Title: Battles

Summary: Rogan. This is an alternative to how they could have met. Rory is 32 and an editor, Logan is her new boss. Rated M for a reason!

Disclaimer: All characters of the Gilmore Girls are a property of Amy-Sherman Palladino, Dorothy Parker Drank Here Productions and Hoffland/Polone in ass. with Warner bros. No copyright infringement intended.

Author's note: You guys were totally right about the format. I changed it.


Logan Huntzberger stood in front of the window of his new office staring out over the city. It was barely daylight. He mused over the fact that not too long ago he would be going to bed at this time after partying all night with his friends.

That seemed like ages ago now. His reality now was early mornings, meetings and offices that he could barely get used to before he was moved onto the next newspaper acquired by Huntzberger Publishings.

He was the negotiator, the one in charge of the operation to merge the newly acquired newspapers into the company his father created. It was a challenging job, but not something he chose for himself. Or was it?

There came a time in Logan's life when his father seemed to have gotten tired of his crazy lifestyle, his revolting. Or maybe it was just time to grow up. Either way, after the initial fruitless protesting Logan obliged and trained himself for his new role, learning quickly and settling into a new life. Sure, there were still differences between the two. Logan never did acknowledge the fact that he probably would have chosen the same path even if he was not forced to do so.

The truth was Logan did like to be in charge, he liked his job, he liked making decisions that affected the lives of the many that worked for him. And the truth was he was just as stubborn and perfectionist as his father. Even if their views clashed from time to time.

He was pulled back from his thoughts by the young woman standing behind him.

"Mr. Huntzberger?"

He turned back and looked at the woman in confusion. She must have been standing there a couple of minutes already trying to reach him.

"Your meeting with the staff? It is starting.

He suddenly realized where he was. The staff meeting at the Herald Star, the Huntzbergers' newest conquest was about to start

"Right. Thank you..." he said searching for her name. It took him some time to get used to the new personnel

"Kate" she smiled shyly, her face turning a slight shade of red

"Kate, of course" he smiled a polite smile, noticing the effect he had on her.

That might be the exact reason he was sent here by his father, he thought.

Over the last couple of years that he has been working he noticed that the newspapers he was sent to tended to have female editors. His father never talked about this to him, but Logan knew his father was aware of his son's ability to work well with these ladies and even influence them if that was needed for a smoother transition.

He did his research in the days before. The Herald Star was a small, but nevertheless notable newspaper. It's been around for a while and it's impressive array of editors definitely set it apart from the competition. It was, however, struggling and was unable to produce a profit for some time now, forcing its owner to sell it to the Huntzbergers' powerful company.

It's latest editor was a young and talented woman, whose quick rise from staff writer to assistant, then chief editor surprised no one who's read her articles. Coming from a rich society family, yet raised in a small town, with an impressive list of schools attended and clerkships acquired, Rory Gilmore started working at the Herald Star about 6 years ago, and although she was still young, just 32, she was certainly able to hold the small staff together.

The problem wasn't really a competence question. Logan knew that, he's seen one too many newspapers that were unsuccessful simply because of fierce competition or the lack of management. It had nothing to do with the content or the writers' ability. But most editors had trouble understanding that. They viewed the new owner as a heartless company that wanted to change their customary run of things.

That's where Logan came in. He was a negotiator, trying to win over the editor's support and their willingness to change things that were not working. And Mitchum Huntzberger knew that his son was more able to influence some of the female editors than any other one of his employees.

"My father uses me because of my looks" he thought smirking to himself as he walked down the corridor.

He took a breath before entering the staffroom and started his energetic introduction. He knew first impressions were everything.

"Good morning to you all. I am Logan Huntzberger of Huntzberger Publishings. As you all know this newspaper has just been welcomed to our company. For the next couple of weeks I will be working with you closely to help you all with this transition and make this paper as successful and profitable as possible"

He spoke quickly making sure to look at everyone, letting them know he's the boss now.

"Please go on with your business as usual. It will no doubt take a couple of days for me to get a feel of things, but you can expect a couple of changes which will be introduced to you along the way"

He was sizing the room as he was speaking, being the professional he is, taking mental notes of the people.

