I only have one thing to say. This was soOo rushed. I just wanted to get the Chuunin Exam over with. Anyway, I hope you like it!

Oh yeah! And I don't own Naruto.

"We're finished. Let's go." Kankurou declared.

"Wait." His younger brother looked to his left. The leaves rustled, and another team came out.

"Gaara. We don't need to fight them, we have what we need, let's just go and get this test over with." Temari demanded.

The team that now faced them composed of the fire controlling ninja Shijo, water controlling ninja Keiji, and wind controlling ninja Maaya. But, oddly, they all came from the same village. The three from before, Gaara thought.

Keiji looked at his teammates, "Be careful, seems like Gaara wants a fight."

Sure enough, Gaara's stare spelled out, I'm-thirsty-for-blood.

"I'll take care of this." Shijo muttered barely audible.

Maaya looked at their oldest teammate, "Shijo…"

He stepped forward and gestured for his two teammates to go back.

"Be careful." Keiji said again.

He waited for the sand boy to attack first, but he didn't so he took the first move, which was quite dangerous.

He made a series of hand seals and was able to form a fire dragon. It swayed around them and after about three rounds, attacked Gaara. There was an explosion around the sand-nin. Keiji covered Maaya and himself with water in the form of a shield. After his shield evaporated from the fire, they were able to see clearly what had become of the battlefield.

Shijo was still standing there. Gaara's dark figure was surrounded by piles of black sand, toasted to a crisp. He had slashes of burnt skin from the attack, but he was still in good condition.

"Do they really have to fight, Keiji-senpai? One of them might die sooner or later."

"I know."

Gaara made his move. He made attempts to grab Shijo with his sand; Shijo was able to dodge all of them. He had just dodged another when another attempt was already being made.

Maaya shot her hand up and immediately formed a shield around Shijo just in the nick of time.

Gaara growled at Maaya and whipped Shijo to one side.

"Go to Shijo-kun, Keiji-senpai."

"No. I'm here to pro-"

Maaya wasn't listening and blasted Keiji away to Shijo. She stood up and faced Gaara.

Gaara attacked her. She made two twisters in front of her which engulfed his sand being thrown her way. Gaara pulled back the sand from the twisters and brought them together in the form of a giant spear. He attacked the twisters. The twisters vanished but the girl wasn't there anymore.

"Gaara behind you!" Temari shouted.

Gaara was blasted away before he even knew it.

"She's fast." Kankurou pointed out to Temari.

"That's the only thing that's saving her butt from Gaara, her speed."

Gaara charged again with his sand. All of his attacks were caught by Maaya in the air.

"Are you just going to defend yourself? Aren't you going to attack me again?" her opponent asked.

"No." she said plainly.

Gaara threw sand at her again. She just dodged it.

"Hm. Weakling."

When she landed onto the ground again, Gaara attacked her from behind but again she was able dodge it. Gaara decided to get dirty with words.

"Your mother must've raised you badly since you don't even know how to fight back."

Her eyes widened. He knew he would have the same reaction if he was told the same thing.

"She must've been no good, just like you."

"What is he doing?" Keiji asked Shijo.

"He's getting Maaya to fight back."

"Hm. Must've been a bh, just like you." He shot at her again.

Maaya was furious now.

"Nobody insults my mother." She screamed, unleashing her chakra in all directions.

Gaara found it hard to still stand up because the wind that came from Maaya was blowing really hard. He felt the wind getting stronger, slashing his limbs and his clothes.

Finally, he was knocked unconscious. A few minutes after that, Maaya fell unconscious. Temari and Kankurou who had avoided the wind by Temari's fan, quickly rushed to Gaara. Keiji and Shijo rushed to Maaya and Shijo carried her on his back.

The two teams stared at each other for some time before parting ways.