…

"…Okay, I will," Naruto replied carefully.

As a smile graced his blondes lips, Sasuke decided to ask something he'd wanted to for the entire day. As the left the warmth of the store and stood on the street with snow falling silently down, he grabbed his friends hand, and turned him toward himself.


"U-uhm… y-yes?"

"You… you don't have any plans for Christmas Eve, right?"

"Oh! Um… no, not really…"

As hands gripped firmer, Naruto could feel his cheeks heat up by Sasukes intense gaze.

"Well, then, would you like to spend it with me?"

'Christmas Eve…?' Naruto thought ecstatically, a huge smile forming on his face.

"Yes! That'd be so much fun!" he said while jumping forward into the Uchihas arms in a big, grateful hug.

"I'd love to!"

A faint pink tainted the Uchihas pale cheeks at the warmth of his friend as he hugged carefully back.

"…Good. Thanks,"
'…Maybe I can do it then…'


Four days later, Naruto stood nervously on the outside of the Uchiha mansions iron gates. Fiddling with the bag he was holding, the small blonde boy tried to decide whether or not to ring the doorbell or not.


Looking into his bag for the umpteenth time that afternoon, his blue eyes made sure the gift was still safely tucked inside, as it had been when he checked the last time, thirty seconds ago.

Sighing, he closed his eyes in realisation of how stupid he had to look, pining outside his friends' house on Christmas Eve, scared to go in. But who wouldn't be nervous? It was Christmas Eve, for Gods sake, the most loving day of the year, when you gather the ones you love and show your caring for them by giving gifts, and everyone has a wonderful time. And Sasuke had invited him.

'Anyone would be nervous,' he thought stubbornly to himself.

"Gah!" he screamed, forcing his finger forward in a burst of courage, hitting the bell of the door a bit too hard.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" he whined, holding his finger carefully. As pain shot up and down his hand, he tried bending it gently, to check if it was okay, while waiting for an answer from the speaker on the gate.

Moments later, as he'd just realised how dumb it'd been to hit the bell so hard, he finally got a reply.

"Uchiha residence, to whom am I speaking this lovely afternoon?" a familiar voice sounded.

'Does he just sit and wait by that thing all day, or what?!' Naruto thought as he recognised just whose voice it was. Itachi was scary, he always said something that Naruto had no idea how to react to.

"Hello Itachi," Naruto said timidly, "It's me, Naruto,"

"Ah, yes, my brother told me he had invited you tonight! Lovely to have you here, come right in," he said cheerfully, as the gates opened. Naruto hurried inside as soon as the opening was big enough for him, and walked hurriedly up toward the house. He was very nervous and almost tripped over his own feet in the thick snow on the unplowed road.

He loved the snow. When it fell like it did now, everything was so quiet, every sound muffled by the snow. It was so peaceful. Even to the eyes, it was all calm and white. Of course, he loved sun and warmth too, but something was just so special about the winter snow. The peace and quiet, the white snow glittering everywhere, how the trees were weighed down by the thick layers on their braches and the feeling of running into an untouched area of snow, being the one to get to mark it first.
And the blankness of it all, seemed to cover up all other thoughts in his mind, making him blissfully calm.
Even now, he could feel his heartbeat slow down from its racing when he looked away from the house and let his eyes fall on the snow around him where he walked up the road. But soon the road came to an end, as the big mansion doors loomed before him. Before he could think another thought however, the doors sprung up, and in front of him stood Itachi.

"There you are, pet of my brother," he said, grinning.

Instantly Naruto blushed, "P-pet?"

"Why yes! You're like a cute little kitten, sweet, clumsy and you love life!" he sang while letting Naruto inside, before adding with a smug smile on his face "And I bet my brother has the power to make you purr, too,"

At hearing this, his blush grew deep red and the poor boy nearly fell over.

"W-w-what?!" he asked in panic, embarrassed like never before. To be told something like that… It felt very condescending, and incredibly annoyingly accurate.

