Mary: Ah! You flamers thought that you could keep me away?! Well your wrong! YOSH!

Sendo: We don't own Naruto.

Mary: I've been looking over my writing, and I personally think it's really crappy. . . . . So heres my new style. I hope you like it!

The two demons were trampling everything in their path, Ice and Sand raged, while the ninjas tried to stop them. Gobi turned, something had hit her rather hard on the hind leg. It was a woman with blonde hair tied in pony tails.

"And who is this?" Gobi asked, turning and looking at the woman. "Tell em your name."

"Tsunade." The woman said, breathing heavy and she poured chakra into her hands.

"Ah, Tsunade. I've heard of you." Gobi said with a smirk. Inside her tiny prison Tundra's head jerked up, she knew that voice too. Tundra has heard of the famous medical nin while the Akatsuki were talking. They had been talking about konoha ninjas and her name had come up. Would Gobi kill her?

"So, you're the one they call Gobi, the Wolf Goddess?" Tsunade asked. Gobi nodded slowly, her grin not faltering. Around them the ninjas were staring at Tsunade, who had the nerve to talk to a demon as an euqal. On the other side of Konoha Shukaku was causing enough mayhem to last a lifetime.

"Indeed." Gobi said. "I am."

"And, as I have been told, Tundra is your holder?"

"Yes, she is." Gobi said flatly. "What business is that of yours?"

"None. But while you were talking I got the ninjas to make chakra strings o subdue you for now." Tsunade said matter-of-factly. Gobi jerked, but the chakra strings held her. She let out a snarl and her coat bristled. The ninjas working on her back were flung off, and Gobi growled.

"Ah, and what will you do with me now?" Gobi asked calmly.

"Were going to seal you again." Tsunade said. Gobi nodded dully.

"Again." Gobi turned to see Shukaku looking over. She snarled and kicked out, her hind leg had not been secured yet. She knocked down several buildings and then lifted her leg back up she scratched at the chakra strings. They broke, shredded by her claws. Gobi straightened and shook herself.

With Shukaku:

'This is too much fun.' Shukaku commented. Gaara tried to shut out his words.

"Shut up."

'But look, I must have killed half of them by now. I thought you didn't mind killing.'

"That you. I kill because of you." Gaara mumbled. "Without you I would be normal."

'You wouldn't exist without me.' Shukaku stated. Gaara didn't her the rest because Shukaku had trailed off. Several ninjas tried to attack any spots that might be weak, but as Shukaku was sitting, they couldn't reach his one weakness: Under his tail.

Shuaku delited in killing, fast and painful. Where as Gobi enjoyed streching out the pain and getting to knwo her victims before they died. It was strange how different they were. Shukaku's head jerked up and he noticed a ninja on his back. The ninjas made hand selas and pressed his hand on the fur.

Gobi noticed that Tsunade had gone, she looked around and finally spotted her, Tsunade was on her back! She tried to shake her off but Tsunade kept clinging to the fur, she was making hand seals. At the same time both ninjas yelled something in distinguishable in all the chaos, and both demons felt themselves slipping into blackness.

Gobi and Shukaku both shrank and changed, until they were they're normal forms again. Both were slightly bloody, because they sustained the same injures as their demons, but being as the demons were so much larger, the kunai mounds seemed less severe. Gaara has kunai slash marks all over his body and Tundra had several scratches along with a kunai going through her left foot. Both were unconcious.

"It worked!" A towns person said loudly! Naruto walked over, he had been trying to deal with Shukaku, and glomped Tsunade.

"Thanks for saving the village! I'm, Uzumaki Naruto! I'm gonna be the next Hokage! Believe it!" Naruto ranted.

"Thats nice." Tsunade said. "Now where is Shizune, I need sake." The crowd around the two teens was growing and several medical nin and a few ANBU took the demon holders into the hosptal. Along with the countless other who were injured or dying. Tundra opened her eyes, and she saw all the destruction. She closed them and two tears slid down her cheeks.

Mary: Yes, short. But i need ideas. Help?

Sendo: If you want to see some of our origional works, you can go on fictionpress. The screen name is sendo1920.