So for the remaining half of the day, Roxas spent his long hours in class pondering whether he should go to the movies with Axel, Demyx, and Riku. As he buried his face into the pile of clay model that Olette had built, (she was his science partner) he let his morals run wild. ("FUCK! ROXAS!" Olette screamed.)
"The movie theater is the PERFECT place for Axel to do questionable things to you! Do you really want that?" One side of him argued.
"But FREE MOVIIIIIIIE!" The other retorted. He had a good point there.
"LISTEN TO ME, ROXAS! Nearly dominant darkness? Seats crammed together? He can easily molest you again-"
"I like popcornnn!"
The blonde then snapped into reality. "HUH?" He frantically answered, muffled under the layers of colorful clay.
"For heaven's sake, Roxas, if you're going to whine about burnt butter-smothered corn and dairy byproducts, get out of our science project and do it, will ya?" Olette frowned while digging through the ruined model to free the blond.
When Roxas finally escaped from the pile of colorful nontoxic horror, he quietly murmured, "oh.. hey.. thanks.." then shaking his head, wondered out loud, "Olette. Why the hell did I just do that?"
Olette growled as she gathered back what was left of their clay volcano. "Cuz sometimes I SWEAR that you're smoking something.." she mumbled.
Roxas stupidly watched the girl scrape the clay and dump it on layer on top of layer, until the fact that he was asked to go to the movies with Axel finally hit him.
"Jesus. Olette." He tugged on her shirt.
"What?" She replied, obviously annoyed.
"Axel asked me to go see a movie with him and Demyx and Riku."
Olette paused her busy hands for a moment, then slowly turned to face Roxas with an unbelievably happy and sparkly face. "Is that sooooooooo?" she grinned.
"Uh, yeah... I know I'll regret coming to you for advice, but I guess I really have no one else to ask. What do you think I should do?" the blond scratched his head as he pushed back the leaning tower of clay with his other hand.
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME? JUST TAKE THE CHANCE AND GO!" then she thought for a second or two, and added, "And take Sora with you."
Roxas frowned. "Sora? Why?"
Somewhere in the classroom, the brunette's ears perked up at the mention of his name.
"You're really dumb, aren't you?" she sighed and shook her head. "Becaaaaaause Riiiiiiiiikuuu is gooooooooinggggg."
The blond realized the girl's sinister intentions and snapped. "WHA- OL- OLETTE! WHA- YOU..YOU... NO! NO WAY! I'M NOT GOING OR TAKING THAT HYPERACTIVE KID WITH ME!"
Olette shrugged, as the science teacher approached their table to grade the assignment. The teacher glanced down with an unimpressed look.
"Uh, yeah. Volcano. Heh.." Olette grinned apologetically.
He sighed. "I can see that. But since this class is graded on a curve, I guess you guys get an A+." he too, pushed back the teetering clay tower with his red pen. "Not..impressive.. at all." He shook his head in a distressed way.
Roxas stared with his eyes wide, scanning the classroom, thinking, "how bad WERE these guys for us to have gotten an A+ with THIS crap?" It appeared that not one student beside themselves had done the project, and when he stopped to confusedly stare at a certain overly-cheerful brunette, he reluctantly decided to go to the movies with Axel.
"It doesn't bother you one bit that Axel and I are cousins, does it?" he sighed.
"Nope." She smiled happily.
But it sure bothers me, he thought.
Flagpole... was it? Roxas wondered nervously as he and Sora stood by the crowded school entrance. He glanced at his watch – exactly 3:00, five minutes after school. He puffed up his cheeks and glanced around, hoping to find a speck of red, blonde, or silver in the crowd. Wait a minute.. oh, that sure sounded normal.
"YESSSS," Sora squealed. "So.. it was Riku and Demyx and Axel, huh?"
"Uhhh, yeah. I think." Roxas was still searching.
"That's nice." The brunette happily nodded.
When he saw no speck of any abnormally colored hair, the blonde leaned back on the pole and kept quiet. He knew they'd be late. He noticed Sora was staring at him.
"Roxas, I have a personal question to ask you." Sora carefully eyed the blond. "Are you gonna answer it if I ask it?"
