A/N: I have always had a big ol' crush on Kouga and I always wanted Kagome to become his mate. Heh heh heh. I also have a thing for Fluffy-sama and Kagome paired ficlets. They both make me happy. But I have yet to find a decent Inu Yasha and Kagome paired fic. They always end up too cheesy or badly written. I've read several good Kouga and Sesshomaru fics (not those two together! Yeesh! I meant either of those bachelors with Kagome!) Here's to hoping that this Kouga/Kagome ficcie doesn't suck! raises a glass in toast

WARNING: There will be gratuitous sex scenes as well as foul language and many-a adult situations. Ye have been warned.

Chapter One- Drama and Both Its Meanings

She sighed in relief when the lunch bell rang, signifying the start of a much-desired break from classes. She was also grateful that her next class was Theater, or more commonly referred to as Drama.

"Kagome, wait up!" her best friend, Sango, called out. "Hey, aren't you excited? It's our final year and after that, we get to take a year off!" Kagome chuckled appreciatively at her friend's excitement.

"Of course I'm excited, you twit." She said and grinned. "I've been getting acceptance letters since the end of summer and I pretty much get my pick of colleges." She said and waved a hand in front of her with an air of arrogance.

"Yeah, you have fun with that. I'm still going a JC and maybe transferring higher up at a later date… if I want to." Kagome shuddered at the mention of Junior Colleges just like Sango knew she would. Laughingly, she added, "You know it's nothing to be ashamed of. I just want to take it easy and take my time figuring out what I really want to do with my life. There's no reason to rush growing up. We've got the rest of our lives to be adults."

They both sat underneath the large oak tree in front of Shikon High and pulled out their bag lunches.

"Sango! Kagome! Hey, what's up girls?" Miroku called out. Sango rolled her eyes and Kagome waved him over.

"Kagome!" Sango snapped quietly. Kagome sent her an innocent look. "Bitch." She muttered.

"Hey Sango, I was wondering," Miroku started out and Sango flushed, having a strange feeling that she knew what he was about to say, "would you mind going out with me to the movies on Friday?" He looked away, his face completely flushed.

"It is Friday, you idiot." She said calmly. He flushed more so and looked down at his hands.

"Oh, right. Well, I guess, never mind then. I'm sorry to bother you-" Sango stood abruptly, grabbed his face in her hands, and kissed him smack on the lips. His eyes shot wide and his arms cautiously went around her. When she pulled away from him he smiled. "Pick you up at seven?"

"Six. I think we should grab a bite to eat first." Sango said and leaned over to grab her cell phone.

Miroku put a dramatic hand to his heart. "I just love a dominating woman." Sango shot up a second later and smacked him upside the head.

"And keep your hands to yourself, you pervert! We haven't even started dating and you're already groping me." She snapped.

He held his hands up in defense. "But it was right there." He tried to defend. Kagome burst out laughing.

"Not helping." Sango snapped at her. Kagome shrugged and grinned as the two exchanged cell phone numbers.

She half-heartedly wished she had a boyfriend, but the last one had been too much of a fiasco. 'Stupid Inu Yasha.' She thought in only minor irritation. 'Stupid Kikyo.' She thought in more irritation. 'I can't believe he cheated on me with her. Stupid whores, the both of them. Even more, I can't believe he tried to tell me he wasn't about to have sex with her when I walked by his fucking car at the time! Dick.' She thought with increasing agitation. She was practically fuming when someone dove over her to catch a soccer ball.

She screeched in fright and clutched at her heart. "Oh, kami, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" a guy she didn't recognize asked her. He turned his head and glared. "Jacob, you moron! You couldn't hit the broad side of a barn!" he shouted.

A muffled "Sorry!" could be heard in the distance. He turned back to Kagome. 'Wow, she's cute.' He thought in surprise.

"Are you alright?" he asked her once more. She nodded and flushed when he reached forward and pulled a leaf out of her hair. "I'm sorry again. I promise that won't happen ever again." He stood and backed up.

