I really appreciate those who reviewed, I'm still working out the plot of this story, so I don't know how much the next chapter exactly will be. This is a pretty short chapter by my standards, but it was halloween and so on blahblahblah.
Disclaimer: bite me.
"Wakey wakey," I heard someone say. Slowly my eyes fluttered open. I felt dizzy and my head was pounding like hell, like some sort of hangover. On top of all that, my vision was cloudy. Being a nurse, I knew the symptoms; I had passed out.
Finally my vision cleared, revealing a man (who looked vaguely familiar) in a chair next to me. I sat up, to find I was not in an alleyway, in a dumpster, of all places, but a bed, like one you would find at a hospital. Was I at a hospital? I took a glance around and confirmed a 'no', looking the ground. Instead of tile, there was dirt.
"Where am I?" Good first question Song, I chided myself. Nothing like, 'What happened', or 'Why were those girls chasing us?'
The man beside me was sharpening some kind of boomerang as he replied (not even bothering to look at me), "Underground." He said it so simply, as if it was completely normal. Yeah, you know, everyone likes to spend their free time underground where the air is thick and your space is limited.
My eyes trailed up to what should be a ceiling, and sure enough, I was shocked to see rock all around us. I looked to the walls; they were rock too. "Are you human?" I asked, nearly in a whisper. There was something in his face so familiar that I couldn't place, irking me slightly.
His face was somber as he told me, "I am." What did he mean by that? There were others who weren't? He stood from his chair and offered his hand to me. "Come on; let's get you something to eat. After that, there's something you need to see."
My curiosity spiked as I took his hand. He pushed back the curtain and led me forward. I was shocked at what I saw; dozens upon dozens of people tending wounds and lying in hospital beds, sheltered behind curtains, like I had been.
My heart skipped a beat when we passed a girl healing a man's torn flesh with waterbending. "What is she doing?" I hissed at my guide, but he said nothing. "But she's bending! Aren't you going to—"
He turned on me, dropping my hand. "Look, I don't know why you're here if you don't know what's going on, so just do me a favor and keep it quiet. Someone will explain it to you later." I gulp and nod. "Okay, let's find you some food."
As we walked on further, I saw a few young men practicing earthbending in a far corner. I gasped, but my guide didn't seem to notice. After giving me a loaf of bread and a mug of water, he ushered me to another part of the cave. I was hesitant, but he looked impatient.
I had been shocked before, but then I saw it. I had heard of these fearsome creatures; badger-moles. But this one looked docile, standing in front of a cave wall as though guarding something. I was prepared to be eaten alive, my cries being drowned out as I was swallowed. But upon seeing us, he clapped his massive paws together, creating another passageway.
I heard myself gasp again. As we traveled through the tunnel, my guide began to mutter. "I can't believe he brought another human into this," He said.
"Into what? What is going on?" I got no reply. By now we had reached another badger-mole, who repeated the same move as the first one. The entrance was created, but this time there was not another tunnel. It appeared to be a room.
There was a huge, round table in the center of the room. I couldn't quite make out the figures from where we stood, but there were a half dozen or so people gathered around this table, arguing.
They didn't seem to notice us entering; that is, until the wall rose up behind us. Wherever I was, I was trapped. Heads swiveled in our direction.
"Sokka, it's about time," A very familiar, female voice said sharply. I recognized the voice immediately.
Katara, now garbed in traditional waterbenders' clothing, sucked in her breath upon seeing me. "What are you wearing?" Now I realized why my guide looked so familiar. I had seen him dropping by at the hospital, visiting Katara once or twice. He was her brother.
I took a quick glance around the table, surprised to see that I recognized some of the faces. Among them sat Katara's boyfriend, Aang, whom I had met on several occasions. My eyes trailed onward, shocked to see Li and Mushy sitting there. Mushy was smiling at me (somewhat sadly, I noted), but Li's eyes were everywhere but me.
"What is going on?" I hissed to Katara as she rose from her seat, approaching me.
"I'll explain to you later Song. For now, just have a seat." She gestured to a small couch on the far side of the room. I figured by now, I was dreaming, so I just nodded dumbly and sat.
"Why did you run!" A man's voice shout out, immediately losing interest in me. "You should've fought back; with Iroh with you, you had the upper hand!"
"I couldn't, Jet," that was Li's voice, "I was with someone else. A human."
"The girl?" A petite, dark-haired woman asked. Dirty feet rested upon their table, and her expression was clearly bored. They were talking about me.
"Yeah, good going," Sokka snorted. "I can't believe you still went to one of their hospitals."
"What did you expect them to do?" My back was to them, but I could tell that was Katara. "I can't heal skin diseases. Besides, I've known her since I started working there. She's a good person."
