Keep your Enemies Close: Part I
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of it's characters. No copyright infringement intended.
Summary: Harry and Draco are thrown into the future one day when they make a mistake in Potions class. They learn as time progress's that they cannot get home unless they figure out what the most important part of their future is. What happens when they realize exactly what that is?
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Draco/Harry. Slight Ron/Hermione, Ginny/Made-up, Fred/George
Warning(s): Slash, Graphic, Language
Chapter one:
Resting his head on his palm, Harry tried to stare in Snape's general direction to avoid point deduction or detention. It was a day like any other. Ron and Hermione sat next to him bickering, Malfoykept shooting him dirty looks and Snape was droning on as if he actually thought anyone in the room was listening.
"Now, I will pick your partners today" Snape began, his lower lip curling. "Granger and Miss. Greengrass, Weasley and Zabini, Longbottom and..." He glanced around, "Mr. Crabbe." He surveyed the few students remaining, silently calculating how to make each of them absolutely miserable. "Patil and Miss. Parkinson" He barked then turned to the two remaining boys, a sickly smirk lingering on his lips. "Potter and Mr. Malfoy."
Each boy's head snapped up in horror, then they both groaned loudly. Harry nosily stood up and moved his books up two tables next to Draco.
"Now, I would like you all to create a potion." He began in a light snarl. "The last ingredient you add will depend on the outcome. The last thing you put in must be a selected herb from the table. " Snape finished and forced a nauseating smile from the corners of his pale lips. He then disappeared to critique Neville who was in the back already taking orders from Blaise.
Harry mumbled as he pulled their cauldron closer to him to double check that it was clean.
"Go fetch everything Potter" Draco said shortly, "Malfoy's do not do the dirty work" a smirk naturally surfaced to his lips.
"Fine." He wasn't in the mood to argue so he stood up and walked to the front of the room to collect what they needed.
"What herb should I get?" Harry asked moments later as he returned.
"Now it says here if we add lavender, our bodies will fall unconscious for a few hours and our minds will go into the future up to eight years from now," Draco summarized from the page in his book.
"Or we could add this stuff, and we could fly for a few hours without brooms. That sounds wicked" Harry said as he seized hold of his own book and flipped open to the same page. He loved the feeling flying gave him. He couldn't imagine feeling that constant high.
"Boring Potter, just go get the lavender" Draco snapped. Harry grunted out of annoyance but complied anyway. Arguing with Draco was absolutely pointless.
Harry returned pushing the lavender over to his partner. Draco dropped the lavender into the concoction and mixed it one last time. He then poured it into two glasses and handed one to Harry.
" Shouldn't we ask--?" Harry started but was rudely interrupted by the blonde.
"Shut up and drink it Potter."
Not wanting to spend another second with Malfoy, Harry chugged the thick liquid from the bottle in his hands. Malfoy's body, his cup not even raised to his lips yet, blurred from Harry's vision.
A strange warmth suddenly filled Harry's stomach and he felt himself spinning. Around him was darkness, though he may have closed his eyes. He landed with a thud, feeling disoriented.
He could now feel a different kind of heat, body heat. He felt that he was naked and judging from the soft breathing in his ear, lying next to someone. He didn't bother to look over, he was just happy to have gotten away from Malfoy.
As he continued to lie in the bed, keeping his eyes closed, he noted how the being's breathing felt so comfortable at the nape of his neck. The persons arm wrapped tighter around his thin waist, letting out a loud deep groan as they nuzzled into Harry's back.
Good thing it worked right...I couldn't have stood another second with that poncy little sonofabi-
Harry froze horrified as he realized that the groaning beside him was far too deep to be a woman's voice. Before he could do anything he felt the person hop out of the bed.
"Potter! What in the bloody hell are you doing?" The man yelled loudly.
Harry stared at Draco Malfoy's slender naked figure in revulsion. Draco realized the obvious breeze and quickly grabbed a decorative plate off the wall and held it in front of himself, backing against the wall to hide his backside. Harry pulled the sheet up further and glanced around the room before his gaze snapped back to Draco's.
"We are definitely older" Draco noticed Harry's defined features now and his obvious changes as he spoke the seemingly calm words. He caught a glimpse of something on the floor, his features twisting up revealing his disgust.
"What did you do to me?" He demanded, resembling a child.
"I didn't do a damn thing to you, Malfoy! Just chill the fuck out!" Harry yelled. Despite his sudden burst he slowly leaned over and nearly gagged at the pile of clothes lying on the floor.
