A/N: This story is based on the movie John Tucker Must Die, with names changed and the story changed a bit. Harry Potter is not mine, nor the movie. Only some of the made up characters belong to me. HBP never happened.

Draco Malfoy was a God to them. The girls, I mean. I never really understood how they could all fall for him, he was… disgusting, cruel, on the inside, but on the outside, he was like any stereotypical popular guy. It's not like I would care, he lives to torture me. Me, Hermione Granger.

When we first met, he was just a small boy. He already hated me, for being muggleborn, a mudblood, and even more for being one of the best friends of The Boy Who Lived, Harry Potter. But his hatred for me grew over the years, when Draco grew from a boy to a man, and by this time, he despised me with all his heart for being smarter than him even though I apparently had dirty blood.

I guess the story starts at the beginning of our seventh year. The year when I had supposedly "changed", developed I guess, which I was kind of worried about, until Harry and Ron told me it was for the better. Not much had changed on the inside though, still the bookworm as always!

The year started off with boarding the train. I was dressed as normal, a huge sweater, long pants, not what you would call "fashionable" in these days. I walked onto the train with Ginny, Ron and Harry, with all guys around staring at Ginny, but looking through me as though I was invisible.

I was used to it though. It's not like they ever looked at me during the previous years at Hogwarts anyway. I always thought I wasn't very pretty, and many comments from Malfoy pretty much just summed it up. So this year wasn't any different from any others.

Harry, Ron, Ginny and I passed by the carriage where the popular Gryffindor girls were sitting in. Since last year, around about. Lavender and Parvati. I never really talked to them, ever since Lavender and Ron went out. But that was before she became popular within the school. Now, she barely even took a glance at Ron.

We walked past another carriage. The Ravenclaw girls. Luna Lovegood, not so popular, but more than me… Cho Chang. She was gorgeous. Not in a girl on girl way, but she really was. All the guys looked at her as though she was a Veela, which made me just about vomit every time I saw their faces. She was another of the popular girls at school, I never really talked to her as well, not that she would, anyway.

The last two carriages were filling up, but I saw Pansy Parkinson, and Padma Patil looking for their friends. Two girls from separate groups, but they were still popular nonetheless. Four different houses, four different groups, four separate people. They were all the girls people looked up to in Hogwarts.

We walked over to a different part of the train, which was kind of empty, so we piled into one. Harry and Ron immediately started chatting about Quidditch, while Ginny looked around the carriage, since we didn't have anything to talk about.

"You guys, I'm head girl, so I'll have to move over to the Head's Carriage later on, alright?" I told them. The boys nodded, they already knew about the news, but Ginny's eyes lit up with excitement.

"Really? That's unbelievable, but believable at the same time…" she said to me. She went yapping on about whether I got my own room, my own bathroom, while I was just thinking about who was going to be the Head Boy.

All I hoped for was that it was a responsible boy who took this seriously, and also that it was someone who I could get along with. Hopefully someone from Ravenclaw.

Professor McGonagall's head popped into the doorway.

"Miss Granger? Could you please follow me to the Head's Compartment?" she asked. I nodded, gathered up my things, as she led me to a huge compartment with HEAD'S ONLY written in bold across the middle of the sliding door. She left, promising to come back a bit later after I had settled in.

I walked inside, expecting to see a smart, well dressed boy inside, but all I saw was Draco Malfoy sprawled across one seat. His top button was undone, his pants were crinkled, and his hair was flung over his eyes. He looked up at me, and glared at me, as though he was saying 'What are you looking at?' I frowned, and looked away, sitting down at the opposite seat.

I suppose I was too much in shock to say anything about it. How could he have become the Head Boy? It didn't really make any sense to me. I just stared at him again. After a few moments, he noticed me looking at him.

"Why don't you just take a picture, mudblood?" he snapped at me. I glared at him, and looked away. I was so not in the mood for this. I just wanted to relax, I even had a book in mind that I would have wanted to talk about if he was a Ravenclaw. But, he wasn't, and something, just something, told me that Draco Malfoy wouldn't be interested in the book "Undead and Unwed". Note the sarcasm…

I opened up my book, "Undead and Unwed", and started reading. Just as I was getting into it, Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape walked in through the doorway. I sighed, marking my page, and closing the book.

"Now, as you two are the Heads, you will be allowed to take points off houses, give detentions, as long as you don't abuse this privilege." Professor McGonagall stated.

Professor Snape nodded along with what she said. That was all they both had to say, even though Snape didn't say anything, and they both walked out.

"Granger, let me lay down some ground rules," Malfoy drawled. I looked up in surprise.

"Ground rules about what?" I asked him. He squinted at me, as though trying to figure out if I were joking or not.

"Living together, you fool," he replied, frustrated. I nodded slowly, not quite understanding, but trying to pretend to, he looked kinda scary when he was frustrated.

"Don't go in my room, that's obvious, otherwise I will hex the living daylights out of you," he said. I looked at him blankly. That was nice of him.

"I get the bathroom first thing in the morning," he also said. I sighed. Typical. I just knew that he would want to have the bathroom. After all, he IS the popular guy in the school, so he needs to keep up "appearances".

"Fine," I replied. I didn't bother laying down any of my OWN ground rules; he probably wouldn't listen to me anyway. Who cares. It's not like he can do anything to me, it's Hogwarts, after all.

We were silent for the rest of the trip, although I think it was because he fell asleep. I wasn't watching him or anything, just a thought. If he were awake, he would probably be planning ways to make my life a LIVING hell.

Malfoy and I were led to the Head's Common Room as soon as the Grand Feast was over. I'd rather not talk about it, boring as usual, although I had to pretend that I enjoyed it, sitting up with my back straight, looking as though the Sorting Hat song was the best thing I'd ever heard. I'm pretty sure Harry and Ron think I'm mental now.

Enough about that. We reached there, and gave the portrait a password, MANGO. I didn't think of it, I'm not that random. I stepped inside after Malfoy, and gasped. It was HUGE.

Even Malfoy was entranced by it. At least that's what I thought. Apparently he was looking at it in disgust.

"WHAT is this? My bedroom is the size of this!" he yelled. He looked at me.

"I bet your house is smaller than this living room," he drawled at me. I glared at him.

"That's not fair! You shouldn't just assume things like that! Just because you're rich doesn't mean I'm poor!" I yelled back.

"I'm not saying that just because I'm rich. I'm saying it because I'm a pureblood and you're a mudblood," he said.

"That doesn't even make sense!" I yelled. He smirked, and glided to his room. I growled in anger, and stormed off to my room.

It was going to be HELL living with Draco Malfoy.