Here it is... the final chapter. I wrote this one, but were it not for the fabulous Elenhin and Ani none of this would have happened. You two mean so much to me! I love ya both! At any rate, here it is, let us know what you think, and watch for the second installment of Letters coming soon. Thanks! -Jordyn

Rain drizzled down, perfectly matching the mood of the day. Luke was going back… back to the war… and back to the possibility of never seeing his family again. He had had an itinerary of things he wanted to accomplish before he left, most of which had gone up in smoke, the time having been needed to help his cousins. There were however three things that had to be done before he boarded that bus for Atlanta.

First, he had to have a good old talk with Uncle Jesse. He did that early this morning in the barn, after Bo had gone inside to clean up.

Jesse had known that the talk would come. Of all his charges, Luke had always been the one to rely on his uncle's advice and now, both having had experience with war there was even more of a bond between them. Luke stored up every word his uncle said knowing that if he didn't use it now, a time would come when he would.

"Uncle Jesse? Can we talk?"

The old man smiled and sat down on one of the hay bales in the barn, patting the spot beside him with his hand. "Sure thing Luke…"

Luke sat beside him and for a while just looked at him, as if sketching his image into his mind…to remember the laugh lines around his mouth, the way his blue eyes twinkled, and the way his calloused hand felt anything but soft to the touch as he gently patted Luke's arm. "I just wanted ya t' talk t' me… I…I'm scared… an' they's expectin' me t' be this brave Marine…an' I ain't."

"Yer wrong Lukas. Yer every bit a brave man that they would want… an' then some. Ain't no one fightin' in no war that's never been scared. It's what ya do with that fear that matters… if ya give in t' it… or ya use it…."

"Use it?" asked Luke, not understanding.

Jesse nodded, tears glistening in his blue eyes. "When ya feel it comin' on, use it t' remind yerself that ya got family that loves ya… an' is thinking bout ya…an' is proud of ya…an'…" his voice choked, "that's waitin' fer ya t' come home."

Luke nodded solemnly, before hugging his uncle tight.

"Ya get home t'us, ya hear?"

"Yes sir…"

"I love you, son…yer folks'd be mighty proud."

Luke swallowed not letting himself cry… it would only make leaving that much harder. "I love you too Uncle Jesse."

The old man nodded. "We best get cleaned up. I know fer a fact Daisy made a big breakfast." He watched as Luke stood up, marveling at the fine young man that stood before him. Wrapping an arm around him, the two walked inside.

The second must-do on Luke's list involved Daisy, and as he looked out the window, he smiled and inwardly thanked God for providing the perfect day. Soon after breakfast, he looked from the window to his cousin. "C'mon Daisy… the rain's a callin' our names…. Shall we?" he asked holding his hand out to her.

Daisy swallowed back the tears that had been threatening to fall all day and forced a smile for her cousin. Tossing the towel she had been drying dishes with aside, she took Luke's hand and smiled up at him. "We shall."

It really was perfect walk-in-the-rain weather, despite the slight chill in the air. The two walked in silence for a long while, arms around each other, just enjoying themselves as the rain drizzled down.

"I made sure t' sleep with Billy last night, so he should smell all Luke-ish fer ya" mentioned Luke smiling.

Daisy looked at him. He had known… he had known the whole time why she insisted on giving Luke the old stuffed Billy goat to sleep with while he was home…that she had just wanted to capture his scent. She blushed behind her chestnut hair.

Luke saw it and continued. "Ya might not wanna kiss around his ribbons…" he mentioned with a straight, serious face.

"Why not?" asked Daisy.

Luke grinned. "Cuz his ribbons kept findin' their way up my nose in my sleep…"

"Ew, Luke!!!" laughed Daisy giving his shoulder a gentle slap before leaning on him and hugging him.

Luke laughed with her, circling his arm around her and holding her close. He had missed this. "Breakfast was great by the way… ain't no one makes grits like ya do…"

Daisy grinned. "I packed you a lunch too… with plenty of extra 'case ya get hungry on the plane."

Luke smiled. His cousin had thought of everything…except a jacket, he noted by the way she was shivering. "Daisy ain't ya old 'nough t' remember a jacket yet?" gently teased Luke removing his own jean one and laying it over Daisy's wet shoulders.

As she felt the jacket against her shoulders, Daisy looked up at Luke thankful that the rain was coming down a little harder, it becoming a masquerade to hide her tears. She opened her mouth to thank him, but a slight sob escaped her.

Luke smiled sadly, gathering her in his arms and holding her close to him. "Oh Daisy…I'm sorry sweetheart….I'm sorry…."