Roxas tapped his watch. Ten minutes, ten minutes late, he thought. "Huh? Depending on what the question is."
Sora puffed up his cheeks. "No, that's cheating! You can't say that!" he started chewing on his thumb. "But I'll ask it anyways. Okay. Are you gay?"
Roxas felt his eye twitch. "Uhh, no, Sora. That would be an invalid question, and besides, I'm" He put much emphasis on the last word.
"Okay, then... umm.. then.. are you… you know. Is Axel like fucking you?" Sora smiled.
"Whaaaaaaaaat? But you guys seem so close together!" The brunette retorted.
Roxas rubbed his temples. "Sora.. we're cousins...and both guys.. that's.. a really weird combination right there.. Besides, just because people are close doesn't necessarily mean they're fucking, am I right?"
Sora sat on the ledge beside the pole and began swinging his legs. "So?" he sounded out between his thumb and lips. "Being cousins still doesn't stop you from doing anything."
Roxas twitched once again. Something was seriously wrong with the people he hung out with. Just then, to his relief (or despair), he spotted the tall teens approaching and immediately jumped out to them. "OH, HEY!" He waved.
He patiently waited for them to approach the appropriate distance for him to be able to see their faces, and when they did, the blonde was surprised to see Pence, Hayner, and Olette tagging along beside them, engaged in a conversation.
He stumbled out in front of them, and awkwardly smiled. "Ah. I see that you guys decided to come too," he then scowled at Olette, whose eyes seemed to tell him to relax.
"Hey, Roxas." Axel smiled, noticing the boy's face getting red. "Um, all ready to go?" (Riku also smiled and waved at Sora; the brunette looked as if he was going to die)
The blonde failed to meet his cousin's eyes. "Y..yeah, let's go.." He felt his face get hot, but dearly wished it wouldn't show. He grabbed Sora's arms, dragging him ahead. "C'mon," he muttered.
The eight teens walked toward the mall, all laughing at small side conversations that had no point or use in particular. This gave Roxas some time to think – this was good – and he drifted off into deep thought.
Olette carefully glanced at Axel. "Hey," she smiled softly and in a rather silly way.
"Yeah?" he answered, politely returning the smile.
"So. You're Roxas's cousin. We all played together when we were young, right?"
"Uh. Yeah." He nodded pleasantly.
"Weeeeell, you must be real good at whatever it is you do," Olette laughed, elbowing the older. "See, he really has this thing for you."
"Huh? Who?" Axel looked rather surprised.
"Why, Roxas, of course!" Olette exclaimed, stupefied.
"Oh, really?" The red head muttered, sounding unimpressed.
"Hm?" Olette tilted her head to gaze into his green eyes. "Why? Doesn't that make you... you know, happy?"
"Why should it?" he frowned. "He's my goddamn cousin."
'Danger zone,' Olette gulped. "Ri..Right.." She had a vague yet sad expression on her face, and turned to hide it. "Sorry.." she muttered.
Axel glanced at her, keeping his head held high. "No big.."
The girl perked up again... and this time, she noticed that she was the only girl amidst all these beautiful and possibly gay guys. YAY ME! She cheered internally. "Yeah. But why?"
The redhead silently watched as Demyx deviously pulled Riku's hair, while Sora wailed for him to stop. And Roxas attempting to peel the brunette off of Demyx's face. And Hayner nearly dislocating Roxas's arm in attempt to help him. And Pence happily skipping along, in attempt to – well, annoy the fuck out of them. Axel felt his head spin a little. "Huh? Oh... um.. I dunno.." He smiled a bit. "I think.. it's because.. well.. I.. I don't know – I mean – It's like, we're cousins, ya know?"
"Oh," the girl nodded sensibly. She bit on her index finger. "But that shouldn't matter, should it?"
"What do you mean by that?"
"Well, you like him, don't you?"
"Whoever said that?" The red head frowned.
"I dunno... oh hey! We're here," Olette said in a low tone as she opened the glass door, entering the mall. Useless conversations that never actually got anywhere. This REALLY isn't going anywhere, is it?, the girl groaned.
