a/n: This is my first attempt at a Ryelsi fic. Also some Troyella, Zekepay, Chaylor. Please R & R. Thanks!
"And I've never had someone, as good for me as you, no one like you..."
Kelsi Nielson sang to herself slowly, tapping her fingers absently against her history book like she normally would a piano. She knew she should be studying, but her mind was too preoccupied with other things at the moment. The first Twinkle Towne show had finished less than an hour ago; Troy and Gabriella were off celebrating. Kelsi, on the other hand, had nothing better to do but sit there until she felt like going home.
Jumping up, the composer dropped all of her papers and books, apparently startled. She looked up and saw Ryan Evans rushing towards her.
"Sorry," he mumbled, embarrassed. "I – I heard you singing and I thought –"
"You heard me?" Kelsi asked fearfully, her eyes widening. "Oh, I'm such a lousy singer, I mean, I shouldn't have – "
"What?" Kelsi looked up in disbelief.
"No, you're not a lousy singer," Ryan said, helping her gather her work.
"I'm not?"
"You're not. I actually like your voice," he admitted. Still holding a pile of papers, he asked, "How come you never auditioned for any of the musicals?"
Kelsi laughed softly. "You mean against you and Sharpay? Not a chance."
Ryan frowned and ran a hand absently through his hair. "Why not?"
Shrugging her shoulders, the girl replied, "Tough competition. And I'm worse than Gabriella when it comes to audiences. I guess I'd rather write the songs than sing them on stage. I'm just" – she paused for a moment, recalling what Troy had said – "the playmaker. Ah, the one who makes everyone else look good. Not that you need it." Kelsi brought a hand swiftly to her mouth, barely believing what she had just said. She could feel herself blushing as Ryan stammered in reply.
"I – I – uhm – thanks."
Kelsi nodded briefly, afraid to open her mouth again. I'm such an idiot, she thought angrily. I'm insane. I should glue my mouth shut or something.
"Do you have the time –?"
"Two thirty."
"I meant," Ryan took a deep breath and bit his lip. Do it, He told himself. Do it before you say something stupid. "Do you have the time later on to go to the after party with me?" He asked in one breath before he could give himself a chance to change his mind. "Troy invited me, he said to tell you to come, so..." his voice trailed off.
The playmaker remained seated on the floor, unable to believe her ears. Ryan's next words brought her out of her state of shock.
"I – If you don't want to go, it's alright, I'll just –"
"No, Ryan," Kelsi spoke finally, shaking herself mentally. "Let's go – uh – where's it supposed to be?"
Evidently relieved, he answered, "At Gabi's place." He was overjoyed, too, but it didn't show as much.
"Alright," Kelsi said, stacking the last of her books on the chair she sat on earlier. "Can we drop by my house first so I can change? It's on the way."
"Sure." Ryan offered her a hand. She took it, stood up, and brushed off her pants hastily. "We'll have to walk," he added in an off-hand voice.
"Right," Kelsi muttered, picking up her things with difficulty. "I need to drop these off, too."
"Let me help you with that," Ryan said, taking a few of the books at the top of the pile.
"Wait – I dropped one – hold on," Kelsi mumbled, bending down to pick up the piece of paper on the floor. She accidentally stepped on it, causing her to slip and lose balance. She fell roughly on top of Ryan, who had tumbled backwards in a rushed attempt to catch her.
"Ow." Kelsi landed on top of Ryan. "Oh my gosh, I'm sorry!" She squeaked, kneeling down beside him. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine," he sat up and reached behind him. "It looks like Breaking Free broke my fall." He laughed, just realizing how odd his statement sounded.
Together they gathered Kelsi's things again. For a moment, Ryan's hand lingered on hers as they reached for the same book. Without speaking, they continued to put her things in order.
"There," Kelsi put a hand on her hip and took a deep breath.
"Nothing on the floor?" Ryan took the top portion of the pile.
"Nope." Kelsi took the rest and the two of them started towards the exit. When they reached the doors, Ryan pushed one open with his foot and let Kelsi walk through before joining her in the hallway. An awkward silence fell between them until they were on the sidewalk.
"The weather's nice," Kelsi commented. Idiot! She scolded herself mentally. Stop talking about the damn weather! Boring people talk about the weather!
"Uh, yeah," Ryan tilted his head slightly. "It's really... warm."
Kelsi nodded nervously in reply. "My house is further down this way," she mumbled. They stopped in front of a small house coated with dirty beige paint. A polished wooden door sat under a small awning that was the same color as the house.
"I'll just run in and run out," Kelsi muttered, taking her books from him. "Be back in a minute."
"'Kay," Ryan shrugged.
Kelsi raced into the house, dumped her books on the dining table, and ran straight into her room. She was panicky enough to rip her hair out.
"What the hell am I supposed to wear!" She shrieked, throwing her closet doors open.
Meanwhile, Ryan sat outside Kelsi's house, wringing his hands nervously. Kelsi. Kelsi Nielson. After party. With me. What was I thinking...?
"Ryan?" The composer's voice came from behind him, breaking his train of thought.
"How do I look?" Kelsi's tone suggested she was as nervous as Ryan. He turned around, took one look at Kelsi and his jaw dropped.
a/n: MAJOR cliffie, I know, but I /can/ tell you that it's a good shock, not a bad one. I'll let the reviews decide whether or not I should continue. - - - Kat (aka LaNinaDeBaguio)