"She was very kind," a voice, definitely Mushy, adds. My cheeks flushed; clearly, they didn't realize I could hear them. They were silent for a moment, before being interrupted rather rudely by the petite woman.
"Can we just get to business?" She demanded.
"Toph's right," Aang said. "Azula knows we're in the city, somewhere. I'm sure she's got scouts all over the country. She carries her guards with her too, and the three of them combined is lethal."
"One of them takes away bending temporarily," Katara muttered, somewhat bitterly. "You have to stay away from her, especially."
"We need to find a way to infiltrate," Sokka mused. "If this is going to down right, we need an elite team of non-benders to get close to Ozai." Suddenly, everything clicked. Mushy and Li's behavior, Li's hesitance and anger of my suggestion. My eyes grew wide; these people were The Resistance! I stood, whirling around.
"You people are assassins!" I couldn't believe it. Katara, one of my best friends, was plotting to kill!
"Not assassins," The handsome man named Jet said firmly. "We are trying to right the world."
I blinked and opened my mouth, still appalled. He approached me, a smile coming onto his lips. "Don't you see how wrong the world is under President Ozai?"
"I-I," I tried to stutter out, but I had no reply. This was just all too much to take in. My head started pounding again.
"Leave her be Jet," Li—although now I doubted his name was really Li—said harshly. It was apparent that the two boys did not get along so well. Ignoring Li's advice, Jet continued towards me. I felt my body trembling slightly.
"Think about it; we're not the bad guys. President Ozai is a murderer. He killed millions of benders, made them outcasts, tried to kill his own—"
"Jet!" The combined voices of Aang, Katara, and Mushy cried.
Li stood, the only sound in the room being his chair scooting back. All eyes followed him as he pushed Jet aside—not rudely, but forcefully enough to get a message through. He then offered me his hand. "Come on."
I stared at it for a minute, debating. Then I raised my head to look into his eyes. They were stern, as I had always seen them, but I saw a flickering of hope. I took his hand.
There was a tense silence as he and I looked at each other. I don't know for how long we stood there, staring into each other's eyes. Of all the times I had imagined staring into the eyes of a man, holding hands, this was certainly not how I pictured it. I saw it as tender, loving, and very romantic.
This was not romantic.
It was awkward.
"I better come too," Katara said, finally breaking us apart. I could feel my cheeks burning, and I assumed Li's were too. She looked to both of us, eyeing Li up and down once as if to warn. Then she snatched my hand away from his, leading me out the way I came.
I assumed Li was following us as I was being dragged along, stumbling to catch my footing. The next few tunnels were a daze to me—I stopped keeping track of how many times we passed a third badger-mole.
"Aren't you afraid of those beasts? They can bend you know," I whispered to Katara. It wasn't until we entered another room, this one decorated with blue tapestries and beds, that she answered me. I saw the waterbender's emblem large on the wall.
After being instructed to sit, I saw Li hanging back by the entrance. He wasn't looking at us, but appeared deep in thought. "Katara, what's going on? Why is this place filled with benders? Why are you—"
She joined me by a small fire, and then proceeded to move a jug of water in between us. With a swish of her hand, a small whip of water coiled out of the jug. My eyes grew wide, but I couldn't even look at her. "To start, I'm a waterbender."
"I'm undercover as a doctor, working my way up until I can get important patients; ones who work for the government." She sighed. My eyes dropped, voice suddenly gone. "I never wanted you to get dragged into this; when Iroh was poisoned, I didn't know where else to turn. Waterbenders can't heal rashes and skin diseases and I knew that you had that special ointment—"
"Is he a bender too?" I asked, interrupting. I didn't know who Iroh was, but at the moment, I didn't care. Looking back, I suppose that I could very easily figure out who Iroh was, but my mind was too filled to even consider the possibilities. She glanced over her shoulder, seeing that I was looking at Li—whatever his name was.
"Yes," she said quickly, as if to get it out of the way. She took another long, deep breath. "Song, please don't tell. We've been planning this for years, ever since we found the Avatar—"
My head snapped up. "The Avatar? You…know the Avatar? He's alive?"
Katara grinned somewhat impishly. "I know him in more ways than one." The grin faded. "But Song please, I know this, everything we are doing, is going against how you were raised, but I need you to open your eyes and trust me."
I sat there, quiet. For how long I cannot begin to guess, for a million different things were swirling through my mind. My best friend was a spy. There was an entire army of benders in this cave, perhaps hiding out from the real world. People I knew and thought to be my friends were assassins. My friend wanted me to trust her, but I had been taught benders were such…monsters.
Looking into her eyes, so piercing and blue, and then sharing a gaze with the so-called Li, I knew it was too late to turn around and go back to my simple nursing job. Far, far too late.
"I…I trust you."
-and it ends in Law in Order BUMBUM-