But before Itachi had the chance to make him even more uncomfortable, a black haired sprinter suddenly passed by, grabbing the blue eyed boys arm and thus freeing him from Itachis grip.
Slightly dizzy, Naruto saw Sasuke shake his head as the two stopped inside the living room.

"Sorry about not being the one to open the door, I bet Itachi was as much of an ass today as he always is," he said tiredly while letting go of the blondes arm. Opening his eyes again, he looked at Naruto while smiling.

"Merry Christmas, Naruto," he said happily.

"Oh, yeah! Merry Christmas, Sasuke!" Naruto sang happily back, "Wow, it looks so pretty in here…" he said while looking around himself. The entire living room, as well as the rest of the house, was decorated in a very tasteful and cosy manner, with all kinds of Christmas decorations. And the tree was huge, with lots of lights and décor and a beautiful star on top and dozens of presents underneath.

"Thanks," Sasuke said while sitting down on the sofa in front of the fireplace.

"Oh, hey, should I put my present for you under the tree?" the blue eyed boy asked, looking over at the tree nearby.

"Yes, go ahead," the raven haired boy replied warmly, "Can't wait to see what it is…"

"Ahaha, well, don't get your hopes up too high, it's nothing big… And it's kinda stupid," Naruto replied with a soft blush and laugh.

Just as he was putting it down however, he lost his grip a little, and caught the present as it nearly fell with his right hand.

"Ow!" he exclaimed, nearly dropping it again. Hurrying, he placed it under the tree and stood up while holding his finger.

"What's wrong?" Sasuke asked as he stood up and walked toward his blonde with a worried expression on his face.

"Oh, I just, kinda, hurt my finger a bit a little while ago," he said awkwardly, still embarrassed at how he got hurt.

Sasuke took his hand gently in his and carefully touched Narutos finger. Suddenly, he pinched it a little while straightening it, making Naruto wince in pain.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow," he whined, making the raven haired boy scowl.

"This is sprained," he said sternly.

"…O-oh?" Naruto said awkwardly, not really sure how to reply.

"Yes," Sasuke replied, "Come on, let's get some bandages and stuff so it gets better quickly," he continued, while grabbing his friends other hand and leading him out the living room.

As the two walked up the stairs and headed for Sasukes bedrooms connected bathroom, Naruto couldn't help but notice how Sasuke would hold his hand very often lately. It made him very happy. Holding the ravens hand… That warm hand…
In his happy daze, Naruto didn't even notice that Sasuke had gotten the bandages out, and was suddenly awaked from his dreaming state as Sasuke took his right hand and straightened out his finger again.

"Ow!" the blonde exclaimed as he felt pain shoot through his index finger.

"Don't worry, this is the last time I'll have to do that, okay?" Sasuke replied softly, while placing two thin, five centimetre long, flat things on the sides of his finger before starting to wrap them and the finger in bandage tightly.
Shortly after, he was finished, and Narutos finger was stiff and big, but not hurting anymore at all. Amazed at this, Narutos big blue eyes looked up at Sasuke and gazed into his black orbs.

"Wow, it doesn't hurt at all… even the throbbing went away," he said.

"Well, then I guess I did an okay job then, huh?" Sasuke answered him. Finally, he took his eyes away from the blondes face and inspected the finger again, just to make sure it was all okay.

Still in awe, the small boy kept looking at his friend. Sasuke always made things better, didn't he? He could always, somehow, make it all better, even if it was just by smiling or just being nearby, or something like this.

Sasuke always made the world bright.


Sasuke looked up.

Seeing the warmth in the blondes eyes, he smiled.

"No problem,"


Later that evening, the Uchiha family and Naruto had eaten a lovely Christmas dinner together. It had been delicious, as Sasuke had always thought. Naruto was overwhelmed by it all, the food had been amazing, and the atmosphere had been so nice. Somehow, the family of four always made him feel so welcome. And now they had all sat down in the living room, enjoying desserts and a pleasant conversation along with some piano playing. When Sasuke played, Naruto wanted to sit beside him, but didn't dare be so bold in front of his entire family. Still, he enjoyed it all very much, and was now stuffed full of both dinner and sweets. Sipping to his cocoa, he wondered if he could shove down another piece of that delicious chocolate cake, but thought it better not to. Didn't want to throw up either. Then all that wonderful food he'd eaten would just have been a waste! Couldn't have that, now could he?

