Introduction and Disclaimer

The inspiration for this story is pretty obvious from the title. The name comes from the background track from the No Need For Ryoko episode of Tenchi Universe, when Tenchi leaves her for the final time and goes to rescue Ayeka inside the royal palace of Jurai.

There are any number of ways Ryoko might have been able to return to Tenchi, but none of them are ever explained to us. All we know is that at the end of No Need For Ryoko she's practically dead, and at the end of No Need For A Conclusion, she's full of beans once more. I never much liked the episode in-between, where Tenchi fights Kagato. I feel that there's too big a gap left in Ryoko's fate - if we're meant to believe she's died, then fine, but then we need some explanation as to how she overcame her wounds and managed to return to Earth. Equally, there are a lot of other things which are glossed over. So this is my own interpretation of what happened after Tenchi beat Kagato and before Ryoko returned to Planet Earth...Tenchi Universe once again :)

It doesn't wholly belong in the same timeline as my stories Dark Heart and The Dying Tree - it can fit in with those or not. This is more true Universe, since I haven't done any butchering of the royal family this time. But even so, it's possible that the events in this story may crop up in something else I write later on.

It'll be interesting to see what people think ;) This story did give me a chance to write a TU character I like very much but haven't had occasion to utilise yet ;) To me this is a plausible series of events for what actually happened at the end of TU J

A couple of small things – dialogue etc - are borrowed from Tenchi Universe, just to make the plot fit around the episode information we're already given. I don't think I need mention specifically which scenes those are since they're fairly obvious to anyone who's seen the show – and they are at a minimum. However I didn't want people to think I was taking credit for material not my own!


"Not even one thousand knights could match your spirit, Ryoko."

Thus Kamidake as he, Azaka and Tenchi leave Ryoko to pursue Kagato and take his life, freeing Jurai from the deadly spell of his magic. But as Ryoko leaves the planet for the last time, she has no idea that she's about to embark on a life or death battle of her own. The injury given her by the traitor King continues to fester, and it's with grim realisation that she accepts her fate - a destiny to die alone in the stars, without Tenchi and without any hope of salvation.

But sometimes, help comes from the most unlikely of sources. Someone else has a vested interest in Ryoko's survival, and will go to all lengths necessary to ensure the pirate lives through her dangerous injury. And, while she battles against the odds for her very existance, Tenchi is learning all about the planet he almost gave his life fighting for - the planet who want to call him King, if only he can find it in his heart to submit...

A Tenchi Muyo! Fanfiction

Chapter One

Ryo Ohki's drive room was dark.

At the front, a sole figure rested the weight of her body against the spherical controls, a mixture of concentration and desperation on her face as she struggled to pilot her ship away from Jurai's gravitational pull. Little by little the jagged craft drew deeper into the blackness until the crystal rings of the mystical planet seemed to merge into one solid line of light. As Jurai began to blur into the distance, a strong blast of light shot out from it's surface, as the planet put out it's landing beacon, ready to welcome Yagami home.

The pilot smiled, touching her finger to the ship's windscreen as she saw the tiny speck that might have been Yagami drifting towards the light.

"Well, Ryo Ohki." She said faintly, lifting her head to glance at the crystals that hovered near her body. "So here we are."

Ryo Ohki let out a soft mew, the crystals dancing in a circle around her as if trying to protect her from some unseen force. The pilot nodded, reaching out a blooded hand to brush the edge of the nearest one, and feeling it's smooth edge beneath her touch.

"I don't have to explain to you, do I?" She murmured. "I'll do my best and you know that I will. I'm a fighter and that's what I do. But we both know it's hopeless. Time is all that's left, Ryo Ohki. You and much of it we have I can't tell you. But I'll do my best to steer you into safe space at the very least."

She furrowed her brow, glancing out at the stars as she struggled to keep them in her focus. She had already blacked out once since they had left Jurai's atmosphere, a mixture of pain, desolation and exhaustion overwhelming her senses and it had sent her ship into such a panicked frenzy that the entire craft had rocked and jolted about, sending waves of fear through her brain and forcing her back to wakefulness. That Ryo Ohki was on edge was beyond doubt - but how much of it was her own tattered emotions and how much of it belonged to the ship, she didn't know.