He was used to these types of stares, the ones he got on the first meetings. People were usually doubtful, even hostile at times, his job was a lobbying of sort, lobbying for Huntzberger Publishings.

He finished his speech with a smile, already seeing the affect on some of the female staffers in the room, he wondered which one the editor was. He should have made an appointment to meet her beforehand, but having only arrived a couple of hours before, he didn't have a chance.

"Thank you, Mr. Huntzberger" he heard a small, but confident voice and turned to his right to find the origin.

He saw a tall brunette with curly hair and side swept bangs, dressed in a simple white shirt and blue skirt, rising from her chair and walking towards him. It's incredible he hadn't noticed her before. Her piercing blue eyes stared straight at him and Logan felt an uncomfortable chill in his body. It's almost as if she had appeared from nothing astonishing him in doing so.

"I'm Rory Gilmore, chief editor. Nice to meet you" she shook his hand politely.

She looked determined and very focused, but he couldn't tell what she was thinking or how she felt about the new situation. He didn't have much time to ponder either.

"If you don't mind, we are going to go ahead with the staff meeting, it's a busy day" with that she turned to her staff, completely ignoring him for the rest of the meeting.

That sure as hell made Logan realize how she felt about the new owners.

She stood there, at the front of the room, speaking soft and fast, addressing today's task. Taking notes, assigning stories and answering questions. Logan slumped back into the chair she was sitting in and watched the room come alive. It was quite a sight. This delicate woman commanding the roomful of people, with her voice so scarcely audible, yet confident and focused. It was like she had some sort of a magic power, a queen bee's sense of command. He felt like the room was buzzing, and he felt a dizziness in his head too.

"Mr. Huntzberger

There it goes again. God he has to pay more attention today, he seems to be drifting off into his thoughts all the time. He looked up seeing those two blue eyes. The room was now empty. He hadn't noticed the meeting was over at all. Taking a deep breath, he forced himself to focus. First impressions, after all.

"Ms. Gilmore, I see you are handling this staff well" he said, giving her one of his smirks, testing the waters

"That's not what your company thinks if they sent you here" came her blunt answer.

She was not looking at him, instead focusing on her scattered notes on the table in front of her only glancing at him a few times.

Her blunt comment surprised him, but also triggered a well practiced set of behaviour for him. He was here to do a job after all. He raised his eyebrows questioning and smirked again when he saw her look away in embarrassment. She might have been good at her job, but she was still young, and obviously not overly confident.

"Ms. Gilmore. I want to make something clear straight off. I am not here to fight with you. You are a part of this company as much as I am. Hopefully, you will start to feel this way too. You know as well as I do that this paper needs help in order to be made more efficient and therefore be kept alive. I'd appreciate if you would cooperate and made it easier for me to give you that help".

He talked low, stepping closer to her, keeping his eyes fixed on her. She looked almost like a dear caught in the headlights.

She was staring at the floor now furrowing her brows. With a deep sigh, she looked at him again and said:

"You are right. You have to excuse me, this has been a stressful time for us here"


He held her gaze looking into her eyes again. Suddenly she looked tired, her eyes, they seemed to change their color by the second, stirring with something indescribable. He felt himself drifting again. He took a breath and started walking out of the room.

"We should get started. I want to see your records, want to review the format, go through the staff, resources, the whole deal" he jabbered, not looking back at her, forcing her to follow him hastily back towards his office.

It was gonna be a long day, especially with him not having slept on the flight, so he would have to focus. He made a mental note not to stare into her eyes anymore. They seemed to have a weird affect...


"I think that serial has gotta go" Logan said looking over several papers spread out in front of him on his desk.

"I gave you the front page format, I gave you the distribution of ads, I get to keep the serial" she said, her last words drawn out as she stretched closing her eyes.

It was already dark outside. They had been at it all day long with the only breaks being when Rory stepped outside to talk with the staff and make some decisions or changes in tomorrow's issue of the paper.

He was exhausted. Not only from the fact that he hasn't had a proper night's sleep in days and having had a very rough first day, but also from debating over every single change he was offering to introduce to the paper.