After a while more, Itachi soon caught everyone's attention, hitting his glass softly, yet dramatically with his spoon.

"How about we open the pressies now, eh? That way, we'll have time to enjoy them to before the tons of food we've eaten take over and we all fall to sleep like babies," he smiled at his mother and father.

"Why not!" Mikoto said happily. She seemed to have been waiting for someone to bring it up and was now looking with big, excited eyes at the piles of gifts underneath the tree.

"Itachi, would you be so kind as to hand them out?" Fugaku asked with an unusual warmth in his voice.

'I guess even Mr. Uchiha can't help but be affected by the Christmas spirit,' Naruto thought happily to himself from his seat next to Sasuke in the couch.

"Yes, daddy dearest, as you please," Itachi sang while picking out the first present, "Ah mother, it's for you, from your friend Ran,"

"Oh how fun! I love Christmas!" she said while receiving the gift with a big smile gracing her fair features. Mikoto had always loved getting presents, and when she opened her gift, she seemed almost childlike, though still elegant and dignified.

"Ooooh, next one is for me, from Sasuke!" Itachi said as he picked out a new gift from underneath the tree. Naruto waited anxiously to see what Sasuke would buy his brother, as Itachi ripped the wrapping off in glee.

"Oh, my! Wow, this is really nice! Thank you, Sasuke!" he said while holding it up infront of him. Sasuke had gotten him an expensive looking shirt with matching tie and cufflinks. The second later, Itachi was latched upon Sasuke, hugging him like there'd be no tomorrow.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you," he sang happily while Sasuke himself squirmed in his iron grip.

"Yeah, yeah, glad you liked it, now get off," Sasuke groaned annoyedly.

Finally, Itachi let go of his little brother and petted his head instead for a brief moment before walking over to the tree again. As the gifts were being handed out, Naruto thought quietly to himself, enjoying the peace and fun. Even if Itachi would annoy his brother and loved ticking him off, Naruto could still tell how much he loved him. He was pretty sure Sasuke did too. This was just how they were together on the surface. But sometimes, you could tell that they really cared for each other, even if they didn't realise it showed themselves.

"Oh, here's one for Naruto!" Itachi sang even more joyfully than usual, "It's from Sasuke,"

Instantly, Naruto blushed. He hadn't really expected to get it so early, for some reason. He'd been to preoccupied with worrying about his gift for Sasuke to think much about it, but now that he saw the present, neatly wrapped in beautiful paper and with a big bow on the top, he was very excited.

"W-wow," he said quietly as all eyes landed on him, "The wrapping is so pretty, I'm almost kinda afraid to open it…"

"Don't you want to see what's inside?" Sasuke asked while turning to face him properly, to be sure he saw his expression when he laid those blue eyes on what was inside, "Go ahead, open it,"

Unseen to both Naruto and Sasuke, Mikoto and Itachi shared a quick, knowing look with each other, before looking at the two youngest again. Slightly confused by this, Fugaku decided it best to just ignore his wife and sons strange behaviour.

Slowly, Naruto opened his gift, pulling off the bows, carefully loosening the tape so he wouldn't harm the paper wrapping, and then he lifted it, to unveil the gift he had received.
Quickly, Mikoto and Itachi exchanged huge smiles with each other before looking at the two again.

"Oh… My…" Naruto said silently. His eyes were as big as plates and his mouth hung slightly open in surprise as he realised what he'd just been given for Christmas by the one he loved.

"A… a… l-laptop?!" he exclaimed in awe.

Fugaku looked just as shocked as him, while Sasuke just smiled happily and Itachi and Mikoto shared big grins.

Naruto recognised it right away, having seen it on sale in online stores while searching for a new computer for himself to help with his homework. This had been way, way out of his price range, and he'd wanted it so badly, it was a 'top of the line' laptop.

