
It was the test that made you one of the club. If you could walk from one end of the Youkai District to the other, without getting injured or ripped apart by demons. No weapons, rosaries or ofuda allowed. Then the elites would let you breathe the same air as them, move in their circles, invite you to their parties.

These days, even the miko were a bit shady.

They'd given her one of the worst nights, when the gangs were out and roaming the streets. She didn't care. Well, she did, but she'd be damned if she was going to let Kikyou beat her. So long as she could avoid the gangs, she'd be fine. Easier said than done, because the place was a maze and her sixth sense for danger was useless there. Youkai all around set her alarm bells ringing and made it near impossible to pinpoint their locations.

Kagome took a deep breath, squared her shoulders, and stepped into the night.

She shivered as the thick aura of the Youkai District touched her. Three more steps and it had swallowed her completely. It was invisible, didn't impede her movement, but it made her skin crawl. Wrapping her long black coat tightly over the red and white cocktail dress, the girl forced herself to continue. It just didn't seem practical to undergo the test whilst dressed for the after-party. Sadly the only other choice to hand had been her school uniform, and what idiot faced demons in a sailor suit? At least she'd die with style.

The night was dark and damp; it had been raining that morning and her school shoes splished quietly through each puddle. The pavement was covered in litter and the brick walls to each side were weather-beaten and stained. Shrieks, howls, jibes and raucous laughter echoed through the alleyways as the youkai raved. Be brave, she told herself sternly. There are party shoes and a social life at the other end. She wasn't shallow, despite the way it sounded. If Kikyou didn't think you were worthy, you got no recommendations when job hunting. She acted like a shortcut to the top, if you braved her gauntlet.

Kagome hated Kikyou. As far as a traditionally trained, pure-hearted miko could hate. The woman was such a manipulative witch. She was the best at her job, and did care about the people she helped, but she was also a natural at controlling people. It wouldn't matter so much if she'd just share her ulterior motives with her followers. It was small wonder she and Naraku hated each other so badly, they had too much in common.

The teenaged girl had just finished her miko training, was like a newly minted coin. Shiny and clean, later to develop a jaded patina after many years in a dangerous job. If only the youkai had more self-control and were less bloodthirsty…then the miko ranks wouldn't be needed to keep them from destroying human civilisation.

Twenty minutes in. It took two hours to cross this part of town, and that was on a good day. Kagome snuck through the back ways, keeping her eyes peeled and her senses sharp. She also sang under her breath to pass the time.

"Crawling down the alley on your hands and your knees, I'm sure you're not protected for it's plain to see; Diamond Dogs are poachers and they hide behind trees – hunt you to the ground they will, mannequins with kill appeal…" It was a song that was everywhere at the moment, and was stuck in her head. Not to mention, she was on their hunting ground. The Diamond Dogs were the biggest, deadliest, most popular gang in the District. They had style, strength and the Lord of the West as their leader. It may have been a dead title for the past few centuries, but the Dog Lord was clawing back more power every single day.

Another thing the Diamond Dogs had was a berserker on a leash. He was legendary. He was insane. He was the monster they unleashed on any who opposed them; any who they felt deserved special treatment.

Kagome stopped singing abruptly, no matter that she'd been barely audible. She didn't want to meet them. She definitely did not want them to find her. Miko were among those who received 'special treatment'. Without any way to defend themselves, miko died.


"Listen to that," laughed a Dog in low, rich tones. "Someone's singing our theme tune."

"A fan, huh? What say we go give them our autograph?" This one was gravelly and dripped with evil.

"Sadly," replied a smooth, icy voice; "our calling card is out of commission tonight."

"That time of month, eh? Poor bitch, just when there was some fun to be had…"

"We can still have the fun."

The Diamond Dogs laughed. It was a chilling sound.


Kagome bit her lip and soldiered on. The best thing she could do was to hurry up out of there. Only, the howls that were baying all around her made it hard to concentrate. She'd almost taken a wrong turning when one erupted behind her. She had the horrible feeling she was being surrounded.

They don't know I'm here. Don't let your nerve break. They only catch you when you start running. Now there were three long, haunting notes coming from different sides. No, no, no, no, no…it's not them. They haven't found me. Please gods, don't let me die!

Her feet faltered, still clad in school plimsolls because you could break your ankles if you wore high heels on these streets. She took a deep, deep breath as she stared down the narrow alleyway. It widened out a lot just ahead. Enough for a group to approach.

Don't run. If you're calm, you can bluff. Don't run.

Her sense was prickling all over. The youkai were close now. Wolves, as they'd been howling. Perhaps…perhaps the Dogs themselves.


There was a soft sound behind her. One of them had landed. She did not turn, only continued to walk. But her footsteps were gaining in speed and her heartbeat was rising. There was a deep chuckle just behind her ear. He knew she was scared.





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