"So are we gay in the future?" He finally asked shakily.
"This is so-- disgusting," Draco complained. "Oh hell...this would not be so bad. But Potter? of all people, of all men..." Draco slumped to the ground pathetically. Harry honestly thought he was about to cry.
"Morning you two!" The door swung open and in Ginny Weasley came, balancing a tray as she tried to contain her hair in its ponytail. "W- what's wrong...?" She asked her large eyes blinking a few times.
The two school rivals tried to change their looks of disgust into something that resembled a smile but it came out lopsided.
"You...have-" Harry began, blushing a deep red as he stumbled over his words.
"Potter come here," Malfoy snapped motioning towards a door. Harry quickly staggered into the bathroom, unsure of what else to do.
He exclaimed exactly this the moment they entered. "What in the hell do we do?" .
"Don't blow our cover," Draco huffed, pushing his blonde hair from his eyes. "It said in the potions book not to allow any other wizard witch and or muggle to know what time we came from or we are stuck like this. Until..." He paused for a moment, rolling his eyes to the ceiling as if remembering something. "Until we realize the most important piece in our futures or err-- something or other. This will wear off in less than an hour I'm sure I mean since you made the potion it's probably wrong." He said with a slight smirk. "It doesn't really matter, don't talk much and just..." He took a deep breath and added, ""
Harry found clothes thrown around the bathroom and put on a pair boxers and a tee-shirt. Malfoy did the same, then they each took a deep breath and entered their room once again. Draco was discreatly glaring at Harry in pure hatred.
"Sorry about that Weasley" He rolled his eyes.
"You haven't called me that in years." Ginny said with a trembling giggle.
"Sorry G-Gin"His throat seemed to close and he couldn't force out the words.
"Ginny! Thanks for breakfast, you didn't have to!" Draco shot Harry a thankful look as he interupted.
"Um Harry, it was my day to cook, remember? How much did you drink last night? Hermione told me to watch that..." She chuckled and leaned over to ruffle his hair.
"Oh um right, I drank...loads..." He grinned.
"So you two are half dressed before noon, impressive..." She teased good-naturedly.
"Yeah" Draco said raising his eyebrows as he realized he had been quiet for too long.
"Lain called Draco, she needs you to come into the salon early tomorrow," She paused and sighed softly, "I mean I know you own it and all but give her a break."
"Yeah. All right" Draco replied, shaking his head once she looked away. Harry started to laugh but instantly shut up when she spoke again.
"Oh and Ron left early to the ministry, Neville needed something."
" Neville?" Harry said lamely.
"Oh Harry stop playing dumb, Hogwarts, minister of magic? Neville."
Malfoys smirk turned into a scowl once again. Harry tried not to laugh again.
"Yeah Neville. Um Auror work, for me, right?"
Ginny let out a laugh "You two can be so ridiculous, you know that?"
"Well don't forget the dinner date Friday night." She said as she moved to the door. "Everyone is already gone," She added. "I cleaned up for you."
"Well except Hermione I think she had some last minute papers to do" She pondered for a moment, "Anyway she's in the spare room."
"Thanks for letting us crash here again!" Ginny giggled. She then set the tray down and tugged the rubber band from her hair slipping it around her bony wrist, obviously giving up on it. She smiled at them once again then left.
"So we live in a house with the two Weasels and the mudblood...bloody perfect..." Malfoy laughed at his remark softly.
"Shut up Malfoy and don't call her that! It seems you are friends now, judging from these photos, so be nice."
"Malfoys and Nice don't go together Potter, you of all people should know that." Draco laughed again.
"Besides, you don't even know if they live here or what..." Harry stated plainly, ignoring his last comment entirely.
Draco made a tutting sound with his tongue as Harry curiously opened the door and saw a muggles modern decorated living room, with a wizard's touch, and several doorways to several rooms. He walked over to the window, noticing there location seemed to be a series of flats. Pictures of Harry, Draco, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, an unknown male and the twins hung on the wall in pairs.
"It's 2004?" Draco asked blankly as he passed by a calendar. The picture above the month showed bright pink flowers saying in the wind. "Oh! Ew! I'm kissing you!" He half screamed as he backed away from one of the moving photo's on the wall he had been observing.
"Okay some thing's going on between you two."
Harry almost snapped his neck he turned so fast. Draco's whole body stiffened as he slowly turned to see where the voice had come from. There stood a tall thin, straight haired Hermione.
"Who else Harry?"
