Mission: Push over

It was the first day of summer, and Andrew was completing a scheme that he and 'the gang' had been working on for several months, since the start of school, to be exact. The day was very warm and very sunny, and most people were out at the park smelling the air and just being in nature. But Andrew wasn't. He was working at the Crown game arcade that his father owned, and trying to convince his best friend, Darien, of something.

"Come on Darien, it'll be fun….please? Please," he pleaded with a dirty rag in his hands.

"Why should I? It's not like I'd have any fun. Besides, You're the only friend I've go to talk to and no offense, but, you get boring at times." Darien chewed on his straw.

Andrew began to pout. This was harder than he thought it would be. Serena would be a push over to get to go, but Darien…Darien needed a little bribery.

"You know," Andrew started slyly again. "Serena's gonna be there. And then you'll get to meet her friends and get to know more people than just me."

"Serena?" Darien hesitated. If Serena was going, then maybe things wouldn't be so bad. "Weeeelll…I guess so." He hurriedly went back to chewing on his straw with shifty eyes.

"Okay, buddy. That was too easy. I usually can't convince you of anything. What's the catch?"

"You have to do all the shopping. I can't stand shopping."

Kaching! I'll be shopping anyway…he he he, Andrew laughed to himself. "No problem Darien."

>An hour later>

It was Serena's turn to be conned into a scheme with more dangerous consequences than could be imagined at the time. The 'gang' was at the counter of the arcade having a drink before their usual romp through the shopping mall of allowance doom. Mina was asking if Serena wanted to go to the beach with everyone for a few weeks and stay at her parents' beach house.

"I'll only go to the beach with you if we can get a snack first. Is that okay with you, Andrew," she asked politely from the stool upon which Darien had been sitting only mere moments ago.

"Of course," he replied satisfactorily.

All of the girls (except Amy) snickered, and Andrew had to turn around to hide a smile that would soon turn into a grin. This was so funny, and they couldn't stand it.

"What's so funny?"

"Oh, nothing. We've just been picturing how funny it would be if you puked before we left," Raye said.

They started one of their famous fights, until it was closing time.

>Two days later>

"Why don't you put your baggage in the storage closet before we go," Andrew said to Darien. "We have to wait for the girls." The girls were actually hiding behind the counter trying not to crack up.

"Okay," Darien said slowly, and opened the door…

"Whoopsies," Andrew said, pushed Darien into the closet, and locked the door.

What was that rat doing! "Andrew, LET me OUT," Darien whined.

"BWAHAHAHAHA! One down, one to go," Andrew cackled.

Holy crap! Andrew wasn't going to do what he thought Andrew was going to do...was he? Probably. "Andrew you're not gonna do this to me, are you," he cried, afraid for his sanity.

"Yup. You've had this coming for a LONG time buster. Next victim arriving…he he he!"

Serena cheerfully entered the arcade with a suitcase and a backpack in tow. "Where is everyone," she wondered, slowly putting her backpack down.

"Why don't you put your suitcases into the storage closet," Andrew suggested, leading her toward the door at the back of the room.

A muffled "No!" came from somewhere, but Serena didn't hear it.

"Why?" Andrew wasn't acting normally.


"okay," Serena squeaked.

"Here, let-me-help-you. Whoopsies," Andrew said, and shoved Serena into the closet.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Serena screamed, as she fell on top of a flustered Darien.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH," Darien screamed, once again sure that his sanity, as well as his dignity,was going out the window.