Daisy shook her head. She wanted to tell him to just come back and how much she loved and needed him, but no words escaped her lips.

Luke smoothed her hair, whispering softly as if reading her thoughts, "I know darlin'…I know…an' I will come back… I promised ya didn't I?"

Daisy nodded again, hugging Luke closer.

"C'mon… we best get back inside 'fore we both catch pneumonia… unless that's yer underhanded way of keepin' me here…" he teased as he turned, squeezing her shoulders in a half hug as he walked back towards the farm.

Daisy said nothing more but simply leaned on her cousin for support, the tears still pouring from her eyes.

The third thing Luke had to do was banter Bo. He had been waiting for the perfect chance all morning and had just about decided that he would have to simply talk to him when the opportunity came on its own.

"Gee whiz Luke… can ya fit anythin' more in there? Maybe the kitchen sink?" asked Bo as he lay stomach down and feet in the air on his bed, chin cupped in his hands, while Luke loaded up his sea bag.

"Bet I could fit you…" answered Luke with a smirk.

"Me?!" Bo scoffed at the idea. "Like t' see ya try…"

"Would ya?" asked Luke, looking at his cousin with raised eyebrows.

"Uh, Luke… why ya lookin' at me like that?" asked Bo deciding that perhaps he had again spoken before he thought. He scrambled off the bed only to find himself tackled down onto it again and his 185 pound cousin sitting on his legs tickling him unmercifully.

Bo shrieked with laughter and screamed for Luke to quit as he found himself getting madder and madder until a thought came to him. One look at his cousin's laughing blue eyes confirmed his suspicions…

Luke wanted to get him mad.

"Ya scream like a gal, Bo," teased Luke.

"Least I don't look like one," returned Bo grinning.

"If yer hair gets any longer ya might…"

"Better than that scalpin' ya got…looks more like ya been fightin' with Indians than with the Viet Kong."


Bo turned and looked in the mirror grinning with a sassy glance at Luke. "Yeah… I am ain't I?"

Luke tried to say something more… but he couldn't. Uncontrollable tears were coming. Reaching out his arms, he pulled his baby cousin into a hug. "I love you Bo."

Bo had been doing so well with his tears …up until now. He hid his face on Luke's shoulder and mumbled out "I love you too" as his shoulders trembled and he wondered if he would ever see Luke again.

"I don't tell ya enough cousin… but ya mean the world t' me… all of ya do…ya know that right?"

Bo nodded, hands still clutching Luke's shirt, head still buried.

Luke gently stood Bo up straight, wiping away his tears. "I depend on ya Bo…. I know it's gonna be hard, but Daisy's gonna need a big brother… an' Uncle Jesse'll need ya too…Ya take care of 'em for me okay?"

Bo nodded, tears flowing from his eyes.

Luke smiled, wiping his own eyes before turning to wipe Bo's for him giving him a hug and a peck on the cheek. "I best finish packin'…."

Bo nodded but instead of sitting on his own bed, he now sat on Luke's, holding Luke's pillow in his arms, watching as Luke continued packing, his departure coming closer with each item placed in the bag.

The bus had been late, making the uneasiness of wating to say goodbye last even longer. But now the bus had arrived and Luke lingered as the other passengers stepped on board.

"Ya watch yaself… read the good book," began Jesse, a slight tremble in his voice.

"I will Uncle Jesse…."

"An' know we love ya."

Luke wrapped his Uncle in a tight hug, nodding at him before turning to Daisy, embracing her tightly and inhaling the sweet aroma that was her.

"Be careful Luke."

"I will be."

"I'll write you…" began Daisy bravely.

"I'll write back…" said Luke braving a smile.

Daisy couldn't hold back her tears, but standing tip-toe kissed the tip of Luke's nose, that having been her special Luke-kiss spot when she was little, and handed him the sack full of food. "I love you…"

"Love you Daisy…" he answered her kissing her cheek and wincing inwardly as she turned from him hiding her face on Jesse's shoulder and crying in his arms.

He then turned to Bo. "Oh Bo…" His cousin wasn't taking the departure well at all. His eyes were red and swollen from crying so much and as the tears continued to come, Luke dropped his bag and wrapped his sobbing cousin in a tight hug. "I'll be back…you'll write me?"

Bo nodded not able to talk.

"I love ya little brother."

Bo choked out "I love ya Luke."

It was too much for Luke… his tears starting to fall he picked up his sea bag and hurriedly backed away. "I love ya!" he called back and waved a hand as he quickly got onto the bus.

The Duke family clung together, unable to see Luke through the windows but waving and yelling goodbyes to him all the same as the bus pulled away leaving only emptiness in its place.