"Oh god it is the mudblood" Draco groaned, collapsing on a nearby couch.
"Shut up Malfoy!" Harry growled threateningly.
"You two are acting like you did in school! Stop it!" Hermione said eyeing them strangely.
"Good job Potter, you blew it, now we are stuck like this," Malfoy whined and buried his head in the plush throw pillow beside him.
"What is going on?" Hermione demanded.
Harry sighed glancing at Draco who lifted his head then nodded grudgingly, aggravated with his inability to get along with the Gryffindor boy.
"Well uh, Draco and I made a potion back at school and now we are here years later and I have no idea how to go home. I am pretty sure the spell should have wore off twenty minutes ago." He explained, worry lines creasing his forehead.
"Oh dear. I remember in our seventh year, you two were out for weeks," Her face twisted up as she thought.
"Did we go conscious again?" Draco asked eagerly.
"Yes. I just do not remember when. We had loads of work around that time. This is so unlike me. But I honestly can't remember." Hermione looked stressed with the overload of information.
"Harry you know how dangerous messing around with time is...I mean our third year and all" Harry looked down as her words met his ears.
"What are we going to do?"
"Do you know what potions book it was?" She asked.
"Um the one we used in seventh year."
"Thanks," She rolled her eyes.
"I am sure I still have it, let me go home and double check the exact spell. We'll figure this out," She replied sympathetically.
"Okay so this is a huge mistake though? Potter and I are just mixed up in each other's futures." Draco asked his hair flopping back into his eyes.
"I'm afraid not," Hermione looked down as if she were afraid of Draco.
"You two have been lovers for years now..."
"Oh merlin, I think I'm going to be sick" Harry stared at Draco's twisted expression.
"We hate each other it is not possible" Harry said softly.
"They say opposites attract" Hermione offered. Both gave her a look and she decided to continue on with more than a simple cliche. She crossed the room falling into a chair. Harry followed suit, sitting on the opposite end of the couch from Draco.
"Our last year, you two were acting strange. There were not many fights and you were always sneaking off. You told Ronald and I just before school let out." She chewed her lower lip. "Then school was out and Harry you went off to train as an Auror and Draco you declared that you were on Dumbledores side, your father disowned you." She told their story slowly. "It was all over the daily prophet" She added as an after-thought. Seeing the eager faces before her she finished quickly, "You left London for a few years to let everything die down."
"Me?" He choked out "You have got to be kidding me." Draco looked like someone had just slapped him in the face. He was ghostly white and his eyes were like glass.
"I'm afraid not you and Harry met up again in a park not far from here a bit ago."
"And now?" Harry prodded Hermione.
"You two are madly in love, you live in London in this flat here, it's run by a lesbian couple, Bella and Rae. Uh Ronald and I are engaged to be married. Ginny is married to a muggle named John Parker. They have a child on the way. And well Ron, Ginny, Fred, George, Seamous, Dean, Neville and myself are all wonderful friends, along with the both of you."
"No" Draco said flatly. "My friends are Blaise..."
"Azkaban...murdered 12 muggles a year after Hogwarts"
"She was sent to St.Mungo's some years ago. You two haven't spoken since she's been out." Hermione said softly.
" Crabbe...Goyle?"
"Death-eaters...very wanted Death-eaters..."
Harry snorted, feeling very smart for his choice in friends.
"That's shit. Complete and total..." Draco mumbled folding his arms loosely over his chest.
"It's so hard to be nice to you," Harry growled, sending a look to the fair-haired man.
"Oh trust me you two are more than nice to each other."
Draco made sure he wore a huge smirk to cover his quivering lip.
"We'll be out of here soon," Harry muttered.
"Yes" Hermione agreed. "But I have to get off to work, my novel is really coming along" she smiled and winked at Harry, pulling a purse and some papers from the chair she had seated herself in then waved goodbye.
"I'll call later!" With that the door was closed, and she was gone.
"This is not my life" Malfoy said clearly. "I am supposed to be in Malfoy manner with a Russian blonde or something, shagging her senseless every night, with two children..."
"You think I'm thrilled?" Harry grumbled, annoyed with his selfishness.
Malfoy nodded his head.
"Yeah well that's shit, you are an inconsiderate asshole with no friends or family! See what this got you?"
"What is this?"
"You're bloody awful bad attitude!"
"At least I have dignity!" Malfoy said grabbing what he guessed was his future self's coat and stormed out the door.
"Fuck you Malfoy!" Harry whispered angrily, hanging his head in defeat.