Disclaimer: I own nothing related to Harry Potter or his world… if I were JK Rowling… I wouldn't have some fake pen name writing fanfics… I would be writing more stories!!! (And I would make Draco and Hermione get together!!!)

A/N: sorry it took a while… I would really like to get more reviews for this chapter… please!!! This story has gotten lots of hits… but only 22 reviews… come on… if u like this story and want me to continue it… please tell me what u think… flames welcome!!!

Last time…

He felt her arms tighten around him and squeezed her closer to him protectively. Nothing was going to scare her when she was with him. 'Wonder what could have scared her so much she is hugging me like there is no tomorrow…' He just shrugged it off and held her tight protecting her from he didn't know what.

This time….

Hermione flinched at the squeezing of Draco's strong arms around her, remembering the horrible things that she experienced after the war was over; after she watched her two best friends die right in front of her while she couldn't do anything to help.

Flash Back:

"Harry, watch out, there is another one behind you!!!" Hermione screamed as Harry finally cast the killing curse at Lord Voldemort; at last his reign was over.

"Avada Kadevra!"

"HARRY!!!" she yelled as she stood there, unable to do anything about the killing curse that was just thrown at her best friend killing him.

Feeling it was his job to defend Hermione and Harry the best he could Ron stepped up raising his wand at the death eater that had just obliterated his best friend "You'll pay for what you have just done!!! Avada Kadevra!"

The death eater instantly fell as the green flash hit him in the groin; unbeknownst to Ron, who was feeling quite pleased with himself for ending the man that had just ended his friend; another death eater hit him from behind with the same curse he had just thrown. Hermione looked behind her to find none other than Lucious Malfoy.


Hermione fell to the floor in absolute agony, worse than the pain she felt when her uncle had abused her when she was younger. Her body writhing in this indescribable unbearable pain. Hermione was stronger than that though, through her pain, she was able to barley utter the two words that she knew would finish this horrid pain. Unfortunately for her, her wand wasn't still and she hit Severus Snape instead. Not completely upset at her mistake, Hermione was angered at her own misaiming.

Finally the pain was so intolerable that she blacked out; when she woke, she was in some small, dark, damp, room. She tried to sit up and look at the room she found herself in. Instead, she found that she was tied to the table with magical ropes that she could not sever, for her wand had been taken from her.

"Miss Granger, so nice of you to finally wake up and join me."

She knew that drawl, yet still feeling the muscle aches from the cruciatus curse, she couldn't put a face with that so familiar voice. The dark didn't help much either.

"What do you want with me? The war is over; there is no use in keeping me here." She said in the strongest voice she could muster.

"The war may be over, but I still have a use for you." He emphasized the word I.

With that said she felt him stroke her hair, almost kind, but way too creepy to be kind in any sense. She turned her head from his touch; she wouldn't let him do whatever it was that this man had in mind, not if she could stop it that is.

"I wouldn't advise going against my wishes if I were you."

"If you were stupid enough to run with Voldemort and his followers, you can easily be outsmarted by Hogwart's finest and brightest student." She spat bitterly at him, finally realizing whose voice she had been hearing, and whose touch she just shuddered at.

"Crucio." He said lazily.

She tried her best to hold back the screams that were threatening to come out. She bit her tongue to hold them back; she bit it so hard that it started bleeding, so being the smart-ass she was, she spit her blood at his face and got some in his platinum blonde hair.

"You'll pay for that" He said with a laugh while cleaning his perfect hair with a flick of his wand.

End flashback.

"What's wrong Hermione?"

Still lost in her thoughts about what happened she turned around; Draco looking so much like his father as he did, she didn't recognize him at first and started cowering away from him shaking her head violently.

"Please don't; not anymore please! I'll do anything if you just please stop!!"

"Hermione it's me, Draco, are you ok?" He said loudly over her repeated sobs. "Hermione, I'm not going to hurt you, please stop!" He was starting to worry about her, not knowing what was causing her to act so peculiarly.

"Please Lucious, I promise I won't have you sent to Azkaban if you just please stop!" She cried louder than ever when Draco bent forward to kiss her forehead.

'Lucious? She thinks I'm my father. What did he do to her? Why is she acting like this? I need to figure out what he has done to her.' He had made up his mind to figure out whatever it was that Lucious had done to Hermione. 'I don't mind when he does that stuff to me, I deserved most of it. I didn't listen and I was stubborn. But Hermione was innocent; all she did was try to save the Wizarding World from Vol- DAMN! I can't even think his name! The Dark Lord, she was saving the Wizarding World from the Dark Lord.' He was angered at is own cowardice to name the man that had stolen a potentially loving family from him; and a potentially happy childhood.

"Hermione, this is Draco. What did Lucious do to you?"

"I'm not falling for that again, I'm not stupid you know. You really should know that by now!"

By this time Draco had realized that she had gone back to sleep and was actually seeing Lucious, and reliving everything he had put her through; whatever that might be.

She started sobbing uncontrollably again but this time, her eyes didn't open. She was lost in her memory; unable to escape those dreadful days.

A/N: There you guys go… I hope you like it!!! I would really like to see some more reviews… so do what readers do best and show my story some lovin!!!

Your dedicated author,