"You haven't given me one thing concerning editing" he said looking up at her. She was still stretching and he found himself staring at her body twisting in her chair.

"That's because I am the editor" she said and gave a small laugh.

He couldn't help but smile, still observing her actions as she stretched every part of her body with her eyes still closed.

"Fine" she finally said, repositioning herself on her chair "if you think that will help. Let's drop the serial and let's move the business column to the front, but I am NOT having a friggin' gossip section".

He smiled again, silently giving a small nod of his head.

"I think we can call it a night" he said looking at the clock on the wall turning to eleven. This is going to take more effort than he thought.
She stood up from the chair and gathered her papers.

"I'll see you tomorrow then" she said and walked towards the door. Her hand already on the doorknob, she turned around.

"I am sorry if I was out of line this morning" she said suddenly looking at him.

He looked up from his desk staring at her form in the dark room that was lit only by his desk lamp.

She opened her mouth as to say something more, but she changed her mind suddenly turning and opening the door. He watched stunned as the door closed behind her.

"No problem" he said whispering only to himself now.


He stepped into the elevator out of the deserted hallway of the office floor. He seemed to only see deserted office buildings nowadays, what with him leaving late and coming in early.

He had decided, numerous times before, to finally ask for a bed in his office. It would make things a lot easier. It seemed like when he wasn't so busy with work anymore, it meant his job was already over at that paper and he moved onto the next assignment

He sighed.

"I am drifting off again" he thought as he pushed in the button to the ground floor.

He leaned his back against the elevator wall and closed his tired eyes. He heard the elevator doors closing, but then they suddenly stopped and opened again as someone reached the elevator in a hurry.

He opened his eyes with a look of disapproval, but that vanished when he saw her sliding in the elevator right next to him

"Sorry" she mouthed and smiled, pushing the button again

"No problem" he whispered. He closed his eyes again, unable to resist the need to do so

"Long day, huh?" she asked noticing his fatigue

"Very" he said smiling, still not opening his eyes. He was sure he was about to fall asleep. His head felt heavy and dizzy. That dizziness again. He felt so tired he had trouble distinguishing reality from the muddy thoughts swimming in his brain. The air felt warm against his face, like some thick fluid surrounding him. And then the touch, as though someone was touching his arms

His eyes snapped open

She was standing right in front of him, facing him, looking down on his arms, her own hands touching them lightly

He was wide awake now, he looked at her, his breathing quickening, that unsteady feeling from this morning rushing back to him. He looked at her questioningly as she slid her hand up along his arm, now reaching his shoulder and moving down to his chest

He could not believe this was happening. A thought crossed his mind

"This is a dream, it must be a dream

"You think this is a dream?" he heard her say as she smiled, her eyes focused on her hands as she moved them down on his chest.

"That's so sweet" she said with a light smile.

He was confused. Had he said that out loud?

His pulse was racing now.

This was all too strange, she was so unfamiliar, but still he felt this incredible pull towards her, like she had this field of gravity. It was a feeling of falling towards her.

And then she slowly lifted her gaze, looking into his eyes the first time in the elevator. He was lost in her eyes. They were the deepest shade of blue, swirling, pulling him in more. He closed his eyes and let out a shallow breath trying to focus and grasp what the hell was happening around him.

He suddenly felt her lips against his. Light at first, warm and soft and sweet. It felt like a heatwave running through his body starting from his lips down and into his arms and legs. His arms moved without him even thinking about it and he pulled her close to him leaning into her kiss.

He was lost now, he was done trying to make any sense of this, he was kissing her passionately wanting to take the kiss deeper, further, like he wanted to live out all the need that suddenly rose in him through that one kiss. Her lips parted and welcomed his tongue inside her mouth.

He felt a fever now, not being able to control his own actions. He felt his limbs aching and he felt the need to move, to push her towards the wall of the elevator. He pressed her against the wall still kissing her.

He couldn't open his eyes. It was as if they were a hundred pounds heavy, it took so much effort, but he couldn't concentrate on this, not with her tongue dueling with his, her hands clinging to his neck and griping into his hair.