"Well, one thing is for sure." She said aloud, gripping hold of the controls tightly as she felt her legs might buckle once more beneath her weight. "The Galaxy Police will hunt and hunt, but they'll never find me or find out what happened to me, either. The Space Pirate Ryoko - the stuff of legends. Hiding in the universe, evading their capture teams...noone will ever forget me, whilst they believe I'm still at large. That's something at least, isn't it? After all the things we've been through and everything we've done least I know that they can't take me down."

Ryo Ohki yowled mournfully, light flickering across her crystals as she absorbed her companion's pain. Ryoko bit her lip, raising a hand and gesturing to the star-spangled night sky.

"Where else would I want to be right now?" She asked, as if in response to a question. "The stars are my life. You know that. I've no other place to belong than this. Up in space, with you, flying across the cosmos. Free. Forever. That's what I wanted from my life, don't you remember? You shouldn't be so morose. I'm not. Like I said, I'll pilot you as long as I can. But really, Ryo Ohki, I'm all right. I made my decision and I don't regret it. You shouldn't either. This is how it was meant to be in the end. You, me and lots of stars. Just like when we started out on this life."

She sighed, glancing across at the ship's control panel. A light flicked on and off, indicating that someone was attempting to make contact with the vessel, and she shook her head slowly.

"They're still trying, huh?" She murmured. "Why are they trying to contact me, Ryo Ohki? I explained everything when I sent them that video message just a couple of hours ago. Kiyone must know that there's no way I can set foot on Jurai, or be seen aboard Yagami if she's going to have any chance of clearing her name with the Galaxy Police. My involvement in all of this is hazy - a few sightings of you that can't be verified - and it has to stay that way. Rumours, that's all. She must know that we can't keep in contact now. They're better off with me out of their hair. I've done my part...can't they just realise that and let go? I didn't realise they were so clingy."

She swallowed hard as the cockpit swayed and twisted in front of her vision once more, and gingerly she put her fingers to her side, withdrawing them to reveal fresh blood. Nausea welled up inside of her and she took a deep breath, trying to calm her shattered nerves. She had taken injury before - as a pirate, it was almost part of the risk the job posed and normally she brushed such things off as a minor inconvenience - pain was part of life and that was all there was to it. But this time she knew it was different. She had never been hurt quite like this.

Ryo Ohki miaowed a question, hovering crystals over the flashing comm light, and Ryoko shook her head, wincing involuntarily as the sudden movement jarred her injury.

"No, I don't want to make contact with them." She said softly. "Scramble your comm signal, Ryo Ohki. Don't let them break through it. And I mean that - keep it stable. Washu will try anything she can to hack it if she gets the idea into her head."

There was a moment of silence, and Ryoko sighed as the faint thoughtwave flitted through her head, bringing Ryo Ohki's confusion and distress all too clearly to her attention.

"I know they're your friends. Mine too, I hope." She agreed. "But listen to me. It took a lot of concentration to record the message I sent them. You know how many tries it took before I got one that didn't come over like there was something badly wrong. If they make contact with me now, then they'll see at once that something's up. And if they get involved, that's it for Kiyone, Mihoshi and maybe even Ayeka, Sasami and Tenchi. Consorting with the universe's most wanted...not a good start to a new Imperial reign."

Her expression softened.

"And because they're our friends, I don't want them to know everything." She whispered. "They don't need to. They can just believe I'm somewhere in the depths of space, raiding, looting and having the time of my life. This way they don't need to know that Kagato finished me. It's better this way. Do you understand that? You're the only one who knows how badly he hurt me - and I wouldn't have told you, except you're too deeply linked with me telepathically and there's no way to keep a secret like this from you. But they don't need to go through that. Especially Tenchi. Especially..."

She faltered, and a look of pain crossed her face.