"B-but, I thought you said it wasn't expensive? This costs a fortune, I know, I've been drooling over it for the past two months!" he said shaken up.

"I have my connections," Sasuke replied, "Don't worry, I managed to get a good price on it. After all, the owner of the firm that makes these is one of our family's clients," he added, trying to soothe the blonde next to him.

Itachi and Mikoto grinned even more of this, while Fugaku became only more confused. They all knew which client he was talking about, and for Sasuke to have gotten a good price on that laptop, couldn't have been easy with such a greedy man as that guy was.
And if that wasn't enough, Sasuke usually didn't give a damn about most people, and if he did ever buy anyone outside family a present, it certainly wasn't something like this. He'd paid attention to what the blonde wanted, and had carefully thought through what he wanted to give him. It was like their littlest boy was a completely different guy around this Uzumaki kid, a mix between the happy child he once was, and the good, happy man they'd hoped he'd grow into.
Happily, Itachi and Mikoto looked over at Sasuke again, whilst Fugaku sat as confused as ever beside them. Something didn't seem right; there was something he wasn't catching in this whole thing. But at the pleased looks on his wife and eldest sons faces, he figured it was something silly and mushy anyway, and wasn't sure he wanted to know at all.

"B-but, I can't keep such an extravagant gift… It's too much…" Narutos blue eyes looked at the present he'd just received with longing and sadness.

"Please, I swear, it wasn't even a third of the price you've seen it as. Is it okay then? I want you to accept it," Sasuke said tenderly. He let his hand discreetly and out of view from his family, reach out to touch the blondes tanned hand where it lay on the couch, stroking it gently.
Blushing just a little, Naruto sighed, and then smiled. Locking his gaze with Sasukes black orbs, his grin grew wider and he finally burst forward and hugged his best friend.

"Thank you so much!" he yelled, "I can't believe you got me that, you're always so nice to me,"

Sasukes cheeks became a pale shade of pink as he felt Narutos soft cheek on his neck from the blondes warm embrace. He knew Naruto wouldn't want to accept the present right away due to how expensive it was, but he wanted to give it to him. Naruto needed it, and Sasuke wanted to do anything he could to help him out. And besides, he had money in heaps, might as well help the one he loves with some of it.

Suddenly though, the raven haired boy could feel something wet on his cheek, shortly followed by a small sniffle.

"Hey," he whispered, "You're not crying, are you?"


"Still a horrible liar, I see,"

"…Shut up. You're too nice,"

With a soft laugh, Sasuke patted his friends head comforting. The blonde relaxed immediately and almost felt sleepy. Sasuke had that power to make him so comfy he felt like he could just curl up and nap at any time. He gave him that sense of security he so desperately missed after his parents' deaths. And now he'd even given him a gift he was sure had to be pretty damn expensive even when bought at a third of the price.

Hell, Naruto would've been happy to just get a chocolate bar.

This was so nice of him…

Finally, he let go of Sasuke, drying his own cheeks first before wiping the little wet spot on Sasukes cheek as well, while smiling warmly.

"Thanks," he said happily.

"You're welcome," the raven haired boy replied, "But now I can't wait to see what you got me,"

Naruto instantly blushed "Oh, um, like I said, it's nothing big,"

And thus, they turned their attention to the rest of the family, happily busy with opening other presents. Itachi and Mikoto had decided it best to just keep going when the two younger boys had hugged, to let them have their privacy, and were now laughing and smiling as they opened more presents.

Not long after, when the tree was almost emptied underneath, and Narutos heart was up in his throat in anticipation, the present from Naruto to Sasuke finally got picked from the pile.

"Sasuke! This ones for you, from the kitty by your side," Itachi grinned, receiving a small laugh from Mikoto and a questioning "Huh?" from Fugaku.

Sasuke took the gift carefully and looked it over in his hands. Naruto probably did the wrapping himself, he thought, with dozens of shining bows on it. It was flat and a bit heavy. From the corner of his eye Sasuke could see Naruto squirming beside him, seemingly nervous as hell. A small smile appeared on his lips as he opened it, and inside he saw something he never could have guessed.