She nodded and looked down at her lunch. "Damn." She muttered.

"Aw, here Kagome, we'll split." Sango said as she saw the ruins of her friend's meal.

"Shit," the new guy cursed. "Here, let me buy you lunch." He said and offered Kagome a hand up. She looked at him suspiciously and he grinned. "I don't bite… till I know you better." He promised. Smiling against her will, she accepted his hand up. "My name's Kouga, by the way. I just moved here from Indiana."

"Kagome. Lifetime resident." She said and took a good look at him. He had black hair and blue eyes, sharp, defined features, and incredibly attractive. His body was on the athletic side and his skin, slightly tanned. 'Definitely a hottie.' She thought cleaning up the remains of her lunch. As she turned to walk with Kouga, she tripped and fell right against him, too embarrassed to notice him inhaling her Jasmine scented hair. "And apparently lifetime klutz." She said, completely horrified.

Sango whistled and looked away. Kagome glared at her.

"With evil, evil friends." She added as an afterthought.

"Sorry," Sango said in a way that let Kagome know she wasn't sorry in the least. Kagome turned to leave once more and didn't notice Kouga mouth "Thanks" to Sango.

Kagome let Kouga walk her to her next class to first drop off her book bag and then walked with him to his car. "I was about to head out myself when I saw the ball fly your way." He said awkwardly, not sure what to say.

Kagome patted her pocket and made sure she had her ID with her that would let her off campus before she buckled in. "That's alright, it's not like I've never had balls fly my way before…" she slapped a hand over her mouth and looked over at Kouga. They both burst out laughing. "I didn't mean that the way it sounded."

He shook his head still laughing. "Doesn't matter. It's still funny." After that, their conversation was much more relaxed and they both enjoyed their short lunch together.

Once back at school, a certain someone noticed the two new friends linking arms and laughing back and forth with one another.

"Thanks Kouga, I had a lot of fun. I'm glad your friend sucks at soccer." She said and he chuckled appreciatively.

"Yeah, me too. Hey…" he shifted from foot to foot nervously as people shuffled past them to get to their classes.

"What?" Kagome urged when he seemed to pause.

"I was wondering if you… well, I was gonna go to the beach tomorrow and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me. I was going to invite a couple of friends. If you wanted you could invite your friend Sango and her boyfriend, too."

Kagome grinned. "That sounds gr-"

"Oh, she can't." said a familiar and irritatingly haughty voice. Inu Yasha put his arms around her from behind her and rested his chin on her shoulder. "We have plans tomorrow night."

Kagome's jaw dropped in horror as Kouga frowned and started to back away. "I see." Said Kouga and he began walking away.

All of a sudden- "KYAAAHHH!" Inu Yasha literally flew past Kouga and skidded to a halt. A livid Kagome stomped up to his prone body. "If you ever fucking touch me again, I'll do more than toss your ass on the ground, do you hear me!" She asked and kicked at his bottom half. After stepping on and over Inu Yasha, she walked up to Kouga, kissed his cheek, and said, "I'd love to go to the beach with you tomorrow. Here's my number." She said and wrote it on his hand. "I have to apologize for Inu Yasha's rudeness. I dated him last year and dumped him when I caught him cheating on me. He's been trying to get me to forgive him ever since.

"He doesn't deserve it so I won't forgive him. And he's still dating the girl he cheated on me with. I know we just got to know each other, but I would very much like to continue to do so."

"Over my dead body." Inu Yasha grumbled from the ground.

Kagome raised an eyebrow and burst out giggling when Kouga replied. "If you insist... stupid mutt." And stepped directly on his back then over and lead Kagome, who gleefully jumped on Inu Yasha with more force than necessary (while saying a cheerful "Cuh-runch!"), and proceeded to their respective classes.

A/N: So, how was that for a first chappie of an A/U Inu Yasha ficcie? Lemme know. If not, I won't feel the need to continue. I apologize if the characters are more than a little OOC, that will be remedied shortly.

Love and Peace,

Doves and Geese,