"Especially if he's chosen his destiny and is going to stay on Jurai with Ayeka like a Prince of Jurai should." She added sadly. "The carnival is really over this time, Ryo Ohki. An earthling and a space pirate, well, that was a dream in itself. But a Prince of Jurai...a future emperor? I lost any claim I ever might have had over him or his heart the day Yosho revealed who he really was. Ayeka knows it too...I heard her talking to Tenchi about it when we were at the Old Palace. This is how it was meant to end up all along. He's with her, and quite honestly, he doesn't need to be thinking about me."

She grimaced.

"And I'll be better off when I'm not able to think about him any longer, either."


"This place is amazing."

Tenchi Masaki paused in the arched entranceway of the main Council chamber, a look of awe touching his features as he took in the expansive room full of importantly dressed people. Since his arrival on the planet, everything had seemed little more than a blur - a flash of fighting and defeating his grandfather's nemesis, and then the arrival of Yagami to join the resultant chaos. He had seen Ayeka then as he had never seen her before, strong and decisive as she assumed control of the divided council, summoning them together and seeing personally to the release of all her family members who had been held hostage during the coup.

He had always known she was strong willed, but her dedication and thoroughness towards her people had impressed him beyond all else. But then, he reasoned, as he cast her a glance, this was her world. And it was clear that she belonged here, dressed as she now was in the fine garb of a Princess of State. Her expression was sober and preoccupied, the picture of a woman in control of her situation, and as she caught his glance she offered him a smile, making him a slight bow.

"Tenchi, you're holding us both up." She murmured, amusement in her tone. "Come on. It's quite all right. You're entitled to be here, and I'll make sure nobody questions your presence at this meeting."

"I was just taking in the scenery." Tenchi reddened, obediently resuming his progress across the chamber to the high dais that bore two ornate seats. Normally, he knew, there was only the one chair here, but Ayeka had ordered a second to be found, as she introduced him to her ruling class, and he had been swept up in a whirl of pomp and ceremony ever since people had realised he was the grandson of the honourable Yosho.

"I'm sorry, Ayeka. I'm really not used to all of this."

"Oh don't worry. You will be." Ayeka's smile softened. "This way. You take the seat on the right...after all, you are the blood heir to this throne."

"All right." Tenchi agreed. "Should I bow to them all or...or what?"

"Just do as I do, then sit down." Ayeka instructed. "Trust me. It will all be fine."

Tenchi nodded his head, obediently stepping onto the dais and making his way self-consciously towards the wooden seat Ayeka had indicated. She bowed her head, holding her hands up in a peculiar gesture of peace, and he imitated her hesitantly, certain that he was making a mockery of what was a serious situation. But the assembled councillors seemed to approve, rising to their feet also and mimicking the gesture as Ayeka sat down, gesturing for Tenchi to follow suit.

For a moment, there was a buzz in the chamber. Then, as the council members settled, Ayeka held up her hand.

"Honoured members of the Jurai Holy Council here assembled." She began, in tones more formal than Tenchi knew she possessed. "A great travesty of justice has been allowed to overtake Jurai and a dangerous evil has been permitted to walk among you, calling himself King and forcing you into actions against your will. Kagato's dark magic is legend and could have destroyed us all. Thankfully, however, this has not been the case. We give thanks today for the return of Jurai to the rightful royal line."

There were some murmurs of assent from the members, and Tenchi, glancing around at the sea of faces beneath him was aware of one or two expressions tinged with apprehension or guilt. Co-conspirators then, he mused. Ayeka had more than her work cut out for her if she was to eradicate every branch of rebellion without causing further uprisings.

"Kagato's dark spell has been lifted and you are all freed from your obligation to him and to it." Ayeka continued, compassion in her gaze as she stared out across the room, speaking to people who were, in the majority, many years her senior. Every eye was fixed on the princess as she made her address, and Tenchi was aware once again of how much power the Royal Family of Jurai wielded. Power that had turned Kagato's heart to the darkness, he mused absently. Power his grandfather had fled the planet to avoid.