In his arms lay a broad frame with a picture behind the protecting glass.


"Oh my!" Mikoto said in delight.

"Wow, I had no idea you were this talented, Naruto," Itachi spoke in awe.


"…It-It's you, S-Sasuke…" he stuttered, "I drew it from a photo I took of you smiling. You remember, that time we went to the food festival? I… I brought my little old camera, right? And then I managed to get a photo of you smiling… I don't know what you were thinking of, but I'd just been away to use the bathroom for a minute, and when I came back, you were just looking at the sky, with such a happy smile, and I just had to take a photo of you…" Naruto said quietly while blushing furiously at all the praise he'd been given and how everyone looked at it.

"D-do you like it?"


Still staring at the drawing, Sasuke still couldn't quite believe it. It was so lovely. He couldn't believe he'd ever been this handsome, he knew how he looked, and he'd never looked this… beautiful. It was almost like it was a different person, and still, no one could deny that this was indeed him.

Slowly he regained some of his control over his mind, and looked up at Naruto in what felt like slow motion.

His deep blue eyes were filled to the brim with worry, anticipation and at the same time excitement.

"…I love it…" Sasuke finally answered.

"Really?!" Naruto asked ecstatically, his eyes immediately happy.

"Yes, it's definitely the best present I've ever gotten… It's amazing…" Sasuke let his gaze happily fall on the picture in his hands again.

'…I'm sure of it now…'

"Oh, that makes me so happy!" Naruto grinned, jumping up and down in the couch, "I was so worried you'd be disappointed, but I really wanted to give you something like this, 'cos it's because of you I'm not embarrassed to show my work to people any longer!"

"Well, it's amazing, Naruto," Mikoto said happily. From her sons expression, she couldn't help but be amused.

"Yes, I must say, it really is a great work," Fugaku said from his seat next to Mikoto. Naruto thanked both of them happily, still with a faint blush in place. To Sasuke, everything seemed so surreal, he couldn't think of anything but the picture. He studied it, not paying attention even to Itachis harassment towards Naruto as he tried to convince the poor blonde to do a nude of him.

A while after the rest of the presents were opened, Mikoto and Fugaku stood up, nodding to Itachi as well.

"Well, I'm afraid we'll be leaving you for a little while, we're going to visit grandma Uchiha at the hospital. She had her hip fixed a while ago, and the poor thing had to spend Christmas there. So we're going to bring her some good food and presents, but you two can stay here if you'd like. But if you get hungry, get your own food, since the cook has the week off for the holidays," Mikoto said in her most motherly voice as the two men in her company made their way toward the hallway.

Sasuke merely nodded, and followed them to the door to see them off, with Naruto walking behind him.

"Have fun, you two," she said warmly as they left. Naruto waved after their car as they drove off, and soon after, Sasuke closed the door while looking at the floor.

Now Naruto started to get worried; the raven haired boy had seemed so out of it ever since he'd gotten his present.

"Are you okay? Is anything wrong" he asked quietly with worried eyes.

For a moment, Sasuke had thought he may be able to control himself, but at that worried voice, he lost all restraints and pulled a surprised Naruto into his arms forcefully.

"What's the matter?" Naruto asked a minute later, when Sasuke still hadn't let go of him. He loved being in his precious ones arms, but the way he'd acted made him worried.

"That is one of the most wonderful things you could have given me," he whispered.

"One of? Is there something you want more?"


"What is it then?"

"Not telling,"

"But you still liked it, right?"

"Yeah, I love it. The other thing is something I might get too though, or at least so I hope,"



Naruto felt the warmth from his friend pulling away the moment later, and Sasuke stood smiling in front of him.

"I know a third thing I'd like too, however," his black eyes suddenly changed expression.

"Oh? More?"

"Just a little thing,"

"Um, what?" the blonde asked.

Sasuke leaned a bit closer, his voice lowered to a soft whisper.

"A kiss…"

And slowly, as Narutos blush grew a shade stronger, Sasuke leaned down and in a soft kiss, their lips met.