"What should we watch?" Demyx stared blankly at the titles.
"SOMETHING AWESOME!" Pence yelled.
"For god's sake, Pence-" Roxas growled, rudely interrupted the next moment.
"I LIKE DANCING PENGUINS," Sora twitched his eyes, pointing at a big poster of a penguin.
"No, Sora, we're not watching Happy Feet," Hayner shoved the brunette's face out of the way. "Something else? Anyone?"
"I like penguins," Riku stupidly raised his hand in a half-assed way. "What's wrong with that?"
The rest of the group sorta stared in the wtf way as the silver haired boy scurried off with the hyperventilating brunette to buy tickets. "8 little children, please," he shamelessly proclaimed.
"WHA WHAT?" Roxas screamed.
Hayner locked his arm around the blonde's neck, whispering in his ear, "We're saving dinero, alright?" He released the small teen, letting him soak in his shock. Roxas, Roxas, Roxas, the goodie two shoes. When will he evvvvver learn? Hayner shook his head in mock disapproval.
Riku handed a ticket to each person, which each studied very hard, trying to come up with reasons as to WHY they looked convincing as the role of "little children".
"Hey, Pence and Demyx and I will buy the snacks and stuff, you guys go on ahead," Hayner declared, pushing the two toward the long lines. "Save us some seats in the back, will ya? The front rows make me wanna throw up."
"Sure thing," Roxas called out.
The remaining five casually walked upto the movie attendant, who suspiciously looked up, eyeing the tickets twice to make sure that the printed letters spelled out "CHILD".
He still let them in, and the group miraculously found a whole empty row in the very back of the theater. "Just like fate," Sora and Olette grinned.
Roxas plopped down on his seat, not amused at all. He began thinking again. So it's clear that Axel has these feelings for me- I think. That... bites... Hm. So he obviously likes me. Loves me. Roxas stuck his tongue out at the word. That's a funny word to use. Do I like him? Love him? And he's my cousin! And that would make us – NOO. Roxas snapped out of his internal monologue when a large fat man, in his attempt to carry his 5 pound bag of freshly melted nacho cheese safely across the dark theater, accidently spilled it – or rather POURED it – right on his pants. "HOLY SHIT!" Roxas leaped right up, scraping the gooey dairy product off of his clothing. "AND TO THINK I USED TO LIKE THIS STUFF!" He screamed, and Olette burst into a giggle fit, recalling the mounds of clay from earlier that day. The fat man muttered an apology and ran off like an Olympic medalist. Roxas scowled at him and sat back down. Now he had cheese seeping into his underwear. Awesome.
"You don't look so good there," Axel commented.
"You're telling me," the blonde said.
"Errm, here," the redhead pulled out a crumpled up napkin from his pocket and began wiping off the yellow goo. Roxas just sat there stupidly while Axel was wiping cheese off of his pants. Cheese off of his pants. Pants. His pants. FUCK! He felt his face get hot. Now Axel was basically towering over him with his tallness, just like how guys do in those movies when they try to kiss unsuspecting, naïve girls. Except Axel wasn't going to kiss him. He was WIPING NACHO CHEESE OFF OF HIS LEGS. AND THAT INVOLVED HIM ACTUALLY TOUCHING HIS LEGS. With that thought, the blond winced when Axel unintentionally brushed across his thighs with his hands.
Roxas snatched the napkin. "I.. I can manage on my own," he blushed. He thoughtlessly dabbed (or more like stabbed) at the dark spots on his jeans where the cheese had seeped in, touching the very place where Axel had touched him. Sick... he grimaced.
Next to him, Riku waved and yelled, "Oh, hey! Here! In the way back!"
Pence, Hayner, and Demyx, carrying a load of food, flooded in and walked past Roxas with ease - well, all except Pence. He knocked over his extra-lage soda with a dull motion, which Riku, who was in the process of helping Sora, caught just in time. Roxas, still shocked, hissed: "Dude, what IS it that fat people have against me today?" Pence snatched the soda out of Riku's hand in a rather graceful motion, shrugging carelessly at the blonde.