"And so I present to you the direct blood descendant of the Honourable Lord Yosho, true Prince of Jurai. Tenchi-sama." Ayeka was speaking again, and at the sound of his name with the unfamiliar title attached, Tenchi jerked back from his musings, sending her a startled look. She offered him a faint smile, amusement in her red eyes, and he returned it with a sheepish one of his own as he got slowly to his feet, aware that now the attention was fully on him.

"Say something to them, Tenchi." Ayeka's voice was barely more than a low murmur. "You're already their hero...but they don't know who you are, or anything about you."

Tenchi swallowed hard, for a moment struck dumb by the immensity of the occasion. Then he gathered his composure, offering a warm smile to the assembled council members.

"Holy Council Of Jurai, my name is Tenchi Masaki." He said slowly. "Grandson of Lord Yosho, the warrior prince of this planet. He has bestowed upon me the Sword that has been in the direct line for generations, and has therefore entrusted me with an interest in the future security of Jurai. This planet has been through a lot and suffered many things - as has the Lady Ayeka and her sister. But the welcome you have given me has been second to none. Thank you for your kind greeting, even in this time of chaos. I'm very honoured to be here among you."

He faltered, sending Ayeka a sidelong glance, and she returned it with a smile of approval, nodding her head slightly as he sat down, glad to be out of the spotlight.

"Lord Tenchi." One of the older council members got to his feet, holding up his hands in the same gesture Ayeka had opened the meeting with. "On behalf of the Council of Jurai, we welcome you and acknowledge you as the true heir to the Kingdom of this planet. We pledge our loyalty to you and your line, and commend the destruction of the false traitor Kagato. You are the true King of Jurai. We await your further pleasure."

"Well, I don't really know this world so well as yet." Tenchi bit his lip, looking self-conscious. "So I bow to the Lady Ayeka's judgement in handling matters for the time being. I've been away a long time and I have much to learn."

"So be it." The councillor bent his head in acknowledgement. "Then let the Lady Ayeka's will be known."

"I think we are in agreement as to the course we should follow." Ayeka shot him a glance, then turned her gaze on the councillor. "Further fighting cannot possibly benefit Jurai. Sasami-kyou and I are both fed up with fighting, and Tenchi-sama has already shed blood in the name of Jurai. His grandfather is still recovering from the injuries suffered at the hands of the traitor Kagato. We do not know how many of you have experienced similar pain, whether in threat or in deed...but his malicious influence had wide-ranging consequences. Jurai has become divided...and that's something that I take as my responsibility. I stayed away from the planet long enough for Kagato to take control and for this I must accept my own share in the blame. Therefore we are none of us innocent...and I will not cast judgement on those who supported his rise to power. He had evil ways and manners of persuasion. His corruption of this world must be at an end. I shall not be seeking death for any supporter of his who makes his or her proper penitence to the true Jurai throne. In this, Tenchi-sama and I are agreed. We want no more blood shed in Kagato's name."

Tenchi stared at her for a moment, then nodded his head.

"I agree." He said, a smile touching his lips. "Enough people have already been hurt."

"Then it is decided." The older councillor spoke again. "The will of the true Prince of Jurai and the Lady Ayeka has been understood."

The rest of the meeting seemed to pass in almost a blur from thereon in, as Ayeka negotiated her way through this matter or that concern or grievance, and Tenchi did his best to absorb everything she said, trying to place the many unfamiliar names of nobles and provinces across the prosperous planet he still considered foreign land. At length the councillors stood, offering obeissance to both himself and his companion, before filing in orderly fashion from the chamber, the door sliding shut behind them.

For a moment, there was quiet. Then Ayeka turned to him, eying him keenly.

"I threw you to the wolves rather then, didn't I?" She admitted, a sheepish look in her eyes. "I'm sorry...but it's something you need to experience. They need to see you involved in all of these things, if they are to consider you their Prince and heir. Everything is so unstable...but I don't want you to think I'm stealing your thunder."