Tenderly, the two let the feeling of the others lips linger for several seconds, both lost in the sensation of the longed for contact.

Slowly, Sasuke broke the touch, and opened his eyes to look into his friends'. The blue pools in front of him were hazed, filled with desire and longing.

"Come on," he finally spoke, "Let's go upstairs and watch some Christmas stuff on the TV and drink cocoa,"

Still a bit dazed, Naruto smiled and nodded, grabbing Sasukes hand with his as they went up the stairs.


"Woohoo, next is the old Disney Christmas classics!" Naruto exclaimed happily as the Gremlins movie started its credits. With the rest of the family not home yet, they'd been watching movies for the past three hours, drinking cocoa and eating snacks from their seats by the fireplace next to the TV.

"Yeah, I'll get it in the DVD-player," Sasuke said while opening the case.

"You know, Sasuke, this is the best Christmas I've had since my parents died," Naruto lay down on the blanket they were sitting on, resting his head on the pillows they were using to support their backs.

"Well, there's another great gift for me. It makes me happy to hear you say that," the raven haired boy replied while sitting down again, pushing the play button on the remote.

"Yeah, wait a minute; didn't you mumble something about something you wanted even more than the picture I gave you? What is it?" Naruto asked while sitting up next to his friend.

"Yeah, and I also told you I'm not telling what," Sasuke smirked.

"Aw, come on, I wanna know! Maybe I can get it for ya some time!"

"Well, I suppose you could, but I'm still not telling,"

"Aw, please? Come oooon, let me hear it!" Naruto whined, shaking Sasuke lightly.

"Nope," Sasuke replied dryly, still wobbling from side to side from the blondes shaking.

"Then I'll just have to beat it out of you, won't I?" Naruto grinned mischievously, before launching himself on top of Sasuke, pinning him to the floor.
Laughing, Sasuke managed to grab his friends' arms and pull them behind the blondes back, making him unable to move.

"Ah! No, why do you always have to win at this?! I'm as strong as you are!" Naruto whined while trying to loosen his friends grip, all the while trying to not think of how delicious Sasuke looked when they play fought like this… With the gloating eyes of a predator pinning down his prey.

"Hah, you couldn't beat information out of a 10 year old even," Sasuke smirked.

"Well, if I couldn't," Naruto said, while using his feet to push Sasuke away, "Then it'd just be because I'm too nice,"

As he thought he'd managed to get Sasuke to lose his grip, he realised the raven haired boy had let go of him all on his own. As Naruto sat on his lap, he could see Sasuke slowly turn more serious, his smile still in place, but with much more intense eyes.

With a questioning look on his face, Naruto looked into Sasukes eyes, as if asking with his expression alone 'What's wrong?'

"Naruto," the raven haired boy started in a low voice.


"I give up, I'll tell you what the thing I want the most for Christmas is…"

"Okay, go ahead," Naruto quietly said. The way Sasuke was talking now… he seemed so serious.

"So, where do I start… I've know you for about four or five months now, right? And since then we've gone from hating each others guts, to understanding each other, and becoming… best friends. Right?"

Carefully, Naruto nodded, keeping his blue eyes locked with Sasukes black orbs.

"At first I thought you were the complete opposite of me… Ditsy, hyper and shallow, and I bet I seemed like an ass… Hell, I was an ass the first times we spent time together. But as I got to know you, I found out that all the things I'd arrogantly assumed about you were completely wrong. Turns out you're the most magnificent person I ever met, more wonderful than I even thought it was possible for anyone to be,"

Slowly, Sasuke let his eyes gaze into nothingness, as if daydreaming.

"…Do you know, that from I was six years old, I've always hated giggling? Girls do it all the time around me, the shallow fools they sometimes are. But you know what I recently discovered? I hadn't even noticed it happening," he paused.

"I don't hate your giggling. I actually like it. A lot,"

Naruto felt his heartbeat become quicker. Where was Sasuke going with this?

