Thank you for your wonderful reviews.

R-Cleberg – Nope. I haven't fallen off the face of the earth. At least not yet.

Makinotsuki – Thank you for your wonderful reviews. I also thank you for your words of encouragement during a time of my life when I need it the most.

Black Wolf-Dog – Thank you for waiting so patiently for each and every update. I'll be sure to let you know when the next story is started.

Blue Mouse – I hope that you're enjoying this story as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Also you might want to check out United in Battle, which is another one of mine. It also has the Inu gang but with a bit more of a twist.

not magical me – You're right. Most of the time it can and does happen.

istar – That's the thing with fanfiction you never know what's going to happen.

stehphanie – Yep definitely got one or two Inuyasha/Star Wars crossovers out there.

Darkcelestial20 – Glad you liked it.

TeZukAb0ch0u – I'm glad you liked it. Yeah Arwen is going to have some support when Aragorn tells her that they can't be together. Boy does he piss Tori off.

Below is the one flame that I got. I can tell you that this person is a purist and I don't like purists. I went to the author's page and saw that Saber Apricot only has two stories, neither of which are finished. Let me just say this person is the reason I put that little bit in my opening author's notes. I really don't like people that read one chapter and tell you that you are not any good. At least I take my time to point out to people that this is called FANFICTION!! We put our own twists and turns into some of this. Now that I'm done with my little rant, I think I'll let Inu-Yasha and Sesshomaru use this flame to start the fire that we're going to roast marshmallows over. Who wants chocolate with nuts and who wants plain? Cinnamon graham crackers or Honey?

"Why are Japanese monsters eating ramen? Demons wouldn't be eating ramen. And slightly off topic: If you want ramen in Japan, you buy instant ramen or you go out and eat it at a ramen shop. It's not just noodles and broth either. Google 'kyushu ramen' and look at the images you get.

It's probably 'Sesshoumaru', not Sessho-Maru. It's one (weird) name, so it doesn't need to be split up like that.

'reidou'? Do you even know what that means? A kid wouldn't call someone that.

'neko-akuma' and 'kistune-akuma'? That's totally wrong. 'Bakeneko' is probably what 'Kirara' is supposed to be. 'Akuma' is a devil, demon, Satan, etc. You must've just plugged 'demon' into some online English/Japanese dictionary. 'Youkai' would be better to use... Especially since you used 'hanyou' (ie half youkai) earlier.

chapter 2
A kid wouldn't refer to her father as 'otokooya' to someone close to her.

Don't just go by online Japanese/English dictionaries or translators if you don't know Japanese.

This is an Inuyasha crossover. Inuyasha wouldn't fit very well into LOTR, because demons in Middle-earth of fell beings. Gandalf and other canon wouldn't socialize with demons, they'd want them dead. It just doesn't work.

Too much is happening in each chapter. Canon characters are out of character and everyone is too accepting of your OC and Inuyasha characters.

This also belongs in the Anime X-overs or Book X-overs section under Misc."