"Ayeka, I'd much rather you made the decisions right now." Tenchi scratched his head, looking rueful. "This whole thing is a mixture of a dream and a nightmare for me...has been since the moment I found out I was next in line to this throne. Jurai has been through so much, and Grandpa did tell me to face my destiny with courage, not fear. I'm trying to do that, but it's confusing and it's difficult, too. I'm being plunged into a world I don't even understand the very basics of. Everyone treats me with deference and respect, but I've never had that before and it makes me feel..."

"Isolated?" Ayeka asked softly. Tenchi looked startled, then he nodded his head.

"Yes." He admitted. "That's it exactly."

Ayeka looked pensive.

"Yes, I understand that." She acknowledged. "It's an unfortunate side effect of being born royal. There's a reason why I wanted our trip to go on forever, Tenchi. I had a freedom I've never had...a chance to just be part of a family and a world without having to worry about state or formality. This is my world and my duty is here - I know that and I always have. But it was nice to get away."

She grasped him loosely by the hand, meeting his gaze with a serious one of her own.

"Nobody expects you to pick it up right away, and you didn't disappoint anyone today, with your address." She said soberly. "Keep doing as you are, and everything will be fine. And you see, you're not really isolated, Tenchi. Just like I'm not, either. Not any more. You and I, we have each other and that makes a difference. It may be your throne and your crown, but I won't let politics come between us."

"Perhaps you're right." Tenchi lifted her hand, glancing at the many ornate rings that glittered over her fingers. "But all of's so sudden, that's the thing. And I don't know if I'm ready to be King of an empire like the one Jurai oversees. Power corrupted Kagato and corrupted him in every way. Grandpa said he wasn't always bad, but that the magic turned his soul because he couldn't control it's influence. I've had no training and I don't understand the magic myself. I guess I don't know that I'm a better choice than Kagato, if this planet wants a King. I've used it once and once alone, to defeat a man who hurt people I care about. But to be Emperor..."

"Yes, I know." Ayeka's expression softened. "But you will come to see that you are not Kagato, Tenchi. You couldn't possibly be. Nobody with a heart so dark as his would have been able to wield that sword with such conviction and fire. You shouldn't doubt yourself. I don't doubt you. I believed that you would come and save me and you did. To save me and all of Jurai. How can you think you'd ever be anything other than a hero?"

"Well, I guess it's all just confusing right now." Tenchi replied with a shrug. "Do you think that they'll settle, if you forgive everyone and try and move on?"

"I think that it's the only way to fix a damaged planet." Ayeka said thoughtfully. "Jurai's strength is in unity and peace. We need those things. And besides, I can forgive. It doesn't mean others will. Councillors loyal to my line and to yours - they will make positions untenable for those they feel are not on the level. As First Princess, it's not wise for me to appear vindictive, and besides, I am tired of fighting. You must be, too. I just want to put it behind us and move on."

"Yes, that makes sense." Tenchi nodded. "See, these are things I need to understand, too. The politics - the people and the customs. It's so much to learn...I just don't know."

"Don't question so much. This is your destiny." Ayeka offered him a smile. "Now, will you come walk with me in the palace grounds? It's a beautiful day and there's much I still want to show you."

"Yes, if you'd like me to." Tenchi agreed. "Are we free, then, from any more official gatherings today?"

"Yes, for today." Ayeka inclined her head slightly. "And you learn to cherish the free time you have, so let's not waste any of it standing around in this place, all right?"

"I'm right with you." Tenchi grinned. "Lead the way."

"Tenchi, have you had a report on Yosho-dono's health today, by the way?" Ayeka sent him a quizzical glance as they made their way through the high-rooved corridors of the palace to the outside world. "Because if you have not, I can send Azaka or Kamidake to find out the news. They are both with Sasami at present, but I know that they would consider it an honour to carry that errand. They think much of both you and Lord Yosho."