"I have so many things to thank you for; I don't even know where to begin… You've made my life so much happier. You make me happy,"


"But yeah, so… the thing I want most for Christmas, right. Almost got lost there,"

Suddenly his eyes looked deep into Narutos again, making the blonde blush at the intensity, so strong he nearly felt light headed.

Letting his hands reach up to the tanned cheeks of the one he loved, Sasuke pulled Naruto closer, until their lips were a mere inch apart.

Naruto could feel the raven haired boys' breath on his lips as Sasuke finally spoke determined, yet so softly he could barely hear it.

"I love you, Naruto, and you're what I want the most,"

Shock ran through the blondes slender body, and a second later, the gap closed, as he dove into a hungry kiss with the man he loved. Two tongues met fiercely, rolling around the other, desperately tasting, feeling, loving. As Naruto took a new breath, he spoke the words into Sasukes mouth that the raven had been longing to hear.

"I love you too, Sasuke,"

And as a single happy tear fell from the blondes eye, the two became merged again.

It was deep, with caressing tongues exploring the others mouth like never before, feeling free to let go of all worries and fears, and just feel the joy of loving someone and being loved back. Nearly desperately, they dove in again and again, cursing their need for oxygen interrupting the wonderful feeling of what had to be happiness in its most meaningful and pure form. To be able to kiss like this, like lovers, without the uncertainty of not being loved like they wanted to, without being sad because this amazing feeling perhaps would be the last. To kiss as lovers, certain of their eternal bond of love, is like nothing else.
Passionately, they finally let themselves go, no restraints holding them back; they were filled with pure love and joy as both knew they had found the person they wanted to spend their lives with, and now knew they'd get to do just that.

They would always be together.

As the kiss finally ended, Naruto still sat on Sasukes lap, now with his legs behind the others back, almost embracing Sasuke with them. Both were so happy they couldn't help but just grin.

Tenderly, Naruto kissed the pale cheek of his beloved, and hugged him closely.

"I love you," he sang contently, smiling a huge grin.

Sasuke laughed softly, hugging back.

"I love you too,"

"Hey, this means I'm your precious person, doesn't it?" he asked excitedly.

"Of course. The most precious,"

Feeling better than he ever thought he could, Naruto snuggled closer to Sasuke, digging his face lightly into his ravens' neck, kissing it lightly.

"And this means I can hold your hand all the time now, right?" he asked with a muffled voice from Sasukes neck.

"Definitely," he replied, lacing his fingers on his right arm gently together with Narutos' left.

"…Don't ever let go, 'kay?" Naruto softly whispered, gently squeezing his lovers' hand.

"I wont," Sasuke replied. He hugged Naruto closer, kissing his head.

"I promise,"

The End


A/N : Hello everyone!

First of all, I want to thank you so much, everyone who's followed my story all the way, giving the sweetest reviews and helpful critique! Thank you so so so much, I appreciate it so much.

I hope you enjoyed my story, and I hope the ending was to your liking as well. And sorry it was so late.

If any of you are sad (I usually get sad when a story ends, but hey, that could just be me) do not fret too much, 'cos I think I'll do a bonus chapter, kinda like how they make OVA eps at the ends of animes. The cosy episodes that show you how things are with everyone after the story is over. So maybe we'll get some "lose ends" tidied up there, if you know what I mean. Just light and fun, for those who'd like to read how they're doing :)

And I'd also like to thank my dear beta'er Myst-chan :D -glomps- :)

Oh, and at the 12'th chappie, I reached 101 reviews total, and that made me very happy :D Thanks again, you guys are great, I lurv ya all :D

Anyway, if it interests you, I have a new idea for a story, which may be written some time in the future, so don't forget me too quick, 'kay? But I also have an original story going now, so it might take some time. We'll just have to see, I guess :)

Huh. Guess this is it then. Wow, I'm getting all emo now, I really enjoyed working on this story, so it's a bit sad for me that its over now :'( -sniffle- But it's been so much fun, and a great learning experience! So all good memories :D

Thank you all again, I appreciate your support and the fact that you read this :) makes me very happy. Thank you!

So, until next time, as always of course, lots and lots and lots and loooootssssss of love from P.Peachy:D