As Shadows Gather

Disclaimer: I don't claim any right to anything but things I can't prove aren't mine.

Notes: This fic is best read whilst listening to Dark Wings by Within Temptation. There is a link to a download at the LJ 'getnakedplzkthx'. Enjoy.

Rainy nights would never be the same.

Before, they had represented nothing but a damp trip home from the bar, slogging through ankle-deep puddles and miles of mud.

Now… now they represented rebirth, hope, renewal…

He stared down at the sleeping face below him. It was so still, serene. And it didn't show at all what the other man had been through to get to this place.

With his wounds treated and bandaged, one could barely tell the severity of his injuries – how close he come to looking death in the face. Gojyo had a feeling, though, that this man would have welcomed death with open arms and a smiling face.

There had been a time too, when he had done the same thing; so there was no chance of him casting stones. He had felt a tug though, something ethereal, when he had seen the stranger lying in the mud, his limbs lax and shining red blood seeping into the earth around him.

It was like the world had condensed to just the two of them. Time had slowed; the rain no longer mattered, even as it beat down heavily and soaked Gojyo to the skin, and drained the wounded man's blood away from his body.

And when those eyelids had opened, and that piercing green gaze had focused on him, he was nearly thrown backwards with the force of the emotion behind them. The world continued to rotate as it had, but neither Gojyo nor the other man noticed.

Two separated souls had become rejoined, and even when Gojyo brushed it away as 'creepy ass déjà vu,' it lingered there in the back of his mind as he carried the man to his home, called a doctor, and watched over him as he slept.

This is the first and last time I bring a dude to my bed.

Yes sir.

A small smile crept onto his lips. He had managed to be flippant when he woke up the first time, a few hours after the doctor had left. The redhead had said those words unthinkingly, not realizing how accurate they would end up being.

But he couldn't deny the sparks that leapt between them. And not completely in a sexual sense, though there was no denying that the man in his bed was gorgeous. There was more to it than that, something deeper; more permanent.

Gojyo would be the first person to scoff at God and religion, any of them, but he couldn't deny the connection he felt to the other man.

So while the brunet slept, Gojyo prayed, to anyone or anything that was listening. To the sleeping man himself. It wasn't his time to die yet, he was sure there were still things that he had to do.

And Gojyo would be damned if he didn't make sure he did them.

"Just breathe."