"Thank you, but I went there myself first thing...before breakfast and the madness began." Tenchi admitted. "Father was with him too, chatting to a pretty nurse, from what I could gather. Grandfather seemed better, anyway. He was awake, and though he's fuzzy and not quite himself, I think he will be fine in time. Washu did well...she probably saved his life. The doctors here have been able to treat him as well...I'm not worried for his safety any more."

"And do you think he will remain here now? I mean, now you're next in line to the throne?"

"Ask me another." Tenchi spread his hands. "I think he's too attached to being Katsuhito Masaki, to be honest. I don't think he really wants to be a prince...and he has a lot of memories on the Earth. Including my grandmother, of course. I don't think he'd want to be parted from her forever."

"Well, perhaps he will change his mind." Ayeka said composedly. "He and your father would be most welcome to stay here, you know. They are honoured kin, after all, to Jurai's next true blooded Emperor. They would be well treated. Especially Lord Yosho, considering his legend."

"Yes, I know." Tenchi agreed. "This planet do go to town on their hospitality and their ceremony, don't they?"

"It's something we pride ourselves on, our culture and our good manners." Ayeka laughed. "But then, you might have noticed those things, living as long as you have with two princesses of Jurai."

"Was that before or after you started fighting with Ryoko?" Tenchi raised an eyebrow. Ayeka shrugged her shoulders.

"That woman was unpleasant and coarse." She said simply. "Maybe she did help you to reach me here - and I admit, I'm surprised that she put herself out, considering that it was my life at stake. But she and I had nothing in common and no means of communication. She was provocation enough for ten princesses. I think I dealt with her behaviour admirably, considering the situations she put us in."

Tenchi was silent for a moment, and a frown crossed Ayeka's face. She reached over to nudge him and he started, staring at her in surprise.

"Huh? What's up, Ayeka?"

"Are you thinking about her now?" There was a faint note of accusation buried deep in Ayeka's tones and Tenchi looked guilty, nodding his head.

"I was." He agreed. "She was very brave, bringing me here. And seems a shame that we've parted how we have. Like there was a lot more left to do and say but circumstances got in the way. I hate uncertain partings, that's all. Ryoko was my friend, even if she wasn't yours...I guess I miss her being around. Everyone else is here, after all, and she played as much a part as anyone in our success. It just seems wrong to be having all of this ceremony without her, that's all."

"Well, whatever I think of her, she's no fool." Ayeka's lips thinned in displeasure. "She'd know that the moment she set foot on Jurai, the military would lock her up ready for trial. There's not a whole lot she could do about it either."

"Would you let them do that?" Tenchi looked startled. "Lock her up after all we've been through together?"

"I don't really have the authority to do anything about it." Ayeka said simply. "Her warrant is from the Galaxy Police. Not our government. She's wanted across the universe, but I don't have the power to dictate to Galaxy Police Headquarters who they should and shouldn't be hunting down. And besides, you forget. I am only a Princess of Jurai now you are here. You are the Crown Prince, you know. The one who will take the throne...not me. Even if there was something I wanted to do, I doubt I could do it."

"And could I?" Tenchi frowned. "I mean, given that I am apparently next in line to the Jurai throne."

"Are you serious?" Ayeka's expression became one of surprise. Tenchi shrugged.

"Well, she put herself out for me and she did take a beating preventing Kagato from killing Grandpa." He reminded her. "It seems rough that she should get no thanks for that, at least."

"And what about all the places she looted, destroyed and pillaged? Don't they also deserve some justice?" Ayeka murmured. Tenchi glanced at her, and for a moment he imagined that he saw a flicker of hurt in her eyes. Then it was gone, and the princess raised a composed gaze to his, taking him by the arm.

"Besides, we shouldn't discuss such unsavoury things. Not when people may hear us." She said decidedly. "Ryoko's chosen her path - she's gone back to her life of crime and there's nothing we can do about it. You might as well accept it - you won't see her again."

Tenchi chewed on his lip, trying to ignore the sudden pang inside of him at her words. He sighed, glancing upwards at the sky as they stepped out into the long blades of grass.

"I guess so." he agreed. "All right, Ayeka. Where did you want to walk?"