Sarah stood on a stool and shelved the shipment of books. Soft music played in the background and the streamed in the crowed windows. Lily was helping a customer chose between two different fairy statues. Sarah thought they looked a bit tacky but the customer was always right.

It wasn't often that the two friends schedule matched up, but the manager had to get her physical done today and decided to treat herself to a spa visit afterwards so the girls had the store to themselves.

Lily had just had her hair redone and now it was a fire engine red that glowed brightly when the sun hit it. Her tattoos were covered with make-up. She didn't like to do that, but the store manager was a bit old fashioned and while the tattoos were a memorial to Lily's family, the manager thought they were off putting to the customers.

"Thank you," Lily said to the customer handing the bag across the counter, "please don't forget we'll be getting a new shipment of fairies next week."

The customer waved as she headed out the door. "See you girls later."

"My goodness that woman has the taste of a bordello owner." Lily laughed. "Last week it was those two lamps with the red fringe shades and this week it's fairies."

Sarah put the last of the books on the shelf and climbed down from the stool.

"Hey," she teased "I liked those lamps. I wanted to get them for your birthday."

Lily rolled her eyes. "Well they would have matched my hair."

Sarah laughed, "at least for a while, until you got bored with it again."

"What can I say?" Lily asked. "I'm a trend setter, when everyone starts looking like me, it's time to change."

"Yeah right." Sarah said pulling some Windex and paper towels from below the counter. "I happen to like blending in you know." She smiled at Lily. "I'll do the windows if you vacuum."

"Oh yeah we can close early tonight. I'd forgotten." Lily smiled and went into the back for the vacuum cleaner.

Sarah stepped out onto the sidewalk to clean the windows. It was still cool out even with the warm sun shining, however, spring was making a dramatic appearance. Quickly cleaning the finger prints and smudges off the display windows and door, she stepped back inside to get the other side.

She was halfway through when she saw two men leaning against a car across the street. She froze in mid wipe, the blond looked a lot like her dream man, however he was dressed in jeans and button down shirt his hair was a lot tamer looking as well. He was also wearing mirrored sunglasses. The other man had the same build, but had dark hair. He was also wearing sunglasses. For a long moment, it seemed as if they all stared at one another, then a bus went slowly past blocking her view. After the vehicle passed, the men had disappeared.

Sarah felt a shiver of apprehension go through her, but shrugged it off as nothing important. She finished the windows and helped Lily close out the register.

"How about pizza tonight?" Lily asked. "I'm not up to cooking and if we take the long way home, it's on the way."

"Ok," Sarah said. "I don't feel like cleaning the kitchen either. Besides we know Kevin won't care as long as there is a lot of it. We can pick up some soda on the way too."

""Great." Lily said. "We have a plan."

Jareth and Dareth walked around the town looking for the perfect spot in which to bring their plans into being. There were several likely buildings, but none of them had the permanence that was needed for it to work. Stopping by the shop where Sarah and Lily were working was a nice benefit for both men.

Jareth had been correct in his assessment of the councils view towards Dareth. They had lifted the ban on two conditions. One, he bring his child back into the Underground and two, he serviced as many willing Fae women as he could. Fae had a hard time conceiving, so a fertile male was in high demand. Married Fae would even bring their spouses along to watch and see that nothing other than the most basic of relations happened. It prevented jealousy which could be fatal in the Underground.

A female Fae that gave live birth was in such high demand as a spouse that they could ask for anything. Some of Fae women who were fertile even bore children for those who weren't.

Since Dareth had to come to the mortal realm to collect his son, he was helping Jareth with his plan for bringing more magic to the Underground. If this worked, more Fae across the Underground would copy his plan and soon the Underground would flourish again.

The first thing they needed was a building with a lot of age to it. Unfortunately, finding a building that was old enough for the Fae was turning out to be a lot harder than it seemed. If this wasn't such a young land there wouldn't be a problem, but the closest thing they had been able to find had been a church, and the human magic that infused them didn't mix well with Fae magic.

Dareth stopped suddenly. "Wait a minute." He held up his hand and sniffed the air. "That way." He said pointing off to the left.

Jareth shrugged walked down the narrow dirty alley that Dareth had pointed too. At the very end sat an old stone building. It was smaller than Jareth would have wanted, but all things considered it was perfect. The two brothers walked into the abandoned building and looked around. Some bums and rats made their nest in the building, but that was easily enough fixed.

Jareth pulled a crystal out of the air and looked into it. Using his magic, he quickly found the owner of the building and teleported to his office. With a bit of magic he soon convinced the owner to sell and to forget who he'd sold it to.

He quickly appeared back in the old building and found his brother tormenting the bums by setting the rats to running back and forth over them. The bums were screaming and dancing around slapping at themselves trying to dislodge the rats.

Jareth sighed, it was a good thing they had cloaked themselves with magic before entering the building. All they needed was for someone to believe that there were "evil" spirits in the area. The energy they needed would be ruined by people coming in trying to exorcise the devil.

Of course now the rat catchers would come and try to trap all the diseased rats, which wouldn't cause as much trouble as the bums would. He looked up in the rafters and saw pigeons. Smiling, he set those on the bums as well. Might as well have some fun before starting work.