He broke away gasping for air finally managing to open his eyes.

She was gorgeous.

She looked flustered, her eyes yet another shade of blue and ever changing, clouded with an incredible want. She still had her arms around his neck not letting him go any further. Her shallow breaths felt warm on his face and her hair seemed to be everywhere, floating around her face, framing her delicate features.

"This is unbelievable" he thought as he plunged into another kiss crashing his lips against hers and tasting her mouth again.

He felt her press her hips against his, putting pressure on his already growing erection, making him groan. It was impossible for him to control himself. It now felt like he was in an airless space, not knowing which way was up or down.

He felt himself pushing her on the ground, kneeling over her still kissing feverishly. He steadied himself with one arm and roamed her body with another. He moved his lips down her neck sucking on her white skin and slipped his hand under her jacket.

Her body felt like it was radiating heat, he felt an incredible urge to be able to touch it, feel it and taste it. He tugged at her shirt and slipped his hand under it as the last couple of buttons came undone. Her skin felt soft and hot and she moaned at the contact.

He felt her hands at his hips, clasping his belt buckle and undoing it. It was getting harder and harder for him to concentrate on anything. All he could feel was this incredible need to touch her, kiss her, to be inside her. He wanted to disappear into her.

Their clothes seemed to melt away from the heat radiating from their bodies and he felt no resistance as he slid his hand up her legs towards her center. He groaned as he reached her wetness, making his head spin even faster than it had before.

He moved down from her neck planting kisses on her chest and finding her nipple with his mouth. He sucked on it hard while his finger slipped into her. He felt her gasp and buck against his hand.

She felt incredibly wet and tight and it made him painfully aware of his throbbing erection. He felt her small hands grasping his penis slowly pumping it. He groaned releasing her nipple from his mouth and burying his face in her neck and her hair. He pulled his finger out of her and positioned himself over her entrance. She lifted her legs and placed them around his hips pulling him towards her.

He slipped into her wetness effortlessly filling her up and making her moan. It felt incredible. She was so tight and wet he felt like he was going to explode. His heart was racing and he could not slow his breathing down, all he knew was that he needed release, he needed to pound away inside of her, needed to fuck her uncontrollably.

He started moving inside of her, her wetness making it easy for him to slide in and out. He felt all of his strength strained from his limbs, he could hardly hold himself steady, all he could feel was the incredible pull towards her and his cock buried deep inside of her. He was moaning loud now grinding his hips against hers, pounding his hard member into her.

He heard her moans getting louder and felt her nails digging into his back as she tightened around him, making him lose all control. He was now pushing so deep, so hard he thought he was gonna tear her apart. He started to feel the tingling in his legs, spreading up towards his cock, making him know he was not going to be able to hold off any longer. He was pumping frantically now moaning and pulling her hips onto his penis.

With one last thrust he felt himself explode and his orgasm washed over him taking away all the strength he had left. He fell back collapsing and all he could feel was the dull ache all over his body. He closed his eyes and panted trying to catch his breath.

There were no sane thoughts in his head. His pulse was racing so fast it made his whole body tremble. He was so caught up he didn't even hear the emergency alarm at first. It was an annoying shrieking noise getting louder and louder to a point he could not ignore it anymore.

"What the hell is that?" he thought trying to figure out what the noise was.

"The elevator emergency alarm?" he asked himself opening his eyes, seeing the red flashing light above his head.

"Why would it go off?" he thought closing his eyes again still exhausted and not thinking straight.

Then suddenly his surroundings started to melt as he opened his eyes again, the red flashing disappeared and the alarm softened into that of an alarm clock buzzing rhythmically. He turned and saw the 5:30 A.M. sign flashing.

He knew where he was now.

He was in his bed at his hotel room.

He closed his eyes sighing as he hit the alarm to silence it.

His eyes suddenly flew open as he remembered his dream. He lifted his head looking down seeing his stained sheets. He fell back on his bed furrowing his brows and letting out a long breath.

That editor certainly made an impact on him, he thought to himself as he prepared himself mentally to rise from his bed to get ready for another day of work.